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seo Merefresh otomatis halaman blog ataupun website 2013

Seo Master present to you: Script refresh ini di gunakan untuk merefresh otomatis halaman blog ataupun website. Fungsi refresh ini sama dengan fungsi refresh yang ada pada browser internet, perbedaannya adalah fungsi ini perintahkan bekerja secara otomatis, yaitu pengguna tidak perlu mengklik tombol refresh yang ada pada tool bar.

Untuk membuatnya cukup dengan hanya membubuhkan kode di bawah ini :
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10"/>
Simpan kode di atas antara <head> .... </head>

sedikit uraian kode diatas, content="10" --> angka sepuluh menunjukan bahwa proses refresh akan di lakukan dalam rentang waktu 10 detik. Jadi sebaiknya angka ini di set jangan terlalu cepat karena bisa menimbulkan kejengkelan kepada para pembaca apabila terlalu cepat di refresh.

Fungsi refresh selain untuk menyegarkan kembali halaman-halaman blog, ada fungsi lain yang juga cukup menarik, yakni berfungsi sebagai Redirect dari satu URL addres ke URL addres yang lain. Ini berfungsi jika anda ingin membawa pengunjung blog atau situs anda ke alamat situs yang anda inginkan. Agar lebih jelas, saya ambil salah satu contoh. Ada teman saya sudah lama nge blog, dan setelah sekian lama kemudian dia membuat situs baru. Jadi blog yang lama tidak ingin di aktifkan lagi (di non aktifkan). Nah selain memakai cara meninggalkan pesan bahwa alamat situs atau blog sudah pindah alamat, alangkah baiknya kita memakai fungsi Refresh yang di setting secepat mungkin yakni waktu refresh di set 0 (nol) detik. Jadi apabila ada pengunjung yang mengunjungi alamat blog tersebut akan secara otomatis di bawa langsung ke alamat baru yang di inginkan.

Fungsi Redirect ini bisa di buat dengan kode :
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=tulis alamat URL tujuan di sini"/>
Selamat Mencoba Teman....2013, By: Seo Master

seo SEO White atau BLack Hat? 2013

Jika disuruh memilih antara SEO White Hat atau BLack Hat? Mana yang akan anda pilih. Sejak bulan maret saya mengelola blog ini  dengan teknik 95% White hat untuk sebuah eksperimen. Kemudian saya juga mengelola blog lain dengan teknik 95% Black hat. Tebak siapa pemenangnya?

Blog SEO ini baru saja ditampar oleh si Panda, sedangkan blog yang saya kelola dengan black hat mendapatkan pengunjung

seo Gmail for Mobile HTML5 Series: Using Timers Effectively 2013

Seo Master present to you: On April 7th, Google launched a new version of Gmail for mobile for iPhone and Android-powered devices. We shared the behind-the-scenes story through this blog and decided to share more of what we've learned in a brief series of follow-up blog posts. This week, I'll talk about two kinds of timers Javascript provides and how you can put them to good use in your own web applications.

Javascript Timer API

Timers provide a way to schedule a function to run at some later point in time. The two functions used to create timers are:
  • var id = setTimeout(fn, delay) creates a timer which calls the specified function once after the given delay.
  • var id = setInterval(fn, delay) is similar, but the function is called continually until the timer is canceled.
Each type of timer has a corresponding clear method (e.g., clearTimeout(id)) that stops a timer while it is running.

There are many great resources online already that document the nitty-gritty details of this API. That's not our focus here. Instead, I want to talk about specific ways in which you can put these timers to work for you in your web application.

Let's Do the Time Warp Again

It's important to keep in mind that just because you ask for a timer with a certain delay doesn't mean it will fire precisely that many milliseconds later. On current browsers, all Javascript code executes within a single thread. This means all your timers have to contend for execution time not only with each other, but also with all the other Javascript code in your application. If another block of code is in the middle of executing when a timer should fire, the timer will be delayed until that block of code is done. (Help is on the way: HTML5's Web Workers will allow web applications to spawn workers that run scripts in parallel.)

Let's look at a concrete example of what this means in practice. I added a timer to Gmail for mobile that is supposed to fire every 200 ms. Each time it fires, it records the time between consecutive timer ticks. Here are the results after 100 ticks:

The dashed blue line represents the requested timer interval, 200 ms. Notice that the median was almost 50% higher than requested, at 276 ms; the time between ticks varied from 98 ms to almost 4 seconds, with an average delay of 493 ms.

This highlights the fact that the interval at which your timer actually fires may differ greatly from the requested delay. In fact, the time between ticks is typically highly variable. It will fluctuate based on what else is happening in your application and on the device. Don't rely on your timer being precise!

Buy One Timer, Get One Free?

When I first started working on the new version of Gmail for mobile, the application used only a couple of timers. As we continued adding more and more features, the number of timers grew. We were curious about the performance implications: would 10 concurrent timers make the app feel slow? How about 100? How would the performance of many low-frequency timers compare to a single high-frequency timer?

To answer these questions, we conducted a few experiments. We injected some extra code into a development build of Gmail that created a lot of different timers, each of which just performed some simple calculations. Then we fired up the app on an iPhone 3G and Android G1 (both running the latest version of their respective firmware) and observed the performance. Note that although we could have just created a separate test page for this, we chose to inject the code right into our app so we could see how fast it would be to read and process mail with all those timers running.

Here's what we learned. With low-frequency timers — timers with a delay of one second or more — we could create many timers without significantly degrading performance on either device. Even with 100 timers scheduled, our app was not noticeably less responsive. With high-frequency timers, however, the story was exactly the opposite. A few timers firing every 100-200 ms was sufficient to make our UI feel sluggish.

This led us to take a mixed approach with the timers we use in our application. For timers that have a reasonably long delay, we just freely create new timers wherever they are needed. However, for timers that need to execute many times each second, we consolidate all of the work into a single global high-frequency timer.

One High-Frequency Timer to Rule Them All

A global high-frequency timer strikes a balance between needing several different functions to execute frequently and application performance. The idea is simple: create a single timer in a central class that calls as many functions as required. Ours looks something like this:

var highFrequencyTimerId_ = window.setInterval(globalTimerCallback, 100);

globalTimerCallback = function() {

Why did we choose to hardcode the various function calls in globalTimerCallback() rather than implementing a more generic callback registration interface? Keep in mind that this code is going to execute many times every second. Looping over an array of registered callbacks might be slightly "cleaner" code, but it's critical that this function execute as quickly as possible. Hardcoding the function calls also makes it really easy to keep track of all the work that is being done within the timer.

To Die, To Sleep; To Sleep, Perchance to Tick

One neat application of a high-frequency timer is to detect when the device has been woken from sleep. When your application is put to sleep — either because the device is put into sleep mode or because the user has navigated away from the browser to another application — time, as perceived by your app, pauses. No timers fire until the user navigates back to your app and it wakes up. By keeping a close eye on the actual time that elapses between high-frequency timer ticks, you can detect when the app wakes from sleep.

First, create a high-frequency timer, as described above. In your timer, call a function that keeps track of the time between ticks:

// The time, in ms, that must be "missed" before we
// assume the app was put to sleep.
var THRESHOLD = 10000;

var lastTick_;
detectWakeFromSleep_ = function() {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var delta = now - this.lastTick_;
if (delta > THRESHOLD) {
// The app probably just woke up after being asleep.
lastTick_ = now;

Now your users will always have the latest data available when they return to your app without having to manually perform a refresh!

I hope this helps you make the most of timers in your web application. Stay tuned for the next post, where we'll discuss some cool tricks to spice up the text areas on your forms.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo How To Buy An Unavailable Domain? 2013

Seo Master present to you:

What is an unavailable domain and how do you buy one? Very often, when you search for a domain name that you want you will find that someone already owns it. This is a very common occurrence, especially if you are looking for a .com domain name. Not only are many of these bought up for websites, many domain investors have gobbled up desirable .com domain names.

Just because a domain name is not immediately available, however, doesn't necessarily mean you cannot buy it. There are other ways to obtain it. Most domain registrars have a service where they help you obtain a domain name that's already owned. There is no guarantee that this will work, but if you really want a domain it's worth trying.

Domain Buy Service:

If you go to GoDaddy.com, for example, and search for a domain name you may find that it's already registered. In this case, GoDaddy will show you other options that may not be registered. They will also offer to help you obtain the domain for which you originally searched.

If you click on this option, you will see that they have a Domain Buy Service that currently costs $69.99 per domain plus commission. In exchange for this fee, GoDaddy will contact the domain's current owner and negotiate on your behalf. Naturally, it's in the domain registrar's interest to get the domain for you, as they will earn a commission on the sale (read this Namecheap review by Domain Raccoon for more services).

You should, however, only do this for a domain you really want and that has good earning potential. The cost of getting a domain in this manner can be substantial. You are not only paying the registrar for the service, but you don't know how much the current owner may want for the domain -- if he or she is even willing to sell it at all.

Domain Back Orders:

Another option is to back order the domain you want. In this case, you only have a chance to get this domain if the current owner does not renew it. Even then, you may have competition if other people have also back ordered it. In this case, it goes to auction and you will be able to bid against others.

When it comes to expired domains, you should also know that domains don't become available immediately after the expiration date. The current owner has a grace period of 40 days. During this time the owner can still renew it. This means that even if a domain is about to expire immediately, you will still have to wait more than a month before you have a chance to buy it.

Another way to get a domain that will soon expire is to register for a service such as Snapnames.com. This company and a few others like it will buy a name on your behalf as soon as it becomes available. You will have to pay them a fee, currently $69, and they will try to secure it for you. If others also want it, however, it will go to auction.

Using a service like Snapnames gives you a better chance of getting an expired domain than if you tried to register it yourself after it expires. Still, there is never a guarantee.

Contacting Domain Owners Directly:

Another way to get an unavailable domain name is to contact the owner directly. The owner may not respond to you at all. He or she may quote you a price higher than you're willing to pay. On the other hand, there's always a chance you will be lucky and find that the owner is willing to sell at a price you can afford.
If the domain has a website associated with it, you can often find the owner's contact information on the site. Keep in mind that if the site is well developed, this will probably drive up the domain's value. If there is no website, you can find contact info for the owner at Whois, unless the owner opted for domain privacy.

Author Bio:
Greg has been active in the domain registrar industry for almost a decade. He has bought and sold thousands of domains in various industries and frequently blogs about his experiences on registrars at domainraccoon.com .
2013, By: Seo Master

seo An async script for AdSense tagging 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Michael Kleber, Ads Latency Team

As part of our ongoing quest to make the Web faster, we're happy to share a new tag that publishers can use to request AdSense ads. This new tag is built around the modern <script async> mechanism, ensuring that even if a slow network connection makes our script slow to load, the surrounding web page can fully render. A few other benefits come along for the ride, like the ability for ad slot configuration and placement to live entirely in the DOM.

A decade ago, when AdSense was born, asking publishers to copy-and-paste a bit of HTML including <script src=".../show_ads.js"> was the natural way to get our ads to appear in that spot on a web page. But as web speed evangelist Steve Souders has explained, that kind of blocking script tag is a "Frontend Single Point of Failure": if a server or network problem makes that script unavailable, it could prevent the whole rest of the page from appearing. That's why modern best practices emphasize loading most resources asynchronously. These guidelines are even more important for sites loaded on mobile devices, where dropped HTTP connections are far too common.

Anatomy of the new tag:
  1. A script, which only needs to appear once on your page, even if you have multiple ads. It is loaded asynchronously, so it is safe and most efficient to put it near the top.

    <script async src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>
  2. A particular DOM element, inside of which the ad will appear. We use attributes of this element to configure the properties of the ad slot.
  3. A call to adsbygoogle.push(), which instructs us to fill in the first unfilled slot.
    <ins class="adsbygoogle"
    (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
The ad block size is based on the width and height of the <ins>, which can be set inline, as shown here, or via CSS. Other configuration happens through its data-* properties, which take the place of the old (and manifestly not async-friendly!) google_* window-level variables. If your Google Analytics integration required setting google_analytics_uacct="UA-zzzzzz-zz" before, then you should now add the property data-analytics-uacct="UA-zzzzzz-zz" to the <ins> instead, for example.

The classic show_ads.js tag is a battle-tested warrior with years of experience, running on millions of sites around the web. The upstart adsbygoogle.js is in beta and may not be as robust yet. Give it a try and please let us know if you run into any problems. But if you were jumping through hoops before to keep ads from blocking your content, try this out straight away. We think you'll approve.

Michael Kleber is the Tech Lead of the Ads Latency Team at the Google office in Cambridge, MA. Before coming to Google to make the Internet faster, he spent time as a math professor working on representation theory and combinatorics, as a computational biologist working on genome assembly, and on machine learning for speech recognition.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Blockchain.info - WatchOnly address scam 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Blockchain.info provides a nice to use feature "WatchOnly Address"

Watch Only - Watch Only addresses allow you to view transactions at an address without storing the private key in your wallet.

With use of watch only address you can add address to your wallet to keep track of its balance. This is useful when you have offline wallet and you would like to see its balance in your blockchain.info account. This is possible because blockchain.info will also add balance of this address to your wallet balance and will show it as total balance in your account. For example, you have balance 2 BTC in your wallet and you add a watchonly address having 3 BTC balance , blockchain.info will show you 5 BTC as your total balance. Good.

Since it is just an address added to your wallet and not actual private key you will not be able to spend bitcoins from this address. If you will try to spend, it will ask you to provide private key.

How the scam works :

Scammer creates a brand new blockchain.info account and adds an address as watchonly. So now it will show you balance of that address as balance in the account.

Scamer confirms trade with some one for BTC. Scammer says to seller that he is a noob and dont know how to operate blockchain.info account. He gives account access to seller. Scammer asks seller that he will give access to his blockchain.info wallet to seller and seller sends him agreed upon goods ( most probably LTC or any other crypto currency ). Seller checks account and sends him goods. Seller tries to withdraw BTC and he can not.

Normally new users get stuck with this. One of my customer got this issue

So now onwards make sure you do not accept blockchain.info wallet access as payment. In case you do make sure you transferred coins to your wallet first.

In any case you should never trust wallet coming from other party as he may always have access to private keys. Always make sure bitcoins are transferred to address under your control only before completing the deal.

By buysellbitcoin of Bitcoin Talk Forum!
Original Thead at https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=237439
2013, By: Seo Master

seo AVG internet Security 2013 Full Version With Serial Key Up To 2018 2013

Seo Master present to you:

AVG internet Security 2013 is advanced  security system for all computers. It is advanced and efficient Security system rated 5/6 in all surveys. Stylish metro interface design and easy menu options are the Main reason i preferred this security software. It does a generally very good job of protecting your PC from dangers, both on and offline. At the program's core is AVG's strong antivirus engine. A little more accurate in this release, and with significantly reduced scanning times, this monitors every file you access, detecting and removing malware before it can cause any damage. And, conveniently, Whole Computer scans now look for and remove rootkits, as well: you don't have to run a separate scan to locate them. This software also contain registry fixers and broken file fixers. It help to make your computer is painless. At the program's core is AVG's strong antivirus engine. A little more accurate in this release, and with significantly reduced scanning times, this monitors every file you access, detecting and removing malware before it can cause any damage. And, conveniently, Whole Computer scans now look for and remove rootkits, as well: you don't have to run a separate scan to locate them.  Download AVG internet Security 2013 and make your trial version as full with Serial keys shown below.

AVG internet Security 2013 Full Version With Serial Key Upto 2018 (www.www.matrixar.com)


Download AVG internet Security 2013  Trial From Official Site: Click here



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    You get: AVG Advisor, Easy Interface, AVG Auto-Fix, AVG Auto-Updates




Leave a comment…………….. if you are satisfied with our post……..

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Beautiful Announcement Widget For Blogspot Blogger Blogs 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Beautiful Announcement Widget For Blogspot Blogger Blogs

Beautiful Announcement Widget For Blogspot Blogger Blogs

F4U release a useful blogger widget with scrolling headline links. When you hover the mouse cursor on the links the scrolling of links stop and pause and you can easily read the headlines. These headlines can be your blog or site updates, announcement or links to your featured posts or something else. You can use it in many ways. I found this script on dynamic drive and then customize these code with some more colors and images and effects to make it completely compatible with blogger blogs or site.
It is several steps ahead of marquee effect because this widget uses some JavaScript to bring the dynamic effect. It is only a one-step installation process. 
Please see the widget demo first,

                                  See Demo

Add Announcement Widget to your Blog

1. Go To Blogger > Design

2. Choose HTML/JavaScript Widget from Layout

3. Paste the Below code inside it,

     /* Announcement Widget by www.matrixar.com start*/
<style type="text/css">
background:url(http://www.matrixar.com/-bMBExt07B5o/UZMgyKsRTXI/AAAAAAAAZss/w6W_qz8NFxg/s320/updates1.gif) no-repeat top left;
width: 440px;
height: 20px;
border: 2px solid #ddd;
padding: 3px 3px 3px 40px;
margin:10px 0;
#pscroller2 a{
text-decoration: none;
#pscroller2 a:hover{
text-decoration: underline;
<script type="text/javascript">
var pausecontent2=new Array()
pausecontent2[0]='<a href="#">HEADLINE </a>'
pausecontent2[1]='<a href="#">HEADLINE </a>'
pausecontent2[2]='<a href="#">HEADLINE </a>'
pausecontent2[3]='<a href="#">HEADLINE </a>'                                                 </script>  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        <script type="text/javascript">
//new pausescroller(name_of_message_array, CSS_ID, CSS_classname, pause_in_miliseconds)
new pausescroller(pausecontent2, "pscroller2", "someclass", 1000)
            <script type="text/javascript"> 
     /* Announcement Widget by www.matrixar.com end*/

  • If you want to increase the scroller width or height then edit width: 440px; and height:20px;
  • Replace HEADLINE with anything you want to write as notice,announcement and updates or anything else. Write text description you want to show.
  • Replace # with headline page url. On clicking this link the visitors will be able to see the headline page. If you don't like to link your Headlines then delete # next to each HEADLINE .
  Finally save widget and you are all done! Now see your blog/site.

If you find and problem regarding 'Beautiful Announcement Widget For Blogspot Blogger Blogs' then feel free to comment or contact us.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization seo 2013

Seo Master present to you:

What is SEO or Search Engine Optimization?

As soon as you ask 100 SEO advisors to specify optimization or SEO, you are likely to acquire 100 different interpretations of Google optimization meaning. The cause on this is Very few SEO advisors may offer their clients an extensive procedure for SEO. They usually concentrate on some aspects of SEO and produce their clients along with incomplete optimization information to pay for those gaps with their knowledge.

What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization seo

At Brick Marketing, we get phone calls every day from some somebody that has provided simply a narrow percentage from the full spectrum of optimization SEO services and wish the straight answer in relation to SEO. Compared to that conclude, we offer this webpage to describe what optimization is within plain language considering the more informed a whole lot of our clientele are, the easier it'll be for us to aid these achieve his or her goals.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

The particular bottom-line is, search engine optimization will really do the process of improving this coffee quality and variety of traffic to an internet site. By employing several proven SEO techniques that help an online site achieve a higher ranking considering the major search engines when certain keyword phrases are put in the precise search industry.

To set that will into context, consider your internet search habits. If you want to locate information, your first impulse is with search engines because it is this fastest and easiest technique to obtain it. In the event the search email address details are submitted, you’re far more going to explore the links from the first page regarding results considering they may be the most highly relevant to what you would like and allow someone to find what you’re looking made for easily.

What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization seo

That is in terms of SEO. To optimize your blog, which means your major Yahoo and Google rank your blog site as highly as doable which will, in turn, causes a greater number of qualified traffic.

 SEO can level the playing field to your business whether your business is generally a Fortune 500 company or a brand new business venture attempting to acquire noticed in the competitive field. Accomplished adequately, SEO puts your web site within the left side in the precise page whereby it gains instantaneous credibility using the very people you need to reach.

Guest post by
Abdul Hanan studying BBA and running 3 to 4 blogger, he also write so many guest post on different website and he love to write on Blogging and technology

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Top 5 Professional Gallery Style Blogger Templates 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Gallery Style Blogger Templates:- Professional,Magazine,and Simple Blogger Templates can be easily found by Goggling it.But the Gallery Style Blogger templates can't be found easily.It is because of its uniqueness,awesomeness and premiumness. No One share it freely i.e without cost.These templates are specially ideal for Photography and Templates sharing bloggers.In this regards we have collected some impressive Gallery Style Blogger Templates,which will surely solve the Problem of many Bloggers.Now Don't worry Photography and Templates sharing Bloggers! We are here to present you a gusty list of Gallery Style Blogger Templates.
Top 5 Professional Gallery Style Blogger Templates

Note:- These templates are created by Professional Designers and web developers,so don't remove credit from Footer,give them some respect *.

Top 5 Gallery Style Blogger Templates

Actually there are hundred of Gallery Style blogger templates,but we have collected some professional Gallery Style Blogger templates which are really very stunning and impressive.It is because of its gusty utilities and many customizeable features and widgets.Do Share it with friends , and share your beautiful ideas with us.

#1) Gallery Press Blogger Template - For Templates Sharing Bloggers
This template is specially design for Templates sharing Blogs,It has One beautiful right sidebar along with 2 columns layout.It has dark crystal color which makes it a cool template.This template is Ads ready and many customizeable widgets are added to this template.

#2) Galleria Blogger Template - Another Photography and Templates Sharing Template
This template suits with photography blogs.However you can use it for any type of Blog.It has 3 columns layout along with awesome woody header and background which makes it a unique template.Download it free from our Blog.
#3) Advancino Blogger Template - Gallery Style Professional Template
This template has 2 columns layout,it has cool white color background which makes it a cool template.One right side-bar along with advance search widget has been added to this template.Black drop down menu is added to the header along with many other features.Download it free from our Blog.
#4) Lock Heart Blogger Template
It is a new awesome simple magazine style blogger template having 3 columns layout.It has beautiful white background which add 5 stars to its beauty.It also works perfect with all browsers,You Can download it free from our Blog.
#5)Confidence Blogger Template
This template has 2 columns layout along with many other impressive features.It is ideal for Photography and templates sharing blogs.This template works perfect with all type of browsers,You can get it free from Our Blog.
Live Demo  Download  
Top 5 Professional Gallery Style Blogger Templates
Last Reviewed by Iftikhar on July 02 2013
Rating: 4.5
2013, By: Seo Master
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