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Cara Mencegah Auto Blog Melakukan Copy Paste Artikel Anda - Auto blog adalah blog yang secara otomatis menerbitkan konten dari blog lain. Prinsip kerjanya adalah memanfaatkan pemberitahuan dari Feed suatu blog yang masuk ke email mereka, untuk kemudian secara otomatis dipost ke blognya.

Masalah terbesar dari auto blog adalah mereka bisa memparalelkan feed dari beberapa blog untuk

seo Top 5 Free Online LOGO Makers 2013 2013

Seo Master present to you:
LOGO ; is a graphical small picture/mark usually used by Organizations,Companies,and high Profile Services.However now-a-days Bloggers have introduced that without LOGO a website/blog can,t be considered professional.LOGO represent the bloggers inner personality along with his Professionalism in Blogging LOGO helps the visitors to easily recognize a Blog/website.LOGO makes your blog more attractive which is the Plus Point To Blog Your Blog.But now the problem is How To Design LOGO ? Because creating logo is not kids game,it need high skills of Photoshop or Coreldraw,in this regard for the convention we have collected some websites which will help you to Automatically generate/create logo online for Free.

  • Cool Text ; The first and awesome free Online LOGO maker website is COOL Text,this website provide totally GUI Interface,you have to just select the text style and type the LOGO Text which you want to generate and click on Render image , that's it :)

  • Flaming Text ; It is the 2nd most popular Online LOGO maker website,FlamingText provides bundle of fonts styles along with beautiful styles,it is also very simple to use,Select any Style and click that , now enter the logo text and click on Generate , that's it.Flaming Text website has many other tools such as arrow maker,bullet maker and URL Encoder/Decoder etc.
  • LOGO Type Maker; It is another cool Online LOGO Maker,this is same as COOL Text and flaming text however it provides an icon alongwith the logo text which makes it more awesome LOGO.Its use is also too much simple , just drop your text in the box and click on Generate and download your LOGO.
  • LOGOYES; It is another beautiful Online free LOGO Maker website,it generates logo when you signup for their website,so first sign up there and enjoy making different LOGO.Its really very fast and easy.
  • Online LOGO Maker;This website provides a wide variety of LOGOS along with beautiful icons in the LOGO.According to their website "It is a Professional LOGO Maker website".Its free and very fast , you can easily generate LOGO for your website.
So wake up and make your blog LOGO via this websites , and be professional , thanks for landing on www.matrixar.com , Hope you will like it , if you have any question you can ask , we are here to reply you , stay blessed,Happy Blogging.


2013, By: Seo Master

seo Tertawa Membuat Tubuh Sehat 2013

Seo Master present to you: Tertawa Membuat Tubuh Sehat - Tertawa adalah sebuah expresi perasaan saat gembira, ucu, atau yang lainnya. Semua orang pernah tertawa, dan bayi pun juga tertawa. Ada apa dibalik tertawa ini sehingga benar-benar bisa membuat sehat tubuh dan perasaan.

Tertawa Membuat Tubuh Sehat

Tertawa memang dilarang jika berlebihan, artinya tertawa yang tak terbatas justru akan merusak organ-oragan tubuh. Yang pasti, sesuatu yang berlebihan itu tidak baik, walaupun dengan tertawa. Tertawa membuat Tubuh Sehat, karena ada beberapa hal yang mengakibatkan tubuh sehat ketika tertawa:

Menyehatkan Paru-paru

Ketika kita tertawa diafragma dan otot dada mengalami kontrajsi dan aktifitas yang kuat, serta mendorog udara yang ada didalam paru-paru. Aktifitas inilah yang membuat paru-paru tetap terkontorl dan aktif.

Menyehatkan Jantung

Jantung akan memompa darah lebih besar lagi karena juga adanya aliran oksigen yang besar. Tertawa yang keblabasan alias berlebihan akan membuat jantung copot, makanya biasa saja kalau tertawa jangan sampai jungkir balik. hahaha.

Mengencangkan Otot

Pada saat tertawa otot-otot khususnya otot wajah akan lebih tertartik, sehingga dapat mengencangkan otot wajah dan menjadikan wajah sehat dan cerah.

Menghilangkan Nyeri

Saat tertawa, akan keluar yang namanya hormon endorpin yang berfungsi sebagai penghilang rasa sakit.

Oleh sebab itu, tertawalah dengan biasa saja, jangan berlebihan. Tertawa tidak dilarang selama dalam batasan, jika saat tertawa dada dan perut terasa sakit, hentikan tertawa itu sebelum malah akan membuat sakit.

Semoga artikel tentang "Tertawa Membuat Tubuh Sehat" bermanfaat bagi Anda semua. :)2013, By: Seo Master

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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
المصدر: المصفوفة

seo Improvements to Google Checkout Module for osCommerce 2013

Seo Master present to you: At Google Checkout, we're constantly striving to improve our usability. That's why we've recently simplified and improved the installation and configuration process for the osCommerce Google Checkout module. osCommerce is a popular open-source e-commerce solution and the module is an open-source project hosted on code.google.com.

We've completely reworked the installation process by no longer requiring users to manually copy and paste large swaths of PHP code into their files. Instead, we've created an automated deployment app (shown below) that does this for you. This should ease concerns about lines of PHP getting copied into the wrong place. If you want to learn more about the installation process, you can take a look at our documentation, which contains a step-by-step walkthrough with screenshots showing exactly how it works.

For more details, check out our post on the Checkout blog. We're excited about the improvements to the osCommerce Checkout module. If you're using osCommerce, we invite you to give Checkout a try and share your feedback with us.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Submit Website Sitemap To Webmaster Tools 2013

Seo Master present to you:
How to Add Blogger Blog and Website to Google Webmasters Tools

Submit Website Sitemap to Google Webmaster tools is a must for anyone that want to be successful. Once you get verified your site to webmaster tools, then automatically get indexed your site to Google search engine. When your site come to search engine then you will get a lot of traffic.

Follow the easy steps to add Website to Webmaster Tools.

If you create blogs using Blogger, you can automatically add and verify sites by enabling Webmaster Tools directly from the Blogger dashboard.

  1. Log in to https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/ with your Google account.
  2. Click "Add a site...", enter the base URL of your Google Site in the box that pops up, then click "Continue.".
  3. You will be given with many verification methods. select the Alternate methods tab.
  4. Select the option: Add a meta tag to your site's home page
  5. Copy the meta tag (for example, <meta name="google-site-verification" content="z7mJLjVGtEe2qzCzfE1pamxI4H72u18n4XdxEzgl2AJ" />) from the Instructions box.
  6. Leave the verification page open and go to your site dashboard (in a new tab/window).
  7. Paste the meta tag that you copied on the Google Webmasters Tools after <head> tag in your website. ( "Blogger" go to site Deshbord click Templates > Edit HTML > Ctrl + F and find <head> tag after past  meta tag that you copied on the Google Webmasters Tools.
  8. Click on Save Changes.
  9. Go back to the verification page and click Verify.

Submit Blogger Blog Sitemap To Webmasters Tools

An XML sitemap is a fairly simple XML file that contains info about one or additional URLs on your web site. it's updated whenever you post an article and used by Search engines to crawl blog information. Not only Google but also use by different search engines like Yahoo, Bing,etc. if you can create blog on blogger.com then you do not need to create site map and if you can use hosting & other site or manuly create site map use sitemap create tools, I'm using this tool http://www.xml-sitemaps.com.

Follow the easy steps  to submit Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools.

  1. Sign in to you Google Webmaster Tools account.
  2. Click on the blog.
  3. Navigate to Traffic > Optimization > Sitemaps and click ADD/TEST SITEMAP button and add the following code inside the box :
If you have more than 200 posts then replace value 100 by something bigger number like 500.

You have successfully added Blogspot blog sitemap to Google Webmasters Tools.

Read more: Submit your Websites to Search Engines for Free
2013, By: Seo Master

seo New features for the Google Chart API 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Many of the features you've requested via Google Chart API forum are now live in the Google Chart API:

  • Easily create Sparklines (&cht=ls) without having to manipulate other kinds of graphs.


  • Support for Radar charts (&cht=r or &cht=rs) to display data in a polar coordinate system.

    radar chart

  • A new Map chart type (&cht=t) which makes it easy to colour countries and regions according to your data.

    thematic map of europe

Some other changes we've made:
  • Added scaling for text encoded data
  • Added support for negative numbers on bar charts
  • Added ability to draw data lines on bar charts

You can read more about all of this -- plus the fact that we've lifted the 50,000 queries per day limit -- on the Chart API site. And special thanks to our Technical Writer Lesley Burr, who put together this documentation in her 20% time.2013, By: Seo Master

صور إستغفار

خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
المصدر: المصفوفة

صور إستغفار

خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
المصدر: المصفوفة

seo Keyword Density คืออะไร ? ตอนที่ 2 2013

Seo Master present to you:
ส่วนสาเหตุที่ต้องมีการจำกัด % ของ Keyword Density เนื่องจาก การที่หน้าเวบของคุณมีความหนาแน่นมากๆ เหล่า Search Engine จะเพ่งเล็งเว็บของคุณเป็นพิเศษ เพราะนั่นถือว่าคุณกำลัง Spam Keyword เพื่อให้บอทอ่านมากเกินไปนั่นเอง ทั้งนี้ การคิด เปอร์เซ็นต์ Keyword นั้น ทุกๆ Search Engine จะไม่สนใจ พวก Stop Words และ Stop Phrases นะครับ Stop Words หรือ Stop Phrases คืออะไร ? ก็คือ คำที่ไม่เกี่ยวข้องในเนื้อหา ไม่มีความหมายซึ่งจะสามารถเป็น Keyword ได้ เช่นพวก a, is, the, so, that, this, are เป็นต้น ซึ่งสิ่งที่เราควรทราบก็คือ เครื่องมือวิเคราะห์เปอร์เซ็นต์ความหนาแน่นส่วนใหญ่ นั้น ไม่ฉลาดพอที่จะตัดพวก Stop Words เหล่านี้ทิ้งไป ในการคำนวณ Keyword Density ดังนั้นหมายความว่า ค่าเปอร์เซ็นต์ Keyword Density ที่เราวิเคราะห์ได้จากเครื่องมือ กับ Search Engine จะมีค่าไม่เท่ากัน (%ที่ Search Engine คิดได้จะสูงกว่าพวกเครื่องมือวิเคราะห์เหล่านี้ เพราะมีตัวหารน้อยกว่า) ทีนี้คงเข้าใจเรื่องราวของ Keyword Density พอสมควรแล้วนะครับ ไปปรับแต่งกันได้เลย ส่วนตัวผมปรับประมาณ ไม่เกิน 7% เท่านั้นเองครับ แนะนำเครื่องมือช่วยตรวจสอบความหนาแน่นของ Keyword ครับ Keyword Checker

เครดิต Seosamutprakarn2013, By: Seo Master

seo Service Accounts have arrived 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Justin Smith, Product Manager

Starting today, Google supports Service Accounts, which provide certificate-based authentication for server-to-server interactions. This means, for example, that a request from a web application to Google Cloud Storage can be authenticated via a certificate instead of a shared key. Certificates offer better security properties than shared keys and passwords, largely because they are not human-readable or guessable.

Service accounts are currently supported by the following Google developer services:
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Google Prediction API
  • Google URL Shortener
  • Google OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server
  • Google APIs Console
  • Google APIs Client Libraries for Python, Java, and PHP
Over time, more Google APIs and client libraries will be supported.

This feature is implemented as an OAuth 2.0 flow and is compliant with draft 25 of the OAuth 2.0 specification. An application implements the following steps to authenticate with a Service Account:
  1. Generate a JSON structure.
  2. Sign the JSON structure with a private key, and encode it as a JSON Web Token (JWT).
  3. Send the JWT to Google’s OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server in exchange for an access token.
  4. Send the access token to Google Cloud Storage or the Google Prediction API.
The Google APIs Client Libraries for Python, Java, and PHP wrap these steps into a few lines of code and abstract the error-prone signing and encoding operations from your applications. We strongly encourage you to use these libraries for this type of interaction. We will be expanding support to other client libraries (including Ruby and .NET). Library developers can find the specifics of the protocol in the OAuth 2.0 Service Accounts documentation.

If you’re a Google App Engine developer, all this might sound similar to what is described in these articles: App Engine & Storage, App Engine & Prediction. Service Accounts generalize this App Engine capability by making it available to other server-side platforms. When using another server-side platform, you can create a Service Account through the Google APIs Console. See the Google APIs Console documentation for more information on creating a Service Account.

As always, we welcome and appreciate feedback. Please post any questions or comments to the OAuth 2.0 Google group.

Justin Smith is a Google Product Manager and works on authentication and authorization technologies. He enjoys woodworking, cycling, country music, and the company of his wife and newborn daughter (not in that order).

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Cloud Storage adds several highly requested features 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Navneet Joneja, Product Manager

Google Cloud Storage enables you to use our storage and network infrastructure to store and access your data with high reliability, scale and performance. Today, we’re launching several frequently requested new features:

Signed URLs and updated browser uploads

Many of you have asked us for "virtual valet keys" that give limited access to specific data to the bearer for a short time, enabling them to implement application-managed access control for mobile applications, premium content distribution, and so on. You can now implement these applications and more using short-lived signed URLs to address any object stored in Google Cloud Storage. This feature gives your application another powerful tool to control access to any piece of data. You can also use this feature to enable browser-based uploads from your end users to Google Cloud Storage without requiring them to have Google accounts (browser-based uploads were previously limited to the interoperable API). URL signing is implemented using PKCS-12 keys and the industry-standard RSA algorithm and is currently experimental.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

We now support configuring storage buckets to return appropriate Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers, which streamlines the development of advanced JavaScript applications (such as browser-based games) using Google Cloud Storage. Other uses include serving web fonts from Google Cloud Storage and enabling trusted JavaScript access from your App Engine applications.

gsutil 3.0

We've been hard at work making gsutil easier to use at all levels. This latest release includes significant enhancements:
  • A refactored, cleaner code-base
  • Better in-tool documentation
  • Easy in-place update to new releases
  • Multithreaded operations
  • A hierarchical file tree abstraction layer that maps more closely to the way traditional file systems are organized.
To try all these features and more, download the latest version of gsutil (zip, tarball). Please note that wildcard and list bucket semantics have changed in gsutil to make the tool easier to use in a broad variety of use cases. You can read all about the latest update in the release notes.

We also recently reduced storage prices across all usage tiers by up to 15%.

As always, we welcome your feedback in our discussion group. If you haven’t tried Google Cloud Storage yet, you can sign up and get started here.

Navneet Joneja loves being at the forefront of the next generation of simple and reliable software infrastructure, the foundation on which next-generation technology is being built. When not working, he can usually be found dreaming up new ways to entertain his intensely curious almost-two-year-old.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
المصدر: المصفوفة

seo Stylish Breadcrumbs For Blogger With Multi Label Support 2013

Seo Master present to you: Breadcrumbs is a navigation element used in user interfaces, in this case is for website. It helps users to know their current location in a website. Breadcrumbs for website often appears below title bars or menu navigations bars with links back to each category the current post is in.
Breadcrumbs for Blogger with vBB style
Breadcrumbs for Blogger with vBB style
Blogger post is located in Labels, not Categories and Blogger does not support multi level categories yet, breadcrumb is sure not available too. At this tutorial I will guide you how to add breadcrumbs for blogger with these advantages:

  • Support Google Rich Snippet (you can test at Webmaster Rich Snippet Tool)
  • Support multi label breadcrumb
  • Breadcrumbs for label page
  • Style and compatible (even support IE)
  • Highly optimized and customize.

Breadcrumbs for Blogger is supported and display in Google SERP
Breadcrumbs for Blogger is supported and display in Google SERP

Read more »2013, By: Seo Master

seo A new home for Google Maps API developers 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Carlos Cuesta, Product Marketing Manager, Google Maps API

Cross-posted with the Google Geo Developers Blog

When we first launched the Google Maps API, it was all about a map, a pin, and a dream. Back then our technical documentation was relatively simple, consisting of a couple of developer docs and some code samples. Since then the Google Maps API has expanded far beyond our expectations, due in large part to the diverse and innovative developer ecosystem that has grown with us.

With the continuing evolution of the Google Maps API, it became clear that we needed more than just code documentation to convey what’s possible with the Google Maps API. Thus, developers.google.com/maps was born.

In addition to having all the same developer content that was previously available on code.google.com, the site is designed to highlight and illustrate new features of the Google Maps API through fun and interactive demos. Our goal with developers.google.com/maps is to inspire the next wave of innovation on the Google Maps API, and to connect developers and decision makers with the tools and services that can make their products better.

One of the features of the Google Developers site we’re most excited about is the 3rd party developer showcase, which allows us to celebrate a selection of innovative sites in the Google Maps API ecosystem. Showcase content is carefully curated by the Google Maps API team.

In order to help users discover relevant apps and topics in the showcase, we’ve devised a tagging system that allows you to filter examples both by theme, and by Google Maps API features used.

We hope that the showcase and the interactive examples on the new Google Maps API Developers capture your imagination and inspire you with what’s possible using the platform. The imagination of Google Maps API developers has always been what makes the product great and we’re looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.

Carlos Cuesta is the Product Marketing Manager for Google Maps API. He also enjoys travelling, photography, and collecting vinyl.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Change Older Posts,Home and Newer Post Links to Buttons in Blogger 2013

Seo Master present to you:
In Blogger Blogs, there are newer posts, home and older posts links below every post. That's been set by default by blogger , but you can change them to buttons as mentioned above or the text of your choice. e.g.. next page or previous page.
Preivious, Home and Next Post Button

In this tutorial I'll teach you how you can change these links into buttons or change the text to your choice.
So let's start changing these links by some very simple steps.

Also Read Procedure to  Remove "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)" Link on Blogger?

Change Older Posts,Home and Newer Post Links to Buttons in Blogger

Start the procedure by following below steps:

Log-in to Blogger dashboard
Go to Template >> HTML >> Check the Expand Widget Template

For Previous Post Button search for below code (tip: use CTRL+F)
Replace it with this code below:
<img src="Img-Url-for-previous-button"/>

For Next Post Button search for this code:
Replace it with this one below:
<img src="Img-url-for-next-button"/>

For Home Button search for this code:
The above code may appear twice, so both times replace it with below code:
<img src="img-url-for-home-button"/> 

Now save your template and you've done almost all steps :-)

Things to Remember

  • Change bold img tag URL's with your desired Button URL's or if you just want to change the text then only write the desired text (do not write any URL.)
  • You can download the buttons from Google then upload it on your blog new post to get the URL on the images, then copy that URL's and paste them in these codes and then visit your Blog and see the butons working.

If you have any questions regarding this post than comment below.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Ode to Hibernate 2013

Seo Master present to you:

At each of my first two jobs I wrote an object-relational mapping framework in Java. The first was an abomination, the second merely rotten. I'm not the only engineer to have traveled this road. You write some code to generate SQL for your simple CRUD operations, you get one-to-many relationships working, and then you (and probably the rest of your team) spend a couple of months piling on hacks to support outer joins, many-to-many relationships, and all the other "extras" that are of course not "extras" at all. So imagine my mood the day a coworker introduced me to Hibernate (thanks Toby!). Just a few days of prototyping made it clear that Hibernate was an elegant solution to a hard problem, and that I would never again feel compelled to build an OR Mapping framework in Java. Joy.

As a fan of Hibernate it gives me great pleasure to announce the open-source availability of Hibernate Shards, a framework that adds support for horizontal partitioning (or in Google parlance, "sharding") to Hibernate Core. There are a number of reasons you might not keep all your data in a single relational database. Maybe you have too much data. Maybe a potential customer won't sign up for your service unless her company's data lives in its own database. Whatever your reasons, dealing with a sharded dataset adds complexity to the development and management of your application. Hibernate Shards is designed to encapsulate and reduce the complexity of building applications that work with sharded datasets.

I worked with Tomislav Nad and Maulik Shah (fellow Googlers who share my enthusiasm for Hibernate and Java infrastructure) to build Hibernate Shards as a 20 percent project. We think what we have now will be useful to the Java community, but this is most certainly not a polished release. There are functionality gaps to be filled, design warts to be smoothed, and bugs to be shaken out. We look forward to working with you as we address these issues and make Hibernate Shards even more powerful in the months to come. If you'd like to read more please visit the official Hibernate Shards website.

Happy Sharding!2013, By: Seo Master

seo Rapture Blogger Template 2013 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Rapture Blogger Template is a new stylish Template by SoraTemplates,it has 2 columns layout ,actually this template is converted from WordPress to Blogger so it has a cool WordPress Look.Rapture Blogger template has wooden brown background which makes it more attractive template,it has one right sidebar along with fixed width.This template works with all type of Browsers such as Google Chrome , Internet Explorer and Mozilla ETC.You can Download it free from Our website.


  • SEO Ready Template
  • Ads Ready
  • Top Navigation
  • One Beautiful Right sidebar
  • Space between posts
  • 2 columns layout
  • WordPress look
  • Elegant 
  • Wooden Background
  • White
  • Personal
  • Brown
Rapture Blogger Template is fit for Tech and Wallpapers Blog however you can use it for any type of blog, it has wooden background which makes it cool template,its Author is SoraTemplate.com.

How To install Rapture Blogger Template 2013

If you can,t install this template to your Blog , then click on the link below it will redirect you to a new page where you will get the complete guide of How to install a template .
Note :- Before installing Blogger Template must backup your template , stay blessed , Happy Blogging :)
2013, By: Seo Master

seo About Iftikhar Uddin 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Iftikhar Uddin is a passionate blogger from Bajaur Agency KPK ,he is running a number of blogs.He started Blogging Since 2013,he loves to write Latest Blogging Tips and tricks.He is in 11 Grade studying at ICUP .He is 16 ,in the age of 15 he start playing with Blogging and now he is Admin at ThatsBlogging.He is a romantic Boy,you can catch him on Facebook and Twitter.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Social Bookmarking Site List Without Registration 2013 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Hello Guys, Today I try to sharing Social Bookmarking Site List Without Registration 2013 I post here New Latest  updated Do Follow Social Bookmarking website list 2013 / Instant Approval / Without Registration Social Bookmarking website list 2013.

Now, See Here,

Do Follow Instant Approval Social Bookmarking Website List Without Registration  2013
2013, By: Seo Master
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