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seo Free Download Software Downloader 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Disini saya mau berbagi software yang saya miliki, sebagian besar didunia hampir menggunakan software ini
diantanya ada IDM, Youtube Downloader, dan lain lain

1. Download Accelerator Manager (Plus)

Download Accelerator Manager adalah software download manager berbayar yang memiliki fitur yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan download manager lainnya. DAM dapat mendownload ulang file yang terputus saat didownload, mulai dari titik download yang terputus. DAM juga meningkatkan kecepatan download hingga 400%.
Dibandingkan IDM, software ini lebih Hebat dari yang lainnya..
Namun disini gratis anda bisa mendownloadnya gratis..

Download Disini  

2. Internet Download Manager 6.11 Full Version + Crack + Pacth

Fungsi IDM itu untuk membantu mendownload. Dengan cara mengatur apa aja yg mau di download, kecepatan download, dll. Tapi pada dasarnya orang orang pake IDM untuk mempercepat download. Toh salah satu fungsi IDM sebagai Download Acclerator.

Download Disini

3.  Youtube Video File Downloader

Fungsi utamanya untuk mendownload file video yang ada di dalam situs Youtube.Com. Tapi, selain men-download Anda juga bisa mengonversi file hasil download itu menjadi .AVI, .MP3, dan lain sebagainya

Download Disini

(Sorry No Pic)

4. Internet's Robust Download Manager

Fungsinya hampir sama degan IDM

Download Disni

(Sorry No Pic)

5. Download Manager FlashGet 2.0

FlashGet adalah salah satu software Download Manager, kegunaannya sama seperti dengan Internet Download Manager. Namun yang membedakannya adalah Software ini bersifat Freeware alias gratis

Download Disini

(Sorry No Pic) 2013, By: Seo Master

seo Tips Memilih Keyword 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Bagi anda yang sedang belajar SEO, Memilih dan menentukan keyword untuk suatu postingan atau blog merupakan pekerjaan yang gampang-gampang susah, termasuk saya waktu dulu menentukan keyword untuk blog ini sangat sulit. Banyak faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan ketika memilih keyword, diantaranya:

  1. Keyword difokuskan kepada apa yang dicari orang selain kepada apa konten/isi
    blog kita.

  2. Keyword juga harus bersesuaian dengan konten blog. Keyword yang tidak nyambung Dengan konten blog bisa dianggap sebagai spam. Misal blog tentang trik sulap tapi keywordnya "MP3" hanya karena keyword "MP3" banyak dicari, tentu hal ini tidak bersesuaian dan kalaupun berhasil dipaksakan pengunjung blog akan banyak yang kecewa karena merasa ditipu, dan ini tidak baik untuk image blog tersebut.

  3. Keyword harus berupa kata atau frase yang banyak dicari orang di situs search engine. Percuma menempati halaman pertama search engine kalau keywordnya tidak populer.

  4. Keyword tersebut sebisa mungkin hanya digunakan oleh sedikit blog atau situs. Semakin banyak situs yang memakai keyword tersebut makin sulit bersaing untuk menempati tahta halaman pertama search engine.

  5. Keyword harus fokus pada apa yang dicari orang, berupa frase yang tidak terlalu panjang dan tidak terlalu umum. contoh: keyword "bisnis internet" akan lebih fokus daripada keyword "bisnis" karena keyword bisnis terlalu umum menyangkut bisnis apa saja. demikian juga jika anda memilih keyword "bisnis internet paling menjanjikan saat ini", terlalu panjang dan sulit menjaring pengunjung. jadi pilihlah yang pas.

Anda juga dapat memanfaatkan tool/situs yang membantu memilihkan keyword seperti situs-situs di bawah ini:


Di situs ini Anda dapat mengecek seberapa banyak keyword yang akan anda pakai dicari orang dalam bulan-bulan terakhir. Anda juga akan diberikan alternatif keyword yang relevan dan jumlah pencarian untuk tiap alternatif tersebut.


Tool ini sudah dilengkapi thesaurus , yang akan memberikan saran kepada anda tentang keyword yang biasa digunakan oleh orang dalam mencari hal yang berkaitan dengan keyword yang anda berikan. Jadi anda dapat memilih keyword yang lebih tepat dari keyword yang anda masukan.


Tool dari google ini yang sebenarnya dibuat untuk para pemasang iklan di adwords google. Tetapi tool ini juga bisa digunakan oleh umum dan sangat berguna untuk memilih keyword yang terbaik, selain itu tool ini juga mencantumkan seberapa ramai persaingan untuk keyword tertentu.

Saya sudah posting artikel pemilihan judul yang baik dalam mentarget keyword anda bisa baca di sini

Mudah-mudahan tips ini bisa bermanfaat untuk anda.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Tips Memilih Paket Wisata Pulau Tidung 2013

Seo Master present to you:
paket wisata pulau tidung
Tips memilih paket wisata pulau Tidung yang saya maksudkan di sini adalah memilih dari berbagai macam paket wisata yang ditawarkan untuk tujuan berwisata ke pulau Tidung. Jika anda melihat pada "mesin pencari situs" seperti google misalnya, terdapat lebih dari dua juta website yang membahas tentang pulau Tidung termasuk artikel-artikel yang mengulas tentang pulau cantik ini. Dan sekitar separuh diantaranya bersaing untuk menawarkan paket wisata dengan tujuan pulau Tidung. Artinya lebih dari satu juta website yang berlomba-lomba untuk menawarkan paket wisata pulau Tidung.
Hampir semua website yang menawarkan paket wisata ke pulau Tidung menyatakan bahwa paket wisata yang dijualnya adalah yang terbaik. Bahkan konsumen yang ingin menggunakan jasa agen perjalanan wisata dirayu dengan "janji manis" yang ternyata tidak sesuai dengan kenyataannya. Diharapkan kepada seluruh wisatawan yang ingin bepergian ke pulau Tidung dengan jasa agen perjalanan wisata, agar waspada saat memilih paket wisata pulau Tidung agar suka cita dalam perjalanan berlibur anda tidak terganggu dengan kejadian yang tidak diinginkan.
Sebelum kita membahas kriteria paket wisata pulau Tidung yang terbaik, ada baiknya anda melihat beberapa kenyataan tentang pulau Tidung berikut ini:
  1. Pulau Tidung adalah pulau kecil yang indah tetapi sebagai pulau terpencil, di sini tidak ditemukan kendaraan bermotor seperti mobil, taxi atau bis. Sepeda motor yang tersedia di sini untuk digunakan sebagai ojek, tetapi rasanya perlu anda pikir ulang untuk menggunakan jasa ojek karena jarak dari ujung ke ujung tidak sampai 2 kilometer.
  2. Di pulau Tidung ini tidak tersedia restoran mewah maupun resort.
  3. Pulau tidung tidak memiliki fasilitas umum seperti ATM, "warung internet", mal atau pertokoan.
  4. Alat transportasi ke pulau Tidung adalah kapal kayu yang umumnya bertingkat dan jika anda datang ke pulau Tidung saat musim liburan, maka anda akan berebut kursi duduk. Perlu anda pikirkan bahwa jika anda tidak mendapatkan kursi, maka anda harus kuat berdiri selama 3 jam lebih karena sebagian besar penumpang kapal ingin berwisata ke pulau Tidung
  5. Tidak tersedia tempat persewaan alat selam. Yang tersedia hanyalah "snorkle" tanpa tabung oksigen.
Dari kenyataan di atas tentang pulau Tidung, maka sebagai wisatawan anda haruslah memperhatikan tips memilih paket wisata pulau Tidung berikut ini:
  • Jika dana mencukupi pilihlah alat transportasi pulau Tidung dengan kapal cepat yang berangkat dari pantai marina Ancol
  • Tidak perlu membawa perhiasan maupun uang berlebihan karena di pulau Tidung tidak tersedia pertokoan
  • Pilihlah paket wisata pulau Tidung yang lengkap dengan paket makan. Mengingat di sana tidak tersedia restoran
  • Pilihlah paket wisata pulau Tidung dari agen perjalanan wisata yang sudah terkenal dan memiliki cabang atau perwakilan di sana. Sehingga jika terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan, anda dengan mudah mencari pertolongan.
  • Karena pulau Tidung memiliki suhu yang panas sebagai pulau tropis, yang perlu anda perhatikan bahan pakaian yang akan anda gunakan. Pilihlah pakaian yang nyaman dan menyerap keringat. Bawalah jumlah pakaian yang cukup karena wisata pulau Tidung adalah wisata perairan, yang berarti "basah-basahan!"
  • Gunakan jasa agen perjalanan wisata yang menyediakan paket kamar berpendingin ruangan (AC) mengingat udara cukup panas. Tetapi anda harus paham sebagai pulau terpencil, pulau Tidung sering mengalami "mati listrik".
  • Bawa baterai cadangan untuk telepon genggam anda maupun untuk kamera anda. Dan isi juga pulsa secukupnya. Karena semua itu tidak akan anda dapatkan di pulau Tidung.
Demikian informasi yang dapat saya berikan perihal tips memilih paket wisata pulau Tidung yang terbaik. Meskipun beberapa hal di atas terdengar kurang menyenangkan, tetapi semua itu bisa anda antisipasi di awal. Sehingga perjalanan liburan anda berwisata ke pulau Tidung tidak terganggu hal-hal yang kurang menyenangkan. Selamat berlibur dan pilihkan paket wisata pulau Tidung yang terbaik bagi anda.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Protecting Your Data Before It’s Too Late 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Some data is particularly sensitive and if it gets into the wrong hands, the consequences can be dire. However, even if data doesn’t fall under prying eyes, the results can be troubling nonetheless if you need to keep hold of the data for any reason. Fortunately, there are many things that you can do to ensure that your data doesn’t get lost forever and to prevent it being accessed by the wrong people.

Back Up Repeatedly:

One of the best ways to ensure that you don’t lose your data forever is to Back It up. Backing up your data is now arguably easier than ever, and today’s external hard drives can enable you to send vast swathes of content from your computer to another device in no time at all. Backing up your data regularly is a must – especially if you are constantly creating new content.

It’s also wise to store your backed-up data on another site if possible, should an event such as a fire or a break-in occur at your property. Today, the easiest way to do this is through Cloud Computing. There are many services offering you the chance to save your data to the cloud – though it’s a good idea to ensure that you choose a well-known service that you feel you can trust.

If your backed-up data is kept on the same site as your main computer, that could disappear too. Cloud computing services are now allowing you to store more in the cloud for less money, meaning that you can protect vast amounts of data for a modest fee.

Fight Off Viruses:

Data security can be compromised by viruses, which makes it extremely important to be vigilant when opening e-mail attachments. You should therefore ensure that all e-mail attachments are scanned by anti-virus services before you open them.

Meanwhile, if you do decide to back up your data to an external physical hard drive for document storage, whetheras well as or instead of using cloud computing, you should always look for a much bigger capacity than you currently need. For instance, if you have 500GB of data to back up, it’s a wise move to invest in a 1TB drive – or an even bigger external option – to cater for any more data that you may need to store in the future. If your computer supports USB 3.0 transfers, you should be able to send a huge amount of data to a USB 3.0 hard drive in no time.

A Tougher Document Management Service:

As many security breaches can occur when security levels are not tight enough, it’s essential that you take advantage of any anti-virus software updates that may be available. If possible, you should ensure that these are downloaded automatically as soon as they are offered to you. Meanwhile, you should also change your passwords regularly and partake in document shredding from your local document management service in order to stay one step ahead of the data thieves.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Using social media to find your dream job 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Getting your dream job will by no means be an easy feat. You will have to invest time, money and a lot of hard work into getting your dream job, so it’s certainly not a case of using social media as a way of securing the perfect job. However you might find that social media can be very beneficial to finding your perfect job; by utilizing social media in the right way, and spending enough time, you could find that social media puts you way out in front of your peers.

Find what options are available

In the modern world, social media is a wonderful way of finding out what sort of jobs are out there, and what you need to do to get those jobs. You can follow people on Twitter who are in the industry that you are interested in; ask them questions about their job and how they got where they are, or simply follow their tweets to see what their lives are like. The same applies to YouTube: there are a variety of experts making videos on all sorts of videos, and you might even be able to find their email addresses to ask them questions pertaining to their job.

What are the perks of the job?

One of the great things about the accessibility of social media is that you are able to look at exactly what you will gain from your dream job. Twitter is yet another great way to look at what it’s like to have the job – are the employees staying in five-star rated hotels on a regular basis? Do their instagram accounts show that they are often out to dinner or breakfast? Do the chefs you follow make Facebook posts about the celebrities they’ve seen? Just get to know and understand the job and what it’s like.

How did they get there?

Perhaps the most important question you need to ask those that you follow on social media is exactly how they got there. Did they use their qualifications, or was experience more important in getting their position? Twitter and Facebook are both very useful for being able to contact people who otherwise would be inaccessible to most of us.

Don’t rely solely on asking questions to those that you are interested in; see if they have made blog posts or YouTube about their job and read them before asking questions. There is a wealth of knowledge on the internet about many dream jobs, as long as you take the time to search for it.

Research companies that might employ you in the future

The majority of businesses nowadays are on social media sites, such as Facebook or Twitter. It’s not just the major corporations that are making use of this new technology – many smaller, family-run businesses are catching on to the usefulness of using social media. There are many ways you can find companies that you could approach for jobs – take a look at advertising websites, as well as the company Facebook page and Twitter feed. Use Google to find companies that have offices close to you as well; just use the internet is any way you can to locate companies which you can go on to approach in the future.

Contact those with your job

Network with people who are in the industry or have the job that you are interested in. Make a LinkedIn profile and see who you can network with – you never know how important the initial contact you make with current employees could be. Having someone who can put in a good word for you might be the best way to successfully find that perfect job.

How best to apply for the job

Once you have networked, see if you can find a way to get your foot into the door of the company. Ask current employees if they can keep you updated on any future positions opening, and make sure that you have emailed your resume to companies for future reference. Be careful not to scare off current employees by being too bold and bothering them: networking is a slow process, but in the end it is likely to pay off.

Korah Morrison, working for College-Paper.org – the best student’s helper.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Download XSS Exploits Cross Site Scripting Attacks and Defense book free 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Download XSS Exploits Cross Site Scripting Attacks and Defense book free 

Download XSS Exploits Cross Site Scripting

today i am going to share very interesting book XSS Exploits Cross Site Scripting Attacks and Defense download free. most of my fans and followers ask so many question about cross site scripting XSS n how to find cross site scripting xss . so that's why i am going to share this book with you . 

Download XSS book free

i have share in my previous articles how to find cross site scripting XSS and so many other article related to others vulnerability. if you don't know what is cross site scripting XSS vulnerability so read my previous articles.     

Download from here 

Download cross site scripting XSS book

2013, By: Seo Master

seo AVG PC TuneUp 2013 V12.0.4000.108 Full Version With Serial Key And Patch/Crack 2013

Seo Master present to you:

AVG PC TuneUp® is a product from AVG, It help to fix your computer problems with one click. AVG antivirus also include a limited file fixer. But this is a advanced file fixer. It fix file fragments, remove junk files, fix registry error, and remove broken shortcuts. It help to increase your  computer speed. AVG PC TuneUp works on a reasonable amount of computer resources, although it may eat up your CPU and RAM when trying to solve some of the detected problems. Download it from below link. Follow instruction and make it as a full version.

AVG PC TuneUp® 2013 Full Version With Serial Key (www.masterhacksindia.blogspot)


Download AVG PC TuneUp 2013 V12.0.4000.108 Trial Version From Official Site: Click here OR Visit Official Site

Download  AVG PC TuneUp 2013  Patch/Crack Only: Click here (Alternative Link) OR External Link


Installation Instructions


  • Install "avg_pc_tune_2013".
  • When installation is done don't run the program. and if program running then close it first.
  • Copy All files from "Crack" folder and paste into default installation directory i.e "C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG PC TuneUp\" and replace the original.
  • Run the program and use the provided "Registration Details" below to register the program.


How to find installation directory easy

( In "Desktop/Start Menu" Right click on "Program Icon" Click "Properties" In Shortcut Tab Click on "Find Target" and paste the "Crack" or "Patch" )

If Your Anti-Virus Detect Virus Then Please Disable your Anti-Virus During Patch. Patches Are Not A Virus Or Trojan.

Patches and Keygen Made By By-Passing The Original Registration Of Software's Show Anti-Virus Detect It As Trojan Or Virus.

So Use Patches Or Keygen Without Any Tension.....








549D0A-TQ3B6W-ANYN5B-FYY2YR-MJ5RXW-K8A6FC  (This Serial Number is Expired )


  • Restores your PC to top speed:
    A powerful speed boost for your PC
    Remember how fast your PC used to run when you got it? Not only can we help get it back there, but you can also enjoy Turbo Mode to release that extra bit of power when you need it for browsing, gaming and videos.
    You Get: Turbo Mode, Program Deactivator, Startup Optimizer, Startup Manager, Drive Defrag
  • Keeps your PC at peak performance:
    Automatic optimization and maintenance for your PC
    Getting fast is all well and good, but not if it only does it once. We continually work in the background to help your PC always run at top speed.
    You Get: Live Optimization, Automatic Start-Stop Mode
  • Stability:
    Stops freezing and crashing
    Problem resolution for your PC
    It’s a bit like having a doctor and cleaner permanently on hand. We’ll help find and fix the gaps and errors that cause your PC problems and clean up as we go.
    You Get: Disk Doctor, Registry Defrag, Registry Cleaner, Shortcut Cleaner
  • Longer Life:
    Extends your battery life
    Reduced power consumption when you need it most
    We’ve all been there. You’re just getting to the end of that all-important document and your battery dies. Now you can stop your battery wasting power on things you don’t need so it can last longer.
    You Get: Economy Mode
  • Frees up valuable disk space:
    Essential tools to de-clutter and clean your PC
    We’ve all got too much clutter on our PC. Half the time we don’t know what it is, if it’s important and or how to delete it. We’ll analyse your PC for all that junk and show you how to get rid of it in a few simple clicks. Result? One faster PC and more space for you.
    You Get: Disk Space Explorer, Gain Disk Space
  • Control:
    Leaves no trace of your most important files
    Essential protection to keep private files safe
    Hitting the delete button doesn’t always give you that complete peace of mind. Hitting the Shredder button will.
    You get: Shredder
  • Gives you complete performance – automatically:
    Your continual performance fix
    It’s always good when there’s one thing less to remember. We continually monitor your PC and let you know the status. And we even run routine maintenance when you’re away from your PC so it doesn’t get in the way.
    You get: Automatic Maintenance, One Click Maintenance, Optimization status, Update Wizard
  • Fine tune your computer for even more performance:
    Advanced performance settings you can customize
    If you’re a bit of an expert, then don’t worry. There’s a whole range of tools you can use to fine tune things - just how you want them.
    You Get: Repair Wizard, Uninstall Manager, Undelete, Rescue Center , Registry Editor, Styler, Settings Center
  • Makes optimization easier:
    A lot of us wouldn’t know where to start to make our PCs work even better. We take that problem away by making straightforward recommendations and showing how to do them in a few simple clicks.
    You get: Performance Report, Program Ratings, System Info



Leave a comment below if .. key is not working….

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Beautiful Simple Blogger Email Subscription Box 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Beautiful Simple Blogger Email Subscription Box

Beautiful Simple Blogger Email Subscription Box

Emails are best source for getting traffic or visitors for blog.And also a well source of creating a good readership. I am sharing a Beautiful Simple Blogger Email Subscription Box which can be added below of every post.This email subscription box is very simple with wooden brick background and hover effect.

                                                    See Demo

Beautiful Simple Blogger Email Subscription Widget

Step No 1
  • Go to your blogger account.
  • Go to Template ==>Edit HTML
  • Now Search ]]></b:skin>
  • And paste below code above it.

/***** Subscribe widget from http://www.www.matrixar.com start*****/
.subscribe_outer4 { background: url("http://us.cdn3.123rf.com/168nwm/markusgann/markusgann1009/markusgann100900025/7697081-an-image-of-a-beautiful-old-wood-background-seamless-texture.jpg") repeat scroll 0 0 transparent; margin: 0 -10px; padding: 5px 0; }.subscribe_wrapper4 { background: url("http://us.cdn3.123rf.com/168nwm/markusgann/markusgann1009/markusgann100900025/7697081-an-image-of-a-beautiful-old-wood-background-seamless-texture.jpg") repeat scroll 0 0 #333333; padding: 38px 50px 18px 38px; color: #fff; text-shadow: 0px 2px 3px #666;font-size: 16px; font-weight:bold; line-height: 20px; text-align:justify; }#avdhootEmailsub4 { display: block; clear: both; margin: 10px 0; }.emailText4 { background: url("http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t576/trickycafe/email_zpsba22e644.png") no-repeat scroll 10px center #fff; padding: 10px 40px; color: #444; margin: 0 0 15px; width: 70%; text-decoration: none; border: 1px solid #D3D3D3; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; border: 0; box-shadow: inset 0 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .05); -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .05); -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .05); }.emailButton4 { background: #000000; background: linear-gradient(top, #000000 0%, #0c0c08 100%); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #000000 0%, #0c0c08 100%); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #000000), color-stop(100%, #0c0c08)); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #000000 0%, #0c0c08 100%); border: 0; color: #fff; cursor: pointer; padding: 10px 40px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .4); font-weight:bold; width: 100%; font-family: "Droid Sans","Lucida Grande",Tahoma,sans-serif; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; }.emailButton4:hover { background: #b50b42; background: linear-gradient(top, #b50b42 0%, #cd0c4b 100%); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #b50b42 0%, #cd0c4b 100%); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #b50b42), color-stop(100%, #cd0c4b)); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #b50b42 0%, #cd0c4b 100%); }
/***** Subscribe widget from http://www.www.matrixar.com end*****/

Step No 2
  1. Now Go to Layout ==> Add a  Html/Java script gadget. 
  2. Then Add the following code.

    /***** Subscribe widget from http://www.www.matrixar.com start*****/<div class="subscribe_outer4"><div class="subscribe_wrapper4"><h2><center><font size='5' color='white'>Subscribe Us</font></center></h2><hr width="100%" />
    <p><font size='4'>Get New Articles Straight To Your Inbox By Submitting Your Email ID Below</font></p><br/><div id="avdhootEmailsub4"><form action="http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify" method="post" onsubmit="window.open('http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=YOURID', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true" target="popupwindow"><input name="uri" type="hidden" value="YOURID" /><input name="loc" type="hidden" value="en_US" /><input class="emailText4" name="email" onblur="if (this.value == &quot;&quot;) {this.value = &quot;Enter your email...&quot;;}" onfocus="if (this.value == &quot;Enter your email...&quot;) {this.value = &quot;&quot;}" type="text" value="Enter your email..." /><br/><br/><input class="emailButton4" border='3' title="F4U ONLINE COURSES" type="submit" value="Subcribe Now" size='50px' /></form></div></div></div>/***** Subscribe widget from http://www.www.matrixar.com end*****/


    1. If you want to change the color of 'Subscribe Us',kindly change yellow color code
    2. If you want to change the text written in box change the green color text.
    3. You can insert your feed burner id in the place of 'YOURID'
    4. You can insert your desired title in the place of F4U ONLINE COURSES

    If you find any problem related to our topic 'Beautiful Simple Blogger Email Subscription Box' then feel free to comment or contact us.

    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo How To Add Automatic Link Source When Others Copy A content From Our Blog 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    secure system to protect your content. Some peoples try to copy our blog content without permission, You can restrict it with some java code like right click protection, copy protection etc. But some bloggers cant do that, because they provide some codes to peoples. If they apply that scripts visitors cant copy anything from blog. Now i share a trick for some tricky way to restrict copy from blog. This code help to add automatic link source when others copy a content from our Blog.. You can add this lik to your blog. Please follow below instruction…

    Log in to your Blogger account

    • Go to Design option--> Edit HTML

    • Find (CTRL+F)  </head> tag.

    • Copy the below code, and paste it above </head> tag.

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    function addLink() {
        var body_element = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
        var selection;
        selection = window.getSelection();
        var pagelink = "<br/><br/> Original Content from: <a href='"+document.location.href+"'>"+document.location.href+"</a><br/>Copyright © blog"; // change this if you want
        var copytext = selection + pagelink;
        var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
        newdiv.innerHTML = copytext;
        window.setTimeout(function() {
    }document.oncopy = addLink;

    • Change RED colour with your own words.

    • Save it..

    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo A Guide To Advertising On Facebook 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    1. The power of internet

    The internet today is one of the most popular places for business to advertise in. With hundreds of millions of people visiting the internet on a daily basis from all over the world, you can be sure that advertising here will definitely increase your sales.

    Internet advertising reached $99 billion in 2012, says a study from GroupM, which they say is representing a 16.2% increase over the previous year and accounting to 19.5% of all advertising expenditure that same year, worldwide.

    According to internet world stats by the ICT the share of the world population using the internet has grown from 18% to 35% between 2006 and 2011. During this time the world population grew from 6.5 billion to 7 billion. The developing world has seen more of an increase in this 5 year study too, China increasing their share of internet users from 44% to 62% in the 5 years leading to 2011.

    2. About Facebook

    Today there are 62 million people using social media site Facebook. The social networking site is now considered to the biggest and most widely known social networking website existing. As the spread of internet users increases, worldwide, there is a constant increase in new users becoming Facebook members.

    Facebook is also one of the most evenly balanced social networking websites in terms of user age and gender.

    In a study of American SNS users by Pew Internet, Facebook had the second highest score for ages 50-65, at 19%, second only to LinkedIn at 23% and higher then Twitter at 13%.

    The study also says Facebook is used by 92% of all SNS (social networking sites) users, followed by MySpace at 29%. The interesting fact is though that people engage more on Facebook every day, some 52% in-fact, that’s higher then Twitter at 33% and far more frequent then MySpace 7% and LinkedIn 6%. Another way of looking at it is Facebook is the premium place for your company to showcase, advertise and network with their audience.

    Facebook’s overall market research data suggests it is the most universal social networking site and it has the best results for users’ daily visits. MySpace and LinkedIn by comparison are only occasional places users visit.

    3. Advertising on Facebook

    Within your Facebook account you may set up a targeted advert. This may involve publishing your website URL, and attract new users or likes. You can set up event times with dates and places, such as summer concert. Each ad allows you to include a photo or a logo as a small icon.

    It’s easy to create a new advert, you just log into the home page, click on the bar on the right-hand side, and look for the section marked “Sponsored” where the ads appear. A link that reads “Create an Ad” appears to the side of the “Sponsored” link.

    Within the Create an Ad section, you can design and edit the look for the advertisement, with Facebook automatically creating a preview at the bottom of the pages, so you’ve got the assurance your advert will look great before proceeding forwards.


    In the Facebook Ad, you’ve got the Destination Tab and several options to direct the user. Then you can include the body of your ad copy and an image or log. Destinations include a website URL or your Facebook page, Sponsored Story is really a nice feature; you can choose to have either a Page “Like” Story, displaying to the user a friend who likes your page, with a “Like” call to action. Page Post Story shows the user the excerpt and image from your most recent Facebook post. The CTA here is to comment, “Like” and Share.

    Facebook offers a range of other options for you as a company. You can select goals that cover the following:
    • Promote Page Posts, for specific pages you’ve created, increasing chances of reaching their targeted audience.
    • Get New Users, to target people that are likely to want to want what your website offers, sign up to newsletters, download your apps.
    • Increase Attendance, for when you have an event, target people who may find your conference or event relevant to them.
    • Get More Page Likes, when people like your page, they’re more likely to see your posts, and the more likes you have means that you have more people in the audience every time your posts are published on Facebook.
    User Filtering

    You can advertise to your demographic, using targeted marketing at your end user. This type of marketing is in smaller numbers, but with bigger and greater results, which are easier to manage for you as well!

    • Advanced tartgeting includes demographics, such as age and weather you want to choose men, women or both
    • Likes and interests allows you to advertise on the users’ pages who’ve publicised this date in their profile
    • Location permits you to choose a city, province or country for where you’d like to send your advert out to
    • Within the advanced targeting section you can choose to promote an advert for people on their birthdays, what languages they speak, education and relationship status

    Payment strategy

    Choose with either a pay per click (CPC) or pay per impression (CPM), which both have great potential to boost user awareness. In the Campaigns, Pricing and Scheduling section you can choose the currency you want to use to pay for ads, daily budget, and dates and times when you would like to appear.

    Finalizing your ad

     You will be required to do a final review of your ad before publishing, so you can check over your work, and have the chance to return to and edit any part of the ad you have designed. Then finally, you can check over your order, which you can pay for with credit card or PayPal. Now you’re away, you’ve created an advert and enhanced your chances of gaining more visitors and customers!

    4. What we’re doing at the company where I work

    Working within online marketing at The Genuine Gemstones Company, my business utilizes Facebook for online PR, for online marketing campaigns, getting the best of Facebook marketing for posts and advertising hand in hand.

    A new promotion for emerald rings on Gems TV gets sent out on a Thursday afternoon, and we need to get it to as many people as possible; with over 8,000 members and 4,027 likes on Facebook (and steady growing) we can have the best platform for our customers to see our ad campaign banner.

    Our brands Gems TV and Rocks TV are strong in the UK and USA respectively and our online marketing team over here consistently are working, planning and communicating. Facebook is one of our key areas we would like to grow, with more users, journalists, companies and bloggers engaging with us every day that leverages a wider spread of users and shares name, our quality, our services, using Facebook.

    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo HSC Result 2013 BD - Niche Keyword Optimization Project 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    Dear Valued Visitors,

    How are you? Now I will discuss with you the HSC Result 2013 BD  Niche keyword Optimization Project .

    HSC Result 2013 Bangladesh

    How to 1st page on Google Your website some targeted keywords with in one month.The first keyword of your domain name and select one. like


    Then Completed your website On page optimization  Create a list of your tasks like .

    HSC Result 2013 BD - Niche Keyword Optimization Project 

    url : hscexamresultinbangladesh2013.blogspot.comkeyword : HSC Result 2013 BDHSC Result 2013 Bangladesh, 2013 HSC Result in BD
    Email : yourname@example.com
    duration : 7 days

    1 no. step : Create 200 free blog ( like Blogger, WordPress, webly, xanga , hub page, webs etc. )

    This blog's domain name when you make your key word. The site will be the title of your key word. Do you know the title of the post your key word . Write a post inside of  200 words, then you can use your key 3 times within the post . You may link to the original site over there. It will be the bold tag.

    2 no. step : share your site url Twitter and more social bookmarking. minimum 100 social bookmarking needed . 

    you can also use AddThis social gadget 338+  Hi PR bookmarking sites. any one share your post his/her favorite  bookmarking site . your bookmarking title & description must use your targeted  key word .

    3 no step : 100 hi PR blog commenting or link building .
    anchor tex or name must be use your targeted key word and you home page link.

    4. Forum posting and profile back link with hi PR .
    must be use your home page link and targeted key word .

    and post many many back link with high PR. i am over sure you will get your best position 1st page on Google your targeted keyword . more than 1 month.

    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo How to Verify Payza Account for All Countries 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    How to verify Payza AccountIn the previous post i tell you how to create payza account for online cash transations. Today you will learn how to verify payza account this method work on all countries. There are many ways to verify payza account but i told you some easy and basic ways become verified payza member.

    Why Payza Account Verification is Important?

    By Account verification Payza will understand you better to make sure are the real person. It facilitate them to enhance the protection of your account and with a verified account, you'll also enjoy more benefits as compared to unverified account. If you have a Starter or Personal account, you can add, withdraw, send and spend funds with an unverified account. However, if you would like to lift the load, withdrawal and/or spending limits on your account as well as be able to withdraw funds by bank wire, you will need to become verified. Business accounts must be verified in order to deposit, withdraw and send money. for more information you must read Terms and Conditions:

    How do I become verified?

    To start the verification process of your Payza account, simply follow these steps:

    1. Verification via Credit Card

    1. Log in to your Payza account
    2. Click on “Profile”,  and then click on “Account Verification”


    3. Complete the following procedure , select "Credit Card Validation"

    4. After Click Credit Card Validation
    On this page you can add basic information of your address & ATM Card and make sure your bank account address & Payza account address same if your address not correct then click Change address after all click next button.And next page  "Terms and Conditions" by check this agreement click submit.


    5. Go to your manage card option and click Validate Card

    6. After Validate Card the next page you will see two options 1. Validate by charge 2. Validate by Authorization Form,

    If you select option 1 validate by charge then payza ask your Credit card/Debit card/ATM card information CSV/CVV code and other basic account information and payza charge very little amount on your Card.
    And if you select Validate by Authorization Form then you need to upload your Authorization Form(Download "Authorization Form", Print this Form and sign it in two placed) your ATM Card Front and Back scan copy submit your document and after 3,5 business days Payza verify your Account.
    After Approved Documents go to My Credit Card Option and view your documents .

    After Validation My Card Successfully Verify Payza Account and this method work on All Time and All countries. Thanks ,

    2. How to Verify Payza Account without bank and credit card.

    Yes you can very easily verify your own Payza account within 2 to 4 business days with this method it's so simple and easy .You don’t have to Deposit or withdraw money via bank wire. All you need is simple documents mention below.

    1. 1st of all scan your ID card from both sides as seen in image mention below. Please note that you ID card shouldn't be expired and all the corners of your card should be clearly visible. Each language cards will be accepted.

    2. Once scanning the ID Card from both sides you've got to merge both these cards into one image. For this you'll be able to take help of Photoshop or Microsoft Paint and the end result should be seem like this.

    ID Card

    3. currently you need a one scan copy of Sui-gas, Electricity or telephone bill so as to verify your address. in fact bill name should matches with the name given in your Payza account. you can't modification your name in your account therefore either you've got to open a brand new account otherwise you have to offer the bill along with your name.
    Note: you can also send your bank statement if bill not available for your name.

    Also please note that bill address should be absolutely matched with the address given in your Payza account. If its not they'll reject your application. you'll be able to always change address in your Payza account easily by editing the profile settings. Bill should be latest and inside from last three months.
    Lessco Bill

    4. now its time to upload your documents. Visit this Payza Support Page
    And select the “My Account Support” link from the page. then choose “Account Verification Inquiries” and click on next button.

    5. you should see a form with some fields like your name, email address and message. simply fill within the details and write in the message box that i would like to verify my account and here are the specified documents.

    6. after filling the form fields simply click on upload link(add File) at the lowest of the page and it'll show you the Browse button. Click on it and choose your ID card scan copy.

    7. once more click on upload link(add File) so as to upload the scan bill copy. Enter the Captcha code and click on submit button i order to upload your documents.

    8. it will take some time to upload your documents so please wait and don’t click the button double. after that it'll show the verification message and you must also receive confirmation email on your email address. after that they will take 2 to 4 business days and your account will be verified.

    3. Business Account Verification

    If you have not verified your Business Account, you are limited to a maximum of $1,000.00 USD per load and $100.00 per withdrawal. To increase your maximums to $50,000.00 USD per load and $50,000.00 per withdrawal, your account must be verified. To verify your Business Account, in addition to submitting a proof of address and photo ID, you will be required to submit a Proof of Ownership for your business, such as one of the following:

    Article of Incorporation
    General Business Registration
    Doing Business As
    Tax Registration

    I think i help your to verify your payza account, thanks your read this post, wise you all the best friends :)
    2013, By: Seo Master
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