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seo Taking command of issue triage 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Jason Robbins, Google Project Hosting Team

Faster is better, especially for tedious tasks. Even though software development can be creative and exciting, it certainly has its share of tedious tasks. For example, that open source application library you developed that got users so excited? Well, now it is generating dozens of defect reports and enhancement requests for you and your teammates to sift through. Is your team growing? Are you planning a major release? Is it time to finally clean up obsolete issues? It’s awesome to be organized, but keeping up with all your issues can become tedious: click, click, click, click, click.

Today we’re launching a new issue tracking feature that allows quick edits in the issue preview window. It’s a happy medium between viewing one issue in detail and doing a bulk edit. Unlike the familiar forms-based UX that we normally use, quick edits are more command-like, keyboard-oriented, and emphasize the ability to repeat recent commands.

Previewing issues works about 40% faster than our normal issue detail page, so you can skim fast enough to achieve oneness with your backlog, then punch in some quick edits to show it who’s boss. When you’re in the zone, that click, click, click is replaced with something more like h, e, j, j, e, j, j, 2, e, j, e, j, j, j, 1, e, done! Here’s your cheat sheet:

Keystroke Action
hToggle the issue preview window.
j or kSelect the next or previous issue.
f, n, p, lScroll to the first, next, previous, or last comment in an issue.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5Select a recent command. If you modify the command or comment, it will be stored in that numbered slot for later reuse.
mFocus on the command text field.
eExecute the command and show the issue comment that it generated.

Not ready to go all-keyboard? Just turn on the user preference for issue preview when mousing. Then, you can do your most common and repetitive issue edits by just hovering over an ID number and clicking the Execute button.

Jason Robbins founded the ArgoUML and ReadySET open source projects as a result of his research into the cognitive challenges of software engineering tool UIs. He’s worked on Google Project Hosting since 2005. Over the years he’s been a contestant, coach, and judge for the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Weekly Google Code Roundup for July 2-6th 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Having the July 4th holiday smack in the middle of the week creates a strange week when it is hard to know which day it is. That being said, we have seen some interesting uses of our APIs, and we are happy to welcome a new team to Google.

In API and developer-product news...

Aleksander Fedorynski felt like "a penguin assigned to work on Herring Search" when he started building improvements to Google Code Search.

Alex Komoroske asked if you want spreadsheet filtering? and answers with a feature-rich auto filter that makes great use of the Spreadsheet Data API. Do a view source and see how it all works!

Mark Berghausen of the Search Quality Team has written a few words about the search considerations designers should think about when building a Flash-heavy site in: Best uses of Flash.

July 4th has gone, but the mashup is still here. Paul McDonald made it easy to find fireworks in your area, using the Google Mashup Editor. Speaking of which, Don Schwartz talks about how you can edit our mashup in whatever editor you choose.

Around Google

If you call 1-800-GOOG-411 you can now say "map it" and a map will be sent to you.

GrandCentral is now part of the team: "GrandCentral is an innovative service that lets users integrate all of their existing phone numbers and voice mailboxes into one account, which can be accessed from the web. We think GrandCentral's technology fits well into Google's efforts to provide services that enhance the collaborative exchange of information between our users."

Featured Projects

The Rocket GWT library provides the ability to define beans, properties, references and other Spring like concepts in GWT.

The Digg Roundup Gadget is a gadget based on the Digg Roundup tool, accompanied by a detailed "how-to" write up.

Google Tech Talks

The Seattle Conference on Scalability recently took place and a lot of great talks from the event have been made available:
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google I/O Scavenger Hunt Winners 2013

Seo Master present to you: The astute conference attendee would have noticed hidden QR codes around the conference, as well as the scannable QR codes on everyone's badge. We wanted to find a fun way for people to bond with their new phones, as well as network with other attendees, so we set about creating a scavenger hunt game using Google App Engine & Friend Connect. The app handled game logistics (a leaderboard, URL endpoints), and we printed up a bunch of custom QR code stickers that pointed to game URLs.

App Engine made writing the scavenger hunt app much easier than it otherwise would have been. The initial version of the app took one developer less than a day to turn out, and we continued to add functionality and tweak it as I/O approached and we tested it in real-world situations. The versioning deployment made it very easy to test and push out new versions without disrupting existing users.

The overall structure of the app was very straightforward: every QR-code had a unique URL, which was embedded into the generated QR code. A URL was associated with a number of points to be awarded and a destination URL (such as the user's profile information, in the case of a user's badge QR code). Users were signed in using Friend Connect, which allowed us to avoid concerns of authenticating users and managing sessions.

When a user visited a URL for the first time, we recorded that fact so they couldn't try and get extra points with repeat visits, then sent them to the destination URL. We also kept a running count of the user's score against the User entity, so as to not have to count up their points on every request. Generating the leaderboard was a simple matter of querying for the users with the most points and displaying them.

QR codes were generated using the Chart API, which simply takes a string of text and a few other parameters, and returns a fully formed QR code.

The three resourceful and persistent folks below beat out the competition to rise to the top of the scavenger hunt ranks - going to great lengths, including swag bribery, to gain points. A hearty (if belated) congratulations to the winners of the Google I/O mobile scavenger hunt!

1st Place - Abraham Williams
2nd Place - Waylon Flinn
3rd Place - Pete Richards

We hope everyone that participated learned how to use their Android phones a little better, met people they otherwise wouldn't have, and had some fun :)

2013, By: Seo Master

seo OTON: The Future Gaming Console! 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Everybody has heard of OUYA $8.5 Million story. OUYA is an Android-based videogame console which reached the record of fastest project to ever reach the million-dollar pledge mark (8 hours 22 minutes) and having taken in $2,589,687.77 worth of pledges in the first 24 hours.

A company in Alabama has promised to release a gaming console from future. They call themselves EnGeniux team.

OTON is powered with custom software built on top of a custom version of Ubuntu OS, called "Otonomous". The system will undergo updates regularly to support many game formats.

OTON is said to be capable of running Linux, Android, HTML and even other kind of apps too.

While interviewing the CEO, Derrick Samuels he told me:
OTON development is different. OTON is more like a virtual assistance for developers. So the process will be easy. We are working to have Android support and Linux games. When you call OTON a console..it will stand by that name! Play anything!

The best part of OTON is that it can generate the games instantly without any human effort.

OTON will be the first game console to support artificial intelligence capabilities. The system learns and will add an extra layer of challenge for only the worthy gamers. Enhanced game levels, characters, and game-play are just a few challenges only the elite gamers will dare challenge.

In future, OTON is expected to include updates, game music creation, photo creation, website creation, educational gaming creation, document creation and media content creation!

The games would also be updated with daily updates which will cost nothing!

An internal camera on the front of the system is designed to make motion gesture gaming possible as well as direct interaction with the operating system/ user interfaces.

The game can also create a blog or website to publish his games and thats too for FREE!

The OTON system will unlock unlimited possibilities for gamers, educators, and business, medical and game developers unlike any other console before.

The gamer can also transfer his game or app to his/her smartphone. It would also support online multiplayer games.

I wish these innovative guys the best!
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Apa Itu SPAM dan SARA ? 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Nah disini saya pengen berbagi ILMU lagi, rata rata Blogger yang masih Newbie masih belum tau Apa Itu SPAM dan SARA!
SPAM  dan SARA itu adalah singkatan dari :
SPAM : Stupid Pointless Annoying Message. Yang maksudnya Postingan atau Komentar yang isinya tidak jelas.
SARA : Suku, Agama, Ras, dan Anatomi / Antar golongan
Pasti sebelumnya anda bertanya-tanya tentang apa itu arti spam. banyak sekali blog yang menggunakan kalimat "Boleh Berkomentar asal Jangan Mengandung SPAM" kaya blognya saya. spam itu bisa merugikan dan bisa juga menguntungkan.
kita langsung ke pokoknya saja

Pengertian SPAM

Spam adalah penyalahgunaan sistem pesan elekronik (termasuk media penyiaran dan sistem pengiriman digital) untuk mengirim pesan massal yang tidak diinginkan. Yang paling dikenal bentuk Spam email dan juga Spam Komentar, blog, website dan lain lain.

Contoh seperti yang ada di blog saya sendiri ada yang berkomentar
~Kunjungi balik sob ke http://......com

Tanpa kita sadari bahwa itu berjenis SPAM
Kesel ga kalo ada yang ngomen gitu? Kesel sih kalo cuma dikit mah, tapi kalo terlalu banyak ga bisa sabar lagi terpaksa deh di hapus komentarnya.
Melakukan spam pasti ada tujuannya, yang jelas tujuannya itu membuat untung bagi dirinya sendiri namunmembuat RUGI bagi orang yang menerima SPAM tersebut. Tujuan dari Spam mungkin untuk memperoloeh untung yang sebanyak banyaknya dengan menyebarkan sebuah link yang menjadi sumber untugnnya itu

SARA adalah berbagai pandangan dan tindakan yang didasarkan pada sentimen identitas yang menyangkut keturunan, agama, kebangsaan atau kesukuan dan golongan. Setiap tindakan yang melibatkan kekerasan, diskriminasi dan pelecehan yang didasarkan pada identitas diri dan golongan dapat dikatakan sebagai tidakan SARA. Tindakan ini mengebiri dan melecehkan kemerdekaan dan segala hak-hak dasar yang melekat pada manusia. 
SARA Dapat Digolongkan Dalam Tiga Katagori : 

• Kategori pertama yaitu Individual : merupakan tindakan Sara yang dilakukan oleh individu maupun kelompok. Termasuk di dalam katagori ini adalah tindakan maupun pernyataan yang bersifat menyerang, mengintimidasi, melecehkan dan menghina identitas diri maupun golongan.

• Kategori kedua yaitu Institusional : merupakan tindakan Sara yang dilakukan oleh suatu institusi, termasuk negara, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, sengaja atau tidak sengaja telah membuat peraturan diskriminatif dalam struktur organisasi maupun kebijakannya.

• Kategori ke tiga yaitu Kultural : merupakan penyebaran mitos, tradisi dan ide-ide diskriminatif melalui struktur budaya masyarakat.

Nah setelah kalian membaca ini yang suka Berkomentar SARA dan SPAM jadi sadar kan? hhehe
Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^

2013, By: Seo Master
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