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seo Google Penalizes Another Link Network: SAPE Links 2013

Seo Master present to you:

The rumors floating around the SEO industry right now is that Google has crushed yet another link network. SAPE links, a link network I honestly never heard of, was the target this time. Any of those using SAPE links were supposedly penalized and downgraded in their rankings over the past 24 hours or so.


We have dozens of threads about downgrades of Google rankings but the black hat SEO forums all seem to point at SAPE Links as the cause.
Black Hat World and Black Hat Group both seem convinced the reason for the downgrade in rankings in Google yesterday was due to having links from SAPE links.
However, others are not sure if it is specific to SAPE or some other link network.
There is clearly something going on, it doesn't seem to be an algorithmic update but it does seem to be a targeted penalty attacking specific link networks and the sites/webmasters that use them.
Here is a list of threads that are complaining about ranking declines at Google WebmasterHelp.
A tweet from about a month ago from Google's Matt Cutts kind of supports this. SAPE Links is a Russian link network:
2013, By: Seo Master

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المصدر: المصفوفة

seo 10 ขั้นตอน ในเรื่องของ Keyword กับการทำ OnPage SEO 2013

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seo Threaded comments - Blogger simple and beautiful 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Threaded commentsThis is a default style for Thread Comments Blogger. Comment thread hierarchy with CSS for Blogger - blogspot, improved from Blogger + Duy Pham  hope it fits the style the majority of blog. First, save a copy of the original template to prevent uncertainties. After that, go to the HTML editor, delete all old Threaded comments apply CSS in your template. Continuing insert this code before ]]> </ b: skin>
/* Comments
----------------------------------------------- */
.comments {background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;clear: both;margin-top: 10px;padding: 10px;width: 96%;}
#comments h4{display:inline;padding:10px;line-height:40px}
#comments h4,.comments .comment-header,.comments .comment-thread.inline-thread .comment{position:relative}
#comments h4,.comments .continue a{background:#ff9000}
#comments h4,.comments .user a,.comments .continue a{font-size:16px}
#comments h4,.comments .continue a{font-weight:normal;color:#fff}
#comments h4:after{content:"";position:absolute;bottom:-10px;left:10px;border-top:10px solid #ff9000;border-right:20px solid transparent;width:0;height:0;line-height:0}
.comments .avatar-image-container{width:42px;max-height:42px;height:42px;padding:2px;border:1px solid #CCCBCB}
.comments .avatar-image-container img{max-width:42px;width:100%}
.comments .inline-thread .avatar-image-container{width:36px;height:36px}
.comments .comment-block{margin-left:53px;padding:5px 10px;border:1px solid #CCCBCB;-webkit-border-radius:3px;-moz-border-radius:3px;-o-border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px}
.comments .inline-thread .comment-block{margin-left:48px}
.comments .comment-block::before,.comments .comment-block::after{content:"";width:0;height:0;border-width:10px 8px;border-style:solid;border-color:transparent #CECECE transparent transparent;position:absolute;top:8px;right:100%}
.comments .comment-block::after{border-color:transparent white transparent transparent;right:auto;left:-15px}
.comments .comments-content .comment-header{border-bottom:1px solid #CCCBCB;padding-bottom:3px;margin:-1px -3px 10px}
.comments .comments-content .comment{margin-bottom:12px;padding:0}
.comments .comments-content .icon.blog-author{position:absolute;right:10px;top:-3px;width:65px;height:20px;background-color:#FF9000;-webkit-border-radius:0 0 3px 3px;-moz-border-radius:0 0 3px 3px;-o-border-radius:0 0 3px 3px;border-radius:0 0 3px 3px}
.comments .comments-content .icon.blog-author::after{content:"Admin";position:absolute;color:white;text-shadow:0 1px 2px #646464;top:0px;left:10px}
#comments-block{margin:1em 0 1.5em;line-height:1.6em}
#comments-block .comment-author{margin:.5em 0}
#comments-block .comment-body{margin:.25em 0 0}
#comments-block .comment-footer{margin:-.25em 0 2em;line-height:1.4em;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.1em}
#comments-block .comment-body p{margin:0 0 .75em}
Source: http://bloggersviet.blogspot.com
2013, By: Seo Master

seo How to Customize Blogger Comments By Adding a Background Color and Border 2013

Seo Master present to you: The comments are an essential part of a blog because in them is reflected the readers' opinions regarding a post or our blog, so it is important to spend a little of our time to make this part looking more presentable, accessible and neat.

To set in order our comments, it is necessary to make each comment easy to identify, therefore to know from where it begins and to where it ends, otherwise it becomes a jumble of letters of which the reader can run away. Here are some ways to make some order by separating each comment.

- Add a Separator To Blogger Comments
- Add a Divider Below Comments in Blogger
- Fully Customize Your Blogger Comments By Changing The Background Color and Border

The first method is the easiest, and is about how to put a border below our comments, this is to separate each blog comment in a simple but effective way.

How to Add a Separator/Border To Blogger Comments

customize comments, blogger

Step 1. To add a simple separator go to Template > Edit HTML and click on the small arrow on the left of <b:skin>...</b:skin>
Step 2. Click anywhere inside the code area and search using CTRL + F keys, for the following piece of code:

Step 3. Paste the following style just above it:

- If we are using threaded comments (with the reply option):

.comment-block {
border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;

.comments .continue {
  border-top: 0px solid $(widget.alternate.text.color);

- If we are using previous commenting system (with no reply option)

#comments-block .comment-footer {
border-bottom:1px solid #000000;

Note: To change the border's color, replace the bolded color value and to change its thickness, increase/decrease the 1 value.

Step 4. Save the Template.

Instead of a simple border, we can also add a divider/image between our comments.

How to Add a Divider (Image) Between Each Comment in Blogger

blogger comments, blogger tricks, blogger tutorials

Step 1. Go to Template > Edit HTML and search (CTRL + F) for the following piece of code:

Step 2. Paste the following just above it:

- If we are using threaded comments (with the reply option):
.comment-block {
background-position:center bottom;
margin-top: -10px;

.comments .continue {
border-top: 0px solid $(widget.alternate.text.color);

- If we are using previous commenting system (with no reply function)
#comments-block .comment-footer {
background-position:center bottom;
height: 50px;

Note: The URL that is in blue represents the image that you can change as you like, just remember that at the height must set the height of an image with 30px more, for instance, if the image's height is 50px then the value will be 80px. This is for making sure that the image won't overlap the date of comments. (for threaded comments, increase/decrease the padding 30 value)

Step 3. Save the Template.

But you can still have more styles for each comment, for example adding a background color and a border.

How to Add A Border and A Background Color To Blogger Comments

blogger tips, blogger tricks, gadgets
Step 1. Go to Template > Edit HTML and search for the following piece of code:

Step 2. Paste the following just above it:

- If we are using threaded comments (with the reply option):
.comment-block {
background:#F9F9F9; /* Background Color */
border: 1px solid #f1f1f1; /* Border style */
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
-moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;

.comments .comment-thread.inline-thread {
background-color: #FAFAFA; /* Background color behind the replies */
border-left: 4px dotted #E6E6E6; /* Border on the left side of replies */

.comment-content {
padding:2px 10px 10px 10px;
color:#444444; /* Font Color in Comments */

.datetime a {
margin-left: 2px;

.comments .comments-content .user a{
color:#1982D1; /* Author's name color */
font-size: 12px; /* Author's name size */
padding-left: 10px;

.comments .comment .comment-actions a,.comments .comment .continue a{
margin:0 0 10px 10px;
padding:0 15px;
border:1px solid #C2C2C5;

.comments .continue {
border-top: 0px solid $(widget.alternate.text.color);

.comments .comments-content .icon.blog-author {
background-image: none;
margin-left: -10px;

.comments .avatar-image-container{
margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
width: 40px;
max-height: 40px;
border: 1px solid #F2F2F2;
padding: 1px;

.comments .avatar-image-container img{
margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
max-width: 40px;
height: 40px;

Step 3. Save the Template.

- If we are using previous commenting system (with no reply function):

Step 1. Search for this line in your template:
<b:loop values='data:post.comments' var='comment'>

Step 2. Then, add the following code just below of it:
<div class='comments-ct'>

Step 3. Look a little further down and you'll see the </b:loop> code and just above it, add this:

Step 4. Now find this:

Step 5. And just above of it, add this CSS code:
background:#F9F9F9; /* Background Color */
border: 1px solid #f1f1f1; /* Bprder Style */
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
-moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;

.comment-body {
color:#444444; /* Font Color in Comments */

.comments-ct a {
padding-left: 5px; /* Link color */
color: #4A9BD8;

.comment-timestamp a {
(The rounded edges will not work in Internet Explorer with CSS)

In either case, you can change the background color, border, etc.. in parts with annotations in green.

Step 6. Save the Template.

If you need more help, leave a comment below.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Facebook Redesign News Feed - How To Get New Design ? 2013

Seo Master present to you:
facebook new news feed design
As Facebook is one of the most popular social networking site, it tends to experiment with its design and add new features For example in 2012 it introduces Timeline and added feature of video calling. On Thursday facebook unveils its redesign News Feed. You can customize the News Feed by selecting options from feeds like: Most recent, friends, group, music etc. The great thing about the new design is that the customized settings will work on multiplatform for Example customized settings for News feed will be shown on your tablet as well as mobile phone or any other devices.

How To Get New Design ?

If you join the wait list you will be one of few users who can experience this new feature before others, otherwise it will take few weeks to show up new design for your account. Follow the simple steps given below to try this new facebook look.

1. First Login to your Facebook account.
2. Then go to www.facebook.com/about/newsfeed
3. Now scroll to bottom of the page and click on Join Wait List

facebook new news feed design

Few ScreenShots Of New Design

If you are eager to see the new look of facebook, check out few screenschots of facebooks new design. 

facebook new news feed design

facebook new news feed design

facebook new news feed design

Video Of Facebook New Look

2013, By: Seo Master

seo 10 Latest SEO tools to Help your Website Free SEO Service 2013 2013

Seo Master present to you:

10 Latest SEO tools to Help your Website | Blog SEO Free 2013

Today I am going to discuss with you about what SEO tools and how to use it. So if you want successful online business then you are going to need know the entire thing about SEO. Here are some SEO techniques and tools. You should definitely to adopt:

free seo tools seo make free tools

1.       Backlink Building  Services or Tools

Use the automated tools or the professional backlink building services to create a more and free backlinks and this is helpful for your website. For Make free backlinks check my tutorials give your free more then 6000+ backlinks easily.

2.        Backlink Analyzer tools

There are so manyfree and latest tools that  will easily analyze that how many free backlinks your Blog | webpage has and this has the Directly impact on the Google | Bing  search engine rankings.

3.         Search Engine Ranking Reports

Search Engine Ranking Reports contain your important data about that how well your webpage and website fare in the Google | Bing search engines for your keywords and this can give just idea that Your SEO strategy is right working or not.

4.         Google PageRank

This is very important that Google PageRank is a statistic and that tells you how the Google views the tested your website URL. Google offers the tool to reveal and this for your website. If you want PageRank for your website so then you can make some on page and off page SEO important for your website

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5.        Domain Popularity Analyzer

If you running a website | Blog so this is very important that how your competitors website owner are doing with his website and use the domain | website popularity tool to and you can  see that how they compare more backlinks and visits.

6.        Google SEO Tools

Google is Very important Search engine as all you know that so Use Google and Google itself to analyze your website’s | Blog SEO. So try to use webmaster account daily and checked all update From Google.

7.        Domain Age Tool

The age of the website is quite important in the Google | Bing rankings, and with mature websites | Blogs having stable ranking positions.so it’s very important for the Domain for the search engin.

8.        Plagiarism Checker

This is very important if you write article or tutorials then you have to checked plagiarism or not. So make sure yourself otherwise Search Engine Banned you and Advertiser also so check online easily.
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9.         Keyword Density Checkers

There are lots of tools available in internet which will tell you that what the density of the chosen keyword is on your website, domain and page. This is can help you find what the actual keyword suitable for your website.

10.  Pages Indexed Analysis

If your page is not indexed fast so try to Use the tool that analyzes that how many webpages from your website are currently indexed or not by the Google | Bing search engines.

So this is some tools that Help to your website to increase your SE0 experience easily so if I have mention I think all tools and summarize it. So share your experience below
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Open Source Projects - Apply for Google Summer of Code 2013

Seo Master present to you: Google Summer of CodeTM, our flagship program to introduce college students to open source development, opens today. Over the past five years, we've seen more than 3,400 successful students "graduate" from the program, and we're looking forward to welcoming another group of students for our sixth year. We're now accepting applications from open source projects who wish to act as mentoring organizations and will begin accepting applications from students on March 29th. For more details, check out the Google Open Source Blog.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Last Call for Google I/O 2013

Seo Master present to you:

For those of you who were quick to register, we thank you for continuing to support our developer initiatives -- this year's I/O is slated to be one of our best yet. For the rest of our developers, we weren’t kidding when we told you we <3 our developers.

Starting Wednesday, March 16, we will be launching Last Call for Google I/O: A contest that spans 10 days, 10 developer challenges and 100 chances to win tickets to attend the now-sold-out Google I/O 2011.

Here’s how it works. We will announce a new challenge on the contest site on select dates at either 9am or 4pm PDT, that will last for 24 hours each. There will be 10 days of challenges with 10 winners on each day, spanning the following developer products:

  • March 16 - Android, 9:00 am
  • March 17 - Chrome, 9:00 am
  • March 18 - App Engine, 9:00 am
  • March 21 - YouTube APIs, 9:00 am
  • March 22 - Game Developers, 9:00 am
  • March 23 - Google Maps / Geo, 4:00 pm
  • March 24 - Commerce, 9:00 am
  • March 25 - Developer Tools / GWT, 9:00 am
  • March 28 - Accessibility, 4:00 pm
  • March 29 - Google Apps / Enterprise, 4:00 pm

Each of the challenges will focus on one of our developer products and has two rounds. Plan to be in front of your computers for the first half-hour that the challenge starts to complete a series of questions for Round I, which will qualify you for the main coding challenge in Round II. You will have a little over 20hrs to complete Round II.

We want to make sure that we provide the opportunity to attend Google I/O to as many developers as possible and hope you’re feeling up to the task. The contest is valid in the 50 United States and the District of Columbia with winners being announced on April 4. And don’t forget that we will be livestreaming the keynotes and taping sessions during Google I/O. Stay tuned!

For more information and contest rules, visit the contest site.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Fridaygram: women in tech, buzzing bees, storytelling rules 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Scott Knaster, Google Developers Blog Editor

Today is International Women’s Day, and one of the ways we’re celebrating is by being part of the Voices Global Conference. The conference includes sessions focused on women in technology, including new Women Techmakers episodes. You can watch live streams and archived videos, all available on the conference site.

Sometimes people ask the purpose of events like this. Beryl Nelson, writing in the Official Google Blog says it nicely: “A diverse workforce is critical in helping us build products that can help people change the world. That includes diversity of all life experiences, including gender.”

Now let’s turn to the uncommon combination of insects and coffee. Researchers in England were able to use caffeine found in some plants to help train the long-term memory of bees. The bees that got a hit of caffeine were far more likely to remember a particular plant than bees that received just sugar water. Coffee drinkers are probably nodding their heads knowingly at this news.

Finally, be sure to read Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling, which has been making the Internet rounds again lately. And try to take the time to enjoy a great story yourself this weekend.

Fridaygram: it’s not the usual yada yada. Sure, you figured out all the hidden codes on the new Google I/O site earlier this week, but think about this: why were those particular numbers chosen? See what you can come up with, then leave a comment on our +Google Developers page.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Plus Marketing for your blog 2013

Seo Master present to you:
If you use Google Plus for marketing your blog, you must have noticed its how efficient it is. Google Plus lets others to connect with your blog and driving traffic to your website. There are some factors which if taken care of, can increase your traffic from Google Plus.

  • Use Images. While posting your blog's article link, always use an Image. Its most likely that Google Plus will search your link for the image, and you have to just select the best out of it. Select the one which you think most resembles your content. 

  • Use Description. Posting your articles's link is not enough. Provide a short introduction to it in your content so that the link is reached from searches. The search engine for Plus won't discover you from the links. They will find from the Intorduction. If you dont have time, atleast copy paste the first paragraph from the post only. 

  • Use formatting. Take advantage of Google Plus formatting techniques. 

    • Bold Text. Use astrick (*) before and after the text. *www.www.matrixar.com* will make it appear www.www.matrixar.com.
    • Italic Text. Use underscore(_) before and after the text. _www.www.matrixar.com_ will make it appear www.www.matrixar.com.
    • Strike through Text. Use hyphen(-) before and after the text. -www.www.matrixar.com- will make it appear www.www.matrixar.com.

  • Circle people. You add someone to your Circle and chances are they will do the same and your audience increase in that way. Don't Circle anyone. If you are blogging on a topic, try adding peoples who are also contributing in that topic. This will surely help getting more traffic. 

  • Join pages, communities and share your blog's latest articles. Many communities are provided with 'share your latest post' options. Don't add links where it is not allowed to. There are many alowed pages for promotion. 

  • Connect with the audience. If someone likes your posts, or share it, give him a thanks. They feel connected with you in that way. A 'thank you' won't cost you anything. 

You have any more ideas? Do share in comments. I will update in the post along with your name. 

2013, By: Seo Master

seo The Business of Code, The Code of Business 2013

Seo Master present to you: This post is part of the Who's @ Google I/O, a series of blog posts that gives a closer look at developers who'll be speaking or demoing at Google I/O. This post is written by Albert Wenger, partner at Union Square Ventures (and still enjoys writing code!). Albert will be speaking alongside others in venture capital on a panel at Google I/O.

Reading the Google Code blog, it is hard not to marvel at the fundamental transformation that is taking place in the business of code. By the business of code, I mean the economics of developing and selling software. My first exposure to the software business was as a teenager in Germany some twenty five years ago. Driver's education there is quite expensive because one has to take many mandatory lessons. After all, once you have passed you get to drive on the Autobahn, which, to this date, has long stretches without a speed limit! I thought I was being clever by agreeing to write software for a driving school in exchange for free lessons. It turns out the clever one was the owner of the driving school who turned around and sold the software to several other schools.

So what would it have taken for me then to become an ISV (independent software vendor), other than actually having the idea? These were the early days of PCs. I would have had to spend a lot of money on marketing and a lot of time on in-person sales and on-premise / telephone support. Most ISVs at the time grew locally for that reason and it was not uncommon to have highly fragmented markets with literally dozens of different vendors. As the software would have grown past the very simple initial functionality that I had created, I would have had to write pretty much everything I needed myself. Need billing? Write a billing module. Need asset tracking? Write an asset tracking module. The marketplace for components evolved only much later and was almost as fragmented as the ISV market.

This situation persisted until quite recently. In fact, in 2003 I spent a year getting to know the market for software for trucking companies in the US (Why? That's a long story). That market still had essentially the same characteristics: highly fragmented, regional customer bases, and almost 100% monolithic custom systems.

Since then, the situation has changed dramatically. Today, creating new software means focusing on what the unique contribution is that one wants to offer and figuring out how to integrate with everything else. Need a spreadsheet? Use Google Apps. Need telephony? Use Twilio (disclosure: Twilio is a USV portfolio company). Marketing can happen on the web through keyword advertising and, better yet, SEO and customer sharing. For many solutions, even sales can be entirely web-based (enter a credit card!). Support can happen over the web and often users can support each other through community. Add cloud computing to the mix and you eliminate the fixed cost that was such a high barrier to entry in the early days of the web (I remember the extraordinary bills for servers and bandwidth in 1999!).

All of this has made it possible for small teams to create big successes. It is amazing what a few great coders can do, leveraging all the services that are now available. It is,however, not just the cost side of the business of code that has changed dramatically. Competition has gone global. Someone in a faraway place can create a system, and it is instantly available everywhere. The days of the profitable, regional ISV business are over. The source of competitive advantage has also shifted. In the past, if your solution had better features, you could land a sale even against a competitor that had more customers. Now, better features don't mean that much if the larger competitor has built a network effect into their business. Imagine trying to start a LinkedIn or Salesforce competitor with better features. So the very same forces that are making it much easier to get started are making it much harder to build a successful and sustainable business.

Does that mean that there will be fewer opportunities going forward? Maybe. But there is a strong countervailing force that is creating important new opportunities: the code of business is also changing. By the code of business, I mean how companies and industries (and even societies) are organized. At Union Square Ventures, we are convinced that over time, the Internet will transform most, if not all, industries as much as it is changing the software business. This has started with the media industry, where after years of prediction of change we are now seeing massive shifts.

The reason that the code of business will change is that much of it is based on historic constraints on the bandwidth and latency of information flows. For instance, a command-and-control type hierarchy is still at the heart of (almost) all large corporations. Information flows up the hierarchy with middle management in charge of aggregating information flows. Commands then flow down with middle management translating into finer grained actions. This basic structure dates back to a time of messengers and telegraphs. Corporations are slowly shifting away towards more of an Internet architecture of "small pieces, loosely joined" -- but in many cases the end state may mean that the "pieces" are independent, small companies instead of units of a large company.

These changes will take a great deal of time (decades) because existing structures have a ton of inertia. Far more people tend to be interested in preserving the status quo than in making radical changes. Also, when a whole system needs changing, it is often difficult to get there one piece-at-a-time because all the components need to fit together. But as they start to occur in other industries, the opportunities will be massive. To give just one example, consider education: the size of the textbook industry alone in the US is estimated at $7 billion annually. This is a pure content business ripe for disruption.

Enough reading -- time for everyone with a transformative idea to start coding!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Join the League of Extraordinary #H4ckers at SXSW! 2013

Seo Master present to you: Heading to Austin, TX for South by Southwest (SXSW) this week? Good — so are we. And we’re planning what I hope will be a an event for the ages!

The festivities start at 1pm on March 13 with the opening of The League of Extraordinary Hackers followed by a very special SuperHappyDevHouse at 7pm at the Speakeasy on 412 Congress Ave in Austin.

Business by day, hacking by night

From 1pm to 6pm, we’ll be hosting a series of 15-minute rapid-fire API briefings focused on Google’s latest developer offerings including: Android, Chrome, HTML5, Blogger, Google TV, Google Maps, App Engine, YouTube, Web Fonts, Cellbots, and Fusion Tables. Immediately following each talk, the speakers will be holding court during office hours in Speakeasy’s open air rooftop lounge.

At the same time, we’ll be demoing Google TV and the YouTube Leanback experience in the Leanback Lounge on the second floor. And if you’re just looking for a place to chill, meet other Google developers, or grab free WiFi and juice for your devices, we’ve got you covered in that department as well.

Yes, this is one of our drink cards.
At 7pm, we’ll welcome the SuperHappyDevHouse community for a night of hacking, lightning talks, a LEGO® MINDSTORMS® sumobot competition (!), steampunkery, and Google TV and Xbox 360® Kinect tomfoolery. And if a soundtrack co-curated on Rdio weren’t enough to make your booty move, then come get loosened up with League-inspired elixirs concocted by Google’s own mixologist, Daniel “Gin not Vodka” Nadasi!

This event promises to be one-of-a-kind and a rare respite from the pure partying events at SXSW. Of course it wouldn’t be possible with a great cast of sponsors including Google, Windows Live, The LEGO Group, NPR, Sencha, Red Bull Creation, Twilio, and Rdio.

Get on the list and invite your friends

Since we’re managing attendees separately, the most important links you need are the ones that get you in (and get you free drinks!):
  1. RSVP for The League of Extraordinary Hackers
You can also find these events elsewhere:
  1. The League of Extraordinary Hackers is on Facebook, Plancast, and Lanyrd
  2. SHDH@SXSW is on Facebook, Plancast, and Lanyrd
Not attending SXSW? No worries — follow along with the #h4ckers hashtag on March 13.

Hope to see you there!

P.S. Make sure to follow @googlesxsw for updates during the show!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo What To Look For When Buying A New Android Tablet? 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Android tablets are known as sleek, modern, cool and portable. In the past, this technology seems nowhere, but today it is the number one champion in World of computer technology.

Android tablet PC has a flat screen that is very similar to a laptop screen. You will not find any keyboard because you can type using its touchscreen. The truth is that tablets are like PCs, but it does not have components that include a traditional computer like keyboard, mouse, heavy battery and touchpad. This is the reason why this gadget is more affordable compared to laptop.

There are lots of different tablets available in the market today, so it is important to know how you can choose the best tablet. There are important points that you need to consider such as screen size, personal needs, cost and the types of device you want.
Dont forget to check: Useful Apps for Your Android Tablets

Personal needs:

             If you are a type of person who are heavy internet user and your high powered laptop is always running out of battery, then android tablets is what you need. If you want to play games, watch movies and listen to music after work, but you still need to do other stuff, then it is also for you. If you need steady access with your email and social networking sites, then you need to look for a tablet. There are lots of things that you can do with your tablet.

Screen size:

            You will find diverse screen sizes for tablets that will match your special needs. There are 5, 7 to 10 inches tablets that you can find in the market. It is a fact that the smaller a tablet is the handier it becomes. You also need to become aware that as you decrease the screen size, you are also sacrificing your viewing pleasure. So, it is important that you choose the screen size according to function. If you love watching and reading using your tablet, then you need to invest for one with a larger screen.


            Almost all big names in computer industry has launched their own version of tablet and each of them has different specifications, but all of them are running on android operating system. You will find cheap tablets that can offer the same functionality as expensive version. You can save tons of money if you do not want a particular name tag on your tablet.


            Tablets that are not very popular in the market are known as cheap tablets that can offer very low price. The good thing about these cheap versions is that it does not sacrifice experience and functionality as it is still capable to download the same applications like what you can do with expensive tablets.

Author Bio:
DinoDirect China Limited is one of the biggest global online retailers. It offers a great quantity of products with competitive price by cutting the middleman and offering products directly to the terminal consumers.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Introducing Page Speed mobile analysis, on Google Chrome for Android 2013

Seo Master present to you:

By Libo Song and Matthew Hillyard, Software Engineers

Nearly a year ago, we launched Page Speed for Chrome, which has enabled Chrome users to get Page Speed performance suggestions to make their desktop sites faster. Today, we are releasing an update to Page Speed for Chrome that supports mobile Page Speed analysis via Chrome for Android. With Page Speed for Chrome and Chrome for Android, you can perform Page Speed analysis on the mobile version of your web pages, as they are loaded in the Chrome for Android mobile browser.

Many web sites serve mobile-specific versions of their pages. Often, the mobile pages have very different Page Speed scores and Page Speed reports from their desktop counterparts. Page Speed on Chrome for Android makes it easy to analyze both the desktop and mobile versions of your web pages, so you can be sure that your pages load faster for the users of both your desktop and mobile sites.

When analyzing the mobile version of pages, Page Speed for Chrome tunes its analysis to reflect the unique performance characteristics of mobile devices and networks, suggesting the optimizations that will have the biggest impact on reducing load times for your mobile users. Using the powerful Chrome Developer Tools Extension APIs, Page Speed for Chrome can identify renderer performance optimizations that are especially relevant on mobile, such as removing unnecessary reflows and finding long-running scripts that slow down your pages. Page Speed for Chrome will also automatically minify and optimize your HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and image files and make them available for you to download, so you can easily deploy them on your web server.

To get started using Page Speed on Chrome for Android:
  • Follow the instructions to install the Page Speed for Chrome extension on your desktop Chrome browser.
  • Enable remote debugging in Chrome running on your Android device.
  • Navigate to the remote Chrome Developer Tools page in your desktop browser (localhost:9222) .
  • Select one of the Chrome tabs running on your Android device.
In addition to the full Chrome Developer Tools, you will see Page Speed in the Developer Tools panel. Click the Page Speed icon to switch to the Page Speed tab, then click Run Page Speed to generate mobile Page Speed suggestions for the web page that’s loaded on your Android device.

Page Speed screen shot

We hope you’ll give Page Speed for Chrome on Android a try. Please send us feedback via our discussion list and let us know what features you’d like to see us to add next. You may also be interested in watching our recent Google I/O talk on Page Speed performance best practices for mobile web sites.

Libo Song is a software engineer at Google Boston working on the Page Speed team to make the web faster.

Matthew Hillyard worked on the Page Speed team as an intern. He has since graduated with a Master’s degree in computer science from Johns Hopkins University and currently is a software engineer on the Google+ team.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo How To ADD Awesome Multi-Tab Widget For Your Blogger 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Friends, Now i share a awesome multi-tab widget. Its very easy to customize with  your blogger layout. It look like a  and professional. You can add three different contents in one widget .When ever you click on any tab on right side then it will open like this way that a curtain comes from bottom and exhibits the content. Double click on a same tab will drop up/down the tab automatically. You can add this stylish widget to your blogger. Just follow this post to add this widget in to your blog.
 multi -tab widget for blogger(www.matrixar.com)

Now Go to Blogger Dashboard
  • Go to Layout option

  • Click on Add a Gadget

  • Select HTML/JavaScript option from given list.

  • Copy below code and paste it in HTML/JavaScript box.

#tabbed_box_1 {
margin: 0px auto 0px auto;
.tabbed_area {
border:1px solid #494e52;

ul.tabs {
margin:0px; padding:0px;
ul.tabs li {
ul.tabs li a {
padding:8px 14px 8px 14px;
font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
border:1px solid #464c54;
ul.tabs li a:hover {
ul.tabs li a.active {
border:1px solid #464c54;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff;
.content {
border:1px solid #464c54;
font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
#content_2, #content_3 { display:none; }

.content ul {
padding:0px 20px 0px 20px;
.content ul li {
border-bottom:1px solid #d6dde0;
.content ul li:last-child {
.content ul li a {
.content ul li a small {
font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
.content ul li a:hover {
.content ul li a:hover small {

<script src="http://nettuts.s3.amazonaws.com/001_Tabbed/site/scripts/jquery-1.2.3.min.js"></script>

// When the document loads do everything inside here ...

// When a link is clicked
$undefined"a.tab").clickundefinedfunction undefined) {

// switch all tabs off

// switch this tab on

// slide all content up

// slide this content up
var content_show = $undefinedthis).attrundefined"title");

<div id="tabbed_box_1" class="tabbed_box">
<div class="tabbed_area">

<ul class="tabs">
<li><a title="content_1" class="tab active">TAB1-NAME</a></li>
<li><a title="content_2" class="tab">TAB2-NAME</a></li>
<li><a title="content_3" class="tab">TAB3-NAME</a></li>

<div id="content_1" class="content">
<p>Tab one content goes here</p>
<div id="content_2" class="content">
<p>Tab one content goes here</p>
<div id="content_3" class="content">
<p>Tab one content goes here</p>

Change highlighted RED color with Your Tab Name and Contents

  • Save it.

Leave a comment …… If you like this widget………………..

2013, By: Seo Master

seo SEO TIPS 2013

Seo Master present to you: Why do we need link building for your site?

Because even if your website has terrific content, killer graphics, and the latest shopping cart, it won't get any traffic without relevant one way backlinks. And getting these links can be a very arduous, labor intense and difficult task.

In today's competitive market with hundreds and even thousands of website trying to rank highly in Google, Yahoo and MSN, link building isn't just an indulgence for website owners, it's an absolute necessity. The benefits of optimizing a website's page titles and content to focus on certain keywords and phrases will only go so far. In fact, in competitive keyword markets there's not a chance in the world that your website will obtain high rankings for popular keywords with impeccable on page optimization efforts alone, at least in the major search engines.

Incorporating a link building strategy to improve your website's rankings should be among the first consideration when you're looking to optimize and promote your website, not simply an afterthought.

Incoming links, whether they are links obtained from blog reviews, link baiting or link building services like article marketing and directory submissions, all play a role in your website's global link popularity. While even the major search engines use differing algorithms to determine a website's ranking for certain keywords or keyword phrases, incoming links are amongst the most important factors that help to determine whether a website will rank in the top ten for certain keyphrases or rank on the 37th page of the search results for their target keywords.

What link building does for a website?

When you incorporate a link building strategy into your website search engine optimization, you really are getting more than a mere backlink out of the effort; you're getting the keyword targeting as well.

We are here for you to provide you with the valued links to your site which will give it highest ranking in search engine.

There are many advantages of link building.

  • Link building helps in getting quality traffic from relevant sites which increases sales.
  • The high quality incoming links will make your site a valuable resource.
  • Link building helps in creating awareness, visibility and credibility of your site.
  • The site also obtains wider search engine exposure.
  • It also helps the website get indexed by search engines.

Virtual Assistant

We provide virtual office management services that are comprehensive and dependable. Virtual office management services are provided for businesses, small office, home office, executives, contractors, associations and individuals.

  • Outsourcing office management tasks to a virtual assistant keeps you focused on building your business.
  • "Special", "urgent" or last minute tasks can be done promptly by a virtual office management service without sacrificing the completion of other work.
  • Outsourced office management functions to a virtual assistant will add a fresh perspective to the detail of your projects.
  • Outsourcing legal research and writing will keep you focused on other client needs.
  • Outsourcing real estate transaction management will keep you out in the field selling more homes.
  • Confidential materials can be kept out of harms way in a virtual office management environment.
  • Office productivity is completed without hiring employees or using a temporary staffing agency.
  • With a virtual assistant you will not have to retrain the turn-over of office agency staff.
  • Your Association's volunteers will not be lost in the dilemma of not having the time to spend on clerical tasks because of employer requirements.

Article Submission

Article Submission, the name itself conveys about the total process involved. Articles are a best way of website promotion and also a popular way of getting one way links that gets you high search engine positions and good page rank. Article Submission is one of the best methods of gaining quality one-way incoming links to your website and has become a part and parcel of search engine optimization (SEO) process. Article Submission is a powerful method of gaining quality one-way incoming links to your site and has become standard in website search engine optimization strategies. Article Submission is the process of taking informational articles and publishing them to article directories. Informational articles are not self-promotional based, but give people actual valuable information regarding your industry. Article Website allows authors in hundreds of niche fields to get massive levels of exposure in exchange for the submission of their quality original articles. As a professional link building company we know how to utilize good quality articles in order to get the best internet exposure. When it comes to article writing, for any reason you are using it, it is essential to keep in mind that this is not an opportunity to sell yourself. Self promotion should be left to one or two sentences in your resource box instead. For those who will be using their articles to help marketing their online business, it is key to avoid this very common mistake.

Directory submissions

Directory submissions provide a large number of benefits for your website's search engine optimization (SEO); it's not only about the links, either. Submitting your website to SEO friendly directories certainly will help you increase your website's link popularity, which is one of the most important factors used to determine your websites overall ranking in search engines. However, the website optimization benefits don't stop with increased link popularity; keyword targeting is a major website optimization benefit that can be obtained from the use of a directory submission service.

Niche Directory Submission:

Niche Directories list only specific type of Businesses and Websites. They are also known as Vertical Directories. Unlike general directories, Niche Directories provide more link value and targeted traffic by listing websites that are specific to a particular topic or industry.

Niche Directories include directories which list only RSS Feeds, Blogs, Scripts and Softwares, Web Hosting Companies, Web Designers, SEO Companies and other Online Businesses. Thus, every niche directory is dedicated to a specific subject, listed as a category under a general directory.

Blog Reviews

Blog reviews, or website reviews listed on high ranking blogs, provide so much more than just a simple backlink to your website, even being compared to link building strategies that allow for keyword focused anchor text to be used on incoming links. Blog reviews combine increased link popularity and keyword targeting amongst the benefit of potentially receiving real human visitors to your website from the website review itself; sadly, many link building methods today, though popular, lack that one major ingredient that we listing a minute ago - the human element.

Why we choose blog review service for link building

Blogs, by nature, are designed for human readers; they share funny stories, interesting images, informative and interesting content and even media that cause website visitors to want to visit these popular website platforms.

Because of the setup of blogs, namely that they are typically more "personal" in nature than promotional, people love to read them. This is one of the reasons that internet business owners should choose a blog review service as part of their website's optimization and promotion; because there is a great chance that your website will receive visitors directly from the blog review itself.

Forums Posting and promotion Service

Forums are friendly, interactive discussion areas online, where members can ask for and share their opinion, advice and experiences on a particular subject. Members engage in discussions and threads by posting messages on relevant topics and replying to messages already posted.

Forums are a great way of not only getting theme based links but also getting the right kind of traffic on your website. But this does not mean that one should go for irrelevant forum postings. Ones website will be benefited only if the forums on which you promote your website are either directly or broadly related with your website. A person can do forum posting themselves but not only is it time consuming but also requires time which has to be spent on researching good forums. So that is why we provide this services to you so that by making use of forum posting services you can achieve not only good ranking but also increase your internet presence.

Social Book Marking Submissions

SEO experts are largely using social bookmarking submissions, as a tool to popularize content on a website. By social bookmarking, we mean linking a website to various social networking and blog sites. Various content centric sites like Digg.com have made the job of SEO experts easier. Such websites require the writer to manually bookmark the content which is a simple process. Unlike the process of website submission on various blogs, social bookmarking provides a convenient way to get a website noticed by the right type of people.

Most of the mainstream search engines including Google are also planning to become content centric which will mean that your website will mean that you website will benefit from having multiple social bookmarks. Thus, you can ensure good traffic for your website by social bookmarking your site in Digg.com, Propeller.com, StumbleUpon.com, Reddit.com & Delicious.com and many other such websites. We constantly try to provide your website with useful and targeted traffic through our social bookmarking submission.

2013, By: Seo Master
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