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CARA MEMILIH KATA KUNCI (KEYWORD) YANG TEPAT - Jangan memandang remeh masalah ini. Ini adalah urat nadi trafik di blog saudara. Salah memilih keyword, maka optimisasi SEO saudara akan sangat berat. Jadi harap membaca artikel trik mudah SEO kali ini dengan seksama.

Baiklah, mari kita bahas bagaimana cara kita melakukan riset kata kunci yang paling baik untuk dioptimisasi. Pertama-tama

seo Tehnik SEO Yang Harus Dihindari 2013

Seo Master present to you: Tehnik SEO Yang Harus Dihindari - SEO merupakan sebuah ilmu mandraguna dimana ilmu untuk mempelajarinya selalu bertambah dan bertambah. Tidak hidup sebuah blog tanpa adanya ilmu SEO, karena dengan SEO lah cara jitu agar blog mudah dikenal dan mudah dicari orang di sebuah mesin pencari.

Tehniknya pun berbeda-beda, ada tehnik topi putih yang terkenal dengan sebutan White hat, atau topi hitam alias black hat dan ada lagi topi abu-abu dan sebagainya. Semua tehnik itu tiada lain adalah tehnik yang selalu digunakan oleh Internet Marketing di dunia.

Tehnik SEO Yang Harus Dihindari

Namun, melihat dari perbedaan tehnik, baik white ataupun blachat sama-sama belum dipastikan aman, maksudnya adalah walaupun tehnik SEO menggunakan tehnik alami, juga belum dipastikan aman, namun kemanannya lebih baik daripada yang tehnik black.

Oleh sebab itu ada Tehnik SEO Yang Harus Dihindari agar situs kita tetap profesional dihadapan google (terutama) dan search engine lainnya, apa saja yang harus dihindari:

- Jual Beli Link

Jual beli link marak sekali, termasuk juga tukar link. Sebenarnya tidak ada salahnya, namun ini berbahaya, apa bahayanya? Biasanya tukar link itu seperti Blog A bertukar link dengan Blog B, sebaiknya tukar link atau jual beli link diganti seperti ini, link blog A diletakkan di link blog C, dan blog B diletakkan di link blog A. Kenapa harus demikian, agar tidak ketahuan jika kita sedang tukar link atau jual beli link, hehehe.

- Backlink Yang Tidak Sesuai

Maksudnya adalah lebih baik menancapkan link di situs yang sesuai dengan isi blog kita. Dan jangan ditancapkan di link yang tidak sesuai walaupun tidak ada salahnya, namun hal ini juga harus dihindari agar situs kita benar-benar kuat.

- No Active

Sebaiknya blog yang kita urus selalu up to date dengan asumsi jika memang artikelnya belum banyak, jika artikel sudah banyak dan visitor sudah banyak, postingnya tinngal sedikit-sedikit. Gambaran sebenarnya adalah untuk mengurus blog baru harus extra kuat, dan nanti lama-lama juga bisa nyantai dan tidak sesibuk posting lagi, justru sibuk kebanjiran earning. Amiin. :)

- Spam

Jangan spam situs kita ditempat yang memang tidak dianjurkan, jika spam di social media sah-sah saja, karena disamping lebih aman, juga nyaman karena bisa mendapatkan traffic dari sana.

Itulah sedikit pembahasan mengenai "Tehnik SEO Yang Harus Dihindari" sesuai ilmu yang penulis miliki. Mohon maaf dan semoga bermanfaat.

2013, By: Seo Master

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المصدر: المصفوفة

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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers

خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
المصدر: المصفوفة

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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
المصدر: المصفوفة

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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers

خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers

خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers

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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers

خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
المصدر: المصفوفة

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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers

خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers

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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers

خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
المصدر: المصفوفة

seo Toward an open web standard for 3D graphics 2013

Seo Master present to you: For years, developers have tried to create rich 3D experiences on the web. However, the lack of a common way to render 3D graphics in the browser has forced them to use workarounds like special purpose plugins or software rendering frameworks. As a result, web users have generally experienced lower quality graphics compared to what can be found in today's desktop apps.

This is why Google is excited about the "Accelerated 3D graphics for the web" initiative by the Khronos Group and the Mozilla Foundation. As Javascript is becoming faster every day, we believe that it is time to create a general purpose API for 3D graphics on the web to allow developers to create compelling 3D applications in the browser. Khronos's initiative to develop a new, open web standard for high performance 3D graphics is a promising step in that direction. Google plans to contribute technology and web development expertise to the discussion within Khronos and the broader development community. As an active contributor to Khronos, Google would also like to encourage other technology companies to join Khronos in this effort and embrace a project that promises to move the web forward.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Why bloggers domain is redirecting 2013

Seo Master present to you:
If you are using blogger platform for your blog and not using any custom domain service, you must have noticed your blog being redirected to country specific domain. If you are from India, you [blogname].blogspot.com will be redirected to [blogname].blogspot.in and for someone in Australia, it will be like [blogname].blogspot.com/au.

Reason behind this. Google says it is doing this to manage contents locally. If Google receives a removal request for any content, the content will no longer be available in that area. 

How the change will affect blogs. There will be no as such changes to blogs content. If any content will be removed, it will not be shown to a particular area where it violates the terms. 
Now, the main thing which is to be considered due to the bloggers domain redirection is How it will affect Search Engine Optimization. 

After this change, Google crawler will find the same content over different domains. Thus to crawlers it will appear as duplicate contents resulting in loss of page rank Google is still trying to minimize the affect as much as possible but still for now its gonna hamper your search engine rankings. If you have put an article on "blogging", the same content can be find out on [blogname].blogspot.com, [blogname].blogspot.in, [blogname].blogspot.com.au and many more. This looks like content duplicacy to crawlers affecting your sites health. Google needs to consider this as soon as possible. 

Alexa ranking affected. Well, if your site was earlier visited through .com 20 times a day, it may now be visited with .in 10 times and .com 10 times distributing your ranking to 2 different domains resulting in loss of your ranking. You yourself can check that for .com, .in, .co.uk, or any other domain. They are all different. 

Will it affect custom domain?  Nope. Custom domains will not be affected and this is the best way to negate the effect of this Google practice. Buying a .com will ensure all your visitors from that only resulting in higher page rank and search engine rankings. May be you should buy a custom domain. And me too. 

2013, By: Seo Master

احياء جده من جدة

 قائمة بأسماء أحياء جدهـ الشماليه والوسطى والجنوبيه

وراح نعدد جميع الاحياء في مدينتا الحبيبه

اولا نبدا مع احياء شمال جده :

1 - حي الشاطئ

2 - ابحر الجنوبية

3 - ابحر الشمالية

4 -حي المحمدية

5 - حي المرجان

6 - حي البساتين

7 - حي النزهة

8 - حي النعيم

9 - حي البوادي

10 -حي الخالدية

11 - حي الفيصلية

12- حي الحمدانية

13-حي السامر

14- حي الربوة

15- حي المروة

16- حي الاندلس

17 - حي الحمراء

18- حي الروضة

19 - حي الزهراء

20-حي الكورنيش الشمالي

21- حي بريمان

22- حي الصفا

23- حي النهضة

24- حي السلامة

اما الآن مع احياء وسط مدينة جدة :

25 - حي البغدادية الشرقية

26- حي البغدادية الغربية

27 -حي الرحاب

28-حي الربيع

29- حي الرويس

30- حي العزيزية

31- حي العمارية

32-العين العزيزية

33- حي الكندرة

34-حي الصحيفة

35- حي المطار القديم

36- حي بني مالك

37 -حي الشرفية

واخيرا احياء جنوب مدينة جده :

38- حي البلد

39- حي السبيل

40-حي الهنداوية

41- حي التوفيق

42-حي الوزيرية

43- حي غليل

44-حي الثعالبة

45- حي المحجر

46- حي الخاسكية

47-مخطط العزيزية

48- حي مدائن آل فهد

49- حي السالمية الشرقية

50- حي النزلة اليمانية

51- حي النزلة الشرقية

52- المدينة الصناعية

53-حي الاسكان الجنوبي

53-حي القريات

54-حي السلام

55-حي مدينة السلطان

56- حي الثغر

57- حي بترومين

58- حي قويزة

59- حي المنتزهات

60- حي المنتزهات

61- حي عبيد

62- حارة البحر

63- حارة الشام

64- حارة المظلوم

65- حارة اليمن

هدا وبالاضافه الى اكثر من 30 مخطط ستكون خلال السنين القليلة القادمه مناطق سكنية

خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
المصدر: المصفوفة

seo Change 'Read More' or 'Jump Break' Link to Button in Blogger. 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Stylish Read More Button
Today I'm going to teach how you can insert read more link in your blogger posts.

After inserting your read more links in your blogger posts you can change them to stylish buttons of your choice.
Now first we will see how to insert read more links in the blogger posts.

How to Insert 'Read More' links in Blogger Posts.

While writing a post in blogger post editor there is an option called "Jump Break" which can be used to insert the read more link anywhere you want in the post. See the image below.

how to insert jump break

That option is actually used to insert the Read More link inside a post in blogger. Click this option where you want to insert the Read More link. Usually people insert it after the first paragraph.

Inserting this Link will only show that part of the post that is above the "jump break" on the home page. In place of the remaining post it will show a link as 'read more' to read the full post.

You can actually change this text link to an image link or stylish button link.Now let us see how to change this link to buttons.

Change "Read More" Text link to Button.

Follow these steps to change the text with a button.

1. Go to Design tab >> click "Edit html" >> Tick "Expand widget Templates" checkbox
2. Find below text from search (Ctrl + F)

<b:if cond='data:post.hasJumpLink'>
<div class='jump-link'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url + &quot;#more&quot;' expr:title='data:post.title'><data:post.jumpText/></a>

3. Now remove these words from the above code.
 + &quot;#more&quot;

4. After removing these codes your html will look like this.
<b:if cond='data:post.hasJumpLink'>
<div class='jump-link'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url' expr:title='data:post.title'><data:post.jumpText/></a>

5. Now look for these words
Replace it with your Text which you want to appear in the place of 'read more' or with your image url
 <img src="http://image-URL.png"/>

Inseert this Stylish Read More Button
6. If you want to insert this picture as your jump break button then put this code.
<img border="0" src="http://www.matrixar.com/-BjQvX6lY4UU/UU9Aa9VNkaI/AAAAAAAAAFc/pbcOWkEmpUA/s1600/read+more+in+blogger.gif" width="87" height="47"/>

7. Now save your template ,everything is done. View your blog and see the button Working.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo GoDaddy Promo Code Working Update 24th March 2013 2013

Seo Master present to you: The newest promo code to buy domain at Godaddy. Let check the list below and save money for your business. All codes are only available for a limited time.
As usual, when using promo code you can not purchase by Paypal, only Visa/MasterCard is acceptable. Apply for new registration or transfer with domain .com/.net/org.
Add Godaddy Promo Code before check out
Add Godaddy Promo Code before check out

Read more »2013, By: Seo Master

seo Link Wheel คืออะไร ? 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Link Wheel คือ Backlink อีกรูปแบบหนึ่ง ที่มีลักษณะการทำลิงค์เชื่อมโยงในรูปแบบ หรือโครงสร้างเป็นวงกลม ล้อมรอบเว็บไซต์หลัก  และส่งลิงค์ทั้งหมดยิงตรงกลับมายังเว็บไซต์หลัก เพื่อให้ Robots ของแต่ละ Search Engine เข้ามาเก็บข้อมูล  ไปตามรูปแบบ หรือโครงสร้างที่เราได้ออกแบบเอาไว้ โดยแต่ละเว็บที่ส่งลิงค์กลับมาควรมีเนื้อหาให้สอดคล้องหรือใกล้เคียงกันกับเว็บไซต์หลัก เพื่อเสริมความแข็งแกร่งของเครือข่าย  ซึ่งแนวทางในการทำ Link Wheel นั้นเป็นระบบของการทำ SEO อย่างง่ายๆ เบื้องต้น เพื่อดันคีย์เวิร์ดให้ติดอันดับได้รวดเร็ว2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Bersiap Update Pagerank 2010 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Jika dilihat beberapa hari kebelakang ini banyak kejadian aneh Dari Search Engine Google. Sepertinya itu gejala Google Bersiap Update Pagerank 2010 untuk Periode pertama tahun 2010 ini. Mengapa demikian saya bisa menyimpulkan Google Bersiap Update Pagerank, ini terlihat dari beberapa blog Tutorial Seo yang menjadi peserta beberapa kontes seo seperti NegeriAds.com Solusi Berpromosi dan nowGoogle.com adalah Multiple Search Engine Popular terlihat beberapa keganjilan di hasil pencarian.

Sebenarnya blog ini gak terlalu di optimasi seperti blog lainnya, namun apa yang terjadi sungguh mengejutkan mata pencarian, posisi ke 2 yang biasanya di duduki Pakar Seo sekarang berganti dengan Seo tutorial nowGoogle.com adalah Multiple Search Engine Popular dan si pakar seo terbuang ke belakang. Hahahaaa kasihan juga si pakar seo ya..... :) oh ya untuk sekedar mengingatkan tentang jadwal Google Update Pagerank 2010, ini ada sedikit cuplikan waktu updatenya:

1. Jadwal pertama 2010 PageRank Update (31 March – 1 April 2010)
2. Jadwal kedua 2010 PageRank Update (31 June – 1 July 2010)
3. Jadwal ketiga 2010 PageRank Update (31 September – 1 October 2010)
4. Jadwal keempat 2010 PageRank Update (31 December – 1 January 2011)

Namun itu hanya perkiraan sementara, untuk tepatnya belum bisa di prediksikan secara pasti. Jadi selamat berdebar-debar menunggu Google update, gimana kira kira apakah sudah ada perkiraan blog kamu mendapatkan Pagerank atau malah tambah turun? Salam
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Flipped Text Generator ʎuunɟ 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Flipped text generator is very useful when you want to amaze your friends by flipping the text upside down. You can use these text in social media like facebook, Google+, etc... As status update.

If facebook & Google+ you can use this in chat box too.

The are simply like normal text but are not available on your keyboard, So to create them a simple tool as you see below is required.

What to do:
  • Just enter the text to be flipped it the first box.
  • Copy the flipped text from the second box.
  • And use it everywhere! :)

2013, By: Seo Master


Cara membuat link di halaman yang sama adalah sangat mudah. Mungkin anda pernah melihat halaman web seperti WIKIPEDIA, di mana pada bagian atas ada link yang menuju bagian tertentu di dalam artikelnya. Jika kita mengklik link pada bagian menu, maka kita akan langsung di antarkan ke poin bersangkutan.

Teknik ini bisa sangat berguna jika anda berencana membuat sebuah blog dengan penjelasan

seo Popup Facebook like Box New Style For Blogger/Blog 2013

Seo Master present to you:

How To Add POP UP Facebook Like Box For Blogger and Website

This Tutorial All About How we Will Add Popup Facebook like Box New Style For Blogger/Blog.i will try to more easy for you.this is a most popular method for online promotion blog and website.
Popup Facebook like Box New Style For Blogger/Blog
http://imtiazbloggertrick.blogspot.com/2013/06/popup-facebook-like-box-new-style-for.html2013, By: Seo Master

seo Importance of Title Tag in Search Engine Optimization(SEO) 2013

Seo Master present to you:

seo title tag

 The page title is that page component that is displayed within the title bar of your browser window. Title is additionally  displayed after you marker a webpage or a link. Title of a webpage is placed accoring to following syntax within  tag-

Computer Tips and Tricks, SEO Tutorials, Mobile Tips.

Title of a webpage should inform the user that What the page is regarding. Title tag is a crucial facet of computer program improvement of a web site. during a smart web site, each page should have a singular and relevant Page Title. within the Title tag,
your keywords should be gift. For Google, it\'s most significant that your webpage should have relevant Title containing at-least a pair of keywords that square measure relevant to the webpage\'s content. Because, Google considers Title relevance as a main facet in displaying Search Results on SERP. So, it\'s most significant to Optimize at-lease the online page\'s title.

Advantage of victimization Title tag:

Higher Page Rank:

 If your internet page\'s title is optimized and relevant to your content, then your page is displayed at the highest of Search Results, that successively, increase your website\'s overall ranking.

Easier Comparison:

 It becomes easier to {differentiate|to tell apart} similar pages during a web site or similar pages from different websites. And, most relevant page is served to user by search results page.

Increase Click through rate:

A well optimized and keywords containing Title will increase your site\'s click through rate and thence increase in your site\'s traffic. once your page\'s title matches the  text searched by users, then your website link are highlighted and users can clearly click on it link and thence increase site\'s Traffic and click on Through rate.
Missing title or Improper or Ir-relevant tile tag could decrease your page\'s ranking and conjointly your site\'s traffic. that may be a nice loss to your site\'s statistics.
Every Page\'s title should be relevant and targeted to the Keywords that users would possibly search to succeed in that service or content.
Find most significant Keywords and place them in your site\'s home Page. it\'ll improve your site\'s Traffic and rankings.
If you would like to put your name or Organization name in Page\'s Title, then place iit when Keywords. Like- Computer Tips, SEO Tutorials - LearnByTips

<b class=\"qtiperar\" style=\"color:red; cursor:pointer\" title=\"blog|web log|diary|journal\">diary</b>.

Title Tag should be the primary component within the  section.
Try to use your Primary Keyword in each page\'s title and secondary Keywords in corresponding pages.
Title shouldn\'t be quite fifty five Characters. It ought to be five to eight words long.
2013, By: Seo Master


Apakah usia blog mempunyai pengaruh pada peringkat Google? Sebenarnya bukan masalah usia tetapi reputasi dari blog yang memperngaruhi peringkat. Blog yang sudah berumur bukanlah saingan jika reputasinya buruk. Tetapi jika reputasi blog tersebut sangat baik, maka tentu saja bisa jadi saingan yang luar biasa kuat.

Lalu reputasi blog yang sudah berusia itu di dapat dari mana? Sebenarnya ada
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