Création des Logiciels de gestion d'Entreprise, Création et référencement des sites web, Réseaux et Maintenance, Conception

Création des Logiciels de gestion d'Entreprise, Création et référencement des sites web, Réseaux et Maintenance, Conception
We had seen Matt Cutts' video well before we began developing our site. This misses the point. He was referring to the spam sites that list phone numbers but have absolutely no useful information. These were sites that listed every prime number, every harshad number, etc etc in order to get traffic of people searching for numbers.We have studies the search results for phone numbers closely, and don't believe this to be such a simple matter.You stated you often find useful results -- our estimates are that abuot 15-25% of phone numbers currently have "useful results" on google. We were providing useful results for about 80% of all US phone numbers. Again, to reiterate, we STUDIED the phone search market/results on google and feel we made a substantial, honest, and ethical improvement to the results. Nonetheless, we are being flagged as spam. This was my initial question. Hope this clarified any confusion.Basically, we feel we made a substantially better directory, and shouldn't be flagged as spam.
In general, it's important to us that a site is not just autogenerated thin content, but rather that it provides unique and compelling value of its own. Looking through a few of the pages on your site, I'm a bit worried that - at least what's indexable - is just a collection of links and numbers. Assuming this were a service for a different kind of lookup (say error-codes), then it would be a collection of pages listing all possible error codes, without actually providing insights on that error code. Clicking through, after completing a captcha, you might see the bare-bone error-text, but even past that there wouldn't be any more insight there.Instead of focusing on what you think Google needs for indexing, I'd recommend taking a step back and focusing on the user instead. Kevin mentioned a reasonable approach -- work on becoming the absolute best website like this, such that users go to it directly for this information, not that you need over a billion pages indexed that only vary by a handful of digits and a tiny snippet of text. I can see that you're passionate about providing a useful & compelling service, but you really need to think past trying to map all of those database entries 1:1 (or rather 1:many -- considering the "category" pages) to pages that need to be indexed in search with minimal unique & compelling content individually. That's not impossible, but it's not trivial either :) - and that's where you can make your passion & knowledge shine.