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seo Tips Anchor Text | Mengefektifkan Blogwalking 2013

Seo Master present to you: Bingung mau posting apaan tentang belajar seo, lagi ngejar target alexa rank biar cepat tembus angka dibawah sejuta. Posting yang teratur dan sering emang bisa meningkatkan alexa rank. Coba-coba googling nyari ide buat postingan. Oke deh Hups Aku coba nulis Tips Anchor Text - Mengefektifkan Blogwalking untuk memperoleh backlink dan mendatangkan trafik.

Bagi kamu yang belum tahu, Anchor text adalah text yang ngelink ke blog kamu, Coba deh kamu sorot text berikut dengan mouse:

Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa

Kamu lihat dibagian pojok kiri bawah browser kamu muncul tulisan link http://www.matrixar.com/2009/07/bagaimana-mengembalikan-jati-diri.html
Nah tulisan Mengembalikan jati diri bangsa itulah yang disebut anchor text, Faham kan?

Tips Mengefektifkan Anchor Text

Bagi kamu memiliki blog, Jika kamu blogwalking dan meninggalkan komentar pada blog orang lain, gunakanlah selalu Name & Url pada profil kamu sebagi anchor text, penggunaan anchor text ini sangat penting untuk menarik pengunjung atau untuk Optimasi Search Engine. Berikut Tips Membuat Anchor Text:

  • Pada kolom NAMA menuliskan Kata kunci yang berkaitan dengan blog atau postingan lebih bagus dibanding menulisa nama sendiri. Misal jika postingan tentang tips menembus top 10 google, maka Anchor text "Top 10 Google" lebih bagus daripada anchor text "Bang Jay". Karena Text "Top 10 Google" lebih menarik perhatian daripada text "Bang Jay"

  • Pada kolom URL lebih baik kamu isi Url yang ngelink ke salah satu postingan kamu, bukan ke url blog kamu. contoh dengan anchor text "Tips Backlink" akan lebih bagus kalo urlnya langsung ke
    dimana artikel tentang tips Baclink itu berada. daripada ke
    sebab dengan itu pengunung yang penasaran dengan anchor text akan dibawa langsung ke halaman yang berkaitan dengan anchor text tersebut.
Nah itu tadi Tips Anchor Text - Mengefektifkan Blogwalking dengan memilih anchor text yang tepat. Selamat Mencoba!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Powered By YouTube - Event Videos and Slides Online 2013

Seo Master present to you:

All of the videos, slides, and other materials used during our first "Powered by YouTube" developer event are now online and available for mass consumption:


We had ~100 developers come and hang out with us at YouTube HQ. It was a full day, with talks ranging from best practices to the history of scaling up YouTube infrastructure and, of course, cookies, lunch and t-shirts. There were also some good discussions in our Office Hours lounge. If you're interested, the one-sheet Code Labs we had for working with the Data APIs in JSON and PHP are also available online.

Thanks to everyone for coming out, learning about the APIs, and sharing your feedback and questions with us. Special thanks goes to Slide, Qik, Animoto, Gaia Online, and Helio for speaking about their experiences working with our APIs and even walking through some code snippets.

As a bonus, here's a bunch of us (Jochen, Jeff, myself) with Steve Mesa, the top poster in our discussion forum :)2013, By: Seo Master

seo Introducing the Multi-Channel Funnels Reporting API 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy John Huang, Software Engineer

Cross-posted from the Google Analytics Blog

Measuring how marketing efforts influence conversions can be difficult, especially when your customers interact with multiple marketing channels over time before converting. Last fall, we launched Multi-Channel Funnels in Google Analytics, a new set of reports that help shed light on the full path users follow to conversion, rather than just the last click. One request we’ve had since the beginning was to make this data available via an API to allow developers to extend and automate use cases with the data. So today we’re releasing the new Google Analytics Multi-Channel Funnels Reporting API.

The API allows you to query for metrics like Assisted Conversions, First Interactions Conversions, and Last Interaction conversions, as well as Top Paths, Path Length and Time Lag, to incorporate conversion path data into your applications. Key use cases we’ve seen so far involve combining this conversion path data with other data sources, such as cost data, creating new visualizations, as well as using this data to automate processes such as bidding.

For example, Cardinal Path used the new Multi-Channel Funnels API, Analytics Canvas ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) and Tableau Software to help their client, C3 Presents, uncover how time and channels affected Lollapalooza ticket sales in an analysis dubbed “MCF DNA.” The outcome was a new visualization, similar to a DNA graph, that helped shed light on how channels appeared throughout the conversion funnel.

MCF DNA Visualization in Tableu Software

In another case, Mazeberry, an analytics company from France, helped their client 123Fleurs decrease customer acquisition costs by 20% by integrating data from the Multi-Channel Funnels API into a new reporting framework. Their application, Mazeberry Express, combines media cost and full conversion path data to provide new Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) and Return on Investment (ROI) metrics that provide a more complete understanding of how online channels are working together to influence conversions.

Mazeberry Express Screenshot - Focus on a Channel

Please note that this functionality only works with the new v3.0 API libraries, so you should upgrade now if you haven’t already (see our migration guide). We look forward to seeing how you make use of this new data source.

John Huang is a Software Engineer working on Google Analytics. John is interested in all things analytics, mobile, and photography.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Merencanakan Seo blog dari awal 2013

Membuat blog terutama di blogspot memang mudah dan cepat jadinya, namun jika tidak ada perencanaan yang matang dari awal, maka blog kita akan sulit bersaing di mata search engine, mengingat banyaknya website dan blog sekarang ini.

Perencanaan maksud saya seperti ini, ketika membuat blog sebaiknya kita pastikan dulu akan ngebahas apa blog yang kita buat itu, jika sudah baru tentukan nama di

seo Optimalkan judul blog dengan meta kode 2013

Agar template blogger kita lebih seo friendly di search engine, di bawah ini ada trik untuk kode html kamu. Tips ini di kembangkan oleh pakar seo da blogger wan/blogger wati senior dalam dan luar negeri.
Nah loe lengkapkan saya tulisan sumbernya, soalnya saya tidak tahu pasti siapa pertama kali yang mengembangkannya, jadi saya sebutin seperti itu saja. Takutnta saya sebut satu nama nanti tidak

seo Cara menghapus Timeline menjadi Wall (Facebook) 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Haloo Sobbat Jadi begini banyak teman-teman saya yang bertanya tanya kepada saya Bagaimana sih caranya  Meremove atau Mengembalikan Tampilan Facebook Timeline/Kronologi ke Wall..

Kemudian saya paun tertarik untuk mengngobok ngobok google tetapi tidak ketemu juga yang bisa merubahnya, kemudian sayaa baca baca koran edisi tadi 02/06/2011 dan ternyata cara ini sangat langka tetapi sangat mudah untuk dilakukan..
wow, sayapun langsung mencobanya dan berhasl 100% tanpa ada halangan sedikit pun..
Berikut saya akan memberi turtoriallnya, Yuk langsung ajh ke-caranya..

Step: Lihat caranya baik baik dan perhatikan
2. Klik Gambar"Click Here" Untuk browser Google Chrome

Step :

4.  Step :

5 Step (restar browser kalian)

NB : TimeLineRemove ini hanya berfungsi untuk dikomputer milik pribadi saja..
misal kalian menginstal add-on tersebut di komputer milik pribadi terus kalian on di warnet maka add-on TimeLineRemove ini tidak lagi berfungsi, dengan kata lain hanya berfungsi di Komputer milik pribadi anda saja.

Link Download Menurut Browser


Semoga bermanfaat Sobat Blogger ^_^

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Kesalahan Pada Blogger Pemula 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Bagi yang baru terjun ke dunia blogger, pasti merasa bingung dan langsung saja membuat serta mengelolanya tanpa memperhatikan poin poin penting Kesalahan Pada Blogger Pemula, nah disini SEO-XP akan membahasnya.
Mungkin beberapa poin ini akan membantu sobat blogger agar menjadi lebih baik dari yang dulu. Ini pun terjadi pada diri saya sendiri sewaktu memulai blog yang tentunya masih asal asalan.
Dan berikut beberapa poin Kesalahan Pada Blogger

1. Memulai Blog Tanpa Memikirkan Tema

Tema sangatlah penting dalam sebuah blog. tema berfungsi sebagai identitas blog kita nantinya apakah postingan mengenai topik ini atau topik itu. Tanpa tema ibaratkan saja sebuah rumah tanpa atap. Jadi sebelum memulai menjadi blogger, kita harus memikirkan terlebih dahulu tema apa yang kita mampu untuk postingan blog kita agar sebuah blog itu mempunyai tujuan.

2. Kebanyakan Copy Paste Artikel

Ada kalanya memang kita selalu malas untuk posting dan kepala seakan kosong dari ide untuk posting apa, sehingga jalan keluarnya hanyalah copas artikel dari blog lain. Meskipun anda sudah  menghargai pemiliknya dengan mencantumkan sumber, namun kualitas artikel anda sudah tentu akan kurang. Karena kebanyakan copas bisa bisa pengunjung pun merasa jenuh dengan postingan anda. Cobalah membuat artikel karya sendiri  atau setidaknya hasil copas yang direka ulang lebih dari 75% sehingga akan sangat berbeda sekali denga artikel yang aslinya. Jika anda tidak mendapatkan ide untuk memposting cobalah untuk bergabung di dalam forum, grup, atau fans page facebook, siapa tau nanti anda akan mendapatkan ide posting.

3. Terlalu Banyak Posting Dalam Sehari

Kadang blogger newbie selalu memposting hingga lebih dari 15 artikel perharinya. Ini sangat tidak bagus terutama untuk pengunjung dan google. Google panda sangat tidak suka dengan hal ini. bisa bisa blog anda kena amukan google panda tuh! yah minimal 2 kali sehari atau lebih bagusnya 1 minggu sekali, dan ini sangat berdambak baik pada google.

4. Terobsesi dengan Widget
Banyak blogger newbie yang terobsesi dengnan widget tidak penting, cobalah memasang widget yang penting saja, mungkin saya pernah membahasnya di postingan sebelumnya " Cara Blog Kita Disenangi Oleh Google " jika widget terlalu banyak mungkin blog anda akan sangat berat.

5. Template Yang Berat

Pengunjung Pengunjung sekarang ternyata lebih tertarik setelah melihat template dibandingkan isi blog, tetapi si pemilik blog tidak pernah memperdulikan jika koneksi internet ada yang lemot. Template yang berwarna itu dan beberapa yang sudah di edit di dalam HTMLnya kemungkinan itu akan mengurangi jumlah persen SEO blog anda. jadi cobalah template template yang seperti saya saja..

6. Terlalu Berambisi

Beberapa blogger pemula, terkadang berharap agar bisa segera mencapai ketenaran di dunia blogging dalam sekejap. jelas saja hal itu sesuatu yang sangat mustahil. dalam dunia blogging, ketenaran tidak diperoleh dalam satu hari atau dua hari saja. kalau anda menginginkan ketenaran itu, lakukan saja dengan sabar. Tentukantarget yang realistis dan masuk akan. Cobalah kalian selalu Blog walking menjaga tali silaturahmi persaudaran antar blogger dan jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar yang bermutu "Baca disini"

Sekian dulu Postingan dari saya, semoga bermanfaat.
Happpy blogging..2013, By: Seo Master

seo Looks Good To Me - Source Code Review Tools 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Code reviews are the rule at Google -- peer review reduces bugs, increases code quality, reduces maintenance cost, opens up team communication, and helps get the job done right the first time.

Like many open source developers, Google engineers used to rely on mail and textual diffs when doing code reviews. That made code reviews a drag. Mondrian, a web based code review tool, made the process much more efficient by presenting the diffs and comments right in our browser. Mondrian inspired the open source project Review Board, and led to Rietveld, and now the new code review tools are available on Google Code's Project Hosting.

Reviewing code in your project is simple: browse any source file or diff, double click on a source line to add comments, then publish your comments along with a general comment and score for the revision.
You can see code reviews in action on the code.google.com support project. So why are you still reading this? Learn how to use code reviews and don't forget to let us know what you think.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Measure and optimize with mod_pagespeed experiments 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Jeff Kaufman, Software Engineer, PageSpeed Team

Making your site fast shouldn’t require lots of manual optimization. With mod_pagespeed, an open-source Apache module, you can automatically apply web performance optimization best practices like cache extension, image optimization, and css inlining to speed up your site without a lot of hassle. As of version, mod_pagespeed now supports A/B tests integrated with Google Analytics, allowing you to measure how much it speeds up your site on live traffic and experimentally determine the best settings.

When running an experiment, mod_pagespeed randomly assigns visitors to experimental configurations based on percentages you choose. You can run an experiment on 1% of your traffic, 100%, or anywhere in between without affecting other visitors. It also injects JavaScript to report experiment assignments back to your Google Analytics account in a custom variable. Within Analytics you can track the impact of experimental configurations on page load times, bounce rates, conversions, or any other Analytics metric.

We ran an example experiment, comparing mod_pagespeed running with default settings to mod_pagespeed in pass-through mode, on a small blog. This required adding the following lines to our pagespeed.conf:
ModPagespeedRunExperiment on
ModPagespeedAnalyticsID "UA-XXXXXXXX-Y"

# half the users get the pagespeed optimizations
ModPagespeedExperimentSpec id=3;percent=50;default

# half get an unoptimized site
ModPagespeedExperimentSpec id=4;percent=50
While this site was static and contained mostly text, it did use some JavaScript and images and had not been manually optimized. We ran the experiment for a month, over which Analytics observed 11K page views, and we saw a 20% improvement in average page load time:

experiment results

Average page load time is sensitive to outliers, however, so to better understand the effects it’s helpful to check a histogram:

detailed experiment results

The clearest change is that mod_pagespeed moved about 7% of page loads from taking 1-3 seconds down to 0-1 second, but there is also an improvement in the long tail.

We encourage you to follow the experiment framework guide and start measuring the effect mod_pagespeed has on your site.

Jeff Kaufman works on mod_pagespeed, an open-source Apache module that helps make the web faster, and is interested in experiment measurement. He also plays for contra dances, organizes other dances, and blogs about dancing, giving, and tech.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Cara Membuat Blog Seo Bagi Pemula 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Cara Membuat Blog Seo Bagi Pemula - Seo Xp kali ini akan berbagi artikel lagi nih mumpung saya lagi semangat.

Semua orang pasti menginginkan Blognya agar menjadi SEO Friendly. tetapi sebelum menuju ke situ kamu pasti harus dari awal dulu untuk menuju ke suksessan tersebut bagaikan lomba lari (masa langsung mau finish ajah)
SEO singkatan dari Search Engine Optimization yang berarti proses meningkatkan Visiblitas sius Web atau Halaman web di mesin Pencari seperi Google, Yahoo, Bing dan lain lain.

SEO dapat menargetkan berbagai jenis pencarian seperti Gabar, Pencarian Local, Video, Akademis, bahkan sampai Pencarian Beritapun bisa.

Langsung Saja ke Topik

1. Penggunaan Meta Tag
Penggunaan Meta Tag yang tepat dalam situs web anda adalah hal yang sangat penting.
Klik DISINI jika kalian belum memasang Meta Tag!

2. Gunakan Kata Kunci atau Keyword Yang Sesuai
Kata Kunci atau Keyword adalah kata kata yang digunakan untuk memberi tahu si Google bahwa Blog anda sudah dapat Menjalani Trik untuk menjadi SEO..

Klik DISINI jika kalian belum memasang Kata Kunci!

3.  Gunakan Media Sosial Untuk Promo
Media Sosial adalah istilah yang sangat penting dalam membangun Trafik di Blog, Media Sosial disini itu misalnya Twitter dan Facebook dan Sekarang ada Ayobai.

4. Berbagi Situs anda dengan beberapa direktori Di DMOZ
Situs yang saya percayai adalah situs Dmoz! Apa itu DMOZ? Directori Mozilla Project adalah direktori website atau webpages yang menjadi ladang trafik dimasukan ke dalam dirktori secara manual di review secara sukarela dan gratis.

Apakah setelah mendaftarkan ke DMOZ Trafik Blog Menikat?
Ya, pasti! karena pada search engine terkenal, keyword artikel yang anda masukan setelah terdaftarakan di DMOZ lebih cepat terindex oleg google dibandingkan yang belum mendaftarkan di DMOZ

5. Unik dan Relevan Konten
Google Panda sangat senang jika konten kita unik dan belum pernah di muat di blog blog lainnya. Apalagi Google Panda sekarang berkualisi bersama Google Pinguin.
Jadi perbanyaklah Buat artikel yang belum pernah dimuat. pasti Si Google akan Jatuh Cinta Pada BLOG anda.

6. Mengurangi Tingkat Baunce Rate
Apa Bauce Rate itu? dimana pengunjung sebuah blog keluar masuk. misal (IKLAN)

Beberapa Poin yang mempengaruhi Baunce Rate:
  • Banyak link yang menuju website/blog yang berbeda
  • Menutup jendela yang terbuka atau newtab
  • Mengetik url baru
  • Mengklik mundur untuk meninggalkan blog tersebut

Cara Mengatasinya :

7. Jangan Pernah mengubah nama Web atau Domain Web
Kenapa? Jika anda menggantinya maka blog anda di google tidak akan terindex lagi. jadi harus mulai dari awal lagi
NB : Mengganti Domain Seperti Bayi yang Baru Lahir

8. Page Rank
Dapatkanah Page Rank agar blog anda terlihat Maco..
Baca : Cara Mendapatkan Page Rank

9. Tidak Boleh COPAS
Poin ini sangat penting bagi para blogger jika anda Copas maka blog anda bisa bisa kena amukan sang Google Panda.
Baca : Untung Atau Rugikah Mengcopas Artikel Orang lain?

10. Coba untuk MemPINGkan blog kamu

Berikut saya mempingkan blog saya di situs situs yang terpercaya oleh saya:

4.      Ping.in
5.      Pingoat.com
6.      www.totalping.com
7.      http://pingler.com/
8.      http://autopinger.com/ 
Oh ia, Pingkan lah Blog kamu 1 Minggu Sekali Jangan Lebih.

Oke, cukup sekian Cara Membuat Blog Seo Friendly Bagi Pemula
Semoga Bermanfaat Sobat SEO XP..

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Tempat Belajar Dan Diskusi Tentang Blog Di PBI 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Tempat Belajar Dan Diskusi Tentang Blog Di PBI - SEO-XP akan belajar mengikuti Kontes SEO yang diadakan di PBI Persatuan Blogger Indonesia ( PBI ), Tentang Blog pastinya.
Ayo, apakah kalian seorang Blogger? jika yah yuk gabung di PBI.

Oh ia, Grup Persatuan Blogger Indonesia (PBI) ini sudah beranggotakan 650 lebih, grup ini memang tidak jauh beda dengan grup grup lainnya meski sedikit membernya tetapi member yang ada di grup ini sangat lumayan aktif, banyak kelebihan kelebihan di grup ini. grup ini juga terdapat beberapa Para Master SEO. kalian disini juga bisa berdiskusi, sharing, ngobrol tentang blogging, dan menambah wawasan untuk blogger. namun di grup ini juga terdapat beberapa peraturan yang wajib di ketahui oleh para member PBI, yaitu:
  • Topik khusus pada PBI harus seputar dunia blog, desain, bisnis online, SEO dll (Positif Topik, No SARA NO SPAM).
  • Tidak diperbolehkan berkomentar keluar dari pembicaraan.
  • Setiap anggota diharapkan selalu aktif di PBI untuk memberikan kontribusi terhadap grup PBI.
  • Hari minggu boleh LIVE LINK asal tidak boleh lebih dari 2 link untuk satu member PBI.
  • Selain hari minggu dilarang mencantumkan Live Link yang bertujuan untuk promosi.
  • Biasakan Santun dan Sopan kepada seluruh member PBI.

Grup PBI Persatuan Blogger Indonesia yang sangat penomenal unik nan menarik ini mungkin sangat dicari cari bagi para Blogger selain berdiskusi, sharing, ngobrol tentang blogging, dan menambah wawasan untuk blogger, grup Persatuan Blogger Indonesia ( PBI ) ini juga sudah terdapat di Search Engine Google. Jadi Grup PBI ini dijamin isi didalamnya bermanfaat. amin!

Di PBI ini, sudah ada banyak yang daftar untuk mengikuti Kontes SEO ini, kurang lebih 40 Orang..
Sebelum menuju topik kita harus tau beberapa Poin Prnting diantaranya

Apa Sih Tujuan Kontes SEO PBI 2
Tujuan Kontes SEO ini di buat untuk mempererat Tali Persaudaraan antara Blogger di Group PBI, Group ini sudah mengadakan Kontes seo yang ke 2 kalinya termasuk kontes yang baru ini, Para Admin disana akan menyelenggarakan lagi kontes SEO yang Ke 2 dengan hadiah yang lumayan. dan berikut syarat syaratnya:

Syarat Dan Ketentuan Konts SEO PBI

  • Peserta kontes diperbolehkan untuk menggunakan platform apa saja ( Blogspot, Wordpress, Mywapblog, Wokaylah, Blogster dll )
  • Artikelnya minimal memiliki 200 kata-kata cara mengetahuinya ( http://tools.klikdana.com/
text/text-count/ | http://www.wordcounttool.com/ )

Peserta Kontes SEO PBI dilarang/tidak boleh

  • Peserta dilarang poting berbau SARA dan SPAM
  • Isi Konten tidak boleh mengandung unsur Porno
  • Isi Konten yang mengandung menjelek-jelekkan anggota grup lain
  • Isi konten tidak boleh copy paste
  • Jika peserta Bermain curang, jika curang akan di diskualifikasi
Tanggal Pendaftaran Kontes SEO PBI

  • Pendaftaran Dibuka tanggal 01 juli 2012 dan ditutup 01 agustus 2012
  • Kontes akan di mulai 10 juli 2012 sampai 10 agustus 2012
Syarat untuk masuk ke Grup PBI yaitu
  • Punya Blog dan Facebook

Kelebihan di grup PBI ini
  • Adanya Kontes Seo PBI Part 1
  • Adanya Kontes Seo PBI Part 2
  • Dan masih banyak.

Jika kalian berminat untuk bergabung atau mengikuti kontes seo ini langsung saja gabung ke grupnya Persatuan Blogger Indonesia (PBI)

Semoga Bermanfaat artikel dari saya Tempat Belajar Dan Diskusi Tentang Blog Di PBI, Buruan Gabung salam blogger..

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Sitemap atau arsip blog seo blogger 2013

Di sini adalah daftar isi seluruh postingan dari blog www.matrixar.com, silahkan di cari artikel favorite kamu dan thanks atas kunjungannya.

View RSS feed

seo Cara Menaikan Alexa Rank + Dapat Bintang Lima Dari Alexa 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Kali ini SEO-XP akan membahas Cara Menaikan Rank  Alexa + Dapat Bintang Lima Dari Alexa.
Bagaimana cara Menaikan Rank Alexa + Mendpatkan Bintang Lima? Cara yang saya gunakan kali ini menggunakan review, intinya kita juga bekerja sama untuk mereview blog kita masing masing.. Jadi masih sama sama untung kan?
Bagaimana Caranya Kalo Mau begitu?

Pertama Login Alexa kamu jika sudah next. Kamu menuliskan review sobat tentang blog saya disini atau klik pada gambar dibawah ini..
Review http://japarus.com on alexa.com

Cara Mengisinya Liat Gambar ini

Cara Menaikan Rank Alexa + Bintang Lima dari alexa rank 
 Jika sudah Isi Comentarnya terus klik Submit, Setelah kamu mengsubmit silahkan kamu kembali ke blog saya SEO-XP dan kembali ke artikel " Cara Menaikan Alexa Rank + Dapat Bintang Lima Dari Alexa " Kemudian isilah komentar dibawah dengan Format

Nama :
Title Tag :
URL Blog :

Secepatnya saya mereview balik blog kalian. Terima kasih.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Cari backlink terbaik dimata google 2013

Bagaimana mencari backlink terbaik? Blog seo ini pernah nulis backlink berkualitas, jika sedang mengikuti kontes seo memang sangat membutuhkan backlink berkualitas. Jika di blog dummies, forum, komentar di blog sudah, kadang masih belum optimal, saya coba menulis cara mencari backlink terbaik di google secara analisa saya.

1. Google webmaster
Inilah gunanya sering optimasi blog kontes, atau

seo Fridaygram 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Scott Knaster, Google Code Blog Editor

Walking to my office today, I saw a bunch of kids wearing "GSOC" t-shirts. That reminded me that the 7th annual Google Summer of Code is going on now. Google Summer of Code helps students spend part of their vacation writing code for open source projects, in return for a ton of experience and a nice stipend. Plus, GSOC participants can use the work they do to get college credit. Students, it’s something to think about for next year. Keep an eye on the site as GSOC 2011 progresses and, eventually, next year’s info is announced.

While students ponder the limits of their summer, physicists at the University of Maryland recently ran a simulation of one possible scenario for the end of time, also called the Big Crunch. In this scenario, the universe collapses on itself and becomes a black hole. Here’s a spoiler: one scientist said, “the end of time looks very hot”. (See this Wikipedia page for other big ideas about what might happen when time ends, and there are these possibilities from Douglas Adams and Neil Gaiman.)

And finally, because Fridaygram loves wacky nature stories, here’s one about a rain forest vine with a dish-shaped structure that produces an “echo beacon”, reflecting back sonic calls from bats to help them find the plant. The bats get nectar and the vines get pollinated. Awesome.

What do black holes and chirpy vines have to do with writing code? Not much. Fridaygram posts are just for fun. They're designed for your Friday afternoon and weekend enjoyment. Each Fridaygram item must pass only one test: it has to be interesting to us nerds.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Page Speed Service: Web performance, delivered. 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Ram Ramani, Engineering Manager

Update 7/29/11: We were notified of a bug in the measurement tool that sometimes causes incorrect measurements. If your results indicated a slowdown on your pages, please run the tests again, and make sure you specify a fully qualified domain such as www.example.com. We apologize for any inconvenience and confusion this may have caused.

Measurement tests run for bare domains (such as example.com, without the prefix www) previously indicated that pages were loading more slowly, rather than speeding up, when using Page Speed Service. The test results page now prominently notifies you of this when you visit this page, if this error applies to you. Please check your old measurement results page if this bug applies to you. Running the tests again with the fully qualified domain such as www.example.com usually fixes the issue and gives you the correct measurement.

Two years ago we released the Page Speed browser extension and earlier this year the Page Speed Online API to provide developers with specific suggestions to make their web pages faster. Last year we released mod_pagespeed, an Apache module, to automatically rewrite web pages. To further simplify the life of webmasters and to avoid the hassles of installation, today we are releasing the latest addition to the Page Speed family: Page Speed Service.

Page Speed Service is an online service that automatically speeds up loading of your web pages. To use the service, you need to sign up and point your site’s DNS entry to Google. Page Speed Service fetches content from your servers, rewrites your pages by applying web performance best practices, and serves them to end users via Google's servers across the globe. Your users will continue to access your site just as they did before, only with faster load times. Now you don’t have to worry about concatenating CSS, compressing images, caching, gzipping resources or other web performance best practices.

In our testing we have seen speed improvements of 25% to 60% on several sites. But we know you care most about the numbers for your site, so check out how much Page Speed Service can speed up your site. If you’re encouraged by the results, please sign up. If not, be sure to check back later. We are diligently working on adding more improvements to the service.

At this time, Page Speed Service is being offered to a limited set of webmasters free of charge. Pricing will be competitive and details will be made available later. You can request access to the service by filling out this web form.

Ram Ramani is an Engineering Manager on the Make the Web Faster Team in Bangalore, India. He is a believer in "Faster is better".

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Cara Menaikkan Alexa Rank 2013

Seo Master present to you: Tertarik untuk menaikkan alexa rank? tips belajar seo untuk pemula berikut ini patut kamu coba. Para master seo sudah membuktikannya. caranya gampang dan ga pake ribet. langsung saja.
  1. Pasang alexa widget pada blog kamu.
  2. Alexa widget ini bisa kamu peroleh dari situs alexa, tentu saja kamu harus mendaftar terlebih dahulu, tinggal copy kode javascript nya trus paste pada gadget blog kamu, beres! Alexa widget ini berfungsi agar trafik blog kamu tercatat oleh alexa.

  3. Pasang Alexa toolbar pada browser kamu.
  4. Dengan memasang addon alexa toolbar ini akan meningkatkan alexa rank, setiap kamu berkunjung ke blogmu. Nah! bukankah kamu sering berkunjung ke blogmu setiap hari, tentu pemasangan alexa toolbar pada blog kamu ini akan membantu menaikkan alexa rank. Alexa toolbar bisa kamu install dari

  5. Jadikan blog kamu sebagai default homepage dari browser kamu.
  6. Dengan cara ini blog kamu terkunjungi secara otomatis setiap kali kamu membuka browser kamu. jadi jumlah trafik akan lumayan meningkat terutama bagi blog yang masih baru. Caranya Klik menu Tool (pada firefox), kemudian klik option, Pada Tab Main ada kolom Home Page, isikan dengan url blog kamu misalnya:

    Cara menaikkan alexa rank
  7. Cobalah mereview alexa pada postingan kamu.
  8. Mereview alexa rank juga bisa meningkatkan alexa rank blog kamu. alexa sangat senang kalo dipuji-puji (waduh kaya artis saja) jadi ga apa-apa dong kamu puji-puji dikit supaya kamu dikasih hadiah ranking alexa yang bagus. Cara menaikkan alexa rank ini juga sering dipraktekan oleh para master seo. Coba deh lihat blog mereka biasanya terdapat postingan yang membahas alexa rank.

  9. Tingkatkan Trafik
    Setelah keempat point diatas kamu lakukan, kamu masih punya PR untuk bisa menaikkan alexa rank yakni meningkatkan trafik ke blog Kamu. Karena inilah point utamanya yaitu alexa memberikan ranking berdasarkan trafik. Jadi untuk menaikkan alexa rank tingkatkanlah trafik. Di blog ini kamu bisa dapatkan trik-trik mendatangkan trafik silahkan deh cari-cari sendiri, kan udah pada gede .
    Jika masih sulit mendatangkan trafik aku ada cara untuk "mengelabui" alexa supaya seolah olah trafik blog kamu tinggi, Tips Menaikkan alexa rank versiku ini jarang ditulis oleh para master seo. jadi ini rahasia kita aja, jangan bilang siapa-siapa! Supaya hanya blog kita saja yang alexa ranknya naik!
    Rahasia menaikkan alexa rank versiku ini telah aku tulis dengan detail disini

Alexa ini cukup penting kamu tingkatkan jika blog kamu memang diplot sebagai penghasil uang, kenapa? karena sebagian advertiser PPC memberikan syarat minimal ranking Alexa tertentu untuk mengikuti program mereka, seperti ReviewMe, Text Link Ads dan lain-lain. Dan juga berguna buat kamu yang punya bakat ikutan kontes seo seperti kontes seo Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa", dan lain-lain.

Mudah mudahan postingan ringkas ini bisa membantu menaikkan alexa rank blog kamu!
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Liburan Menggunakan Travel 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Bagi yang pernah Liburan Menggunakan Travel pasti merasa perjalanan sangat mengasikan bukan? Pengalaman ini pernah penulis alami sewaktu liburan sekolah tahun lalu. Walau sedikit melelahkan namun perjalanan menggunakan travel jakarta bandung sangat berkesan sampai saat ini. Tujuan utama pembahasan ini adalah memberitahukan kepada anda apabila menggunakan armada umum transportasi darat dalam menempuh perjalanan keluar kota harap jangan sembarangan memilih. Khusus penduduk jakarta maupun daerah bandung ada satu pilihan terbaik sahabat dalam perjalanan, mau dalam rangka kedinasan, berlibur atau lainnya.

Dengan motto memberikan pelayanan sebagai prioritas utama Day Trans travel jakarta bandung adalah pilihan jitu untuk anda semua yang membutuhkan jasa transportasi darat. Selain memberikan harga tiket murah, kenyamanan akan menjadi milik anda jika menggunakannya. Apalagi selain jasa travel day trans menyediakan pelayanan jasa transportasi darat, pengantaran barang ringan yang diakuisisi oleh PT. Panorama Transportasi, Tbk. pada Oktober 2009 hingga saat ini. Jadi ingat perjalanan pasti ingat day trans travel jakarta bandung.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Some SEO terms commonly missed in Web development 2013

Seo Master present to you: 1.Perform Keyword Research before Developing the Site

SEO starts with keywords. And if you’re planning to market your site in the search engines, you should know what keywords you want to rank for before you even start building the site. Make sure this is done FIRST.

Here some link to the Keyword research:

• Keyword Research Gems from PubCon
• How to Create a Huge Keyword List
• Use All the Tails in Your Search Marketing Strategy

2. Put Non-www to www Redirects in Place

It amazes me how many sites load with and without the www in the URL. The problem with this is that it creates an automatic duplicate of your site, and can waste a lot of link value as people link to both versions. Decide which version of your URLs you want to use, then 301 redirect everything else to the preferred version.

3. Use a Static, Keyword Based URL Structure

Dynamic URLs can cause a lot of problems if not handled right. So rather than going through all of the headache that they cause us SEO-types, just set your site up with good URL rewrites so that you don’t have dynamic URLs in the first place.
Here some link to related Url Structure:

• Checklist for Changing Your URL Structure
• 3 Common URL Problems and How to Fix Them
• Absolute URLs – Better Safe Than Sorry?

4. Have Unique URLs for Each Product/Service

Even if a product or service can be found multiple ways on the site, make sure that there is only one unique URL for each product or service your company offers. This helps to eliminate unnecessary duplicate content problems.

5. Include Redirect Capabilities

You never know when you’re going to want to take a page down and redirect it to something else. The mistake a lot of sites make is that they just take a page down when they don’t need it any more. When this happens you lose the link value that page may have gained while it was live. So do yourself a favor: make sure you can 301 redirect that old page to a new page that can use the juice.

6. Create a Custom 404 Page
Having a custom 404 page makes it so that if someone lands on a 404 page, they at least know they’ve reached the right site. Without a custom 404 in place, they may just assume the site is down and move on to your competitor’s site.

7. Include Keyword-Rich Alt Attributes 

Alt attributes are very easy to overlook. But if you use them the right they can be another signal to the search engines to tell them what a page is about. One quick tip on this one: don’t abuse this attribute by using a keyword phrase on every single bullet point image or stuffing a bunch of keywords into the attribute.

8. Make Room for Sufficient Content

Sometimes designers and developers get carried away with the look and feel of the page and forget to include room for text-based content. That’s what the search engines read, so you have to make sure there is a logical place for that content. Ideally, plan on having at least 150-200 words of optimized content on any page you want to rank well.
You should also make sure that your content is structured right. Have one H1 tag at the top of the main content, and then break out other sub topics with H2-H6 tags as appropriate. Make sure to use your keywords in these headings and in the content, but once again don’t overdo it.

9.Set Up Internal Linking Structure

I think that internal linking is one of the most commonly overlooked things for most sites. In fact, Ken Lyons wrote a great post about it that goes into more detail than I can in this post: Want More Link Juice? Here’s an Easy Way to Get It

10. Decide on a consistent Title Structure

A site should use the same title structure throughout the site. Pick your convention and stick with it. A good format to follow is to have a phrase that includes main keywords for the page and describes what the page is about, followed by a separator (- or | are common), and then your brand name. For example, "Professional SEO Services for Organic Website Optimization | SEO.com". Keep these titles to under 65-70 characters so they don’t get truncated in the search results.

11. Include Meta Description on Every Page

Since most of the search engines can choose to use your meta description as your snippet in the search results, you should have a unique one written for every page. Include the main keywords and a call to action to encourage clicks. DON’T just make this tag a list of keywords.

12. Incorporate Social Media Sharing Buttons

In case you missed it, social media is a pretty big thing right now. I’m not a big fan of the generic ShareThis button, but you need to have some kind of social media sharing buttons on your products and other important pages. Do some research to decide which social networks are best for your site and then stick with those.
More general information about social media:
• 4 Ways Any Business Can Benefit From Social Media
• So Your Industry Is Boring – Don’t Let That Keep You Out of Social Media

13. Install Analytics Tracking

If you don’t have any kind of analytics tracking installed, you have no way to tell where you traffic is coming from, what’s working, and lots of other crucial information. Pick a solution and get it installed. Popular ones include:
• Google Analytics
• Mint
• Stat Counter
• And a lot more…
Make sure that the software you go with will allow you to block your office IP address, track conversions, ecommerce revenues generated through different online sources, and anything else that will help you to understand what is actually affecting your bottom line.

14. Set up and verify Webmaster Tools Account

Through Google Webmaster Tools you can find out a lot about how Google sees your site, and can give them indications on how to handle certain parameters, submit your XML sitemap, and be notified of problems they find with your site. Bing's Webmaster Center is coming along, so it’s worth it to go ahead and verify that one as well.

15. Follow Web Standards for HTML, CSS, and Database Programming

The more you follow standards, the easier it will be for someone else to come along later and make changes or modify the site. It’s a real problem when a site’s backend code or database is so complex that it has to be rebuilt later in order for it to be changed.

16. Generate an XML Sitemap

It only takes a few minutes to do it, but once the site is live make sure you create and XML sitemap and submit it to the major search engines through their webmaster tools accounts. It’s even better if you can set this up so that it automatically updates and pings the search engines whenever a change is made.

17. Create a Robots.txt File

When you create your robots.txt file make sure that you are disallowing any pages or directories that you don’t want the search engines crawling. Standard examples would be login pages, search results pages, and shopping cart pages. You should also include a link to your XML sitemap as well. Also, make sure you test this file in your Google Webmaster Tools account to make sure it is working correctly.

Here's a great site that talks more in detail about how to create a robots.txt file: About /robots.txt2013, By: Seo Master

seo How to Make the Blogger Posts Have a Calendar for the Date in 2013

Seo Master present to you: It's quite common to see calendar style dates next to some WordPress posts but for the Blogger platform it isn't always an very easy task to add this. But who said you can't do it? You need to look no further than this blog. In this tutorial, we'll learn how to create a calendar style date for your Blogger posts.

How to create calendar style dates in Blogger

Step 1. Go to Settings > Language and Formatting - Date Header Format and change the date format as you can see in my example below (put day first, then the month and finally the year)

Step 2. Then go to Template > Edit HTML

Step 3. Select the "Expand Widget Templates" checkbox

Step 4. And search (CTRL + F) the following line:

<h2 class='date-header'><span><data:post.dateHeader/></span></h2>

Step 5. In case you find it twice, then you should replace it twice with this code:

<div id='Date'>
<div id='Date'>

Step 6. Now search for this tag (CTRL + F to find it)


Step 7. And paste the code from below just ABOVE the </head> tag:

<script type='text/javascript'>
var DateCalendar;
function changeDate(d){
if (d == "") {
d = DateCalendar;
var da = d.split(' ');
day = "<strong class='date_day'>"+da[0]+"</strong>";
month = "<strong class='date_month'>"+da[1].slice(0,3)+"</strong>";
year = "<strong class='date_year'>"+da[2]+"</strong>";
DateCalendar = d;
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'>
<style type='text/css'>
/* Calendar style date
----------------------------------------------- */
#Date {
background: transparent url(http://www.matrixar.com/-NVj6tUKJgLo/UBShW2dCLSI/AAAAAAAACZk/3TkTa8Hzqt0/s1600/calendar07.png) no-repeat;
display: block;
float: left;
margin: 15px 2px 0 -108px;
padding: 0 0 8px 0px;
border: 0;
text-transform: uppercase;
.date_month {
display: block;
font-size: 15px;
color:#ffffff; /* Month's color */
.date_day {
display: block;
font-size: 28px;
color:#282828; /* Day's color */
.date_year {
display: block;
font-size: 10px;
color:#282828; /* Year's color */

Before saving your Template, we can make some changes:
  • To change the calendar style, replace the url in blue with yours;
  • If the calendar doesn't appear correctly, change -108 with 0;
  • With green are marked the areas where you can change the color of the dates

Step 8. Now Preview your Template and if everything is ok, click on the Save button. Enjoy!
2013, By: Seo Master

seo New Google Font Previewer - Webfonts Easier and More Fun 2013

Seo Master present to you: We’re very proud to tell you that we’ve just launched a new feature for the Google font directory. The new Google font previewer lets you test drive all the fonts in the directory so you can decide which web font in the Google Font API works best for your requirements.

Now, whenever you visit the font family page of any of the fonts, you will see a link saying “Preview this font” that will load your font selection into the font previewer.

Here you can edit the text, change its size and line height, and add decorations and spacing among other things. You can even apply text shadow to your text.

The previewer will generate the corresponding code for you so all you have to do to start using the font on your own website is to copy and paste the stylesheet link and the CSS into your pages. In the example above this would be:

<link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lobster:regular"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" >
<style> body {
font-family: 'Lobster', serif;
font-size: 28px;
font-weight: 400;
text-shadow: 4px 4px 4px #bbb;
text-decoration: underline;
text-transform: lowercase; line-height: 1.42em; }

That’s really all you need to use the Google Font API.

If you want to see the font sample without any distractions from the font previewer controls, you can do that as well simply by clicking “Toggle controls” in the upper right corner. This will show you a nice clean example of what the font would look like in your design.

We think the previewer is a great way to try out web fonts and showcase what can be done with them. We’re looking forward to hearing what you think about the new font previewer.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Calendar Now CalDAV-Enabled: Bring on the Feedback 2013

Seo Master present to you:

The Calendar team was the first to launch its Google Data API back in 2006, and in that proud tradition, we're excited to offer an additional way for developers to read from, and write to Google Calendar: the CalDAV protocol. (CalDAV — an extension of WebDAV — is an evolving, open standard for calendar synchronization.)

So far we've focused on Apple's iCal 3.0 as a first working example of 2-way Google Calendar sync over CalDAV.* But we're calling all current and prospective CalDAV developers to help us firm up the implementation, and make it play nice with other popular CalDAV-friendly clients.

For information on how Google Calendar data maps to the CalDAV protocol, please check out our CalDAV developer's guide. And of course, don't hesitate to hurl feedback in the general direction of our Google Group.

* Disclaimer: during this developer-focused release, and in light of known issues, we strongly suggest that you restrict Google Calendar <> iCal 3.0 synchronization to test accounts only.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Learn about Google Apps Script in NYC 2013

Seo Master present to you: By Saurabh Gupta, Developer Relations

Cross-posted from the Google Enterprise Blog

Google Apps Script lets you automate and extend Google Apps. Using Apps Script, businesses can build efficient solutions to meet their requirements such as:
Join us on August 18th for the Google Apps Script Hackathon. If your organization uses Google Apps and you want to explore how you can use Google Apps Script to create custom functions or automate repetitive tasks, then this hackathon is a perfect opportunity to learn. Google engineers will be available to answer your questions and help you learn Apps Script throughout the day’s agenda. We’ll provide food, refreshments, and experts to help you learn to use Apps Script and write your own scripts. Just bring your laptop, ideas, and enthusiasm to complete the mix. We hope to see you there!

What: Apps Script Hackathon
Date: Thursday, August 18th, 2011
Time: 2pm to 7pm EST
Where: 76 9th Avenue, New York, NY
Register: Space is limited, register here.

For those who cannot attend in person, we invite you to try out a number of self-paced tutorials on the Apps Script documentation site.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Apps + OpenID = identity hub for SaaS 2013

Seo Master present to you: We're happy to announce that the Google OpenID Federated Login API has been extended to Google Apps accounts used by businesses, schools, and other organizations. Individuals in these organizations can now sign in to third party websites using their Google Apps account, without sharing their credentials with third parties.

In addition, Google Apps can now become an identity hub for multiple SaaS providers, simplifying identity management for organizations. For example, when integrated with partner solutions such as PingConnect from Ping Identity, the Google Open ID Federated Login API enables a single Google Apps login to help provide secure access to services like Salesforce.com, SuccessFactors, and WebEX — as well as B2B partners, internal applications, and of course consumer web sites. See Ping Identity's post to learn more about their implementation and view the demo.

Another early adopter is Manymoon.com, a SaaS project management vendor that implemented the Google Open ID Federated Login API directly to make it easier for any organization using Google Apps to sign up for and deploy Manymoon to their users:

In the Manymoon Login page, the user chooses to log in using a Google Apps account

The user types in his Google Apps email address. The user never gives away his Google Apps Account password to Manymoon.

The user is redirected to the Google Apps domain to approve sharing information with Manymoon.

Once approved, the user is redirected to Manymoon and is signed in and ready to work with selected accounts.

If you prefer an out-of-the-box solution, we have been working with JanRain, a provider of OpenID solutions that already supports the new API as part of their RPX product.

Supporting the API for Google Apps accounts is exciting news for the OpenID community, as it adds numerous new Identity Provider (IDP) domains and increases the OpenID end user base by millions. In order to allow websites to easily become Relying Parties for these many new IDPs and users, we defined a new discovery protocol. The protocol is designed to allow Relying Parties to identify that a given domain is hosted on Google Apps and to help provide secure access its OpenID Provider End Point. The current proposal is an interim solution, and we are participating in several standardization organizations, such as OASIS and the OpenID Foundation, to generate a next-generation standard. Since the current protocol proposal is not supported by the standard OpenID libraries, we provided an implementation of the Relying Party pieces at the Open Source project, step2.googlecode.com. Google is also offering a set of resources addressing the issues of designing a scalable Federated Login User Interface. You are welcome to visit the User Experience summary for Federated Login Google Sites page, where you can find links to demos, mocks, and usability research data.

You can find more details in our API and Discovery documentation, or join the discussions in the Google Federated Login API Group, where you can ask any question and get answers from other Identity Providers, Relying Parties and Google engineers.

The OpenID Federated Login Service is available for all Google Apps editions. However, it is disabled by default for the Premier and Education editions, and it requires the domain administrator to manually enable it from the Control Panel. We've enabled the service for our employees here at Google, and domain administrators — you can also enable it for your domain.

2013, By: Seo Master
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