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seo Fridaygram 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Scott Knaster, Google Code Blog Editor

This week was the big finish to the first global Google Science Fair. Earlier this year, we invited students aged 13 to 18 to submit science projects to this new competition. More than 10,000 young people from more than 90 countries sent in their entries. Two months ago, 15 projects were chosen as finalists. And last week, the members of those teams were flown to Google headquarters in Mountain View, California for the final judging. The winners:
  • Lauren Hodge (13-14 age group) for a study about reducing carcinogens in grilled chicken.
  • Naomi Shah (15-16) for her project relating better indoor air quality to a reduced need for asthma medication.
  • Shree Bose (17-18), who found a way to improve ovarian cancer treatment for certain patients.
Congratulations to the winners and to everyone who participated!

While you’re thinking about the great accomplishments of people so young, here’s another fact to make you ponder time in a different way: Neptune has just completed its first full orbit since its discovery in 1846, or just about one Neptune-year ago (that’s a little more than 164 Earth-years). Happy birthday (or something), Neptune.

Finally, I’m not sure if Neptune has any creatures that can match this remarkable rainbow toad. This animal was last seen in 1924 (right around half a Neptune-year ago) and had never been depicted in color before. This weekend, consider taking some time to go outside and see what you can discover.

Fridaygram posts are lighter than our usual fare. They're designed for your Friday afternoon and weekend enjoyment. Each Fridaygram item must pass only one test: it has to be interesting to us nerds.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo About Backlinks 2013

Seo Master present to you:

What are Backlinks?

A back link is an inward link to your site that may or may not be reciprocated with an outward link back. If page A links to page B then a back link would be a link which goes from page B back to page A.
A backlink is just a link back to your site. In fact, if people called them "link backs" or just "links", we'd probably have a better idea of what is being discussed. A link just means that a site is embedding the url (address) into one of its pages, so that readers can click through from that site to yours.
Example: Site A links to Site B. We'd call that Site B having a backlink from Site A.

Why Backlinks Are Important

Backlinks are important for SEO because some search engines like Google, give more credit to websites that have a large number of quality backlinks, and consider those websites more relevant than others in their results pages for a search query.
Therefore, when search engines calculate the relevance of a site to a keyword, they not only consider the number of backlinks to that site but also their quality. In order to determine the quality, a search engine considers the content of the sites. When backlinks to your site come from other sites, and those sites have content related to your site, these backlinks are considered more relevant to your site. If backlinks are found on sites with unrelated content, they are considered less relevant. The higher the relevance of backlinks, the greater their quality.
For example, if a webmaster has a website about how to rescue orphaned dogs, and received a backlink from another website about dogs, then that would be more relevant in a search engine's assessment than say a link from a site about car racing. Therefore, higher the relevance of the site linking back to your website, the better the quality of the backlink.
Search engines want websites to have a level playing field, and look for natural links built slowly over time. While it is fairly easy to modify your webpages to make them more SEO friendly it is a lot harder for you to influence other websites and get them to link to your website. This is the reason search engines regard backlinks as a very important factor. Further, search engine's criteria for quality backlinks has gotten even tougher, thanks to unscrupulous webmasters trying to achieve these backlinks by deceptive or sneaky techniques, such as hidden links, or automatically generated pages whose sole purpose is to provide backlinks to websites. These pages are called link farms, and they are not only disregarded by search engines, but linking to a link farm could get your site banned entirely. 

Anchor Text

When a link incorporates a keyword into the text of the hyperlink, we call this anchor text. A link's anchor text may be one of the most powerful resources a webmaster has. Backlinks from multiple websites with the anchor text "orphaned dogs" would help your website rank higher for the keyword "orphaned dogs". Using your keyword is a superior way to utilize a hyperlink as against having links with words like "click here" which do not relate to your website. The 'Backlink Anchor Text Analysis Tool' is a tool which will assist you find your backlinks and the text which is being used to link to your website. If you find that your site is being linked to from another website, but the anchor text is not being utilized properly, you should request that the website change the anchor text to something which incorporates relevant keywords. This will also help boost your rankings.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Mark your calendars: HTML5 hackathons 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Mihai Ionescu, Developer Advocate

Cross-posted with the Google Commerce Blog

Over the past year, the web application ecosystem has been growing at an accelerating pace. Faster browsers and powerful web platforms like HTML5 have enabled developers to switch from native code to web based apps.

That’s why the Google Chrome and Commerce teams are holding several HTML5 Web App hackathons around the United States in early August. This is a great opportunity for developers to socialize, network, and play with the latest web APIs. During the hackathons, we'll cover the end-to-end process of developing an HTML5 application, publicizing with Chrome Web Store, and finally monetizing with In-App Payments.

In true hackathon style, participants will have the opportunity to create teams and work on a project together. At the end of the day, participants will present what they have created, and vote on the best apps or games. And of course we’ll have some awesome prizes for the winners.

The event is free of charge but space is limited. For more information and to register, please visit the location-specific links below:

August 1, 2011: New York
August 3, 2011: Chicago
August 8, 2011: Seattle
August 11, 2011: Mountain View

We’re looking forward to seeing the applications and games you build!

Mihai Ionescu is a Developer Advocate at Google helping developers build compelling applications using open web technologies. In his free time, when not skiing in the Sierras, Mihai enjoys traveling and exploring the great outdoors with his family.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Perbedaan Iklan Televisi Indonesia dan Luar 2013

Iklan televisi adalah salah satu promosi yang sangat efektif dalam hal pemasaran, karena media elektronik televisi memiliki audience terbanyak, namun jenis iklan ini tidaklah murah, bahkan dianggap paling mahal. Jadi sudah bisa terbaca bahwa perusahaan yang mengiklankan produknya melalui televisi pasti sudah sangat maju dan mapan dalam hal keuangan/ modal.

Jika melihat sebuah iklan/ pariwara di

seo Cara menghapus komentar di Blogspot 2013

Seo Master present to you: Mungkin postingan seperti ini jarang di postingkan oleh teman-teman blogger tentang cara mengapus komentar blogger", rata-rata tutorial bagaimana tools tentang widget komentar dan sebagainya itu mah bukan pelajaran pemula, padahal cara menghapus komentar di blogspot (blogger) suatu dasar bagaimana mengolah sebuah blog.

Mungkin ada beberapa pengunjung yang melakukan spam di kolom komentar lalu kita ingin menghapus, saya kira pasti iya karena walaupun blog ini masih sepi pengunjung tapi tidak jarang jadi lahan spam, promosi sih boleh aja tapi jangan berlebihan.
jadi walaupun saya tidak menemukan artikel tentang bagaimana menghapus komentar, aku coba asal2 aja ternyata mudah aja. tinggal aktifkan member di blogger, jika logo atau kode tools yang mirip kunci udah nongol maka kita masuk di kolom komentar dan kliatan kode kotak sampah (lihat gambar). Nah tinggal klik deh tuh kotak sampah maka otomatis tuh komentar yg mungin ngga' disukain akan kehapus. delete and good by spam comment ;)
Selamat mencoba....

001rian2013, By: Seo Master


Seo Master present to you: TUKAR LINK GRATIS DENGAN BLOG PR 3 KE ATAS!

Ayo kita saling bertukar link! Sebagai blogger pemula yang sedang belajar seo, tentu sudah mafhum manfaat tukar link untuk kesehatan blog (weleh kaya http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=3684837505958675611&postID=2033141655549706920dr. hembing aja) . Sebuah blog memang memerlukan gizi yang cukup untuk pertumbuhan Page Rank dan SERP. Tukar link atau link exchange selain dapat meningkatkan Page Rank juga bisa menjadi ajang menjaring pengunjung untuk menigkatkan trafik blog asal dilakukan dengan baik. Tidak heran kalo suatu blog muncul di google dengan judul seperti yang ada di awal tulisan ini " Tukar link gratis dengan blog PR 3 Ke Atas " biasanya pengunjungnya juga bejibun. Mudah-mudahan postingan ini juga

Tukar link atau link exchange sesama blogger merupakan kerjasama yang bagus untuk dilakukan dalam rangka mendapat backlink untuk memenuhi kebutuhan 4 sehat lima sempurna Google yang suka menilai blog dari sebuah backlink, semakin banyak backlink yang diperoleh suatu blog maka page rank nya juga akan naik. tukar link ada yang gratis dan ada yang bayar, anda tinggal pilih kalo mau cepet silahkan cari link exchange berbayar, tapi kalo dana cekak yang cari yang gratisan aja kaya di sini .

Sebagaimana gizi pada makanan, gizi pada backlink pun berbeda-beda (walah kayak dr. hembing lagi, mau tukar link atau mau masak-memasak sih!) . Backlink dari dari blog ber PR 3 tentu lebih bergizi dari pada backlink dari blog PR 0 atu n/a. Dan blog ber PR 5 memberikan nilai backlink yang lebih baik daripada blog ber PR 3. Makanya sering-seringlah ikutan Tukar Link yang disediakan oleh para blogger.

Lalu bagaimana kalo tukar link dengan blog ber PR 0 atau n/a sama sekali? Jangan kuatir tukar link dengan blog ber PR 0 atau n/a juga bermanfaat setidaknya beramal membantu teman dan juga memberikan nilai tambah juga buat blog anda. Emang sih 1 Backlink PR3 masih lebih bagus daripada 30 backlink PR0. Tapi Eits.. jangan salah blog yang sekarang PR nya masih kelas jongkok suatu saat PR nya bisa naik jadi PR 3 atau bahkan PR 5 atau lebih tinggi lagi, karena kerja keras mereka diantaranya dengan sering bertukar link. Jadi jangan sungkan untuk bertukar link di blog belajar seo pemula ini, karena pemiliknya selalu bekerja keras mengoptimalkan SEO untuk meningkatkan Page Rank

Bagaimana caranya Tukeran Link disini, gampang silahkan pasang link blog ini dengan cara mengcopy kode di bawah ini dan pasang di blog kamu, kemudian isi komentar di bawah postingan ini. jangan lupa beri tahukan lokasi link blog belajar seo pemula ini diletakan. atau boleh juga urutannya di balik. Nanti aku cek apakah blog belajar seo untuk pemula ini sudah di link di blog kamu atau belum.

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Oh ya bagi kamu yang sedang mencari oneway link dengan blogwalking kamu bisa coba tips berikut, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat

Tips Mencari Backlink Page Rank Tinggi

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Seberapa SEO kah Blog Anda? 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Pasti kamu sudah tau apa itu SEO? nah disini saya mau membagi bagi info lagi..

Bagi para blogger pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan namanya template, seo inpage, seo offpage, internal link dan lain lain.
Sekarang Cobalah kalian cek Seberapa seo kah Blog anda..

Coba kalian cek disini



Bagaimana hasilnya Cukup Memuaskan tidak???
kalo saya sudah lumayan waktu itu tapi karena blog saya terkena Virus jadi harus ganti segalanya jadi nurun deh SEO nya..
Tapi tak apa, kalian juga jangan pantang semangat siapa tau suatu hari nanti bisa lebih besar SEOnya..

2013, By: Seo Master
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