Création des Logiciels de gestion d'Entreprise, Création et référencement des sites web, Réseaux et Maintenance, Conception

Création des Logiciels de gestion d'Entreprise, Création et référencement des sites web, Réseaux et Maintenance, Conception
and AuthSub
"Once we started profilinglibc
, one of initial assumptions appeared to be true - our heap was awfully fragmented, slowing downmalloc()
"Here comes our steroids part: Google has developed a drop-in malloc replacement, tcmalloc, that is really efficient. Space efficient, cpu efficient, lock efficient. This is probably the most-used (and sophisticated)libc
function, that was suffering performance issues that not many people wanted to actually tackle. The description sounded really nice, so we ended up using it for our suffering Squids."
"The results were what we expected - awesome :) Now the nice part is that the library is optimized for multi-threaded applications, doing lots of allocations for small objects without too much of lock contention, and uses spinlocks for large allocations. MySQL exactly fits the definition, so just by using simple drop-in replacement you may achieve increased performance over standardlibc
Domas' blog has further details.2013, By: Seo Master
We've now got a few more tricks that you can do with KML on Maps:
- View entire photo sets as self-contained KMZ files, as exported by Picasa. We were going to write up how it's done, but Brian's blog post pretty much covers it. Check out his geo-tagged photos of Mallory Cave.
- View KML Overlays. Add your own imagery directly on top of Maps. For example, take the GroundOverlay example from the official KML tutorial and just throw the photo of Mt. Etna onto Google Maps.
- Use your own customized marker icons.
To view a KML or KMZ file on Maps, just go to Google Maps, and instead of searching for a geographical address like 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, 94043, search for a complete Web address (including the "http://" part) of your KMZ file, like Need your own web space to upload some files? Try Google Page Creator.
The Maps API blog has further details.2013, By: Seo Master
"Now there is the possibility of getting a feed listing your updated spreadsheets, and since there is more than one way to think of a spreadsheet, we give you two different feed schemas for viewing. A worksheet could be viewed as entries of individual cells or as a list of rows similar to a database table."Check out the GData blog for further details!2013, By: Seo Master
As part of our ongoing efforts to bolster collaboration between Google and the open source community, we're pleased to announce that the Open Source Program Office will begin hosting a monthly "Open Source Developers @ Google" Speaker Series. Several of our colleagues at Google who are open source contributors will be providing insight into their work at Google. All sessions will be open to the public and we'll also be making the presentations available on Google Video.
Guido van Rossum, author of the Python programming language and recently named Distinguished Engineer by the Association for Computing Machinery, will be our first speaker. Guido will discuss "Mondrian - Code Review over the Web" on Thursday, November 30th at Google Corporate Headquarters, Building 43 from 7:00 - 8:00 PM. We look forward to seeing you there!
2013, By: Seo Master"For those of you who have been trying to build client-side GData mashups but have been thwarted by the same-origin policy, we have some good news for you: you can now get public Base, Blogger, and Calendar feeds as JSON! This means that you can start displaying GData in your web page with a little JavaScript."2013, By: Seo Master
operator to restrict your search to files with the right extensions. For example, you could restrict your search to files with a .zz
extension with a query like foo file:\.zz$
. (More info in the FAQ.)"Just send us a shopping cart via an HTML form with name=value pairs, and manage the orders using our Merchant Center interface. You can easily specify shipping options and sales tax options in the shopping cart as well."2013, By: Seo Master
Part 1: Create and edit Web resources with the Atom Publishing ProtocolI'm mentioning this here because Part 2 includes several Java examples that utilize GData's Base, Blogger and Calendar feeds.2013, By: Seo Master
Part 2: Put the Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) to work
Get the code and have a look around before making time estimates. Parts of Adium are, to be honest, pretty spaghetti-like code. It's also a lot larger than most student projects. Having a feel for these issues will help you plan more accurately. Google Summer of Code is intended to be a full-time internship, demanding full-time hours; schedule your summer appropriately, as it will be fun but also hard work.Congratulations to Adium's mentors and students for all of their achievements this summer, and many thanks to Adium for joining us in the program once again!
The Google Data APIs provide a simple standard protocol for reading and writing data on the web. With the Google data APIs, developers can mash up services like Google Base, Calendar, Blogger, and CodeSearch.Check it out and let us know what you think!2013, By: Seo Master
Zend Google Data Client Library provides a PHP 5 component to execute queries and commands against Google Data APIs from your PHP applications.
Chicagoist: We had no idea that Google had a Chicago office. What does this part of the Google empire do out here in the Midwest?
Brian Fitzpatrick: You are in good company because most of the world and Google has no idea that there's a Chicago office. This office is mostly salespeople who sell Google ads to Fortune 1000 companies. The three of us are just an engineering enclave off in the corner.
Jon Trowbridge: We're the guys who didn't want to move to California, basically.
Ben Collins-Sussman: Because of the team we're on, they're tolerant of us working here. It's not a general thing that happens with Google. Usually when you get hired, you're expected to move to an engineering office. The big offices are in California or New York.
file either on your website, the archive file or repository itself.2013, By: Seo Masterjavascript:
URLs can drive the any of the sidebar's Search API modules"I was working on a program that uses the Google Calendar API and thought it would be great if there was a channel that could answer my small questions quicker than the groups. I myself can offer some insight into raw protocol usage in some languages, javascript, php, and probably a bit of perl - all focused on the Google Calendar API."We won't be staffing the channel ourselves, but we're really excited to see Google API developers helping each other!2013, By: Seo Master
"A sitemap is an XML file on your Web site that tells search-engine indexers how frequently your pages change and how "important" certain pages are in relation to other pages on your site. This information helps search engines index your site. The Django sitemap framework automates the creation of this XML file by letting you express this information in Python code."2013, By: Seo Master
"In the grand Django tradition, it's simple yet powerful and flexible. Just write a Python class and hook it into your URLconf, and voila: You've got a sitemap. This was so easy to do that we set up a sitemap for It's something we probably never would've done otherwise, but it was so easy to do that we figured we might as well. I suspect others will follow the same path."
var latLng = GLatLng(parseFloat(, parseFloat(result.lng));The AJAX Search API team produced a number of simple sample applications to teach the basics of search-integrated Maps mashups. Two of the most popular samples are My Favorite Places and My Phone List, so take a look and see if they inspire you to add Search to your Maps mashups!
var marker = new GMarker(latLng);
, and it's much faster than 1.0.21
gwt-servlet.jar - Deploy this jar to add RPC to your servlet-based webapps without having to manually crack open gwt-user.jar
to remove the servlet API classes.nocache.html
and .cache.html
files for your modulesubSilver/overall_header.tpl
to include our stylesheet, and then subsilver/posting_body.tpl
to fire our control and process clip events, and serialize the clipped content on submit.