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seo How Search Engines Work 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Suppose you want to buy somthing online or you need to get some information from internet related any topic you want, then what will you do ? You will deffinetily go to search engine and try to find related information.

Now think you got all information from world wide web through the search engine but did you think how search enginge put all desired search in front of your eyes. read the following article to know this.

Search engines consist of five discrete software components:

Spider : A search engine program that downloads webpages.
Spider, also called a robot or a crawler, is actually the only program that will follow, or "crawls", links to the Internet, grabbing the content of sites, and adding it to the search engine indexes.

The spiders can follow links from one page to another and from one place to another. This is the main reason why links to your site (inbound links) is so important. Links to your site from other Web sites provide search engines more "food" to chew. The more times they find links to your site, the more times they'll stop and visit. Google is based in particular on its spiders index their lists to create enormous.

Spiders find Web pages by following links to other Web pages, but you can also send web pages directly from a search engine or directory, and ask them to visit the spider. In fact, it's a good idea to send manually edited directories like Yahoo, and usually spiders from other search engines (like Google) to find and add it to the database. It may be useful to submit your URL directly to the different search engines, as well, but Spider-based engines usually pick up on the site, regardless of whether you have sent the search engine.

Crawler : A wandering spider that automatically follows links found on pages.
Component of search engine that gather listings by automatically “crawling” the web. A search engine’s crawler (also called a spider or robot), follows links to web pages. It makes copies of the web pages found and stores these in the search engine’s index.

Indexer : A blender like program that dissects webpages that are downloaded by spiders.
An indexer rips apart a page into it's various components and analyze them. Entities such as, titles, headings, links, text, constructs, bold, italic, and other style portions of a page are ripped apart and analyzed.

The database : A warehouse of the pages downloaded and processed.
The database is the storage medium for all the data a search engine downloads and analyzes. This can require huge amounts of storage space.

Search engine results engine : Digs search results out of the database.

Ah, the heart of the beast. It is the results engine's job to decide what pages matches a users search. This is the portion of a search engine you interact with when you perform a search. It is also the one part we are concerned with here.

When a user types in a keyword and does a search, the search engine decides what to match for results under varying criteria. The means with which it decides is called an algorithm. You may hear search engine optimization (SEO) professionals discuss "algos" from time to time and this is what they are referring too.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo How to Create and design SEO-Friendly URL Structure 2013

Seo Master present to you:

best seo friendly url structure  :

seo friendly url structure

One of the most basic search engine optimization techniques is in using SEO-friendly URL structures. A good structure can help the indexation process of your website, but, unfortunately, there are plenty of websites that use incorrect, suboptimal URLs. In this article we take a look at the various elements of a URL and how we can create a structure that will help us rank as highly as possible.

Mind File Extensions
URLs that end in .html are favored by search engines. There are exceptions to this so make sure that you know your system well and that it’s friendly with search engine requirements.

Spammy URLs
If you still have certain doubts about your URL, go to a resource like seomoz.com There are spam detection tools that will help weed out things like spam words, and give you tips on hyphens, sub domain depth, domain length and digits. Again, all of this information is freely available online.

Hyphen vs. Underscores
The websites that contain an underscore in their URL are starting to become scarcer. The general belief now is that a user who is doing a Google search for “blue widget” will get better results from http://www.blue.com/blue-widget thanhttp://www.blue.com/blue_widget. Times change, and these protocols change as well.

Re-writing Your URLs
Lots of URLs that used to contain characters like &, +, =, _, $ and % are being overhauled to include more user- and search engine-friendly forward-slashes. This can get tricky, but there are plenty of tools out there to help facilitate this. Some are free open-source tools, and some are fee-based. The technical term is a “URL Mod-Rewrite” and this can easily be done via the .htaccess file on most servers.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Negative ON Page SEO Techniques to Avoid 2013

Seo Master present to you:

·         Avoid Using "hidden" or invisible text on your page for the purpose of higher search engine placement. For example the words/text for search phrase "Widget" in the html, the font color has been set to White. The background of the page is also white. Therefore the textual content is actually there, however the words are "hidden" from the surfer. This is frowned upon by search engines and frequently results in your site being penalized
·         Avoid Using Negative <div> htmltags. Div tags, Div tags are division tags. Unscrupulous seo services may insert them into your page with negative x/y coordinates to place content outside of the visible page for the surfer, but the text itself is in the html page. The search engine finds the keywords in the text, yet the surfer does not see it. Again a technique to be avoided and not recommended under any circumstances
·         Avoid Cloaking or Sneaky Redirects. Cloaking refers to serving up 2 different types of content based on the visitor who is visiting. Is the visitor a regular web surfer, serve up this page. Is the visitor a search engine spider? Serve up this OTHER page specifically for the search engine spider. The other page being served up is typically garbled textual content with no meaning to a human, and is stuffed with various keywords and search phrases. Again this technique is not recommended and will likely get your site penalized or banned from search engines
·         Avoid duplicate content. Duplicate content means you create one web site, with content on topic a, and then repeat the content over and over again on multiple websites. In theory you could create one website, achieve high ranking on it, and then clog up the search engines with the same content duplicated on multiple domains. Again this is not recommended and should be avoided
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Best SEO Website Optimization Techniques 2013

Seo Master present to you:

1. Title Tags
Your title tags can be anything that you want them to be, because it is what is going to show at the vary top of the page.Something you'll want to consider though is to make sure you are including some keywords to help with optimization. And, will interest your shopper in clicking on the items in question.

2. Meta Descriptions
Meta tag description is a statement of what the site is all about. When crafting one, think of the snippet from the search engine that you want to be seen, as most search engines pick up what you have stated in your meta description tag as your site description.

3. Alt Tags
Alt attributes are a way to describe images to search spiders simply because search spiders cannot see them. It is not only an opportunity to add more content (with keywords) to your site, but it also helps your images to be searchable on Google. For best results, all images should also have distinct filenames.

4. Sitemap.xml
Make sure all your web pages are on the sitemap, unless you have private pages that you don't want to be indexed, they can be excluded with a robots.txt file,The best way to do a site map is with this free sitemap generator - www.xml-sitemaps.com - you can do one for yahoo or google and also one in html - all automatically.

5. Robots.txt
Robots.txt is a text (not html) file you put on your site to tell search robots which pages you would like them not to visit. Robots.txt is by no means mandatory for search engines but generally search engines obey what they are asked not to do.
2013, By: Seo Master
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