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seo Google App Engine Hack-a-thon coming to your coast! 2013

Seo Master present to you:

In May, we'll be holding two Google App Engine Hack-a-thons at Google's offices. The first one will be in New York, May 7th, from 10am - 6pm, and the second one in San Francisco, May 16th, 10am - 10pm. This is a great opportunity to get started on Google App Engine. You can code along with us in building an app from start to finish or you can bring your existing apps and get some help and guidance from Google engineers.

Check out the full details of these events and RSVP for either the New York Hack-a-thon or the San Francisco Hack-a-thon. Or both, if you have the frequent flier miles to spare.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Code Review: Start your App Engine and run the cloud offline with your docs 2013

Seo Master present to you:

The big buzz continues to revolve around our Google App Engine launch. We are seeing a host of applications being developed, and were even pleasantly surprised to see people port the APIs allowing you to run App Engine code elsewhere, such as appdrop.com.

One interesting feature to the App Engine which you may not have noticed, is the integration with Google Apps. Not only can you tie an application to your domain (allowing you to have myapp.mydomain.com instead of myapp.appspot.com) but you can restrict access to the given application to only members of your domain. If I ran a company on Google Apps, this would be a nice addition. I could see the small business apps that I need running there.

Jeff Scudder then released a new version of the Google data Python client library which has support for Google App Engine and the Contacts API. If you want to use this in your Google App Engine application you simply need to set gdata.service.http_request_handler = gdata.urlfetch to make sure your requests have a path out!

Google Docs offline, and Gears

I was on the road, speaking about Gears and the Open Web in Europe last week, and it was perfect timing to be mixing with the community as Google App Engine came out and I could talk to that too. We also had a few things to talk about with Gears.

We have been getting lots of questions surrounding our stance with the various standards out there, so Aaron Boodman put down our thoughts on the matter in a piece called Gears and Standards. It talks about how we are working with HTML5, and the direction that you will see Gears going. I think it is incredibly exciting to see people realise how Gears is a lot more than "offline", and is actually an open source way to teach browsers new tricks.

Brad Neuberg talked about just that as well as new features in Gears, and tools to help you get your work done, such as PubTools. He also discussed our first Google Gears for Mobile application, done by the Picasa Team. Now the blokes in London can show off pictures of their kids as they slow poke through the city down in the tube.

The biggest news of all though was the launch of Google Docs offline. If you have ever been in the situation where the internet goes flaky right when you just need that bit of info in document, no more. Now you have the option to save docs locally on your computer, so you can access them no matter where you are.

If you would like a refresher course on how to get started with Gears check out Ben Lisbakken's new screencast.

Fun with Maps

The Geo side of the house continued to output great content, including a series of Geo Developer content:
  • Quick & Dirty KML Creation: With Mano Marks, Pamela Fox, and Christiaan Adams
    A demonstration of creating KML visually in Google Earth & Google Maps, and using Spreadsheet Mapper 2.0
  • Creating Custom Maps: With John Coryat
    A comparison of various ways of overlaying data in the Maps API and an in-depth explanation of creating tile layers and custom map types
  • GigaPan In-Depth: With Randy Sargent & Ted Morse
    A demo of the GigaPan panorama-browsing website and KML files, plus a technical explanation of PhotoOverlay
  • Dynamic KML: With Mano Marks & Brian Hamlin
    An exploration of using dynamic queries from KML, using the NetworkLink, httpQuery, and viewFormat elements, plus a demo of a PostGIS-generated NetworkLink
  • Mars, Moon, and Sky Map Types: With Noel Gorelick
    A talk introducing the non-Earth Maps API map types, plus cool demos of other types of projections used with planetary imagery
  • Mapping the Votes: With Michael Geary
    A whirlwind tour of what it took to create the Elections 2008 Map/Mapplet/Gadget, including SHPfile conversion, Javascript optimization, centroid calculations, Twitter updates collection, Mapplet API tricks, and more.
  • Google API Talks - Android, KML, Google Maps, Gadgets
    A series of 5-minute talks by various developers and Googlers given before Geary's presentation, including an intro to Gadgets/Mapplets.

They were also happy to announce that KML is now a standard, and owned by the Open Geospatial Consortium. We have seen a lot of other sites consume and produce KML, so this is a great step.

Finally, a great new feature was added to Google Maps. You can now check out traffic patterns in the future. If you have a commute the following morning, you can check out an estimate of how stuck you will be based on past experience. Obviously, it can't determine if there will be any crashes or anything like that :)

And there's more...

To finish up, a few other interesting items of the week:

I hope you had a great week. Remember that our big developer event Google I/O is now just a few weeks away! We have a few posts from presenters who will be at the event to give you a little look at the content, but the best part will be having the community together to talk in the open.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Wearing our Developers' Shoes 2013

Seo Master present to you: I set a quarterly goal to write an application in my 20% time that uses publicly available Google APIs. While some would call this scenario testing, I refer to it as "method user experience design" (think method acting). The process can often be painful, but I do it in the hope that it will make me a better designer. It puts me in the shoes of our customers who build products on top of Google's products. I read the same documentation, search the web for the same solutions, write code against the same APIs, and deploy to the same infrastructure. From this exercise come product improvements and empathy. I also enjoy attempting to make something useful, sketching with Python and JavaScript (the charcoal and conte crayon of web development), and proving that 20% time is alive and well.

When it came time to pick last quarter's application, I wanted to work with YouTube's APIs for two reasons: I have a background in video (as a filmmaker and as a software designer) and I wanted to share family videos with my oldest brother, who is hard of hearing and learning disabled. Fast forward a few months later and I had CaptionTube, an application for creating captions for YouTube videos. CaptionTube has launched on TestTube and Hiroto has written a post about it on the YouTube blog.

In addition to the YouTube Data and Player APIs, the application is hosted on Google App Engine and uses the Datastore, Google Accounts, Mail, and URLFetch Python APIs. I used several open source software projects to create it: Django and jQuery, and app-engine-patch. If you are attending Google I/O in May and would like to ask me questions about my experience or discuss your experience using Google's developer's products, please look for me in the developer sandbox or office hour sessions.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo ThoughtWorks' Paul Hammant talks about App Engine for Java 2013

Seo Master present to you: Last week we had a number of exciting announcements and we've received a lot of good feedback so far. We've heard from developers who were excited about cron support, intrigued by the Google Secure Data Connector and pleased with database import. However, most of the excitement has been reserved for the new integrated development environment which was created through the marriage of Google-Web-Toolkit (GWT), Google App Engine for Java and the Google Plugin for Eclipse. Now not only can web app developers write both client and server code using the familiar Java language, they can also share and reuse code between client and server.

I wanted to capture some real world developer feedback, so as part of our Developer Profiles series I sat down with Paul Hammant of ThoughtWorks to discuss his first impressions with the platform. As Paul continues to tinker with the platform you can of course follow him on his blog.

If you have a compelling application that you've written with Google App Engine and GWT I'd like to hear about it.

Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google App Engine at Campfire One 2013

Seo Master present to you:

We just concluded tonight's Campfire One, where we launched a preview release of Google App Engine, a way for developers to run their web applications on Google's infrastructure. We're still processing the videos from the event, which will be up shortly.

To learn more about Google App Engine, check out the documentation or read the team's announcement on the Google App Engine Blog.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Standards-based Persistence For Java™ Apps On Google App Engine 2013

Seo Master present to you: When I sat down to write this post I decided to glance back at my last post on this blog. One sentence in particular jumped out at me: "...I would never again feel compelled to build an [Object-Relational] Mapping framework in Java." Well, friends, never say never. Now that we've unveiled an early look at Java support for Google App Engine, I'm thrilled to announce the availability of a JDO and JPA implementation for the App Engine datastore under the Apache 2 open source license.

The App Engine datastore is an incredible piece of technology. Based on Google's own Bigtable, it's one of the key reasons App Engine enables developers to write web applications that scale without infrastructure headaches. But, it isn't necessarily what most of us are accustomed to using for persistence. Wouldn't it be lovely if we could use an existing programming model on top of the datastore API? And wouldn't it be even lovelier if that existing programming model simplified the process of porting web applications on and off App Engine?

Fortunately for us Java developers we have not one, but two persistence standards at our disposal, JDO and JPA. And, to make adopting these persistence standards easier, we have the DataNucleus project (formerly JPOX), which provides plugins that connect these standards to various types of datasources. Andy Jefferson, founder of the DataNucleus project, was not only enthusiastic about our effort to add an App Engine plugin to his project, he was also incredibly helpful (thanks Andy!). I hope you're as excited about the results as I am: Standards-based persistence for the App Engine datastore!

Since App Engine for Python launched almost a year ago I've admired not just the applications that have been built by the developer community but the infrastructure as well. Even though the DataNucleus App Engine plugin was developed by Googlers, it uses the public App Engine APIs that are available to everyone. It uses no backdoors or special privileges. Rather, it is merely the first instance of what I hope will be a torrent of Java infrastructure developed for App Engine for Java. Feel free to peruse the code at http://code.google.com/p/datanucleus-appengine. If you find a bug, send us a patch. And if you think you can do better, do better! There's absolutely nothing stopping you.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo New features for App Engine announced at Campfire One 2013

Seo Master present to you: I'm excited to announce new, highly requested features for App Engine which we unveiled a few minutes ago at Campfire One.

First, we're giving developers an 'early look' at Java™ language support for App Engine. The team has taken a standards based approach, implementing standard Java APIs on top of App Engine where possible. So instead of using the underlying App Engine datastore API, developers can program against Java Data Objects or Java Persistence API.

Developers will also be able to easily build AJAX web applications end-to-end in Java through integration with a new version of Google Web Toolkit and a Google Plugin for Eclipse to support the development experience.

In addition to the Java features, we've also released cron support , data import support, and secure access to data behind the firewall. To learn more, read the full announcement on the App Engine Blog and watch the videos from Campfire One below: (Note: The video will be live soon)

Still needing a developer fix? If you want to dive deeper into these new features, and how to get more out of App Engine and Google Web Toolkit, we encourage you to come talk to us at Google I/O on May 27-28 in San Francisco CA. We'll be there conducting in-depth App Engine and Google Web Toolkit technical sessions and talking to developers. We'd love to hear your feedback about the features, and just see what you are up to.

*Java™ is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Developer Products Help WhiteHouse.gov Connect With America 2013

Seo Master present to you: Last Thursday was a momentous day for citizen participation in government. As you may have heard, President Obama hosted the first online Town Hall meeting with questions submitted and voted on via the internet. The Developer team at Google is honored that two of our technologies, App Engine and Google Web Toolkit, played a role in making this possible.

Google Moderator, built with App Engine and Google Web Toolkit, allows users to submit and vote on questions collaboratively. Originally developed for Google company meetings, it's now available for anyone to use -- but being featured on WhiteHouse.gov offered an unprecedented level of potential traffic and attention. We are thrilled that, thanks to scalable hosting provided by App Engine, Moderator successfully handled traffic from tens of thousands of simultaneous visitors.

During the 48-hour open voting period, the site peaked at 700 hits per second, and 92,934 people submitted 104,073 questions and cast 3,605,984 votes. In total, over one million unique visitors visited the site before the town hall. Even while the site was featured on major news outlets and even the Google homepage the other 50,000 apps built on App Engine were fully supported and experienced no adverse effects.

Since the front-end of Moderator was written using GWT, most user interaction with the site was handled via AJAX requests made from the browser to the server. This enabled a very responsive UI while at the same time keeping bandwidth down. It also made it easy to make some last-minute adjustments to the UI, while ensuring that the JavaScript was compatible with all browsers and all platforms.

As would be expected when a website is utilized by the White House and is featured in the media, there were dramatic, and sometimes unforeseen, upswings in traffic. The graph below shows some of the major surges in load to which App Engine adapted. Conventional web hosting strategies demand the pre-provisioning of enough servers to handle load. Sometimes, as was the case with Moderator on WhiteHouse.gov, accurate traffic estimates can be difficult to develop ahead of time. Fortunately, since Moderator runs on App Engine, all servers and resource allocation were handled automatically. With App Engine, you never need worry whether you've set up enough machines...we'll automatically spin up new servers as traffic grows.

If you haven't tried App Engine yet, we encourage you to join the 150,000 developers who have already built highly scalable web applications on top of Google's computing infrastructure. To learn more, visit code.google.com/appengine/ and make plans to attend our sessions at I/O at the end of May.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Narratives Series: BuddyPoke 2013

Seo Master present to you: Continuing with the Google Narratives Series, we'd like to profile Google App Engine and OpenSocial developers, Dave Westwood and Randall Ho of BuddyPoke!

Dave and Randall both have backgrounds in 3D and avatars for the last 11+ years, with work in various web 3D games, facial tracking, facial animation, and mobile avatars. They've worked at five companies together - "Dave does all the technical stuff and I'm the technical artist." Simply put, they complement each other perfectly.

Q: Tell us the story of how BuddyPoke was envisioned.

A: We'd always worked for other companies, and disliked the company politics, etc, and always dreamed of just going and doing our own thing. When we saw the huge success of Slide's slide shows on MySpace, we quit our jobs and started work on a 3D pets widget. Facebook apps and OpenSocial weren't live yet and our first project failed miserably because we completely lacked a distribution model with viral channels. Fast forward a bit, and Nintendo Wii is huge with everyone making miis and talking about avatars. There was Playstation Home and Second Life. Also, the Simpsons Movie was just about to released and allowed for you to "Simsponize" yourself. We thought about the 30+ minutes people were putting into customizing their avatars, without any way of doing any cool interaction with friends. We also thought about the interesting fact that most people who installed these types of console games did it mostly for character personalization or "dress up," rather than to actually play the game. Bottom line, we knew we had to do something about it.

Facebook apps then started to take off, and OpenSocial came out. We closely watched what worked and what didn't on Facebook by looking at usage charts of the top 200 apps. After a lot of trial and error, we applied our 3D backgrounds to some of the ideas and came up with a way of doing the 3D rendering in Flash. That's when we came up with BuddyPoke.

Q: Describe your implementation and why you decided on Google App Engine.

A: During the time that we were focused on researching app usage, we noticed that most apps were struggling with scalability. Their difficulties sounded vaguely familiar with our current implementation and we knew we needed to find a platform that would help us avoid the same issue, especially since we were working on the version for MySpace. The main thing here was timing with the release of Google App Engine and the announcement of OpenSocial. All of a sudden we found ourselves able to quickly roll out our app to the various OpenSocial sites without having to worry about scaling.

Q: Tell us about your overall development experience and any obstacles you have encountered along the way.

A: When Google App Engine first came out, the big learning curve was BigTable. Our data models were horrible. Then, after watching Ryan and Brett's talks at I/O, we redid everything and it's running well now. Our only concern is the organization of our code on AppSpot - everything runs on one AppSpot site. If we knew ahead of time of our success, we would have broken the code up in groups to make updating easier. Also, our main ask is XMPP support so that we can implement chat on App Engine.

One last thing...we're thrilled about the success of BuddyPoke. The barrier to entry is so low from a developer's perspective. We never imagined having 3D characters seen by so many people, without having to even think about the technology behind them or without even having to buy a Wii.

We really enjoy hearing from developers in the community about inspiring stories, so if you have something you'd like to share, visit our online submission form. Better yet, come tell us your story at Google I/O. You can also check out Dave & Randall's cool story on the Ning blog!

Thanks Dave & Randall!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo The Go project reaches a major milestone: Go 1 2013

Seo Master present to you: By the Go team

the Go Gopher

In November 2009 Google announced the Go project, a new open source programming language. Since then more than 200 outside contributors have made thousands of contributions to the code, tests, and documentation. The open source community has been essential to Go's success.

It is a great pleasure to announce today that the Go project has reached a stable point we are calling Go version 1, or Go 1 for short. Go 1 is the result of months of work refining the specification, improving the implementation, increasing portability and re-working and adjusting the standard library. Go 1 offers compatibility for future growth: programs written to the Go 1 specification will work dependably for years to come even as Go continues to develop.

The benefits of Go 1 are also available to Google App Engine developers, as Go 1 is now the standard Go runtime on Google App Engine.

Go 1 is a consistent, portable, dependable base upon which to build programs, projects, and businesses. To learn more about Go 1, hear what the gophers have to say at the Go blog. For more information about Go in general, visit golang.org, which has documentation, references, articles, and even an interactive tour of the language.

When he's not traveling the world, the Go Gopher lives in Paris with his collection of medals won at international staring competitions. He enjoys "The Wire" and any movies by Werner Herzog.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Education Awards on Google App Engine 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy Andrea Held, Google University Relations

Cross-posted from the Google Research Blog

Last year we invited proposals for innovative projects built on Google’s infrastructure. Today we are pleased to announce the 11 recipients of a Google App Engine Education Award. Professors and their students are using the award in cloud computing courses to study databases, distributed systems, web mashups and to build educational applications. Each selected project received $1000 in Google App Engine credits.

Awarding computational resources to classroom projects is always gratifying. It is impressive to see the creative ideas students and educators bring to these programs.
Below is a brief introduction to each project. Congratulations to the recipients!

John David N. Dionisio, Loyola Marymount University
Project description: The objective of this undergraduate database systems course is for students to implement one database application in two technology stacks, a traditional relational database and on Google App Engine. Students are asked to study both models and provide concrete comparison points.

Xiaohui (Helen) Gu, North Carolina State University
Project description: Advanced Distributed Systems Class
The goal of the project is to allow the students to learn distributed system concepts by developing real distributed system management systems and testing them on real world cloud computing infrastructures such as Google App Engine.

Shriram Krishnamurthi, Brown University
Project description: WeScheme is a programming environment that runs in the Web browser and supports interactive development. WeScheme uses App Engine to handle user accounts, serverside compilation, and file management.

Feifei Li, University of Utah
Project description: A graduate-level course that will be offered in Fall 2013 on the design and implementation of large data management system kernels. The objective is to integrate features from a relational database engine with some of the new features from NoSQL systems to enable efficient and scalable data management over a cluster of commodity machines.

Mark Liffiton, Illinois Wesleyan University
Project description: TeacherTap is a free, simple classroom-response system built on Google App Engine. It lets students give instant, anonymous feedback to teachers about a lecture or discussion from any computer or mobile device with a web browser, facilitating more adaptive class sessions.

Eni Mustafaraj, Wellesley College
Project description: Topics in Computer Science: Web Mashups. A CS2 course that combines Google App Engine and MIT App Inventor. Students will learn to build apps with App Inventor to collect data about their life on campus. They will use Google App Engine to build web services and apps to host the data and remix it to create web mashups. Offered in the 2013 Spring semester.

Manish Parashar, Rutgers University
Project description: Cloud Computing for Scientific Applications -- Autonomic Cloud Computing teaches students how a hybrid HPC/Grid + Cloud cyber infrastructure can be effectively used to support real-world science and engineering applications. The goal of our efforts is to explore application formulations, Cloud and hybrid HPC/Grid + Cloud infrastructure usage modes that are meaningful for various classes of science and engineering application workflows.

Orit Shaer, Wellesley College
Project description: GreenTouch
GreenTouch is a collaborative environment that enables novice users to engage in authentic scientific inquiry. It consists of a mobile user interface for capturing data in the field, a web application for data curation in the cloud, and a tabletop user interface for exploratory analysis of heterogeneous data.

Elliot Soloway, University of Michigan
Project description: WeLearn Mobile Platform: Making Mobile Devices Effective Tools for K-12. The platform makes mobile devices (Android, iOS, WP8) effective, essential tools for all-the-time, everywhere learning. WeLearn’s suite of productivity and communication apps enable learners to work collaboratively; WeLearn’s portal, hosted on Google App Engine, enables teachers to send assignments, review, and grade student artifacts. WeLearn is available to educators at no charge.

Jonathan White, Harding University
Project description: Teaching Cloud Computing in an Introduction to Engineering class for freshmen. We explore how well-designed systems are built to withstand unpredictable stresses, whether that system is a building, a piece of software or even the human body. The grant from Google is allowing us to add an overview of cloud computing as a platform that is robust under diverse loads.

Dr. Jiaofei Zhong, University of Central Missouri
Project description: By building an online Course Management System, students will be able to work on their team projects in the cloud. The system allows instructors and students to manage the course materials, including course syllabus, slides, assignments and tests in the cloud; the tool can be shared with educational institutions worldwide.

Andrea Held is a Program Manager on the University Relations team at Google. She grew up in Germany and has lived in California for almost 30 years.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Service Accounts have arrived 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Justin Smith, Product Manager

Starting today, Google supports Service Accounts, which provide certificate-based authentication for server-to-server interactions. This means, for example, that a request from a web application to Google Cloud Storage can be authenticated via a certificate instead of a shared key. Certificates offer better security properties than shared keys and passwords, largely because they are not human-readable or guessable.

Service accounts are currently supported by the following Google developer services:
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Google Prediction API
  • Google URL Shortener
  • Google OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server
  • Google APIs Console
  • Google APIs Client Libraries for Python, Java, and PHP
Over time, more Google APIs and client libraries will be supported.

This feature is implemented as an OAuth 2.0 flow and is compliant with draft 25 of the OAuth 2.0 specification. An application implements the following steps to authenticate with a Service Account:
  1. Generate a JSON structure.
  2. Sign the JSON structure with a private key, and encode it as a JSON Web Token (JWT).
  3. Send the JWT to Google’s OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server in exchange for an access token.
  4. Send the access token to Google Cloud Storage or the Google Prediction API.
The Google APIs Client Libraries for Python, Java, and PHP wrap these steps into a few lines of code and abstract the error-prone signing and encoding operations from your applications. We strongly encourage you to use these libraries for this type of interaction. We will be expanding support to other client libraries (including Ruby and .NET). Library developers can find the specifics of the protocol in the OAuth 2.0 Service Accounts documentation.

If you’re a Google App Engine developer, all this might sound similar to what is described in these articles: App Engine & Storage, App Engine & Prediction. Service Accounts generalize this App Engine capability by making it available to other server-side platforms. When using another server-side platform, you can create a Service Account through the Google APIs Console. See the Google APIs Console documentation for more information on creating a Service Account.

As always, we welcome and appreciate feedback. Please post any questions or comments to the OAuth 2.0 Google group.

Justin Smith is a Google Product Manager and works on authentication and authorization technologies. He enjoys woodworking, cycling, country music, and the company of his wife and newborn daughter (not in that order).

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Using Tailbone to talk to App Engine with JavaScript 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Doug Fritz, Creative Lab

Today we’re sharing a small open source project called Tailbone that lets developers read and write to the Google App Engine Datastore using JavaScript. We’re hoping that it makes App Engine a bit more accessible to developers who aren’t familiar with Python, Java or Go, or prefer not to use them.

I share an office with three creative programmers who work almost entirely in HTML5 and JavaScript. An important part of our work is writing server-side code for new projects that read or write data to to the App Engine Datastore or use Google accounts to store authenticated user-specific information. To make that process easier for my JavaScript-fluent colleagues, I created Tailbone to act as a RESTful API for an app’s Datastore.

tailbone tutorial screenshot

To get started, you still have to install App Engine’s SDK and Python, but after that you’re all set. We’ve written a detailed tutorial that guides you through the installation and an example app for creating an authenticated profile page with an editable name and photo.

It’s my hope that Tailbone makes App Engine a little bit less intimidating for people who don’t have much experience with server-side coding. I know there are a few in my office. If there are any others out there, this is for you.

Doug Fritz is a programmer with the Creative Lab’s Data Arts Team. He thinks large amounts of data taste slightly purple and strongly wishes the government used bugzilla.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Prediction API 1.5 adds enumeration, analysis, and more 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Marc Cohen, Developer Relations

The Google Prediction API Team has been hard at work on Release 1.5, which is available now, with the following new features:
  • Model enumeration. We’ve added the ability to list all of your models via the trainedmodels.list request. You can obtain the entire list in one response or you can iterate through a large listing in pieces using the maxResults and pageToken options.

  • Model analysis. We’ve added the ability to obtain more detailed information about data and models via the trainedmodels.analyze request, which returns information about the trained model’s output values, features, confusion matrix, and other information.

  • Simplified get method. We’ve simplified the output returned by the trainedmodels.get request. Model analysis data that previously was returned by a get request (e.g. the confusion matrix), is now returned by the new analyze request, along with additional analysis data. The get response now returns a simpler model description along with new timestamps indicating when the model was inserted and when model training completed, which should make it easier to keep track of model lifecycle.

  • New Google App Engine samples. We’ve created two new sample apps illustrating how to use the Prediction API from App Engine, coded in Python and Java. These samples show how to create and manage shared server OAuth 2.0 credentials, and how to make predictions on behalf of any site visitors using the shared server credentials. The sample code is available here and a live version of the sample app is available here: http://try-prediction.appspot.com.
You can read more about the API details here. The new release is available now via the HTTP RESTful interface and our various language-specific client libraries. You can also experiment with the new Prediction API 1.5 interactively via the Google APIs Explorer.

We’re always looking for ways to improve the Prediction API so, as always, please let us know about any problems or feature suggestions you might have. Happy Predicting!

Marc Cohen is a member of Google’s Developer Relations Team in Seattle. When not teaching Python programming and listening to indie rock music, he enjoys using the Google Prediction API to peer into the future.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Improve your App Engine skills with Google Developers Academy 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy Wesley Chun, Developer Relations Team

Cross-posted with the Google App Engine Blog

Are you developing on App Engine today or interested in learning how to use it? If you've gone through all the great App Engine docs and Getting Started tutorials (Python, Java, or Go) but want to take your App Engine skills a step further, then Google Developers Academy (GDA) is the place to go! We launched GDA this past summer at Google I/O 2012, with content for beginners as well as seasoned developers. What can you find on App Engine in GDA today?

computers in a classroom

If you’re interested in getting more background on what cloud computing is and where App Engine fits into that ecosystem, then this intro class (Introduction to Google App Engine) is for you. Once you’re done with this class, you’ll be ready to tackle the Getting Started tutorial, and after that, move on to the App Engine 101 in Python class.

While some of the material found in App Engine 101 is similar to what's in the Getting Started tutorial, the 101 class targets developers who skipped the tutorial or completed it at some point in the past but don't want to repeat the exact same thing. The main differences include the following changes to the tutorial's content:
  • Use of the Python NDB API
  • Jinja2 templates
  • Discussion of data consistency and datastore indexes
You can use the relational MySQL-compatible Google Cloud SQL service as an alternative to App Engine's native non-relational datastore. Some applications do require a relational database, especially if you’re porting an existing app that relies on one. In this case, you want to learn about Cloud SQL and how to use it with App Engine. That’s why we have the Using Python App Engine with Google Cloud SQL class.

Of course, Google is best known for search. With App Engine's powerful Search API, you can index not only plain text, but also HTML, atoms, numbers, dates, and locations (lat/long). Getting Started with the Python Search API is a two-part class that will indeed get you started: in the first part of the class, you’ll create an application using a variety of data and learn how to index such data (using "documents"). In Part 2, you’ll learn how to execute queries as well as how to update your indexes when you modify your data.

If variety is what you're after, then look no further than the newest class in GDA: Getting Started with Go, App Engine and Google+ API. You will not only learn how to create an App Engine app using the Go programming language, but also learn how to connect to the Google+ API with the Google APIs Client Library for Go.

These are just a few examples of the types of classes you'll find in GDA. We also have content that features many other Google technologies, including Android, Chrome, YouTube, Maps, Drive, and Wallet. We invite you to swing by for a visit soon.

+Wesley Chun (@wescpy) is author of the bestselling Core Python books and a Developer Advocate at Google, specializing in cloud computing and academia. He loves traveling worldwide to meet Google users everywhere, whether at a developers conference, user group meeting, or on a university campus!

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Go beyond the free limits on Google App Engine 2013

Seo Master present to you:

We just announced that developers can now grow their applications beyond App Engine's free limits that have been in place since it launched last year.

The pricing for resources beyond those free quotas is:
  • $0.10 per CPU core hour.
  • $0.10 per GB of incoming traffic and $0.12 per GB of outgoing traffic
  • $0.15 per GB of data stored by the application per month.
  • $0.0001 per email recipient for emails sent by the application
For more detail, check out the post in the App Engine Blog.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Cloud Platform introduces new support packages 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author PictureBy Brett McCully, Google Cloud Platform Team

(Cross-posted with the App Engine and Enterprise Blogs)

Support is as important as product features when choosing a platform for your applications. And let’s face it, sometimes we all need a bit of help. No matter which Google Cloud Platform services you are using — App Engine, Compute Engine, Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, BigQuery, etc. — or what time of day, you should be able to get the answers you need. While you can go to Stack Overflow or Google Groups, we realize some of you may need 24x7 coverage, phone support or direct access to a Technical Account Manager team.

To meet your support requirements, we’re introducing a comprehensive collection of support packages for services on Google Cloud Platform, so you can decide what level best fits your needs:

  • Bronze: All customers get access to online documentation, community forums, and billing support. (Free)
  • Silver: In addition to Bronze, you can email our support team for questions related to product functionality, best practices, and service errors. ($150/month)
  • Gold: In addition to Silver, you'll receive 24x7 phone support and consultation on application development, best practices or architecture for your specific use case. (Starts at $400/month)
  • Platinum: The most comprehensive and personalized support. In addition to Gold, you’ll get direct access to a Technical Account Manager team. (Contact Sales for more information)

Sign up or click here to find out more information about the new Google Cloud Platform support options.

Brett McCully is the Manager of the Google Cloud Platform Support team and is currently based in Seattle.

Posted by Ashleigh Rentz, Editor Emerita

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Java 7 Runtime and Cloud Endpoints Preview 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author PictureBy Brad Abrams, Google Cloud Platform Team
(Cross-posted with the Google App Engine Blog)
Today we are announcing two new preview features: App Engine Java 7 runtime support and Google Cloud Endpoints.   Preview features are ‘experimental’ features on a path towards general availability.

Java 7 Runtime Support for App Engine

The App Engine Java 7 runtime allows App Engine developers to keep pace with innovations in the Java language and runtime. It is important that you begin testing your applications with the new Java 7 runtime before the complete rollout in a few months.
Some of the language features you now have access to include:
invokedynamic support, which allows developers, tools providers, and language implementations to take advantage of a new bytecode, invokedynamic, to handle method invocations efficiently even when there is no static type information. For example:

public static void invokeExample() {
String s;
MethodType mt;
MethodHandle mh;

MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup();
MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(String.class, char.class,
MethodHandle mh = lookup.findVirtual(String.class, "replace", mt);
s = (String) mh.invokeExact("App Engine Java 6 runtime",'6','7');
Try-with-resources, which helps avoid memory leaks and related bugs by automatically closing resources that are used in a try-catch statement.

public static void viewTable(Connection con, String query) throws SQLException {

  try (
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query)
) {
     while (rs.next()) {
    // process results
  } catch (SQLException e) {
     // con resource is auto-closed, no need to do anything here!
Flexible Type Creation when using generics, enabling you to create parameterized types more succinctly. For example, you can write:

Map<String, List<String>> myMap = new HashMap<>();
instead of:
Map<String, List<String>> myMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
In addition to the language features listed above, the App Engine Java 7 runtime also includes:
  • Use of String class in Switch statements.
  • Expression of binary literals using simple prefixes 0b or 0B.
  • Single catch blocks that can handle multiple exceptions.
  • Simplified varargs method invocation.
Want to get started now? Download the latest App Engine Java SDK and then check out the docs here.

Cloud Endpoints Preview

Have you ever wanted a simple way to get a cloud backend for that Android or iPhone app you are working on?  Wish it was easier to expose RESTful APIs from your web application?  Google Cloud Endpoints simplifies building highly scalable and flexible backends for your web and mobile applications. Use Cloud Endpoints to store application data in the cloud that spans both devices and users. You can now easily expose your own authenticated, reliable, REST-based APIs hosted from an App Engine application and consume them in your Android, iOS, or web clients. Deeply integrated authentication support allows your users to have a transparent yet secure experience accessing your services. You have access to strongly typed client libraries for your custom service optimized for Android and iOS.
To use Cloud Endpoints, you simply write a Java or Python class with methods you want to expose to web or mobile clients. You then annotate the methods with attributes that control exactly how they are represented in REST interfaces on the wire. Finally, use Cloud Endpoints to generate your strongly-typed client libraries for Android, iOS and a lightweight JavaScript library.
For example, you can create a simple class to list some important data:

public class SuperHeroes {

   public List listSuperHeroes() {

List list = new ArrayList();
list.add(new SuperHero ("Champion of the Obvious", "Brad Abrams"));
list.add(new SuperHero ("Mr. Justice", "Chris Ramsdale"));

return list;

Then, expose it over a standard REST interface with a simple attribute and a versioning pattern.

@Api(name = "superheroes", version = "v1")
public class SuperHeroesV1 {
Now you have a simple REST interface.

$ curl http://localhost:8888/_ah/api/superheroes/v1/superheroes
"items": [
  "knownAs" : "Champion of the Obvious",
  "realName" : "Brad Abrams"
  "knownAs" : "Mr. Justice",
  "realName" : "Chris Ramsdale"
And you can make strongly typed calls from your Android clients:

Real result = superheroes.list().execute();
Or Objective-C iOS client:

GTLQuerySuperHeroesV1 *query = [GTLQuerySuperHeroesV1 queryForSuperHeroesList];
[service executeQuery:query completionHandler:^(GTLServiceTicket *ticket,
GTLSuperHeroes *object, NSError *error) {
 NSArray *items = [object items];
Or the web client in JavaScript:
// ...
var ROOT = 'https://' + window.location.host + '/_ah/api';
gapi.client.load('superheroes', 'v1',
                loadSuperheroesCallback, ROOT);

// Get the list of superheroes
gapi.client.superheroes.superheroes.list().execute(function(resp) {
Read the documentation for Java or Python to discover how you can build a simple tic-tac-toe game using Cloud Endpoints.
To get started with Cloud Endpoints, download the App Engine 1.7.5 SDK and the latest Google Plugin for Eclipse. Be sure to look at the docs and follow along in the discussion forums on Stack Overflow.
For more on using Cloud Endpoints with Python, check out +Danny Hermes and +Dan Holevoet on Google Developers Live.

Brad Abrams is a Product Manager on the Google Cloud Platform where he looks after the developer experience. Brad is currently learning to ride the unicycle, so far with no broken bones!
Posted by Ashleigh Rentz, Editor Emerita2013, By: Seo Master

seo Research Projects on Google App Engine 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy Andrea Held, Program Manager, Google University Relations

Last spring Google University Relations announced an open call for proposals for Google App Engine Research Awards. We invited academic researchers to use Google App Engine for research experiments and analysis, encouraging them to take advantage of the platform’s ability to manage heavy data loads and run large-scale applications. Submissions included proposals in various subject areas such as mathematics, computer vision, bioinformatics, climate and computer science. We selected seven projects and have awarded each $60,000 in Google App Engine credits recognizing their innovation and vision.

Today we would like to share a brief introduction of the winning projects and their Principal Investigators:
  • K. Mani Chandy, Simon Ramo Professor and Professor of Computer Science, California Institute of Technology
    Cloud-based Event Detection for Sense and Response: Develop a low-cost alternative to traditional seismic networks. The image below is taken from the Community Seismic Network map showing active clients and events in real time.
  • A dense network of seismic stations enables the Community Seismic Network to perform a finer-grained analysis of seismic events than possible with existing seismic networks.
  • Lawrence Chung, Associate Professor, The University of Texas at Dallas
    Google App Engine: Software Benchmark and Google App Engine Simulation Forecaster: Develop a tool to estimate software performance and cost on Google App Engine.
  • Julian Gough, Professor, University of Bristol, UK
    Personalised DNA Analysis: Develop a service that provides personal DNA analysis.
  • Ramesh Raskar, PhD, MIT Media Lab; Dr. Erick Baptista Passos, IFPI (Federal Institute of Technology, Brazil)
    Vision Blocks: develop a tool that delivers computer vision to people everywhere. The image below shows a current prototype implementation of Vision Blocks.
  • Many algorithms are already included, and you'll be able create your own blocks as well.
  • Norman Sadeh, Professor, Director of Mobile Commerce Lab, School of
    Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
    Mapping the Dynamics of a City & Nudging Twitter Users: uncovering local collective knowledge about the a city using social media.
  • William Stein, Professor of Mathematics, University of Washington
    Sage: Creating a Viable Free Open Source Alternative to Magma, Maple, Matlab, and Mathematica.
  • Enrique Vivoni, Associate Professor, Hydrologic Science, Engineering & Sustainability, Arizona State University
    Cloud Computing-Based Visualization and Access of Global Climate Data Sets: provide scientific data on global climate trends.
Congratulations to the award winners! We are excited about the proposals’ creativity and innovation and look forward to learning about their discoveries. To read more about specific projects, go here.

Andrea Held is a Program Manager on the University Relations team at Google. She grew up in Germany and has lived in California for almost 30 years.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo App Engine 1.4.2 SDK - API Updates and Additions Edition 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Google App Engine applications are easy to build, easy to maintain, and easy to scale as your traffic and data storage needs grow. There are no servers to maintain, and we keep the SDK up to date with regular releases. Today’s SDK release, 1.4.2 focuses on improving and updating a few existing App Engine APIs.

Improved XMPP API to help applications better interact with users. Notifications are sent when users sign in and out and when their status changes, and the application can now set presence details to be returned to the user. Subscription and Presence notifications are enabled as inbound services in the application configuration.

Task Queue performance and Task Queue API improvements. First, we’ve increased the maximum rate at which tasks can be processed to 100 tasks/second. Applications can also specify the maximum number of concurrent requests allowed per queue in their queue’s configuration file. This can help you more easily manage how many resources your task queue is consuming. We’ve also added an API that allows you to programmatically delete tasks, instead of managing this manually from the Admin Console.

As always, there are more minor features and issue fixes such as support for JAX-WS complete with a new article on how to build SOAP enabled App Engine apps, as well as support for Django 1.2, so be sure to read the release notes for Java and Python. We’ve also updated the App Engine Roadmap with a few new projects so take a look. And if you have any feedback, please visit the App Engine Groups.

2013, By: Seo Master
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