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Seo Master present to you:

 How To Bypass and Hack Facebook | Twitter Account With The Fire-sheep  in 10 Minute

Facebook is the world’s most popular and top Social Networking website so therefore it has been a major victim of it , Recently now a days Facebook hacking is very common in the world so now today i will explain how to save you’re id from hacker’s o in my previous article how to hack a Facebook with Different approach.so in this my article I will try to explain you how to hack or safe your id from hacker .so it a new trick by hacker to hack a id . how to hack a Facebook with fire sheep.so you can also hack a twitter .so it’s a http session hijacking attack . so if you learning the http session hijacking to understand this method o to this link

How To Hack Facebook | Twitter Account With Firesheep

How to hack Facebook with http session hijacking .So the question is that what is session hijacking 

What is Session Hijacking?

Cookies are file’s that stored on Any computer’s By any website when a you visits them . the cookie used by the web server to check the authenticate the Real user .like you Enter Login in Facebook then a unique string’s Generated and the one copy saved in the web server and other is saved on your Browser as a Cookie file . both are matched when you open a Account . so then finally we will start .

so How can the Hacker use the Firesheep to Hack a any Facebook or any other account?
So now you want this thing to hack any Facebook or twitter account

1.Public Wi-Fi

2. Fire sheep

So now follow these step

 1. First you can download Fire-sheep from a above link then you can with the open with option in the Mozilla Firefox browser 

so Once you have installed the fire-sheep on the Mozilla Firefox browser and then  Click on the viewat the top and then go to the sidebar and click on a Fire-sheep

3. Then click on the top left button Start capturing and fire-sheep will start to a capture the session cookies of different people in the WiFi network and This will shows you the list of people whose cookies are the captured and then have visited the unsecured website known to a fire-sheep, and then Double click on a photo and you will be logged so then you can use Facebook easily  

How To Hack Facebook | Twitter Account With Firesheep

how to save from Fires-sheep Attack 

if you want to save from the attack of fire-sheep so then go tot his link and install it so then you can know about the hacker I someone using your Facebook or twitter so just download this software and then run .

Hope you liked my article so then Pass the comments.

Warning: Don't try to use for illegal Purpose . its just for the educational Purpose. 
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2013, By: Seo Master
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