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Seo Master present to you:

(Cross-posted from the Google Open Source Blog)

Despite the recent devastating floods in Australia, the open source community is converging on Brisbane this week for the annual linux.conf.au (LCA). The LCA team “encourages everyone to still come to Brisbane and support local business and the community - we need your support.” Monday during the introductory session at LCA, Carol Smith, member of the Google Open Source Programs Office, proudly announced Google Summer of Code 2011.

This will be the 7th year for Google Summer of Code, an innovative program dedicated to introducing students from colleges and universities around the world to open source software development. The program offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source projects with the help of mentoring organizations from all around the globe. Over the past 6 years Google Summer of Code has had 4,500 students from over 85 countries complete the program. We are excited to announce that we will extend the scope of the program this year by targeting a 25% increase in accepted student applications as well as accepting a larger number of mentoring organizations. Our goal is to help these students pursue academic challenges over the summer break while they create and release open source code for the benefit of all.

Spread the word to your friends! If you know of a university student that would be interested in working on open source projects this summer, or if you know of an organization that might want to mentor students to work on their open source projects, please direct them to our Google Summer of Code 2011 website where they can find our timeline along with the FAQs. And stay tuned for more details coming soon!

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

How To Make Window 7 Is Genuine 100 % Working Trick Free 2013

Well in previously I was explained that how to make HOW TO MAKE WINDOW XP SP2 OR SP3 ISGENUINE so now finally after the request of my friend’s and Reader I can try to explain that how can you crack the window 7.

there is a software that is WAT(windows activation Technologies ) from the window 7 which is responsible for the checking the window is genuineness of window so then after removing  the WAT(windows activation Technologies) files then the system will have no need for the genuine keys that make it active cause without the  WAT(windows activation Technologies) it will always Genuine.

How To Make Window 7 Is Genuine free


1) Instead of the 30 days of a trial version you can use the window 7 use for the life long

2)Its works with the all version of the window 7 
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium

Microsoft Windows 7 Home Basic

Microsoft Windows 7 Professional

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate

Microsoft Windows 7 starter

3) Its compatible with the 32 bit and also for the 64 bit file system .


After that you will not be able to update the window and if you do so it might do inactive your window and if any update of the window find that your OS is the pirated .

So here are the crack tools

1.      1.  Remove WAT Download CLICK HERE

 make windows genuine 7 free latest


Window 7 cracker are the very easy to use that you can use it without. Having knowledge about the system now what you have to do is just simple Download the WAT (windows activation Technologies) and then

1. Extract
2. Then Open rw.exe
3. Then click on the button "remove WAT"
4. Then finally wait for your computers to the reboot then the computer no longer have to a genuine status.


IMPORTANT NOTE: i am not responsible for any Damage and mistake . So try to your own risk
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:


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2013, By: Seo Master
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