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Seo Master present to you:
online marketing
Internet marketing is a big game with a ton of ways to make money. Offering recurring streams of income very month off of Clickbank products, Sharasale leads and other affiliate products is just one of the ways that so many "gurus" get newbies under their thumb. The fact of the matter is that Internet marketing is not very hard. It's just a lot of work.

Constantly coming up with new content, joining new affiliate programs and getting ahead of the curve on product launches are essential to being successful. These are the truths. It's not easy, but it's also not hard when it's your passion. I love talking about Internet marketing, affiliate marketing, SEO, link building and backlink strategies so I am never at a loss for article ideas.

This also gives the me the ability to withstand the constant amount of research that needs to be done. But when it all comes down to it, the SEO software world can be very deceiving. Here are the top 5 lies that Internet marketers want you to believe.

1. You'll Make A Million Overnight With Internet Marketing

Okay, so we've all heard these claims. Buy this new software tool or buy into my ebook and you'll make a ton of cash overnight. I don't know about you, but I have not made a million yet and I don't plan on it in the near future, let alone over night.
rank builder neo
There is a way that you can make a million overnight, but it's not going to happen. Maybe if you find a keyword with no competition and 20 million searches per day, you might be able to make a million with PPC, but that's not going to happen. I have made 500 in one week after buying a software package though.

The first week that I ran SENuke on my first tier Squidoo pages and then ran the SENuke backlinks through my GSA SEO Indexer I had a huge surge in traffic to one of my free hosting Wordpress sites. I still make a pretty penny off of that site every month, but it's nowhere near a million. The fact of the matter is that making money online takes time.

If you write on your blog at least 3 times a week, build a healthy 1st tier of 6-7 Web 2.0 properties, nuke the 1st tier and index them with the GSA SEO Indexer, you can start making money in about 3 weeks. It is a fact that your blog posts and 1st tier sites will show up high in the search engines for your keywords within this time frame.

2. My Software Package Will Put You On The First Page Of Google

I won't exactly call this a lie, I'll call this a half truth. There are a ton of software packages out there that will juice your website up to the first page of Google. SENuke, No Hands SEO, Rank Builder NEO, and PageOne Curator are among these.

pageone curator review
HOWEVER, you need fresh, original content. You can't queue up PageOne Curator and import the latest RSS feed into your site. It doesn't work like that you. I have to expand on the stories, you have to write your own content and you have to put the right infrastructure in place to even get your blog posts indexed, let alone on the first page of the Google.

I talk about the SEO software that I use all the time, but that doesn't mean that I'm not writing content to help people. Never rely on a software tool to get you where you want to be. Write content that people are not only going to read, but link to.

Getting organic backlinks to your website is even more important that creating them yourself and nobody is going to link to rehashed content or content that can be found on a billion other websites. Create original content on your money site, original content on your 1st tier and then blast away.

3. Trust Me, I'm An Expert

This one is my favorite. Come on, bro, buy my new product! I'm an expert! I'm going to tell you something that nobody else will. Most Internet marketing specialists are full of crap. I am by no means an expert.

I know enough to make money online, but I don't know where the Internet marketing industry is going in the next 5 years. My guess would be mobile content and more of a market share in Bing, but I don't know. I bet those same experts were telling people that they had the answers back before Panda, only to ruin their customer's hard work.

So, who can you trust? You can find out who the biggest players are in the IM game by doing a fast Google search. John Chow, Debra Carney and Oliver Roup have all made waves over the last couple of years. Lee Oden is another player, but he's more into social media.

So with all of the real experts out there, you should not trust anybody that is one their first product. Do the research and don't take any risks. Focus on quality 1st tier links and you'll minimize the risks.

4. The Key To Getting Traffic Is Social Media

For the most part, this is a complete lie. Here are a few reasons why. Nobody uses social media as a search engine. The only exception to this is YouTube. How many people do you know that use Facebook to find the best way to get stains out of a carpet? Social media is important for getting high PR backlinks to your website, but it's not the end all. I get tired of hearing people talk about social media as the silver bullet to search engine traffic. It just doesn't work like that.

PinRanker Traffic and Marketing SuiteNow, social media is important, but it should not take up your entire day. I have heard marketers say that they spend more time on backlinking to social media sites than creating content.

This is a ridiculous way to spend the day and it's unproductive. There are tons of software packages that will automate your social media campaigns. Read my Using Dlvr.it For Massive Link Juice article to learn how to automate your Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook posts.

For other social media automation, using tools like Twittenator, PinRanker and Bookmarking Demon can easily cut your social media endeavors down to just a few clicks. Automatically push all of the content, pictures and even video from your blog posts, tiered websites and Web 2.0 backlink sites to all of the major social media titans with these three tools.

I use every one of them, but PinRanker is my favorite and gives me a ton of traffic. Pintrest is hot right now, but social bookmarking and Twitter are both still running strong. 2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
So you've just built a totally sweet new social app and you can't wait for people to start using it, but there's a problem: when people join they don't have any friends on your site. They're lonely, and the experience isn't good because they can't use the app with people they know. You could ask them to search for and add all their friends, but you know that every other app is asking them to do the same thing and they're getting sick of it. Or they tried address book import, but that didn't totally work, because they don't even have all their friends' email addresses (especially if they only know them from another social networking site!). What's a developer to do?

One option is the new Social Graph API, which makes information about the public connections between people on the Web easily available and useful. You can make it easy for users to bring their existing social connections into a new website and as a result, users will spend less time rebuilding their social networks and more time giving your app the love it deserves.

Here's how it works: we crawl the Web to find publicly declared relationships between people's accounts, just like Google crawls the Web for links between pages. But instead of returning links to HTML documents, the API returns JSON data structures representing the social relationships we discovered from all the XFN and FOAF. When a user signs up for your app, you can use the API to remind them who they've said they're friends with on other sites and ask them if they want to be friends on your new site.

The video below can walk you through the API in detail, but if you're eager to get started check out the Social Graph API homepage and the developer documentation. And let us know what you think in the Social Graph API Group.

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Beautiful Drop Down Menu For Blog

This widget is cool,simple and beautiful with a fantastic appearance and the advantage of this widget is it doesn't contain any  JavaScript or jQuery language. It loading timing is very fast as it contain no image. This drop down menu is created by Catalin Rosu. I am sharing a modified version with you which will work perfectly with Blogger Blog. It is such a Beautiful widget which will give an creative,amazing and professional look to your Blog. I made its installation easy for every user.

How to Add Drop Down Menu :-

1.In Blogger Dashboard Go to Edit HTML / Design.
2.Click on "Add a Gadget".
3.Choose HTML / JavaScript widget.
4.Paste the Following code inside it. Which is written below.

/*------ CSS3 Drop Down Menu By bit (http://www.allbloggingtricks.com)---------*/
#bit-menu, #bit-menu ul {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style: none;
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width: 960px;
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background-image: linear-gradient(#444, #111);
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border-radius: 6px;
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border-top: 6px solid transparent;
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border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px;


<ul id="bit-menu">
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<li><a href="#">Development tools</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Web design</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Work</a></li>
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Click save and Enjoy

2013, By: Seo Master
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