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Seo Master present to you:
Adding a proper and usefull widgets to blog can help visitors as well as bloggers to increase traffic to their blog. In this post i will share with you guys a simple and easy to add blogger widget, but very usefull for visitors to browse through different categories. You can see on left how this widget will look like on your blog. So lets add this widget to your blogger blog.

How to add ?

1. Go to Blogger Dashboard and click on Layout.
2. Then click on Add gadget and choose Label as shown below.

blogger label

3. Now a pop up box will appear, change Display to Cloud and uncheck Show number of posts per label as shown on below image.

blogger label

4. Now save it and you will have categories cloud on your blog.

Animating Label Cloud

If you would like to animate this widget and make it more attractive for your blog or website then check out below mentioned tutorial.

Also Add Below Widgets To Your Blog

    2013, By: Seo Master
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