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ഫേസ്ബുക്ക്  എച് ടി എം എല്‍   { html}രൂപത്തില്‍ എഡിറ്റ് ചെയ്യാന്‍ പുതിയ വഴികള്‍ .  

ആദ്യം  ഈ ലിങ്കില്‍  ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക : http://apps.facebook.com/statichtml/

Everybody that I know has at least one Facebookaccount, but not many of them have set up aFacebook Page. One of the popular excuses is because building a Facebook page is difficult. It’s a pity because Facebook Pages is a great promotion tool. You can use it to promote your blog, your product, or even yourself.</FIRSTIMAGE="HTTP:>

If you are a code novice and want to build and edit your Facebook pages without touching any codes, you could easily do it using Static HTML – a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) web editor, built specifically for Facebook Pages.

Add The App

Static HTML is a Facebook app that you can install by clicking this link. After the routine verification and confirmation process, you are ready to start building and editing your Facebook pages.

The first thing that you need to do is register your page(s) with the Static HTML app. Pick one of the pages from the dropdown list and click “Register“. But if you don’t have any page yet, you need to create one. setup facebook page

After that, click the “Add” button, and your page will appear under the “Facebook page name” list. Click “edit” to start the editing process.

customize facebook page

There are two editing mode that you can choose: WYSIWYG and HTML mode. Since our discussion today is about no-code editing, we’ll choose the first.


customize facebook page

Static HTML also provides two editing panes. The first one is the main content, and the second one is the optional fan gate content. The “fan gate” is the concept of showing the main content only to those who have clicked on the “Like” button. If you want to activate a fan gate, choose the “If user have not liked, below content will be shown” option.

customize facebook page

We’ve discussed another method of activating the fan gate in this article.

Enter The Editing Process

Building a page using Static HTML’s WYSIWYG editor is similar to creating a document on a word processor. You write your content and modify the fonts (size, family, format, color, and background color). Standard editing features like Align, Bullets and Numbers, Bold, Italic, and Underline are also available.

creating a facebook fan page

You can also add images to enrich the page. There are two options to add images: hotlink to the existing images on the web, or upload your own images (hosted on ImageShack).

creating a facebook fan page

Those who are familiar with HTML and want to enrich certain parts of the page with HTML codes can activate HTML mode by clicking on the HTML icon.

creating a facebook fan page

Static HTML allows you to add a link to anything on the page. Just select the element and click on the “Add Link” button.

04e add link

Fill in all the necessary information about the link on the pop-up window and click “Submit“.

04f link info

Don’t forget to click “Update” when you have finished the editing process.

04g update

Static HTML will confirm that you’ve completed the process and give you the option to “return to homepage“.

04h complete

This is the result of my short experiment using Static HTML. It’s the page that will be shown to those who haven’t clicked on the “Like” button. You can use other “incentives” to lure visitors to click the “Like” button.

07a result

Tidying Up

As you’ve noticed from the picture above, the name of the page I created is “Static HTML“. You can edit the name by clicking on the “Edit Info” link under the page name.

08a edit info

Then select “Apps” from the sidebar menu.

08b edit app 2

Locate Static HTML in the apps’ list and click the “Edit Settings” link.

08c edit settings

You can write down the name that you want for your page. Then click “Save” and “Okay” to finish the process.

setup facebook page

After trying out Static HTML, I can say that this app is one of the easiest ways to build and edit Facebook Pages. Granted, the tool might be too simple and not powerful enough for veteran web builders, but it’s adequate for beginners. 2013, By: Seo Master

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Seo Master present to you: After participating in the Google Summer of Code program for 2005 and 2006, NetBSD has many reasons to be proud. Most of their students are still active contributors. Several have had their code integrated into NetBSD's releases. On top of all of that, the project gained three new committers.

Alan Ritter worked with NetBSD during GSoC 2005 to port the NDIS driver from FreeBSD to NetBSD. He continued to work on his GSoC project after the program ended for the year, and he later imported his code into NetBSD's source tree on March 30, 2006. He became a developer in April 2006.

Arnaud Degroote's GSoC 2006 project to add ipv6 support to the Fast_ipsec stack will be imported into NetBSD's source tree soon. As a result of his work during GSoC, Arnaud is one of NetBSD's newest developers.

Ruibiao Qiu's 2005 GSoC project to implement wide character support in NetBSD's curses library will also be integrated into NetBSD's source tree shortly. Ruibiao became a developer for the project in January 2006.

For more information on all things NetBSD & GSoC, check out NetBSD's roundup posts for 2005 and 2006. Congratulations to NetBSD's students and mentors for their tremendous success, and thanks to NetBSD for joining us for the two years of the Google Summer of Code.2013, By: Seo Master
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