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Seo Master present to you:
blogger image optimization
Images serves as a great part in an individuals blog traffic. It does not matter if the blog is on bloggers or wordpress platform. People most often search for images on google for their Profile picture, wallpapers and even for their blogs article or tutorials. So optimizing images properly can be really helpful to increase traffic to your blog. Here at MBW we add relevant and attractive image in each and every article or tutorial we publish to attract more visitors to our blog. Adding images to your blog is not enough, you also have to TAG them for better indexing by Google image. So lets discuss more about Image optimization.

What Is Alt Attribute In Image Tag ?

Image Tag is like a description about what the image is all about. You should always add appropriate tage or description to your image. This helps better indexing of the image by Google crawler. Below is Image tag before adding any description
<img src="IMAGE URL" />
In order to add appropriate keywords or description to your image, you need to use alt attribute follow by its value in quotes. Below is how Image tag will look after adding attribute.
<img src="IMAGE URL" alt="Keywords" />
Always make habbit of adding attribute to your image tag. Its simple you add alt=" " and your description between quotes. Make sure not to add more then 4 words in your attribute.

How To Add Alt Tag In Blogger ?

If you are on bloggers platform then its very simple to add description to your image. In 2012 blogger introduced new feature which let you add alt tage to your images from within the post. I will demostrate it here with a image from downloading to optimizing.

1. Whenever You download an image from a website most certainly from google, the name of the image is mixture of letters and numbers. So your first step should be to change the name appropriate to the image as shown below.
blogger image optimization
2. To add image to your post click on image icon as shown below and locate the image file from your computer.

blogger image optimization

3. Now in order to add description or alt attribute to your image click on the image and choose properties as demnstrated below.

blogger image optimization
4. After clicking on properties a pop up window will appear. Enter Title Text and Alt Text appropriate to your image. I usually enter title and alt text same as you can see in below image.

blogger image optimization

5. This simple steps will help in better indexing and  increase you chance of showing your images in Google search results

Few Tips

  • Keep the description of image no more then 4 words. For example Blogging Tricks is better description then Top 5 blogging tricks for bloggers.
  • Avoid using special characters such as ( ^%$@#*?/).
  • Always add atleast one relevant image to your blog post.
  • Give description that describes the image rather then giving useless keywords.

Need Help ?

If you got confused or face any difficulties understanding Image optimization then leave a comment below i will be glad to help you out. I hope you like this tutorial and may help you in your blogging carrier.

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Complete off-page search engine optimization (SEO) Guide latest free 2013

Today I am sharing Complete off-page search engine optimization (SEO) Guide latest free 2013 and my previous article Complete on-Page Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Guide Free Latest 2013

Complete off-page search engine optimization (SEO)

What is Off-Page?

 Off-page SEO is the process of the optimizing of web | blog pages outside the website by a getting links back to your website. And this link is called Back-link.

What is Back-links?

Back-links is the word that refers to the off-page SEO in the best manner. The website | blog link in coming to the website or blog A\c to Wikipedia back-link is any link received by the website node (web page, directory and website)  from another website node. Back-links, also known as the incoming links, inbound links  and inward links. 

off page seo Guide latest free 2013

Why Back-link is important?

A back-link is the following properties and is to be considered good in the crawler of search engines so this maximum effect on the off-page SEO .

Blogging and Guest Blogging:

Guest posting and blogging is very important for the back-links and every website must have the blog to improve the ranking and page rank. It is highly important that the owner reply to a user’s question to gain reputation and more traffic.

Guest blogging is another important for gaining traffic and Back-links for your website.so all your guest blogs will have the higher Back-links and fans and it will be the good ranked by search engines.

Blog | Website Commenting and Blog | Forum Posting:

This is very important step that comment on the different Blog | website. so then you get easily back-link and traffic also for your website. So try to choose related for your topic Like SEO and Hacking.  
Join forums related to your website | Blog and then start a conversation with Different people and solve the problem of people. Like Yahoo answer and other forum.

High PageRank Web Page:

Try to exchange link with High page rank web page so then you get good back-links for your website easily. And also comment on a website.


Social Bookmarking:

There are a lot of social bookmarking websites like Dig, Squidoo, stumpl, delicious, stumbleupon etc. so these websites have many active users. These website’s also have the search engine spiders crawling almost all time because it has the rich content with active users. 

Directory Submission:

Most people may find this Directory submission as a waste of time, but in my point of view the directories with the good ranking are worth posting.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Scott Knaster, Google Code Blog Editor

Google Public DNS is a fast, free DNS service that we introduced a little more than 2 years ago. As the Official Google Blog post aptly puts it, “DNS acts like the phone book of the Internet”, translating from human-readable URLs to all-numeric IP addresses. Google Public DNS started as an experimental service and has now become the most-used public DNS service in the world with over 70 billion requests per day, mostly from outside the U.S. Will the next step be support for users in more distant places? (Probably not there.)

Speaking of faraway places, astronomers using images from the Hubble space telescope have found black hole HLX-1, which appears to be all that’s left of a dwarf galaxy that once contained other stars. The theory is that this late galaxy was torn apart by a nearby spiral galaxy, leaving only HLX-1. The other stars became part of the larger galaxy.

While you’re musing on this supermassive black hole, consider some much tinier creatures: little chameleons, just about one inch long, recently discovered in Madagascar. Scientists think this miniaturization might be an evolutionary response to limited resources.

tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny chameleon
Tiny chameleon: he comes and goes, he comes and goes

Finally, we can’t help but jump on the Linsanity bandwagon. Of course, we’re doing it in a nerdy way by pointing you to this article (interesting even for non-sports fans) about why talent evaluation is so tricky.

On Fridays we take a break and do a Fridaygram post just for fun. Each Fridaygram item must pass only one test: it has to be interesting to us nerds. Special thanks to Wired Science for having many excellent posts this week.

Images: Glaw, F., et al., PLoS ONE

2013, By: Seo Master
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