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2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

White and Black Hat SEO

A good SEO can tune up your web site. For this you have to know about the SEO techniques. If you get a fresh idea & put some effort in regular basis, definitely you will be able to improve your website rankings. SEO techniques can be classified into two broad categories:

White Hat SEO
1. White Hat SEO: White Hat SEO considered as a good SEO technique all over the world. When an SEO technique authenticates the search engine’s guidelines & involves no deception then it is called White Hat SEO.   
2. Black Hat SEO:
Black Hat SEO attempts to improve rankings in ways that are disapproved of by the search engines, or involve deception. If you follow this Black Hat SEO technique, search engines can penalize your site by reducing your website rankings or eliminating listing from their database.  Such penalties can be applied either automatically by the search engines' algorithms, or by a manual site review.

Top 5 White Hat SEO Techniques

1. Quality Content:

Quality Content
Content is King. There is nothing more valuable you can do to optimize your site for search engines than offer unique well written content. A search engine try to provide what it believes to be the most appropriate website for any given search to the end user. So, quality content helps to increase traffic many times. 

2. Keyword Research and Effective Keyword Use:

Keyword is the main element of content. Research keywords and key phrases you think people might use to find your site. Remember, single words are not always the most effective target, try multi-word phrases that are much more specific to your service. Use the keywords and key phrases you have identified effectively throughout your website. Assign each page 2-3 of the keywords you’ve identified & use the keywords throughout all the important elements of the page. These are: Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords, Heading Elements, <H1>, <H2>, Text, Alt Tag, Title Tag and Links. There’s no ‘right way’ to do keyword research. But one can use Google keyword research tool for advance ideas. 

3. Quality Inbound Links:

SEO Process
Quality Inbound Links help search engine to ranking your site well. Good links are links from other web pages that are regarded highly by the search engines and are contextually relevant to the content of your page. Bad links are links from web pages that aren’t regarded highly or potentially banned by search engines and have no relevance to the content of your page. 

4. Titles and Meta Data:

Title represents the true picture of content. Providing pages with proper titles and Meta data is essential. It’s very important to use them properly. Titles however still carry a lot of weight and when we think of semantic mark up it is understandable why. The title of anything is a declaration as to what the content might be. 

5. Use Structural Mark Up:

Semantically structuring your mark up helps search engines understand the content of your webpage which is of course a good thing. Making proper use of heading elements is essential because search engines give more weight to the content within the heading elements. Remember content is king!

I think after this discussion you all will be more engaged with White Hat SEO techniques. But be honest, it is a core aspect of SEO and proper website development.

2013, By: Seo Master
The Utror valley is situated in pakistan. It is surrounded by Gabral and Bhan Valleys wallpaper on the east, upper Dir district on the west, Kalam valley on the south and Gabral valley on the north. It is 15 km from Kalam, the centre of Swat Kohistan.
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