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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers

خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers

خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers

خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers

خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers

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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
المصدر: المصفوفة
Seo Master present to you:
Today tutorial i will tell you how to change the color images into black and white using simple script. This code has the ability to make images into black and white using CSS. Turn images into black and white without having to use Photoshop and other image editing softwar .
It is always nice to turn your colorful images into black and white in your web design work. Adding such a grey-scale effect on images is useful for gallery and hover effects designs.

Check out the demo below:

Convert Images into Black and White

Click Here for More Live Demo:

How can Add Css Code into your blog.

  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
  2. Search (Ctrl+F) for  ]]></b:skin>

Past below code above ]]></b:skin>

filter: grayscale(100%);
-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);
-moz-filter: grayscale(100%);
-ms-filter: grayscale(100%);
-o-filter: grayscale(100%);
And put the below code where you want to show images.

<img id="bk-grayscale" src="IMG URL" />
 Change IMG URL with your image URL

And if you can add only one image on post or widgets then only put below html code

filter: grayscale(100%);
-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);
-moz-filter: grayscale(100%);
-ms-filter: grayscale(100%);
-o-filter: grayscale(100%);
<img id="bk-grayscale" src="IMG URL" />
Change IMG URL with your image URL

Hope I was able to explain everything to the point. You can use other options along with grayscale filter on the images like hover effects and gallery stuffs without the need to use Photoshop or any other image editing software.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Firewalls are the first line of defense for computers connected to other computers or to the Internet.

They help to protect against viruses, malicious software and hackers. At the same time, they can allow communication with other computers or Internet sites that are known to be safe. There are two types of firewalls: Hardware-based and software-based.

Hardware Firewall:

             A hardware firewall can be a stand-alone product, or it may be part of a broadband router. A firewall in a broadband router generally needs no configuration by the user, and it protects all computers on a local network. Hardware firewalls work by using a technique called packet filtering to intercept information before it enters the private network. Any data coming from unknown, unsecured or suspicious locations is rejected and not allowed through.

Software Firewall

           A software firewall is a program that must be installed on a computer. It can be customized by the user. The program runs in the background and protects the computer from suspicious data. It can be configured to always allow information from certain sites or to always block certain sites. It can also be temporarily turned off if it is interfering with attempts to access websites or other computers that are known to be safe.

Which is better?

           Hardware and software firewalls each have advantages and disadvantages. A hardware firewall will protect all computers on a network, but software firewalls must be installed on each computer. This does allow each computer user to choose and customize their firewall software. Since hardware firewalls protect all computers on a private network, individual customization per computer is not possible. Software firewalls must be updated regularly by downloading recommended updates from the manufacture. A software firewall is particularly important for laptop or notebook computers that are taken from place to place. Some functions of hardware and software firewalls overlap, but in general it is best to have both types.

What Firewalls Don’t Do

           A Firewall operates by barring unsecured data from reaching a computer or the computers on a network. It determines what is unsecured or potentially unsecured by following a set of rules that are programmed into it. While a firewall may prevent computer viruses by blocking them, viruses, malware, and other types of malicious data can still get past a firewall if it does not recognize them as a threat. Therefore, it is important to have anti-virus and anti-malware software installed in addition to a firewall.

Author Bio:

Peter Wendt is a writer & researcher interested in computer security. Wendt recommends visiting Ottawa IT support specialists for computer services.
2013, By: Seo Master
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