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Seo Master present to you:

Directory submission is a kind of manual search engine.Where a lot of the information is submitted.
Again, many visitors come every day. Here you can submit your web site. You will get a lot of visitors. In addition to the high page ranked sites to back link to your 1 will be created.

This means that the back-links you will dominate the search engine Google. It is 1 of the most important things. This work faster and do more, the higher will be your profit.his is the site to get information about it read all the information on our site.
Some directory sites name : 
http://www.add-link.info/ 5
http://www.addurl-free.com/ 5
http://www.addyoursitefreesubmit.com/ 5
http://www.aha.co.za/ 5
http://www.araboo.com/ 5
http://www.axelis.com/ 5
Our next lesson Rss  feed submission . Thanks

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: This Tutorial We Will discuss How Add Seo Friendly "Robots.txt" In blogger/Blog .Because it is The Main Part of Blogger Increase traffic rank In Search Engines.When You start posting And published So your Blog Will be automatically index in Search Engin .

How Add An SEO Friendly Robots.txt File To Blogger.

  • Go To Blogger >>> Settings >>> Search Preferences.
  • In The "Crawlers and Indexing"  Sections, Look For The "Custom Robots.txt".
  • Click On Yes and a Box Will Appear Like The Image Below.
How To Add SEO Friendly Robots.txt file into Blogger Blog

  • Now Copy The Following Code And Paste It In That  Empty Box.
How To Add SEO Friendly Robots.txt file into Blogger Blog
How To Add SEO Friendly Robots.txt file into Blogger Blog

     User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
     User-agent: *
     Disallow: /search?q=*
     Disallow: /*?updated-max=*
     Allow: /
     Sitemap: http://www.matrixar.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=updated

    •  Note : Important note For your Blog .In the above code first line "User-agent: Mediapartners-Google" is for Google Adsense.If you are not using the Google Adsense then remove the first line.Then Save It.
    • Replace http://www.matrixar.com/ with your blog/site link.
    • Click 'Save Changes' and i Hope You have don This SEO Tip. 
    i Hope You Like This Trick..
      2013, By: Seo Master

      CARA MEMILIH KATA KUNCI (KEYWORD) YANG TEPAT - Jangan memandang remeh masalah ini. Ini adalah urat nadi trafik di blog saudara. Salah memilih keyword, maka optimisasi SEO saudara akan sangat berat. Jadi harap membaca artikel trik mudah SEO kali ini dengan seksama.

      Baiklah, mari kita bahas bagaimana cara kita melakukan riset kata kunci yang paling baik untuk dioptimisasi. Pertama-tama