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Seo Master present to you:

Meta Tag in Blogger

Meta tags, especially description tag and keyword tag, are the most important tag for SEO in Blogger. Meta tags allow search engine spider crawl and index your website more accurately. In other words, meta tags tell the search engine what your website about and how they display your page in search result pages.
Beside description and keywords meta tag, you can use some other tags help for SEO like robots tag, author tags, open graph tag:
  • Description and Keywords: provide information of your page.
  • Author: tell everybody author of this post.
  • Robots: tell the search engine spider how to treat your page. You can't prevent the spider from crawling and indexing your page and many other thing.
  • Open Graph: mark by property attribute with og value like og:title, og:type, og:site_name etc. This tag is used by Facebook to display your blog exactly.
Meta Tag Robots, Author and Open Graph
Meta Tag Robots, Author and Open Graph

Using Meta Tag Description and Keywords in Blogger

There are 2 ways to adding meta tag description and keywords to Blogger, by Settings and by HTML Editor. Please read Blogger How 4 - SEO Techniques for Blogger for complete information about using meta tag.

About Dynamic Meta Tag

What is Dynamic Meta Tag

If you ever used Wordpress, you would notice that some wordpress SEO plugins always have a dynamic meta tag function. It will generate a different tag for each post, not just the same keywords or description like default Blogger Meta tag.
Where do the different tags come from? The plugins will get description and keywords from post title, labels (tags, categories) and some words from post content. Some Wordpress plugins support this function are SEO Ultimate, All-in-one SEO Pack, Wordpress SEO by Yoast.

Why Dynamic?

Well, with the default meta tag, every page of your blog will have the same tag. That's mean the search engine can not clearly know about your page content, and will treat all page the same way. That's called "duplicate meta tag"and definitely not good for SEO.

Dynamic Meta Tag Generator 1.2 for Blogger/Blogspot

Dynamic Meta Tag Generator by HoweBlog helps you generate dynamic tag for Blogger/Blogspot with your desire keywords. There are some advantages:
  • Getting keywords and description from your post title.
  • Use your owd keywords along with auto keywords.
  • Support dynamic meta tag for every page of Blogger.
  • Support open graph meta tag use for social media network such as Facebook.
  • Easy to use.

How To Use

  1. Go to Howeblog > Tools > Dynamic Meta Generator
  2. Fill in all fields to make the tool work properly. Author and Robots is optional. You can use the same description and keywords at Homepage and Post page.
    Using Dynamic Meta Tag Generator
    Using Dynamic Meta Tag Generator
  3. Click Generate Meta Tag to get the code, then select all and copy this.
  4. Backup your template, then go to your blog Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML.
  5. Find 
    <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
  6. Paste the code copied in step 3. If there is already have old meta tag, then replace them with the new one. You should replace old meta description, meta keywords, meta og, meta robots and meta author. If you still keep old meta tag, the lower position tag will be used.
    Replace old meta tag with the new one
    Replace old meta tag with the new one
  7. Save your template and you're done.
After these step, please go to your blog and check meta tag at some pages to make sure everything work fine. For error report, please comment at this post, I will reply in 24h.2013, By: Seo Master

6 KESALAHAN PENYEBAB TRAFFIC BLOG TURUN - Pernah mengalami traffic blog yang turun tapi bingung apa penyebabnya? Banyak blogger yang melakukan kesalahan yang membuat traffic blog turun tanpa menyadari kesalahan apa yang sudah diperbuatnya. Berikut ini saya membuat daftar beberapa hal yang pernah membuat traffic dari blog-blog saya anjlok.

Artikel ini sangat penting bagi anda yang blogging
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2013, By: Seo Master
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