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2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: As you know, editing and customizing Blogger Template with HTML editor is like a nightmare with anyone who is not familiar with coding. Just because the old HTML editor is just like a Notepad program without anything to help the users. No syntax highlighter, no line counter, no everything, just a white page with thousand lines of code.

New Blogger Template HTML Editor is OUT!

But it's not like that anymore! The new Blogger Template HTML Editor has come out with many many improvements as a press release from Blogger Buzz. This is the best Blogger update I've ever heard and I have waited for this for several years! Okay, enough with introduction, let's find out.

What's New In New Blogger Template HTML Editor?

What's New In New Blogger Template HTML Editor
What's New In New Blogger Template HTML Editor

1. Syntax Highlighter

The first thing I can notice from the new editor is syntax highlighter. What is that? Syntax Highligting is a feature of code editor that display code in different colors (and fonts) according to the category of terms. It will help you easier to spot a part of code. It's also support auto-indentation to match code's structure.

2. Line Counter

Like before, everytime you make a error in code, it was very hard to find where is the error line. With source code line counter, it's will much easier.

3. No More Widget Expand, Replace With Code Folding

There is no Expand Widget Template anymore, it is Code Folding instead. When editing template, you will see some character at the counter column, click on it and all code of this section will be expanded. After expanding code, the will disappear, but if you click at where the symbol disappear you can fold the code again.

There will be each for every widget code, you need to click every to expand all widgets code.
For more information, read How To Expand Widget Templates in new HTML Editor.

4. Jump To Widget

With this function, you can easily locate any widget html code in template without using search. 

5. Find, Find and Replace, Replace All

Now, everytime you press Ctrl + F, there is a build-in find function of HTML Editor. If you still wanna use Browser Find function, press Ctrl F again or press F3. But I recommend using the build-in one, because it will hight light all matched word, not only one. And to Find Next, press Ctrl G.
For Replace function, press Ctrl Shift F, input what's need to replace then Enter, input what's you wanna replace with and Enter again.
Replace All helps you replace all word at once, press Ctrl Shift R and use like Replace.

6. Error Highlighter

Not just error notification like old editor, the new editor also highlights the line of code with error. If there is more than one error, the first error will be notified and highlighted.

7. Preview Template

Preview your website without Saving the template

8. Format Template

Format Template button will automatically cleans up the indentation of the template. That's will make your code friendlier.
Before Using Format Template
Before Using Format Template
After Using Format Template
After Using Format Template

9. Revert Changes

No need to refresh all page anymore, just click Revert Changes.

10. Revert Widget Template

Revert Widget value to default. Reverting a widget to its default value will remove any customizations you have made inside the <b:widget> tag.

How Can You Use That?

This improvements have been applied to every Blogger, not ony Blogger in Drafts. With someone who new with Blogger or coding, maybe this change is a little bit confused. The only way is try to get used to it.

How About Howeblog

This is really a big change and affect to all older tips. Don't worry, every tips still work fine with this new editor but few step may a bit different since old editor has been replaced. And I think there is no way to roll back to the old editor.
I will try to edit old post to suitable with this new editor. After that, I will write some tips about using it, please stay tune. Peace!2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Here is list of 200 blogs for free backlinks. 200 Free blogging site for search engine seo Made a blog and put your main link in new pages and enjoy. I hope this will be helpful for everyone. This seo techniques.
  1. http://www.blogger.com
  2. http://www.myspace.com
  3. http://www.livejournal.com
  4. http://wordpress.com
  5. http://geocities.yahoo.com
  6. http://www.filefront.com
  7. http://my.opera.com/community
  8. http://www.vox.com
  9. http://9rules.com
  10. http://hubpages.com
  11. http://www.newsisfree.com
  12. http://peopleconnection.aol.com/blogs
  13. http://www.xanga.com
  14. http://members.freewebs.com
  15. http://www.bravenet.com/webtools/journal
  16. http://www.angelfire.lycos.com
  17. http://boingboing.net
  18. http://www.snap.com
  19. http://www.doteasy.com
  20. http://squarespace.com
  21. http://www.diaryland.com
  22. http://www.blog-city.com
  23. http://www.zefrank.com
  24. http://www.thefreesite.com/Free_Blog_Resources
  25. http://www.antville.org
  26. http://www.blogher.org
  27. http://www.blogrankings.com
  28. http://edublogs.org
  29. http://www.textamerica.com
  30. http://weblogs.us
  31. http://www.bloghub.com
  32. http://portal.eatonweb.com
  33. http://www.blogsearchengine.com
  34. http://www.blogowogo.com
  35. http://bloghi.com
  36. http://www.weblogger.com
  37. http://www.freevlog.org
  38. http://blogrox.com
  39. http://www.inknoise.com/pages/index.php
  40. http://multiply.com
  41. http://thingamablog.sourceforge.net
  42. http://www.bloggar.cjb.net
  43. http://www.blogsome.com
  44. http://www.salon.com/blogs
  45. http://www.tumblr.com
  46. http://blog.com
  47. http://www.fotopages.com
  48. http://www.blogdrive.com
  49. http://www.twoday.net
  50. http://www.blogspirit.com/en/index.php
  51. http://www.jaiku.com
  52. http://blogs.botw.org/
  53. http://www.weebly.com/
  54. http://www.ziki.com/
  55. http://www.alivedirectory.com/Blog-Directory/
  56. http://www.blogger.de/
  57. http://www.pitas.com/
  58. http://www.blog.co.uk/
  59. http://www.insanejournal.com/
  60. http://www.blogharbor.com/
  61. http://www.terapad.com/
  62. http://www.motime.com/
  63. http://www.easyjournal.com/
  64. http://findory.com/
  65. http://www.20six.co.uk/
  66. http://www.myblogvoice.com/
  67. http://www.weblogalot.com/
  68. http://www.viddyou.com
  69. http://www.deadjournal.com/
  70. http://www.lsblogs.com/
  71. http://www.blog.ca/
  72. http://www.danchan.com/weblog/
  73. http://ourstory.com/
  74. http://www.supersized.org/
  75. http://www.etribes.com/index_etribes.php
  76. http://www.21publish.com/
  77. http://www.bloglisting.net/
  78. http://thespoke.net/
  79. http://www.iseekblog.com/
  80. http://www.blogates.com/
  81. http://www.loudblog.com/
  82. http://www.upsaid.com/
  83. http://writetomyblog.com/
  84. http://www.openserving.com/
  85. http://www.beanrocket.com/
  86. http://blogslive.net/
  87. http://www.bloki.com/
  88. http://www.botablog.com/
  89. http://www.thumblogger.com/
  90. http://zorpia.com/
  91. http://www.maktoobblog.com/
  92. http://www.zoomshare.com/
  93. http://www.memebot.com/
  94. http://tabulas.com/
  95. http://www.opendiary.com/
  96. http://www.snapvine.com/blog/list
  97. http://www.journalfen.net/
  98. http://www.weblog.ro/
  99. http://blogster.com/
  100. http://www.tblog.com/
  101. http://www.soulcast.com/
  102. http://www.blurty.com/
  103. http://www.ebloggy.com/
  104. http://www.today.com/
  105. http://www.busythumbs.com/
  106. http://clearblogs.com/
  107. http://www.aeonity.com/
  108. http://www.blognow.com.au/
  109. http://www.bloghoster.net/
  110. http://www.weblog.com/
  111. http://www.thoughts.com/
  112. http://www.blogr.com/
  113. http://www.alkablog.com/
  114. http://www.shoutpost.com/
  115. http://2pt.net/
  116. http://www.blogeasy.com/
  117. http://www.mydeardiary.com/
  118. http://www.bloggerteam.com/login.php
  119. http://www.blogstudio.com/
  120. http://okayblog.net/
  121. http://www.deardiary.net/
  122. http://seo-blog.org/
  123. http://www.kmax.ws/bloglinks.htm
  124. http://www.blogupper.com/
  125. http://www.phlog.net/
  126. http://www.blogdog.com/
  127. http://www.wikyblog.com/
  128. http://www.globenotes.com/
  129. http://www.my-journal.com/
  130. http://www.blogladder.com/
  131. http://livelyblog.com/
  132. http://blogs.xanco.com/
  133. http://www.atom5.com/
  134. http://www.blogtastic.com/
  135. http://johndoe.org/
  136. http://www.journalfiend.com/
  137. http://www.jeeran.com/blogs/
  138. http://avblog.userplane.com/message.cfm
  139. http://www.blogtv.com/
  140. http://blogs.skaffe.com/login.php
  141. http://www.getjealous.com/
  142. http://blogsavy.com/
  143. http://www.blogit.com/Blogs/
  144. http://www.journalhome.com/
  145. http://conservablogs.com/
  146. http://www.hosting365.com/blog/2006/04/01/free-blogs/
  147. http://www.my-diary.org/
  148. http://blogetery.com/
  149. http://newblog.com/
  150. http://www.blogabond.com/
  151. http://www.bloxster.net/portal.php
  152. http://www.blogyx.com/
  153. http://www.manhattanservice.com/directory/blogs.html
  154. http://dakotablogs.com/
  155. http://www.blogtext.org/
  156. http://www.blogmyway.org/xportal_main_clone_open_source.php
  157. http://www.dragid.com/
  158. http://www.blogadr.com/
  159. http://www.trippert.com/
  160. http://www.superblogdirectory.com/
  161. http://www.digitalexpressions.nu/
  162. http://www.outblogger.com/
  163. http://www.blogbeee.com/
  164. http://www.iuplog.com/
  165. http://www.blogiversity.org/
  166. http://www.blogthing.com/
  167. http://www.blogomonster.com/
  168. http://www.egoweblog.com/
  169. http://www.myblog.net/
  170. http://www.inube.com/
  171. http://www.netcipia.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome
  172. http://journalhub.com/summary.php
  173. http://www.blogcheese.com/
  174. http://www.wordcountjournal.com/
  175. http://www.livelogcity.com/
  176. http://blogbud.com/
  177. http://blogcityusa.com/
  178. http://www.theblog.cc
  179. http://reger.com/about/index.log
  180. http://www.blogpod.com/
  181. http://www.planet-travels.com/
  182. http://www.talkingforest.com/
  183. http://www.crablog.com/
  184. http://tooum.com/
  185. http://www.bahraichblogs.com/
  186. http://www.rememory.com/
  187. http://monkee.biz/
  188. http://www.3ebooks.com/
  189. http://blogs.namesatnames.co.uk/
  190. http://www.myitblog.com/
  191. http://www.xlogz.com/
  192. http://webmasters.thumbblogs.com/
  193. http://shoutpost.com/
  194. http://www.hyperblogs.net/
  195. http://blogsarena.com/home.html
  196. http://www.blogsboom.com/
  197. http://nowblogging.net/
  198. http://zeroblogs.com/
  199. http://www.eblogger.com/
  200. http://www.bloty.com/
  201. http://www.theblogs.net/
  202. http://www2.globbo.org/
  203. http://blogspex.com/
  204. http://blogisme.com/
  205. http://pagebuildr.com/
  206. http://blogmole.com/
  207. http://shinyblogs.com/
  208. http://www.myhappyblog.com/
  209. http://webcamfreeblog.com/
  210. http://speedytown.com/
  211. http://tennerblog.com/
  212. http://www.indoblogger.com/login.php
  213. http://avatale.com/
  214. http://www.lonelymind.com/
  215. http://knowwizard.com/
  216. http://blogonfly.com/
  217. http://blogema.org/
  218. http://ebzzo.com/
  219. http://ufem.com/
  220. http://home.live.com/?mkt=en-us
  221. http://blog.360.yahoo.com/
  222. http://jaoblogs.com/
  223. http://blog.allyouwant.cn/
  224. http://www.perfectfreewebhosting.com/
  225. http://blogsearch.google.com/
  226. http://www.free-blog-site.com/
  227. http://www.greatestjournal.com/
  228. http://mytypes.com/
  229. http://www.mindsay.com/
  230. http://blogstreet.com/
  231. http://www.blogghost.net/
  232. http://nodblog.com/
  233. http://iblog.net.au/
  234. http://www.beklo.com/portal.php
  235. http://www.desiblogz.com/home.php
  236. http://www.x-aff.com/
  237. http://www.365.travel/
2013, By: Seo Master
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