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Seo Master present to you:

This information is intended for experienced users. Not intended for basic users, hackers, or mobile phone thieves. Please do not try any of the following methods if you are not familiar with the phone. We will not be liable for any use or misuse of this information, including data loss or hardware damage. So, there are risks in your own hands.

So, in this topic, you will get Some Hidden Secret Code that can be used in the Google Android Phone, Access to things that are not accessible by default. :)

* # * # 4636 # * # *

This code can be used to obtain some interesting information about your phone and battery. This suggests the following four on-screen menu:

(1) Information Phone

(2) Battery information

(3) History of Batteries

(4) Usage Statistics

* # * # 7780 # * # *

This code can be used to reset data such as origin. This will delete the following things:

(1) Google account settings are stored in your phone

(2) System and application data and settings

(3) Applications that were NOT going to download and delete:

(4) Current software systems and application packages

(5) Card SD files such as photos, music files, etc.

NOTE: After you provide this code, you get a prompt screen asking you to click on the button “Reset Phone”. So you get a chance to cancel your Surgery.

* 2767 * 3855 #

Think before you give this code. This code is used for formatting the original manufacturer. This will delete all files and settings, including internal memory storage. This will also reinstall the phone’s firmware.

NOTE: After you provide this code, there is no way to cancel the operation unless you remove the battery from the phone. So think twicebefore giving these codes.

# * # 34971539 # * # *

This Code is used to Obtain Information about Camera Phones. This suggests the following four menus:

(1) Update the camera firmware in the picture (Do not try this option)

(2) Update the camera firmware in the SD card

(3) Get the camera firmware version

(4) Obtain a count of firmware updates

WARNING: Do not uses the first option is declared, the camera phone will stop working and you will need to take your phone to a service center / shop to reinstall the firmware of the Camera.

* # * # 7594 # * # *

This one is one of my favorites. This code can be used to change the “End Call / Power” action on your phone keypad. So the default, if you press the button for a moment, it will display a screen that asks you to select options from the Silent mode, and Turn off Airplane mode phone.

You can change the action using this code. You can activate this power directly from the button so you do not have to waste your time in choosing the option.

* # * # 273 283 * 255 * 663 282 *#*#*

This code will open a copy of the screen where you can file for backup media files such as image, voice, video and voice memos.

* # * # 197328640 # * # *

This code can be used for entry into service mode. You can run various tests and setting changes in service mode.

Test Code: WLAN, GPS and Bluetooth :

* # * # 232 338 # * # * Displays the MAC address of WiFi

* # * # 1472365 # * # * GPS test

* # * # 1575 # * # * Test a GPS who others are.

* # * # 232 331 # * # * Bluetooth test

* # * # 232 337 # * # Displays the Bluetooth address

* # * # 8255 # * # * This code can be used to launch GTalk Service Monitor.

Code to get the firmware version information:

* # * # 4986 * 2650468 # * # * PDA, phone, H / W, RFCallDate

* # * # 1234 # * # * PDA and Phone

* # * # 1111 # * # * FTA SW Version

* # * # 2222 # * # * FTA HW Version

* # * # 44 336 # * # * PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, Changelist number.

Code to launch various tests Factory:

* # * # 0283 # * # * Loopback packet

* # * # 0 *#*#* LCD test

* # * # 0673 # * # * or * # * # 0289 # * # * Melody tests

* # * # 0842 # * # * Test Device (Vibration test and Backlight)

* # * # 2663 # * # * Touch screen version

* # * # 2664 # * # * Touch screen test

* # * # 0588 # * # * Proximity sensor test

* # * # 3264 # * # * RAM version

NOTE: All the above code has been tested on Google Android phones Samsung I7500 Galaxy. should also function on the Google Android phone else.

2013, By: Seo Master

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