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Seo Master present to you:


The Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) provides programmers with a way to create richly formatted text. Many facets of a text's display are controllable in HTML. The size of the font as well as the font choice itself are easily manipulated. The line spacing and the distance between individual text characters can be changed. Stylizations such as bold, italics, underline or superscript notation are added using simple HTML tags to the text. The color of the words and even the background shading of an entire text line can be altered. It is often desirable to convert these results into a permanent image file. This allows someone to use HTML to construct logo text, for example, then save that logo as a separate file for use on letterhead or any other application.

Items you will need
  • Web Browser
  • Image Editing Program
Step 1

Open the HTML document that contains the text you wish to convert into an image. Use a web browser to view the displayed HTML. In most cases, simply double-clicking on the HTML document will open the file in a web browser automatically.

Step 2

Scroll the HTML page in the web browser so all the text is clearly visible on the screen without the need for additional scrolling. Make sure no other windows or toolbars obstruct the view of the text.

Step 3

Hold down the "Alt" button on the keyboard while pressing the "Print Screen" button. The current window displaying the HTML text is captured as a screenshot and saved to the computer's memory.

Step 4

Open an image editing program. Windows contains a basic image editor, Paint, that is satisfactory for this purpose. It is located in the "Start" menu "Programs" folder, under the "Accessories" group.

Step 5

Press the keyboard combination "Control+V". This will paste the screenshot into the image editing software. Alternately, use the "Edit" menu and select "Paste." The entire screenshot is delivered into the editing software as an image. This will include much more than just the HTML text.

Step 6

Crop the screenshot to arrive at only the HTML text you wish to keep. Use the "Select" tool in "Paint" to draw an outline around the portion of the screenshot you wish to target for your final image.

Step 7

Press the "Control+C" keyboard combination to copy just that selection into memory.

Step 8

Click the "File" menu and choose "New" to create a new image document.

Step 9

Paste the copied image into the new document, using either the "Paste" option from the "Edit" menu or the keyboard combination "Control+V."

Step 10

Save the image using the "File" menu "Save" command. The original HTML text is now converted into its own standalone image.

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Send Free SMS to any mobile in India, UAE, Saudi, Singapore, US, UK, Australia, Canada etc


Below is the list of top Free SMS(short-messaging service) sites in the world. Send Free SMS to any mobile in India, Kuwait, UAE, Saudi, Singapore, Phillipines, US, UK, Australia, Canada etc. Get unlimited SMS facility and special membership offers. Chat with your friends and Fans all over the world, absolutely FREE!!!!!!!

Also get Free Ringtones, Wallpapers, Logos, Mobile softwares, Mobile Games and lot of other exciting stuff for Free


List of Top Free SMS Sites in India














Free International SMS Sites





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General Info: SMS(short messaging service) or silent Messaging service is a communication service in the GSM mobile communication system, using standardized communication protocols that enable the transmission of text messages over mobile phones. SMS text messaging is the most widely used communication mode on the earth, with 2.4 billion users

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Orkut has released its  new Share application programming interface.  This interface allows you to share and promote your blog posts with your friends on Orkut.  In this post I will explain you about adding Orkut Share’ Button to your Blogger Blogs.                                   

Step 1
Login to Blogger Dashboard >> Design >> Edit HTML >> Expand Widget Templates.
Press CTRL F and look for </head>
Now add following code ABOVE </head>

<script src='http://www.google.com/jsapi' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
google.load('orkut.share', '1');
google.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
new google.orkut.share.Button({}).draw('orkut-button');

Step 2
Now look for

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>


<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>

And add following code BELOW it.
<div id='orkut-button'></div>

It's done. Save your template.
Credits: Thanks to www.orkutplus.net for this nice Orkut Share button. 2013, By: Seo Master
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