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Seo Master present to you:
Pertanyaan bagaimana Cara Agar Blog Jadi Nomor Satu di Google sering sekali menjadi keluhan dari semua blogger pemula sekarang ini, sebab untuk mendapatkan posisi bagus di pencarian google khususnya google.co.id memang memerlukan beberapa kiat khusus. Untuk masalah platform apa yang kita gunakan bukan menjadi suatu masalah, bisa menggunakan blogspot atau wordpress.

Cara Agar Blog Jadi Nomor Satu di GoogleNamun yang paling penting adalah pengaruh dari seo offpage atau istilahnya backlink. Mendapat backlink adalah sebuah link berbentuk teks yg berada di blog atau situs orang lain yang jika kita klik maka akan menuju ke suatu halaman blog kita. Teks dari link ini biasanya berupa anchor text atau teks singkat yang biasanya adalah kata kunci dari halaman tujuan tersebut.

Fungsi dari backlink sangat penting Agar Blog Jadi Nomor Satu di Google dan meningkatkan popularitas suatu blog atau biasa dikenal dengan pagerank yang jadi sebuah ukuran otoritas dan pentingnya situs tersebut terutama oleh mesin pencari seperti Google. Sebab semakin besar pagerank semakin cepat blog kita menjadi nomor 1 di google dalam setiap kata kunci.

Pada pertemua ini saya ingin memberikan sebuah tips mudah namun hasilnya luar biasa dalam mendapatkan pagerank google secara cepat. Jadi intinya semakin cepat melakukan cara ini semakin besar peluang blog teman-teman akan menjadi nomor satu di google apabila sudah mendapatkan pagerank nanti. Untuk selengkapnya silakan baca tutorialnya di sini Cara Cepat Update PageRank google.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
When you click on your images or photos, a wide black iframe window opens without leaving the page and shows you the image in foreground. This Lightbox (also called as Greybox or thickbox) view effect is enabled for all Blogger blogs by default, and it can be found also on Facebook and Google +. However, for some people this effect has turned into a headache and some may prefer to turn it off.

How to disable Lightbox view?
  • Log in to your Blogger Dashboard 
  • Go to Settings > Posts and comments  
  • Look for the "Showcase images with Lightbox" and select "No".

Save your Settings and you're done!
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:


With just a few snippets of HTML code, you can embed an image into any web page, email or other Internet-based HTML or XML document. While you cannot "convert" an image to HTML code, you can save the image locally or at a specific Web address and then designate a place for it in an HTML document. You can also specify how many pixels large the the image should appear, both vertically and horizontally. Read on to learn how to convert an image to HTML code.

  • 1

    Choose an image. It can be any image of any size.

  • 2

    Save the image locally or online. This means that you can save it to your computer or at a specific Web address. If you want other people to be able to see the image online, you need to upload the image to a Web server. Use your website server, or if you have no website, try using Picasa or other image storage and sharing application. Take note of the URL where the photo is saved.

  • 3

             Open an HTML document. Use the image tag and the exact URL of where the image is stored: <img src="http://example.com/image.jpg">.

            This will embed    the image into your HTML document. When the user opens that document via a Web browser or other program, the image will appear.

  • 4

    Adjust the width of the image as you wish it to appear, in terms of pixels. Again, use the exact URL of where the image is stored. For example, <img src-"http://example.com/image.jpg" width=400>. This will stretch or shrink the existing width of the image to 400 pixels.

  • 5

    Adjust the height of the image as you wish it to appear, in terms of pixels. For example, <img src="http://example.com/image.jpg" height=700>. This will stretch or shrink the existing height of the image to 700 pixels.

  • 6

    Combine width and height adjustments as necessary. For example, <img src="http://example.com/image.jpg" width=400 height=700>.

  • 7

    Turn the image into a link if desired. Use the anchor tag with the image tag embedded within. For example, <a href="http://website.com"><img src="http://example.com/image.jpg" width=400 height=700></a>.

2013, By: Seo Master
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