Création des Logiciels de gestion d'Entreprise, Création et référencement des sites web, Réseaux et Maintenance, Conception

Création des Logiciels de gestion d'Entreprise, Création et référencement des sites web, Réseaux et Maintenance, Conception
Chrome web store introduces Offline Google Mail as a breakthrough to simplify the user's browser Google Chrome to access your Gmail account without having to connect to the internet. Applications designed to access the offline synchronization of email messages when users Google Chrome in the online condition. This feature is very useful especially when we are difficulties accessing the internet.
Before beginning, the very first step is to install the Google Chrome browser. After that, follow these steps:
1. Open Gmail, then enter your username and password
2. Go to Google Chrome, then open Chrome Web Store
3. In the search box, enter the keyword Offline Gmail, then select the Offline Gmail application.
4. Click ADD TO CHROME, then install the application
5. If the application is installed, open a new tab. So Gmail Offline icon visible
6. Click the icon to start using Offline Gmail offline gmail.
Some of the Web Site or Blog implement right-click protection. So, We can not copy the text that we need on the web. This was deliberately done to prevent the text in the web, in the copy and paste. In my opinion, such protection, are less effective in protecting copyrights, because there are many roads to open up the right-click protection.
In addition, the disable right click will cause the web are not familiar, so lacking in love visitors, because the right-click is one of the facilities that support comfort in the surf. If our writing in the copy and paste someone else without including the original source, we should report it to Google as spam.
There are several ways to copy the article on the protected We, that is byDisable java script program. Disable right click on a web typically involves scripting (javascript), then we can stop off for protection, with the steps as below:
a. Internet Explorer
1) On the Menu Navigation Click: Tools - Internet Options
2) Select In: Security Tab - Custom Level
3) Scroll Down until you find "Active Scripting" and click "Disable"
4) Press the Ok button.
b. Mozilla Firefox
1) In the Navigation Menu Click: Tools - Options
2) Then click: Content tab, Un-check "Enable JavaScript"
3) Ok
c. Google Chrome
1) In Google Chrome shortcut, right click -> Select Properties.
2) In the textbox field "Targeted file", add "-disable-java" on the back.
"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.SNAKE\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe "-disable-javascript
d. Opera
1) Click the Tools menu and then select "Quick Preferences"
2) Then remove checkmark on the "Enable Javascript".
e. Safari
1) On the Edit menu,
2) Select the Preferences menu
3) On the Security menu, remove the check mark on enable javascript.
In addition to the steps above, we can also right-click to open protection with the following steps:
• Download Website to file an HTML file, save web pages to the computer, then open it offline then the script protection will not work. To save a page can be done by clicking the menu "File" then "Save Page As ..." select the directory and save storage.
• Open Page Source. Page source is the source of the page containing the language of html pages that we are open. Articles that exist on the page, also listed on Page Source. Open Page Source by clicking View Menu on the Browser. And then press the Page Source. Some browsers use the term Source Code.
Many people think that Javascript is language that allows you to just make the web alone. In fact, JavaScript function is also a full language of sensation. JavaScript has many secrets that will only be revealed to them that have high curiosity.
Javascript turned out to also be used to detect a fake web page or a phishing site. This is important, especially if you're going to do a transaction with a secret code, such as banking accounts, emails, facebook and others.
The following javascript code, will notify you if the page you're visiting is a fake page. How, paste the following code into your browser address bar when visiting a web. Pop-up screen will appear telling you whether the website is genuine or not.
Here is the Javascript code:
javascript:alert("The actual URL is:\t\t" + location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + "/" + "\nThe address URL is:\t\t" + location.href + "\n" + "\nIf the server names do not match, this may be a spoof.");