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Seo Master present to you:

In a recently published video, Matt Cutts, Google’s head of search spam, listed off the top five SEO mistakes webmasters make.
Matt said these are not the most devastating mistakes, but rather, the most common mistakes.
(1) Not having a website or having a website that is not crawlable is the biggest mistake he sees.
(2) Not including the right words on the page. The example Matt gave is: don’t just write, “Mt. Everest Height” but write, “How high is Mt. Everest?” because that is how people search.
(3) Don’t think about link building, think about compelling content and marketing.
(4) Don’t forget to think about the title and description of your most important pages.
(5) Not using webmaster resources and learning about how Google works and what SEO is about.
So, those are Matt’s top five SEO mistakes. Here’s his video:

2013, By: Seo Master
Update algoritma terbaru google penguin sudah terbit, mungkin agak too late nulis ini. Banyak seo expert aka pakar seo, internet marketing dibuat resah dan gelisah karena sebagian dari teknik seo yang dulu ada yang berubah.Menganalisa ulang akan kemauan google makin diterapkan oleh mereka yang hobi, bahkan bergelut di dunia seo. Ada apa dengan google yang sering mengupdate algoritma serp mesin

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