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Seo Master present to you: Ignite is a series of geek nights started by Brady Forrest of O’Reilly Radar and Bre Pettis of Makerbot Industries that has since spread around the world. The nights combine a Make contest (like a popsicle stick bridge-building contest) and a series of fast-paced, short-form tech talks. To check out past Ignite talks, view the videos at http://ignite.oreilly.com/show.

At Google I/O, we'll be doing a one hour Ignite on the first day of the conference (May 27). In typical Ignite fashion, these talks will each be 5 minutes long with 20 slides and only 15 seconds a slide (they auto-advance). We want to hear your cool ideas, hacks, lessons, and "war stories". What do you want to talk about?

We're looking for speakers to participate, so if you're interested in submitting a talk, sign up via the form below.

Submit your talk for Ignite Google I/O

Submission Deadline: May 11th
Speaker Notification (rolling): May 12th

We’re taking submissions from everyone — whether this is your first time or whether you’ve done an Ignite talk before. Once we've chosen the speakers, we'll be sharing who they are after May 12. Stay tuned!

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
spraying animated subscription buttons blogger
Spraying jQuery animated subscription buttons widget is an awesome widget for blogger.This animated subscription buttons created by Redeyeoperations and i modified it by adding some additional features.This widget works best in Mozilla Firefox..
I created a widget generator for you with some important options.

To view demo of this widget please click on following link


  • 5 subscription buttons
  • jQuery Animation
  • Effective CSS3 Animation
  • Color Selectable base button
View Demo
Step 1: Add jQuery plugin (if your blog have a jquery plugin,ignore this step)
  • Go to Template->Edit HTML [A dialog box appears click Proceed]
  • Copy and paste the below code <head> and save it
<script src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'/>

    2013, By: Seo Master
    Seo Master present to you:
    By Matt Welsh, Ben Greenstein, and Michael Piatek,
    Mobile Web Performance Team

    SPDY is a replacement for HTTP, designed to speed up transfers of web pages by eliminating much of the overhead associated with HTTP. SPDY supports several optimizations that give it an edge over HTTP when it comes to speed. SPDY is gaining a great deal of traction -- it has been implemented in Chrome, Firefox, and Amazon Silk, has been deployed widely by Google, and there is now SPDY support for Apache through the mod_spdy module.

    We wondered what the performance of SPDY would be compared to HTTP for popular websites, using a Samsung Galaxy Nexus (running Android), a modern, SPDY-enabled browser (Chrome for Android), and a variety of pages from real websites (77 pages across 31 popular domains).

    The net result is that using SPDY produced a mean page load time improvement of 23% across these sites, compared to HTTP. This is equivalent to a speedup of 1.3x for SPDY over HTTP. Much more work can be done to improve SPDY performance on 3G and 4G cellular networks, but this is a promising start.

    The following graph shows the page load time for HTTP and SPDY, in milliseconds, across the 77 pages that were measured. As the graph shows, in all but one case, SPDY reduces load times, sometimes by as much as 50%.

    Check out the full article for more details on the measurement methodology and results.

    Matt Welsh, Ben Greenstein, and Michael Piatek are software engineers on Google’s Mobile Web Performance Team based in Seattle. They are working to speed up mobile web performance globally, and as part of their jobs, they run up impressive mobile bandwidth bills every month.

    Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
    2013, By: Seo Master
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