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By Ju-kay Kwek, Product Manager, BigQuery

BigQuery enables businesses and developers to gain real-time business insights from massive amounts of data without any upfront hardware or software investments. Imagine a big pharmaceutical company optimizing daily marketing spend using worldwide sales and advertisement data. Or think of a small online retailer that makes product recommendations based on user clicks. Today, we are making BigQuery publicly available, an important milestone in our effort to bring Big Data analytics to all businesses via the cloud.

Since announcing BigQuery in limited preview last November, many businesses and developers have started using it for real-time Big Data analytics in the cloud. Claritics, a social and mobile analytics company, built a web application for game developers to gain real-time insights into user behavior. Crystalloids, an Amsterdam-based analytics firm, built a cloud-based application to help a resort network analyze customer reservations, optimize marketing and maximize revenue. This just scratches the surface of use cases for BigQuery.

BigQuery is accessible via a simple UI or REST interface. It lets you take advantage of Google’s massive compute power, store as much data as needed and pay only for what you use. Your data is protected with multiple layers of security, replicated across multiple data centers and can be easily exported.

Developers and businesses can sign up for BigQuery online and query up to 100 GB of data per month for free. See our introductory pricing plan for storing and querying datasets of up to 2 TB. If you need more than that, contact a sales representative.

We hope you will be able to gain real-time business insights using BigQuery. Share your BigQuery use cases and feedback in our user forums or on our +Google Enterprise page.

Ju-kay Kwek is the Product Management Lead for Google's Cloud Big Data initiative. In this role, he focuses on creating services that enable businesses and developers to harness Google's unparalleled data processing infrastructure and algorithms to tackle Big Data needs.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Samsung Galaxy S3 (Root, Recovery and Custom ROMs)


After the Samsung Galaxy S3 was released, there were many rooting tools introduced into the market due to its increase in demand. Rooting the OS can help us do many custom operations like unlocking, customization of apps, different ROMs, custom kernels etc. Once you root your mobile, you can have better custom control over it where you can perform lot of operations. It is a tricky process and should be carefully carried out. If the processes are not followed exactly that might leave the phone damaged and dead.

While rooting the phone, make sure you are doing the processes safely by following the steps below. By rooting the phone, you are actually removing the mobile OS restrictions from the internal system of your device. After you finish rooting on your device, you can have complete access to the operating system and the internal system of your device.

Once rooted, you can customize your device’s system to,
  • Install custom apps,
  • Remove internal built-in apps,
  • Modify internal settings,
  • Add Custom recovery feature,
  • Install Custom ROM firmware,
  • Unlock you mobile.
So, with all these options after rooting we will be able to customize, optimize and power up the performances of your smartphone.

Rooting ~ step by step procedure:

Rooting process is the basis for any further customization options like creating recovery image, loading custom ROMs, and etc.
  1. Download the root folder from the following link and save it on your computer.
  2. On your preferred location, extract files from the archive.
  3. On your phone, navigate to Menu -> Settings -> Security and enable the “Unknown Sources” option.
  4. On your phone, enable the USB Debugging option from Menu -> Settings -> Developer options -> USB Debugging.
  5. Connect your device to the computer and transfer the folder to your device.
  6. Double click on RootDebugfs.bat file.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions.
The rooting is done, once the above execution is completed.

Installing clockwordmod recovery ~ step by step procedure:

Once your device is rooted based on above instructions, the clockworkmod recovery can be installed on your phone. Ensure that you have at least 60% of battery prior to installing this recovery procedure.
  1. Download and install the ROM Manager app on your device using this Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.koushikdutta.rommanager
  2. Launch the ROM Manager.
  3. Click the option named, “Flash ClockworkMod Recovery”.
  4. It’ll bring up a screen with the list of compatible devices, tap on your device name.
  5. The recovery will now be downloaded and installed on your device.
This procedure successfully installs the Clockworkmod recovery on your S3.

Samsung Galaxy S3 (Root, Recovery and Custom ROMs)

Creating a custom recovery image ~ Step by Step procedure:

After rooting an S3, custom recovery images can be created, as all Android systems have a recovery partition. This recovery image can later be used if the OS has crashed and to reflash the OS for device recovery.
  1. Launch the ROM Manager that you installed in the previous step and select Flash ClockworkMod Recovery and choose your device.
  2. When you select the Superuser prompt, choose the “Grant” option.
  3. The recovery image is created after it displays “Successfully flashed”.

Loading Custom ROMs ~ Step by step procedure:

Only if the device is rooted and a recovery image is created based on the steps mentioned above, Custom ROMs can be flashed into the device. All the different types of ROMs developed have their own differences, so try few and find which the best based on your usage.
  • Select the ROM that you prefer based on your S3, then download it as a .zip file to your computer.
  • Once downloaded, copy the .zip file without extracting, to the device’s SD card.
  • Disconnect the device from the computer and open ROM Manager from your apps.
  • Select the Reboot into Recovery option and the device would start rebooting after that.
  • After entering into the recovery mode following the reboot process, use the volume buttons to navigate(selecting through options) and power button to select Backup and Recovery.
  • Choose the Backup option and select yes for confirmation. This might take some time so you’ll have to wait till it completes.
  • Select Wipe Data / Factory option ->Select Flash zip from sdcard.
Samsung Galaxy S3 (Root, Recovery and Custom ROMs)
  • Select the copied zip(ROM) file from sdcard and choose it. Click yes for confirmation and wait for the process to finish flashing.
  • Once it has finished flashing, Select Reboot System Now. It is the newly flashed ROM after the reboot is done.

Author Bio:
Rohit Reddy is the editor of GadgetResearch, where he writes about the latest in gadgets and technology. An avid Star Wars fan, Rohit is usually seen reading and watching basketball in his free time.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Ignite is a series of geek nights started by Brady Forrest of O’Reilly Radar and Bre Pettis of Makerbot Industries that has since spread around the world. The nights combine a Make contest (like a popsicle stick bridge-building contest) and a series of fast-paced, short-form tech talks. To check out past Ignite talks, view the videos at http://ignite.oreilly.com/show.

At Google I/O, we'll be doing a one hour Ignite on the first day of the conference (May 27). In typical Ignite fashion, these talks will each be 5 minutes long with 20 slides and only 15 seconds a slide (they auto-advance). We want to hear your cool ideas, hacks, lessons, and "war stories". What do you want to talk about?

We're looking for speakers to participate, so if you're interested in submitting a talk, sign up via the form below.

Submit your talk for Ignite Google I/O

Submission Deadline: May 11th
Speaker Notification (rolling): May 12th

We’re taking submissions from everyone — whether this is your first time or whether you’ve done an Ignite talk before. Once we've chosen the speakers, we'll be sharing who they are after May 12. Stay tuned!

2013, By: Seo Master
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