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Seo Master present to you:

HiDownload(HD) is a leader of all-in-one stream downloader that aims to download multimedia streaming video and audio, enabling you to download movies, music and capture streaming video and audio,record radio from Internet. HiDownload also offers a built-in Broadcast Manager. In addition, it provides all the standard features of a download manager, including scheduling, drop basket, download history, clipboard monitoring, download categories as well as zip preview and more.

HiDownload Platinum 8.1 Full Version With License Key or Serial Number from(www.www.matrixar.com)


Download HiDownload Platinum 8.1 Full Version With License Key: Click here (Alternate Link) OR Click here



User: MasterHacks

Email: arunjohnson001@gmail.com

Key: 436224b9b70e0fb39ca6cd24be0bbe6523d05



  • Accelerated Downloads: By splitting the files into several parts and downloading them at the same time, so you save time.
  • Support multi-protocols: HTTP, FTP, MMS, MMSU, MMST, RTSP, PNM, RTMP
  • Download all streams files: wmv,wma,asf, asx,rm,ra,rmvb,ram,smil,smi,rpm,mov,flv,pls,m3u,and more
  • Support rapidshare, megaupload and other similar sites(Premium Account)
  • Download Streaming Video and Record Streaming Audio
    All the popular streaming formats are supported, including:
    • Windows Media™(wmv, asf, wma, asx, ...)
    • Real Audio™ and Real Video™(rm, ra, rmvb, ram, rpm, smil, smi, rp, rt, ...)
    • QuickTime™(mov, mp4, qt, ...)
    • Flash™ Video (.FLV)
    • Shoutcast™, IceCast Streaming MP3(mp3, ...)
  • Record all kinds of great online media, including:
    • Music Videos.
    • LiveVideo, Youtube, Google, PutFile, iFilm, Break and other Flv Video Sites.
    • Live Internet TV and Radio.
    • Shoutcast™ and other Streaming MP3 radio.
  • Support Meta-files: ram, smil, smi, asx, wax, wvx, m3u, pls, ...
  • Sniffer: capture stream link(URL). (Platinum version)
  • Record P2P TV Stream video and audio
  • Streaming Checker: Download media clip of range, save your time and money
  • Flv Filter: Get flv download address
  • Categories: you can easily download certain types of file and save automatically to a specific folder
  • Live Broadcast Manager: Schedule to download the URL, decide when and what will be downloaded, manage the downloaded files.
  • Build-in Podcast Manager: schedule to download podcast
  • Browser Integration
  • Zip Preview: view the contents of Zip files before download
  • Zip Extract: download & extract specific files from zip archive
  • Virus Checking: You may select files that have been downloaded and scan them.
  • Support Proxy Server:You may set HiDownload to use a proxy server according to your network configuration.
  • Cookies support
  • Rename automatically

Prove HiDownload as Flv Downloader

  • Youtube Video Downloader(How to download youtube flv videos)
  • Google Video Downloader(How to download google flv videos)
  • iFilm Video Downloader(How to download iFilm flv videos)
  • Break Video Downloader(How to download Break flv videos)
  • LiveVideo Video Downloader(How to download LiveVideo flv videos)
  • Dailymotion Video Downloader(How to download Dailymotion flv videos)
  • MySpace Video Downloader(How to download MySpace flv videos)
  • Metacafe Video Downloader(How to download Metacafe flv videos)
  • Blastro Video Downloader(How to download Blastro flv videos)
  • NFL Video Downloader(How to download NFL flv videos)
  • ABC Video Downloader(How to download ABC videos)
  • Videolog Video Downloader(How to download videolog flv videos)

Prove HiDownload as Windows Media Downloader

  • Yahoo News Video Downloader(How to download news clip from Yahoo MMS Server)
  • NBA Video Downloader(How to download NBA Video from NBA Window Media Server)
  • CBC Video Downloader(How to download CBC Video from CBC Window Media Server)
  • MLB Video and Audio Downloader(How to download MLB Video and Audio from MLB Window Media Server)

Prove HiDownload as RealVideo and RealAudio Downloader

  • CBS Video Downloader(How to download CBS RealVideo)
  • BBC Audio/Video Downloader(How to download BBC Radio/News/Video/TV)
  • NPR Audio Downloader(How to download NPR online RealAudio)

Prove HiDownload as Podcast Downloader

  • BBC podcast downloader (how to download bbc radio podcasts)
  • NPR podcast downloader (how to download npr radio podcasts)
  • CBC podcast downloader (how to download cbc radio podcasts)

Prove HiDownload as Radio Stream Downloader

  • Shoutcast radio stream downloader(how to download shoutcast radio stream)
  • radio-locator.com radio stream downloader(how to download live radio stream)




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2013, By: Seo Master
Setelah posting sebelumnya efektifitas seo di internet marketing saya mencoba menulis versi research/ riset dan analisa terakhir yang agak berlawanan dengan posting sebelumnya.Maybe trick keyword research bagus di era sebelumnya dan tidak berguna lagi sekarang ini, dan keyword research sangat tidak berpengaruh di seo tapi hanya berpengaruh untuk beriklan di google adword. Ada alasan yang masuk
Seo Master present to you: On April 7th, Google launched a new version of Gmail for mobile for iPhone and Android-powered devices built on HTML5. We shared the behind-the-scenes story through this blog and decided to share more of our learnings in a brief series of follow up blog posts. Last week we explained how to go about creating a simple manifest file, and how the browser uses it to load a page. This week we will go a bit more in-depth about the subject.

One of the problems we faced in creating our manifest file, was how to update it when our javascript changes. At first we thought that we might have to change one of the URLs each time we wanted to push an update. As it turns out, the URLs listed in the manifest do not have to change at all in order cause an update, changing the whitespace or a comment will also do the trick. For Gmail, we a comment in the manifest that contains a hash of all of the resources listed in the manifest. That way, if any of the resources change, the manifest will also change and cause a background update to occur for all of our clients. An example of what this looks like is shown below.

# version: 3f1b9s84
... other URLs ...

There are other types of entries that are possible in a manifest, but that the iPhone does not currently support. According to the spec, there are 3 categories of URLs that can be listed in a manifest:
  • Cache (what we have dealt with so far),
  • Fallback,
  • Network
Although fallback and network URLs are not yet supported on the iPhone, they are mostly supported in the Webkit Nightly builds. Network URLs are those that are never cached by AppCache, and that are allowed to be satisfied by the network. Fallback URLs are those that are attempted, and then satisfied by by AppCache only if the network attempt fails. Both Network and Fallback URLs are prefix matches. An example of what this looks like is shown below.



/thumbnails/ images/missing_thumb.jpg

This manifest tells the browser that GET requests to any URL under /images/ are allowed to hit the server. Without this being listed, GET requests for it would fail immediately. This manifest also tells the browser that URLs under /thumbnails/ are allowed to hit the server, but if they fail, satisfy the request by server missing_thumb.jpg, which will be stored in AppCache.

So far all of the features we've covered about AppCache have not needed any Javascript to use them. This is undoubtedly by design, as it makes it extremely easy to use. However, it is always useful to know what advanced functionality can be unlocked using Javascript. The Application Cache is exposed as a singleton through window.applicationCache. It provides events that can be used to indicate when updates are happening and a status property that can be one of:
  • 0 - UNCACHED
  • 1 - IDLE
  • 2 - CHECKING
In Gmail, we use the status property to determine if the page was loaded out of AppCache, or if it was loaded from the network. In order to do this, we have the following code run at the very start of page load:

if (window.applicationCache.status == 0) {
// Page was loaded from the Network.
} else {
// Page was loaded from AppCache

There are also a couple of functions available, swapCache and updateCache, which we'll not go into detail on since we have not found any use for them yet.

Stay tuned for the next post where we will explore how to use the sqlite3 command-line tool to inspect the iPhone Simulator's AppCache database. And just another reminder that we'll be at Google I/O, May 27-28 in San Francisco presenting a session on how we use HTML5. We'll also be available at the Developer Sandbox, looking forward to meeting you in person.


The HTML5 working draft:

WHATWG working draft:

Apple's MobileSafari documentation:

Webkit Source Code:

2013, By: Seo Master
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