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Seo Master present to you:

Site Navigational Structure, Internal Navaigation Structure
Site Navigational Structure
Navigation structure of a website is important for visitors to navigate from one to other pages quickly. Navigation structure is also help search engines understand what content the webmaster thinks is important.
All sites have a home page, which is the main page of the website and visitors start entering from home to another page of the website.
Before starting the internal linking, we have to think that how visitors will navigate from home page to other pages. If we have different categories that need to be classified under multiple category and subcategory categories then better to have a sitemap page on your site that displays the structure of your website in a single page.
Sitemap page help visitors to visit the internal pages from a single page and this is good from seo point of view because search engines will also visit this page and easily crawl the pages on your site.
A Sitemap.xml file, which you can submit through Google's Webmaster Tools, makes
Easier for Google to crawl the web pages on your site.

Tips for Creating Site Navigation

  • Try to make as simple as possible for visitors to navigate from home page to more specific inner page they want on your site. Add navigation pages in all pages relevant to content and category.
  • Use mostly text for navigation from page to page on your site through text links makes it easier for search engines to crawl and understand your site.
  • Use "breadcrumb" navigation - A breadcrumb is a row of internal links at the top or bottom Of the page that allows visitors to quickly navigate back to a previous section.
  • Create a HTML sitemap page and use an XML Sitemap file.
  • Have a useful 404 page
Avoid for Creating Site Navigation:
  • Having a navigation based entirely on drop-down menus, images, or Animations.
  • Linking each and every page to every other webpage.
  • Going overboard with slicing and dicing your content.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Content Optimization SEO, Content Optimization, Optimize Page Text, Web Content Writing
Content Optimization SEO
Content play a key role for website. Website contain good design, simple navigation structure and with keyword rich unique content.
Many people think that, in webpage should contain high keyword density in content, but the SEO experts believe that use the targeted keywords in the content which is relevant to the content.
Content management is most equally important from both user and SEO point of view. Content in header tag, title tag and description tag must be optimized well with target keywords so that we can rank easily in search results and occupy the top 5 position in SERP (Search Result Pages).

Tips for Content Optimization:
  • Content is one of the major for ranking well in search result pages. Search Engines do not give much importance to Title Tag; Meta Tags when compare to content in ranking pages.
  • The page Title and Content of the webpage is (<body>text within this area</body>) are the two most critical aspects of Website optimization.
  • Avoid using Flash animations and graphics and less links included in an image map because Search Engines cannot read the text in a graphics.
  • Avoid using graphic buttons or image maps in the Internal Linking Structure.
  • Optimize page text by using keyword phrases within your <body> area
  • Start the sentences with your target keyword phrases.
  • Use keyword phrase multiple times in the body text.
  • Write keyword-rich content that focuses on the 'theme' for that particular page.
  • Content should be Unique and SEO Friendly.
  • Create content primarily for your users, not search engines.
  • Maintain the keyword the keyword density between 4% to 5%.
  • Strong the keywords in the content at least for 5 times for target keywords.
Avoid when Optimizing the Content:
  • Avoid spelling mistakes and grammatical error in the content.
  • Embedding text in images for textual content.
  • Don’t dump large amounts of text on varying topics onto a page without paragraph, subheading, or layout separation.
  • Don’t use the copied content in the webpage’s.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

HTML Heading Tag, Heading Tag Optimization, Heading Tag Tips, H1 Tag
HTML Heading Tag
Headings Tag in HTML:
Headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags.
<h1> defines the largest heading and used for main heading
<h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6> defines the smallest heading and used for sub-headings.
Heading Tags <h1>to <h6> are one of the important factors for On Page Optimization. Search engine give more importance for indexing and for ranking well in search results pages.
Header tag is important for visitors also, since heading tag tells both search engine and visitors what the content is all about.
Heading tags are represented as <h1> to <h6>. <h1> is considered the most important tag by search engine and <h6>, the smallest and the least important.

Example of Header tag is:

Head Tag <h1>

Head Tag <h2>

Head Tag <h3>

Head Tag <h4>

Head Tag <h5>
Head Tag <h6>

Tips for Optimizing the Header Tag <h1> to <h6>:

  • Header tags should contain your target keywords along with any other descriptive text relevant to the content of the page.
  • Search engines give more importance to Header tags to what a web page is all about.
  • The Google ranking algorithm things that if you're using a <h1> tag, then the text in between this header tag must be more important than the content on the rest of the page.
  • Use your most target keyword phrases in heading tags on your webpage.
  • By default, H1 tags aren't formatting, so when we are using a CSS style to override the default
<style type="text/css">
H1 { color: blue; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 16px }
  • Use those keywords which are used in Title and Meta tags like description tag and keyword tag. Search engine preferred those keywords which are used in heading tags.
  • Use at least 2-4 heading tags such as <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4> on each page of your website.
  • User those target keyword in header tag which describe the content of the webpage.
  • Add highly relevant keywords in <h1> tag, as it is weighted most than other heading tags.
  • Analyze the relevancy of your keywords and place most important keyword in <h1> tag, less important to <h2>, further less important to <h3> and ultimately least important keywords to <h6>.
2013, By: Seo Master
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