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Seo Master present to you:

Meta Description Tag, Meta Description length, Meta Description Html and Meta Description Example
Meta Description Tag
Meta Description Tag: SEO description is the Meta tag of description, it place between the <head> and </head> tag. Meta description tag is most important for getting unique visitors and clicks, but not getting to rank high for particular keywords.
The Meta description tag provides short information on webpage as a summary. Meta description will not appear in web page but it display in SERP (Search Result Pages). Google search engine give much important to Meta Description Tag to display in search result pages , but yahoo and other related search engines give somewhat different important to meta description tag, so you should not neglect it altogether.
Meta Description Tag Length: It’s not the number of words that count. It’s actually the number of characters length. Because, Google will cut off anything more than 155(roughly) characters. Optimizing for in the description and try to limit its length to 25-30 words. Also try to use no more than two sentences.

Meta Description Html: Describe metadata within an HTML document.
<meta name="description" content="Info on Meta description Tag Article " />
Meta Description Example and Syntax:
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="informative description here">
Meta Description Strategies:
  • Differentiate the descriptions for different pages.
  • Include clearly tagged facts in the description.
  • Programmatically generate descriptions and not spammy.
  • Use quality descriptions with keyword rich. 
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Meta Keyword Tag, Meta Keyword length, Meta Keyword Html and Meta Keyword Example
Meta Keyword Tag
Meta Keyword Tag: The Meta keywords tag is not such import as Title Tag or Meta description tag but is still relevant within the use of (SEO) Search Engine Optimization. The Meta keywords tag is the combination of few related pr relevant keywords or phrases used in the web contain. These words and phrases are more commonly referred to as your "keywords" and "key phrases".
You can find the Meta Keyword Tag in the head section of your source code below the title tag and Meta description tag. Meta Keyword Tag is in the Head area just like the Title Tag and Meta Description Tag.
Please see above Meta keyword image.
Meta Keyword Length: First of all list out all your keywords based on article or webpage content and key phrases separated by a comma and no space. Don’t repeat a keyword more than 3 to 4 times within this tag. This includes variations of a word. Over use of this tag is frowned upon by search engines and considered spam. Pick the 10 or 15 terms that most accurately describe the content of the page.

Meta Keyword Html:
<meta name="keywords" content="meta keyword tag, meta keyword length, meta keyword Html and meta keyword examples " />
Meta Keyword Example or Syntax:
<meta name="keywords" content="Related keywords " />
Keyword Density: Keyword density is nothing but, the number of times that your keywords appear on the page, Vs the number of words on a page — a ratio, in other words.
Keyword Phrase: This is the combination of two or more keywords to form a search query. Like “Meta Keyword Tag “– Meta Keyword Tag Tips.
Keyword Research: searching for relatives and related keywords.
Keyword Stuffing: The process of placing keywords in the META tags or main HTML body.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Webmaster Tools Google Webmaster Tool
Webmaster Tools Google Webmaster Tool
Webmaster Tool is free provided by Google with an easy way to make your site more Google SEO friendly. Webmaster tool help you to show you, when Google last visited your website, help you diagnose problems, and give more info to us to help improve website's visibility in our search results.
Advantages of Webmaster Tool:

In these articles, we will discuss about the benefits and features of webmaster tool given below:
Google better crawl your site
Google give details info on, how we crawl Info and index your site.
Crawl Info: when Googlebot last visited. Googlebot has successfully accessed your home page.
Indexing Stats: Pages from your site are included in Google's index.
Web Crawl Errors: At the time of crawling your website Google found few errors in the urls and provides you the info following given below:

  • Errors for URLs in Sitemaps
  • HTTP errors
  • Not found
  • URLs not followed
  • URLs restricted by robots.txt
  • URLs timed out
  • Unreachable URLs
Use the Settings page to provide Google with information about your site and preferences. This will help us improve how we crawl and index your site.
  • Geographic target: If your website targets visitors in a particular location then this is useful to determine how your site appears in our country-specific search results and also improve our search results for geographic queries.
  • Preferred domain: The preferred domain is useful for you, how Google would like used to index your site's pages.
  • Image search: This option is useful to include your website in Google Image Labeler .
  • Crawl rate: We can set the crawl rate and Google recommend that you set a custom crawl rate only if you're experiencing traffic problems with your server.
In this we have three options and get info about web crawl, mobile crawl and content analysis.

  • Web crawl: In this we will get the information on errors and problems encountered by Google's crawlers while accessing pages on your site.
  • Mobile crawl: In this we will get the detailed information on errors and problems encountered by Google's crawlers while accessing pages on your site created specifically for viewing on mobile cell phones.
  • Content analysis: In this we will get the detailed information related to content of the WebPages like Meta description, Title Tag and non indexed content issues. These issues won't prevent your site from appearing in Google search results, but paying attention to them can provide Google with more information and even help drive traffic to your site.
In this we have four options and get info about Top search query, Googlebot see, crawl stats and index stats.

  • Top search queries: Impressions lists the top 20 searches in which your site appears, while Traffic shows which queries generated the most clicks.
  • What Googlebot see: The listed word or phrase is the anchor text of a link to your site. This information provides good insight into how your site is seen by others.
  • Crawl stats: These statistics provide information for those pages for Google has indexed and crawled. The PageRank distribution reflects all crawled pages in your site, not just the home page.
  • Index stats: You can use our Advanced Search page to find out how your site is indexed. Below, we've done some of these searches for you.

  • Subscriber stats: If your site publishes feeds of its content, this page will display the number of users who have subscribed to these feeds using Google products such as iGoogle, Google Reader, or Orkut.
In this we have 3 options and get info about internal links, external links and Sitelinks.

  • Pages with external links: provides a list of pages that have links pointing to them from other sites and we can download the links.
  • Pages with internal links: provides a list of pages that have links pointing to them from other internal pages.
  • Sitelinks: Sitelinks are additional links Google sometimes generates from site contents in order to help users navigate your site. Google generates these Sitelinks periodically from your site's contents.
After creating a sitemap then, we have to submit. Sitemap helps us to make sure that Google knows about all the WebPages, including URLs that may not be still indexed by Google's when they normal crawling process. After you submit a Sitemap, you'll be able to see if there are problems with it or its URLs.
In this we have six options and get info about Analyze robots.txt, Manage site verification, Generate robots.txt, Remove URLs, Gadgets and Enhance 404 pages.
  • Analyze robots.txt: Use this tool to test your robots.txt file to see if you're blocking Googlebot from files or directories.
  • Manage site verification: Use this page to reverify all currently verified owners of this site.
  • Generate robots.txt: The Webmaster Tools robots.txt generator lets you easily create a robots.txt file in which you can specify any bots you don't want to crawl your site, as well as allowing or blocking access to specific files and directories on your server.
  • Remove URLs: Remove content from the Google index, including expediting that removal. Before you begin, you must make sure that Google and other search engines will not crawl the content you want to remove from our search results.
  • Gadgets: Use Google Webmaster Tools from your own homepage. Get errors, statistics, details about your site, and more on iGoogle.
  • Enhance 404 pages: Help users who receive a Page Not Found error find the information they need and so they can modify the error. 
2013, By: Seo Master
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