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Seo Master present to you:

Advanced Meta-Tags Generator to your site
Advanced Meta-Tags Generator Tool © SEO Chat™
The Title Tag must contain no more than 70 characters (generally, 100 characters may be indexed).

The Author Tag is for the person who wrote the material for the site.

The Subject Tag is for what your site is. Business, music, hobby, cars. Use up to 100 characters.

The Description Tag can have up to 150 characters (generally, 200 to 250 characters may be indexed, though only a smaller portion of this amount may be displayed).

The Classification tag is similar to description but more in detail.

In the Keyword tag use everything you think someone will search for to find your site. Use 200 characters.

Where are you located? Full Address

Is your site in English, Spanish, French.....?

Use "never" unless your site will expire. (Eg. Tue, 18 Apr 2006 14:57:09 GMT | Note: Requires RFC1123 date as shown here

Cache Control
Cache control level.
No Cache
This directive indicates cached information should not be used and instead requests should be forwarded to the origin server.
Who is the Owner of the site, Company Name

Zip Code
Your Zip Code

Your City, Town

Your Country, use all names; USA, United States, United States Of America, America, etc.

Webmaster name

Owner, Webmaster, Company Names.

Tell search engine how often this page updates. (Eg. 21 days | Note: Most search engines do not support this Meta Tag)

Use [Global] unless it is a [Local] only site.
The values ALL and NONE set all directives on or off: [ALL=INDEX,FOLLOW] and [NONE=NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW].
MS Tags
Do you want Microsoft products to automatically generate smart tags on your web pages.
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2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Meta Description Tag, Meta Description length, Meta Description Html and Meta Description Example
Meta Description Tag
Meta Description Tag: SEO description is the Meta tag of description, it place between the <head> and </head> tag. Meta description tag is most important for getting unique visitors and clicks, but not getting to rank high for particular keywords.
The Meta description tag provides short information on webpage as a summary. Meta description will not appear in web page but it display in SERP (Search Result Pages). Google search engine give much important to Meta Description Tag to display in search result pages , but yahoo and other related search engines give somewhat different important to meta description tag, so you should not neglect it altogether.
Meta Description Tag Length: It’s not the number of words that count. It’s actually the number of characters length. Because, Google will cut off anything more than 155(roughly) characters. Optimizing for in the description and try to limit its length to 25-30 words. Also try to use no more than two sentences.

Meta Description Html: Describe metadata within an HTML document.
<meta name="description" content="Info on Meta description Tag Article " />
Meta Description Example and Syntax:
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="informative description here">
Meta Description Strategies:
  • Differentiate the descriptions for different pages.
  • Include clearly tagged facts in the description.
  • Programmatically generate descriptions and not spammy.
  • Use quality descriptions with keyword rich. 
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Meta Keyword Tag, Meta Keyword length, Meta Keyword Html and Meta Keyword Example
Meta Keyword Tag
Meta Keyword Tag: The Meta keywords tag is not such import as Title Tag or Meta description tag but is still relevant within the use of (SEO) Search Engine Optimization. The Meta keywords tag is the combination of few related pr relevant keywords or phrases used in the web contain. These words and phrases are more commonly referred to as your "keywords" and "key phrases".
You can find the Meta Keyword Tag in the head section of your source code below the title tag and Meta description tag. Meta Keyword Tag is in the Head area just like the Title Tag and Meta Description Tag.
Please see above Meta keyword image.
Meta Keyword Length: First of all list out all your keywords based on article or webpage content and key phrases separated by a comma and no space. Don’t repeat a keyword more than 3 to 4 times within this tag. This includes variations of a word. Over use of this tag is frowned upon by search engines and considered spam. Pick the 10 or 15 terms that most accurately describe the content of the page.

Meta Keyword Html:
<meta name="keywords" content="meta keyword tag, meta keyword length, meta keyword Html and meta keyword examples " />
Meta Keyword Example or Syntax:
<meta name="keywords" content="Related keywords " />
Keyword Density: Keyword density is nothing but, the number of times that your keywords appear on the page, Vs the number of words on a page — a ratio, in other words.
Keyword Phrase: This is the combination of two or more keywords to form a search query. Like “Meta Keyword Tag “– Meta Keyword Tag Tips.
Keyword Research: searching for relatives and related keywords.
Keyword Stuffing: The process of placing keywords in the META tags or main HTML body.
2013, By: Seo Master
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