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Seo Master present to you:
The term "Web 2.0" refers to a perceived second generation of web development and design, that aims to facilitate communication, secure information sharing, interoperability, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Web 2.0 concepts have led to the development and evolution of web-based communities, hosted services, and applications; such as social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomie.

I’m often asked what is web 2.0 and the explanation I find easiest to give is that web 2.0 refers to web based platforms that have been developed to make sharing information, communicating and working together easier.

List of Top dofollow Web 2.0 Sites With High PR
PR 9
1. wordpress.com
2. bloglines.com
PR 8
3. weebly.com
4. typepad.com
5. blogger.com
6. livejournal.com
7. tumblr.com
8. squidoo.com
9. tripod.lycos.com
10. blogspot.com
11. scribd.com
12. groups.google.com
13. areavoices.com
PR 7
14. angelfire.com
13. wikispaces.com
14. bravenet.com
15. my.opera.com
16. multiply.com
17. xanga.com
18. yola.com
19. blogsome.com
20. jimdo.com
21. webs.com
22. ning.com
23. wikidot.com
24. zoho.com
25. angelfire.lycos.com
26. webnode.com
27. storify.com
28. officelive.com
29. posterous.com
30. rediff.com
31. salon.com
PR 6
32. bigadda.com
33. wetpaint.com
34. blogspirit.com
35. opendiary.com
36. gather.com
37. weblogs.us
38. blog.com
39. blog.co.uk
40. hubpages.com
41. diaryland.com
42. zimbio.com
43. quizilla.teennick.com
44. sosblog.com
45. 21publish.com
46. 43things.com
47. buzzle.com
48. diaryland.com
49. onsugar.com
50. blog.de
51. webstarts.com
52. webspawner.com
53. twoday.net
54. moonfruit.com
55. blogreaction.com
56. getjealous.com
57. freeblog.hu
58. journalspace.com
59. soup.io
60. springnote.com
61. travelblog.org
62. ucoz.com
PR 5
63. tblog.com
64. 20six.co.uk
65. blog.ca
66. hubpages.com
67. blurty.com
68. upsaid.com
69. tabulas.com
70. terapad.com
71. shoutpost.com
72. thoughts.com
73. blogskinny.com
74. free-conversant.com
75. freeflux.net
76. blinkweb.com
77. ever.com
78. zoomgroups.com
79. beep.com
80. blog.hr
81. blogdrive.com
82. blogetery.com
83. zoomshare.com
84. snappages.com
85. ohlog.com
86. insanejournal.com
87. soulcast.com
88. 350.com
89. alivenotdead.com
90. devhub.com
91. ewebsite.com
92. flixya.com
93. freehostia.com
94. hazblog.com
95. hpage.com
96. livelogcity.com
97. visualsociety.com
98. webgarden.com
PR 4
99. 2itb.com
100. blogge.rs
101. bloggum.com
102. bloghi.com
103. doomby.com
104. flukiest.com
105. fotopages.com
106. freeblogspot.org
107. hipero.com
108. inube.com
109. iseekblog.com
110. myblogsite.com
111. mytripjournal.com
112. mywapblog.com
113. spi-blog.com
114. wallinside.com
115. wikipages.com
116. yousaytoo.com
117. bcz.com
118. blogster.com
119. honmag.com
120. iblog.at
121. spyuser.com
122. weblogplaza.com
123. blogpico.com
124. blogtext.org
125. edublogs.org
126. evood.com
127. publr.com
128. uwcblog.com
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Google provide you with a special Webmaster Tools account you can use to immediately access your website data when you create your shared hosting account. After you enable Google Webmaster Tools, you can access crawl statistics, recent queries, errors, and other information that Google collects about your site.

Steps :

Sign up:
visit the Google Webmaster Tools website, sign in with your Google Account – preferably the one you are already using for Google Analytics. Click the red Add a Site button to begin.

site verification

1) Sign into Google Webmaster Tools with your Google Account.

2) Click Manage site > Verify this site next to the site you want.

3) Select the verification method that works best for you.

Upload an HTML file - Google will ask you to download a file and upload it to a specific location.

Add a meta tag - Google will ask you to add a meta tag with a unique value to your site's home page.

Domain name provider (add a DNS record) - Google will ask you to add a TXT record to your domain's DNS configuration.

Link to your Google Analytics account - You can use this option if your site already has a Google Analytics tracking code that uses the asynchronous snippet. You must be an administrator on the Analytics account.

submit sitemap

Once your site is verified, you will want to submit a sitemap if you have one available. This is a simple XML file that will tell Google Webmaster Tools what pages you have on your website.


When your site is setup, you’ll land on the dashboard. This is just a summary showing a few of the more important details about your site.

Down the left-hand side of the screen, there is a menu – I’m going to take you through each section one step at a time. If you don’t have Webmaster Tools setup yet, I’d suggest bookmarking this page and following along once you do.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

seo freelancer mumbai

SEO link building service provides an effective way to improve the ranking of your website on search engines. Link building is an important step in search engine campaigns and optimization methods. Good links on your website improve your rankings and make you website popular on search engines. This is an important step in getting quality people to visit your website and becoming genuine buyers.

Importance of Link Building for Your Website

The main search engines rely on the number of quality links that appear on your website for rating your web presence. The link building services offered by SEO companies include the following steps-

• Identification of quality websites with content that complements your website
• Preparation of link text with appropriate description of each webpage
• Preparation of link exchange pages in HTML format
• Exchanging links with the complementary websites
• Security in link exchanges
• Verification of links at periodic intervals

There are several strategies that are used by the professional SEO companies to increase your website’s popularity. Some of the common ones used are-

1. Directory submission
2. Submission of articles
3. Selling of text link ads
2013, By: Seo Master
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