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Blog commenting is one of the most popular link building method, and it can drive excellent traffic to your website,Blog commenting is just a simple way of linking back to your site but it has a big impact if you commented in a clog that has lot of viewer, here are some tips of good blog commenting

1. First of all person should not post comment like "thanks for sharing this post"
or "i like this post", it is kind of spamming.You want to make sure the comments will add quality to the post and encourage more people to contribute.

2. ALWAYS, always, always use the blogger’s name when commenting.First of all, it shows respect and attention to details.Secondly, it might be the very thing that will help your comment to emerge from the spam folder should it end up there.When checking my spam folder, I will always take a special look at the comments with my name in them, since they are more likely to not be spam.

3.Please remember that comments are supposed to relate to the article you had just read. So, read carefully before you respond just to make sure your comment is relevant to whatever topic is being discussed.

4.always ping your url which you commented,Pinging is a way to notify your server that your blog content has been updated. Well, pinging your comments using services mentioned above will increase the chance that a search engine bot crawls your comment MUCH sooner than it would otherwise, thus discovering your link and attributing it to your site.

5.It is very important that you interact and engage with other people on the blog. You should reply to posts and when you do be sure you use the person’s name. Communication with your fellow bloggers will build relationships, and this will help increase the number of people that come to the blog.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

1. Title Tags
Your title tags can be anything that you want them to be, because it is what is going to show at the vary top of the page.Something you'll want to consider though is to make sure you are including some keywords to help with optimization. And, will interest your shopper in clicking on the items in question.

2. Meta Descriptions
Meta tag description is a statement of what the site is all about. When crafting one, think of the snippet from the search engine that you want to be seen, as most search engines pick up what you have stated in your meta description tag as your site description.

3. Alt Tags
Alt attributes are a way to describe images to search spiders simply because search spiders cannot see them. It is not only an opportunity to add more content (with keywords) to your site, but it also helps your images to be searchable on Google. For best results, all images should also have distinct filenames.

4. Sitemap.xml
Make sure all your web pages are on the sitemap, unless you have private pages that you don't want to be indexed, they can be excluded with a robots.txt file,The best way to do a site map is with this free sitemap generator - www.xml-sitemaps.com - you can do one for yahoo or google and also one in html - all automatically.

5. Robots.txt
Robots.txt is a text (not html) file you put on your site to tell search robots which pages you would like them not to visit. Robots.txt is by no means mandatory for search engines but generally search engines obey what they are asked not to do.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
In India classified site are more popular than social networking sites. Real state, apartments, housing, personals, cars, services and more,Classified sites are really great money saver and you can contact directly your audience.

Every day more and more people are now using free classified to reach their audience or buy/sell anything. done with expert guidance this process has great potential and can helps in getting a backlink and traffic.

There are many classified ads sites available over the internet but to choose the correct one with respect to its relevancy and authenticity is tough; any slight mistake might result in a negative effect. We perform each submission efficiently and cautiously so as to achieve maximum possible results. We have good expertise to cover all industry types present over the net.

here are the classified sites as follows:

2013, By: Seo Master
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