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Seo Master present to you:
Besides knowing how to voicing a variety of language features of Google translate ' pay attention ' is pretty amusing and pleasant. There are a bit of methods and unseen secrets.

Google translate is a translator program that a lot people use today. Google translate has serious benefits as a translator from one language to a second. Choice of assorted languages is pretty complete. This application has also various sorts of features that could supplement its effectiveness, one of the additional present features that it is capable to read what we write in the text box. There is a tiny icon below the text box that whenever we simply click it, we will listen the voice of somebody who will be voicing this kind of language text similar that we write in the text box. 

Apart from having the ability to voicing various language features of Google translate ' take advice ' is pretty enjoyable and pleasant. Occasionally it made me laugh with the translation voice I heard through the icon ‘listen’. And lately I found an assortment of tricks and unseen top secret of Google translate. I got a couple of secrets that I have tried and it’s quite fun and entertaining. You may also check it out, attempt these methods and observe the outcomes below: 

Google Translator

Beat boxing machine

The most famous Google translate trick is the beat box sound. If you type the code below, try to translate and listen it into German language, you will hear beat box sound if you click the ‘listen’ icon that change to ‘beat box’. You can combine multiple codes below to generate a variety of beat box sound as for an example: zk zk bschk bschk pv pv bschk bk zk zk bk tk bschk bk kt vk kttp bschk bk bk th bschk bschk bschk kttp.

zk = suspended cymbal
bschk = snare
pv = brush
bk = bass
tk = flam-1
vk = roll tap
kt = flam-2
kttp = flam tap
krp = hi hat tap
th = better hi hat
thp, ds = instant rimshot

Machine sound

Type this into textbox and change the language into Serbian then click the “listen’ icon: Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

See what happened.

Justin Bieber fact

Try type this (or copy paste): Will Justin Bieber ever hit puberty
- chose to translate the language from English to Vietnamese
- Then copy-paste the Vietnamese words and put into the text box
- translate it from Vietnamese to English
- see the result

Take a dirty picture for me

Try type this (or copy paste): Take a dirty picture for me
- chose to translate the language from English to French
- then copy-paste the French words and put into the text box
- translate it from French to English
- see the result

Men do the cooking

Try type this (or copy paste): men are men and men do the cooking
- chose to translate the language from English to Ducth
- then copy-paste the Dutch words and put into the text box
- translate it from Dutch to English
- see the result

Do you like me idiot?

Try type this (or copy paste): Do you like me idiot?
- chose to translate the language from English to Hungary
- then copy-paste the Hungary words and put into the text box
- translate it from Hungary to English
- see the result

Do not see idiots movie

Try type this (or copy paste): Do not see idiots movie
- chose to translate the language from English to Tamil
- then copy-paste the Tamil words and put into the text box
- translate it from Tamil to English
- see the result


Try type this (or copy paste): Pikachu
- chose to translate the language from English to Arabic
- then copy-paste the Arabic words and put into the text box
- translate it from Arabic to English
- see the result

Transformer The Game

Try type this (or copy paste): Optimus prime
- chose to translate the language from Latin to English
- see the result


2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Korek Api Gas Fighter Indonesia adalah merupakan sebuah merek korek api berisi gas buatan negara Indonesia, yang telah memenuhi kualitas standar yang telah diakui resmi yaitu standar nasional Indonesia (SNI), yang membidik pasar anak muda, pria dewasa, hingga kalangan profesional, dengan mengutamakan kenyamanan, keamanan, stabilitas dan performa, di dalam penggunaan sehari-hari. Sebagai korek api gas buatan Indonesia, Korek api gas Fighter berprinsip “Standard is not enough” karena memang keinginan mereka untuk menjadi lebih dari sekedar standar terutama di dalam menjaga mutu produk. Dan semuanya itu di buktikan melalui sejumlah produk mereka yang memperhatikan setiap detail, demi kenyamanan setiap pengguna korek api gas Fighter.  Tidak salah lagi, jika anda ingin membeli korek api gas, pilihlah korek api gas yang terbaik dan nyaman digunakan yaitu Korek Api Gas Fighter Indonesia.
Korek Api Gas Fighter Indonesia
Korek Api Gas Fighter Indonesia
Adapun bukti bahwa produsen korek api gas Fighter Indonesia sangat memperhatikan detail dan kualitas adalah mereka di dalam memproduksi korek api gas fighter memiliki ukuran yang jelas dan silakan dibuktikan. Adapun ukuran standar korek api gas yang berkualitas adalah:
  1. Tinggi api harus lebih dari 100mm untuk korek api yang memiliki pengaturan gas
  2. Volume lebih 85% dari kapasitas volume tangki bahan bakar
  3. Tangki & segel penutup yang dipasang harus aman untuk menahan kebocoran gas atau minimal tidak melebihi 15mg / menit
  4. Korek harus mampu menahan posisi jatuh dari ketinggian 1,5M tanpa mengakibatkan tangki pecah
  5. Mampu menahan suhu 65°c selama 4 jam
Seluruh hasil produksi dari korek api gas fighter Indonesia memiliki ketepatan ukuran seperti standar di atas. Korek api gas Fighter sangat memperhatikan aspek kualitas dan desain. Bahkan segala hal telah mereka pikirkan sejak awal. Mereka sangat concern dan ingin berbeda dengan yang lain. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya fakta:
  • Inovasi produk yang berkelanjutan, yang sesuai dengan keinginan dan kebutuhan pasar.
  • Beberapa produk yang bisa digunakan untuk keperluan aktifitas pemasaran dari suatu brand, ataupun aktifitas branding.
  • Printable. Anda dengan mudah menyematkan logo atau merk usaha anda
  • Dua pilihan warna; hitam dan putih.
  • Kualitas bara api yang lebih baik.
  • Tersedia banyak pilihan produk, dengan harga yang bervariatif dan sangat terjangkau.
  • Korek api gas asli buatan Indonesia.
  • Telah mendapatkan sertifikasi SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia)
Dengan adanya sejumlah fakta di atas, korek api gas Fighter berkeyakinan bisa sepenuhnya mendapatkan sambutan yang positif di Indonesia bahkan menguasai pangsa pasar korek gas yang ada di Indonesia. Untuk mewujudkan misi ini, mereka menawarkan kesempatan yang luas bagi seluruh pihak untuk bergabung mengembangkan bisnis bersama dengan menjadi agen, retailer maupun kerjasama "branding" atau di kenal dengan istilah "branding cooperation" yaitu kerjasama penyematan logo atau merk perusahaan anda untuk kepentingan promosi perusahaan. Hal ini akan memberi kesan eksklusif dan berkelas. Terlebih yang mereka ciptakan adalah suatu maha karya dengan tingkat ketelitian dan kualitas yang tinggi. Pilihan terbaik ini hanya ada dari sebuah produk korek api gas yaitu Fighter Korek Api Gas Indonesia.
Korek api gas fighter ini dipersembahkan oleh PT Lintas Cindo Pratama, Surabaya, Indonesia. Selain korek api gas, mereka juga menyediakan beberapa produk sejenis seperti korek api kompor, pematik gas, korek api bara dan korek api senter. Selain Fighter, mereka juga memiliki merk paten seperti sonic, terra dan razor. Dan untuk menghubungi pihak penyedia korek api gas fighter silakan hubungi alamat di bawah ini.
Korek Api Gas Fighter Indonesia
Alamat komunikasi Fighter Korek Api Gas Indonesia
Akhir kata, melalui artikel ini saya mengajak seluruh pihak untuk menggunakan produk berkualitas terbaik dan hasil produksi bangsa Indonesia. Jika ingin membeli korek api gas, pilihlah Korek Api Gas Fighter Indonesia.

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

What To Keep In Mind When Buying A New Cell Phone Or Mobile Device
Image Credit: freedigitalphotos
There are so many kinds of cell phones and mobile devices on the market that it can be extremely challenging to figure what kind you want and what is a good price for this type of item. Intelligently programmed cell phones are among the most widely recognized type of cell on the market and with good reason – it’s also one of the best. Cell phones are now such a commonly used item that it can actually be difficult to remember when they were rare, bulky and barely functional. Compare the primitive cellular phone devices of the 1980’s with those of 2013, and it is easy to see how quickly progress has come about.

Getting an Intelligent Device

Some types of cellular phones are actually a type of computing system on a telephone rather than just a phone. These phones feature many upgraded technologies including cameras, web browsers, wireless data transmitting capacity and even mobile and high speed broadband. Depending on the phone carrier, these new phones may be able to feature magnificent imaging and photography options, much larger and longer lasting batteries and super sensitive touchscreens. This means that you need to see what is new on the market before you buy or you might miss out.

Getting a Good Deal and Good Phone

Since any kind of cell phone or mobile device requires an investment, it is important to make a good choice that will help make your life easier and not a financial burden. Look for a carrier has become a leader in wireless technology and smart technology as this means you will have access to the latest and most innovative products. The means of communication have changed, but the need for a quality phone provider has not.

When looking for your next cell phone, be sure to carefully weigh your options. There are literally almost unlimited options available to you, but you don’t want to get stuck with functions or features you don’t need and end up paying for. Consider how much you use your phone, whether it is for work or personal use, and what functions you absolutely need to have. After you determine this, you can determine what extras to add to that. This will help you make sure you have a fully functional phone that will not cost an exorbitant price.

When it comes to staying up with the latest technology and the latest trends in cell phones and mobile devices, computational cell phones can make a big difference in the convenience and functionality overall.

Author Bio:
Stephanie Frasco is the Community Manager for MyReviewsNow.net -- the #1 Social Shopping Website online!
2013, By: Seo Master
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