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Google kembali meluncurkan algoritma tambahan untuk melengkapi algoritma sebelumnya. Setelah Panda, sekarang menyusul algoritma penguin. Apa fungsi dari algoritma terbaru 2012 bernama penguin ini? Lalu apakah blog anda terkena pengaruhnya? Jika ya bagaimana mengatasinya? Mudah-mudahan pembahasan berikut bisa sedikit memberi pemahaman tentang si penguin ini.

Google telah mengumumkan bahwa
Seo Master present to you:
Hi ! In this tutorial I am going to show you how to edit your Blogger blog robots.txt file. Webmasters use custom robots.txt file to control search engine web robots (also known as Web Wanderers, Crawlers, or Spiders) to crawl some directories and web pages or links of website or blog. when we take settings robots.txt file in blogger then search engine automatically index or remove pages from search engine according to the settings. 

By default each website allows the Search engines robots however if you would like to restricts the robots either to not crawl any bound directory, file or the complete website then you may want the robots.txt file in which you've got to write instructions for search engine bots.

Steps to edit robots.txt on blogger

Your Site Settings › Search preferences › Crawlers and indexing  
Here you will able to see two options Custom robots.txt and Custom robots header tags.These two
 options would offer you the flexibility to customise your robot.txt file.In the last post i told you about
Custom robots header tags.
Now press edit button which is present after  'Custom robots.txt' option. After pressing on edit button
you can see a message " Enable custom robots.txt content? " so press "Yes" and proceed to next step.
Custom robots.txt - Search preferences
Now you can see  text area, type the content which you want to exclude a content from crawling.
Click on Save Changes button.
Enable Custom robots.txt - Search preferences

You are done!
How to block Link from search engines?
No, you have to write the URL. For example, if your want to stop robots from crawling this URL
(www.www.matrixar.com/p/about.html) then, in the robot.txt file you will enter this command.
User-agent: *Disallow: p/about.html
Your robots.txt file located under your main blogspot directory as for Blogger Known its located on the following url:
By default blogger robots.txt contains the following content:
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Sitemap: http://www.matrixar.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=UPDATED
I know this post is not a new thing but I hope it might help many newbies to understand the importance of robots.txt.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Scott Knaster, Google Developers Blog Editor

On Fridaygram we love to celebrate amazing new Street View images. This week we announced new panoramic views of the Galapagos Islands, collected with with the Street View Trekker in partnership with the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) and the Galapagos National Parks Directorate (GNPD). These images will go live on Google Maps later this year, but you can see a preview below and on the Official Google Blog.

giant turtle

The Maps team’s 10-day adventure included lots of interaction with local wildlife, but didn’t take place entirely on land. The team worked with the Catlin Seaview Survey to collect underwater ocean images too. And in addition to being beautiful and fun, these pictures have a practical use: they act as a visual record that can be compared to changes observed in the future.

Speaking of wildlife, do you have a smart dog? And does your smart dog know 1000+ words, plus have a basic comprehension of grammar? Meet Chaser, a 9-year-old border collie who has been taught to recognize the names of 1000 objects, as well as the meaning of some verbs and prepositions. In tests, Chaser correctly (most of the time) responded to commands such as “take ball to Frisbee”, or even “to Frisbee take ball”. If only our friends and family were that helpful.

Finally, there’s some typically mind-blowing news from the world of quantum physics. We already know that quantum particles can share a connection called entanglement, which allows one particle to reflect the state of another no matter how far apart they are. Now an experimental discovery shows that particles can be entangled even if they don’t exist at the same time. We agree with experimenter Jeremy O'Brien of the University of Bristol, who said “It’s really cool”.

Fridaygram is about randomly cool and nerdy stories that we hope will amuse you and possibly inspire your weekend. Around here we’re still feeling the Google I/O afterglow, so we’re going to recommend you spend some time this weekend watching some of the many session videos from I/O. If that’s not your thing, maybe you’d like this brief but inspiring video that kicked off the conference.
2013, By: Seo Master
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