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Seo Master present to you:
Cell Phone Tracking: Do You Need it?

With the smartphone bazaar full to brim with innovations and top-notch hardware, the development which has blazed the trail for many others is cell phone tracking. While the term conjures an image of a spy clad in black hiding his face with a mask, the idea has not been exactly ruled out by many. The significant increase in the number of cell phone monitoring apps on the internet have not turned stale as many employers and parents click the download button and that too for a good reason.

Spying like a boss

As BYOD (Bring your own device) sides up with employees and their privacy, we are also faced with the fact that employers are, for the welfare of the organization, is supposed to know what, when, where and how their employees are spending time at their workplace.

Assigning a smartphone for your employee and getting them a data plan might get a ‘World’s Best Boss’ mug for Christmas but that is not where you are supposed to stop at that. The smartphone might be used for Facebooking all day long while the organization has to pay for the data plan which might be spent on making personal calls. Sneaking in corners or hiding in a washroom cubicle while your employees try to wage a civil war in the organization doesn’t seem to the thing for the boss. It takes up a lot of time and effort. Monitoring your employees cell phone, it’s use and abuse helps you keep an eye on how they are utilizing their time and resources. It can also prove to be a helpful tool for measuring your employees’ productivity. If the employer is going for a top-notch spyware on the internet to monitor the cell phones of their employees, they can easily listen to calls made and received, have a look at the text messages, the contact list and the web browsing history. The spying doesn’t stop there; by issuing a simple command you can access the audio settings and the microphone of the device and get an audio recording of the surroundings of the cell phone. The employer can also get snapshots of the screen of the monitored device.

However, monitoring your employees might not be as easy in practice as on paper. Imagine asking the company’s executive’s for their smartphones so you could have them monitored. Moreover, BYOD is giving employees some legal backing too and that might restrict your way through monitoring employees.

Bringing up a teenager

For working parents who have little time and energy left after returning from their workplaces to discuss their teens problems and ups and downs in their kid’s life. Even if you believe your child to super teen who has brains and confidence to solve their own problems, they might be indulging in activities that you wouldn’t want them to be a part of. Rearing a teen while keeping in mind your principles is not easy when you are not physically present for your child is very difficult.

Cell phone tracking is one solution to that. While most teens consider their smartphone to be a vital part of their lives, it is impossible that cell phones hold a record of what they have been up to. By monitoring their cell phones, you can locate your teens even when the GPS is not working. While viewing data in the cell phone is a basic service, some software also allow you to wipe any unwanted data like videos, pictures or contacts and block certain type of communication.

Leaving all the employer and parenting woes, monitoring software can also be used as a security tool for your own smartphone. To keep out intruders, installing a cell phone monitoring app can help you keep a check on who has been doing what with your phone. In case the device gets stolen, there is nothing better than this app if you want to locate the thief.

Author Bio:
Jessica writes articles and blogs about the happenings in the tech world. Her readers rely on her write-ups for product reviews and critical analysis on new developments in the tracking world. She can be reached at jcarol429.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Saya akan bahas sedikit tentang cara membobol facebook orang lain atau Hack Facebook Orang Lain Dengan Mundah. para facebooker tidak ada salahnya kita mengetahui gimana sih para hacker facebook bekerja..
huhuhu, saya
sendiri pernah nge hack pakai cara ini dan lumayan berhasil (tapi hanya beberapa sihyang saya bisa hack)
Jangan dipake maksiat, kalo dipake maksiat dosa  tanggung sendiri..
oke langsung ajah yuk ke artikelnya yah sobat blogger..
Download juga Softwarenya yah?

1. Dengan cara Phising / FakeLogin.

Cara ini di buat di era jejaring Friendster dan MySpace masih berjaya. Cara ini cukup efektif dilancarkan oleh pencuri password, biasanya si calon korban adalah para netters yang nyubi, atau kita pun bisa masuk perangkap mereka jika kita lengah.
Indikasinya : biasanya mereka mengirimkan pesan melalui email yang isinya ajakan atau tawaran untuk menambahkan daftar teman mereka, lalu mereka memberikan link dan membawa kita untuk login ke akun kita… disinilah mereka bekerja, tampilan halaman depan dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga mirip dengan situs aslinya,
sebagai contoh buka link ini.. jangan lupa sebelum masuk biasanya ada WARNING “situs ini telah dilaporkan sebagai pemalsuan web” klik abaikan saja jika ingin melihat
jika kalian login di halaman tersebut, maka semua data kalian akan masuk ke database si pencuri password.
kalo sudah gini kan bisa repot kita..nah sekarang gimana cana antisipasinya??

Caranya sih cukup simpel
- Pastikan kalian Login di www.facebook.com [kalo alamat FB ada tambahan sesuatu, itu berarti situs palsu misal http://www.facebook-date.nl/libraries/tcpdf/config/lang/facebook/index.html]
-Jangan bagikan alamat email kalian pada sembarang orang yang tidak kalian kenal.[biasanya sih orang2 yang gabung di grup cara cepat dapat teman sering menyertakan alamat email]

-Jangan pernah berfikir untuk membobol FB orang dengan cara download software facebook hacker, karena jika kalian ingin menggunakannya kalian harus login dan menuliskan alamat email dan password, terbukti malah paswword kalian yang akan di hacked.
2. Dengan cara KeyLoger

Bagi kalian pengguna jasa Warnet untuk melakukan aktifitas browsing ato mungkin buka facebook, kalian harus berhati hati dengan para hacker yang menggunakan Keyloger untuk mencuri pasword kalian. cara ini sudah di buat sebelum jejaring Friendster dan MySpace masih berdiri. dulunya sih dibuat untuk memperbaiki jika ada kerusakan pada sistem.
Cara ini cukup efektif dilancarkan oleh pencuri password, biasanya si hacker menginstall di komputer warnet, calon korban adalah semua pengguna PC yang sudah terinstal keyloger tidak terkecuali kita pun bisa masuk perangkap mereka jika kita lengah.
ini adalah contoh software KeyLoger
Cara mengatasinya sih pernah di bahas di tips facebook aman. tapi akan saya bahas lagi deh,,

2. KeyLoger adalah pencatatan setiap kali tombol pada keyboard di tekan.
contoh: saya belajar hack Facebook 360 hari 12 deTik

tulisan di atas akan tercatat di keyloger seperti dibawah ini:
s [shift] a y a [space] b e [shift] l a j a r [space] h [shift] a c k [space] [shift] f a c e b o o k [space] 3 6 0 [space] h [shift] a r i [space] 1 2 [space] d e [shift] t i k [space] [shift] 8
memang agak ribet sih bacanya, namun para hacker sudah punya cara cepat untuk mengkonfersi bahasa key loger..
Dengan demikian, walau kita menggunakan password kombinasi angka huruf dan karakter, tetap saja dengan keyloger akan tercatat semua aktifitas pada keyboard. sobat blogger bisa download nya  Disini

Antisipasi dengan cara:

-Jika kalian memiliki flashdisk kalian bisa tulis alamat email pada notepad, copy-paste jika ingin login [kalian tidak akan melakukan aktifitas pengetikan pada user name ato email dan sebagainya]
jika perlu dengan paswordnya juga.

-Jika pasword adalah angka silahkan kalian buka aplikasi kalkulator pada windows, bisa di jadikan sebagai virtual key. gunakan dengan cara klik pada angka, kemudian copast pada bagian password.
-Atau kalian gunakan virtual key yang disediakan pada operating system komputer dengan cara:
Klick start >> kemudian All Program >> kemudian accessories >> kemudian accesbility >> kemudian On-screen keyboard

nanti akan muncul seperti ini:

Kemudian kalian buka notepad
Klick start >> kemudian All Program >> kemudian accessories >> kemudian pilih Notepad

setelah kalian membuka notepad silahkan klik pada virtual kerboard sesuai dengan alamat email kalian, setiap klik akan muncul pada notepad, jika sudah selesai tekan [ctrl]+[a] lalu [ctrl]+[c] kemudian kalian pastekan pada halaman facebook dengan menekan [ctrl]+[v] ingat pada www.facebook.com
lakukan hal yang sama pada password kalian
dengan demikian kalian tidak melakukan aktifitas pada keyboard

3. Hack Facebook dengan Facebook Freezer
Cara ini hanya dilakukan oleh orang yang iseng saja, FacebookFreezer bekerja agar akun yang di Freez tidak bisa masuk ke akunnya..

Softwarenya seperti ini nih sobat screamo..
Indikasi kalian adalah korban FacebookFreezer adalah kalian tidak bisa masuk walaupun kalian sudah benar memasukan email dan password
Caranya mengatasinya cukup mudah
a. Ketika Kalian memasukkan alamat email dan password akun Facebook Kalian yang sedang di-freeze seseorang, maka kemudian akan muncul pesan sbb (klik untuk memperbesar):
b. Selanjutnya segeralah Kalian klik tulisan yang berwarna merah, dan muncul pesan sbb (klik untuk memperbesar):
Pesan di atas memberitahukan Kalian bahwa untuk mengganti password Kalian, Kalian diminta untuk melakukan klik “Atur Ulang Kata Sandi”, agar sebuah alamat email konfirmasi dari pihak facebook terkirim ke email Kalian.
c. Buka email Kalian kemudian baca petunjuknya kemudian klik link yang diberikan, seperti berikut (klik untuk memperbesar):
d. Setelah Kalian menuju link yang diberikan, masukkan kata sandi Kalian yang baru. Jreeennggg!!! akhirnya Kalian dapat masuk kembali di halaman akun facebook Kalian bersama teman-teman jaringan Kalian.

* Segera hidden alamat email kalian
* Hindari Password menggunakan tanggal lahir kalian atau yang berkaitan dengan kalian
* Bedakan password antara login dan email

* Dosa Tangung Sendiri yah?
Oke Sobat Bogger screamo, sekian informasi dari saya..
mohon maaf bila hanya sedikit link downloadnya..

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:


Should you be trying to boost your Yahoo and google Ranking. When you are searching Ways to Improve The Google Standing. So, Its not just a job of miracles. SEO gurus who enhance your google ranking does not belong in order to Heavens or perhaps hells, these are humans just like we are usually. Every one particular skills, are you aware of, what kind of skills they've already? They are only hard staff. Hard function can enhance your google ranking.

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1. Usually updated one of a kind content.

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Your information should an improved density of keywords people chooses. You need to provide any your search phrase in concept, heading in addition to in the beginning of paragraph. After that provide search phrase properly throughout hole on the article for getting indexed throughout google in addition to improve the google rating.
This is termed decoration of keywords so that you can could enhance your google ranking.
The other important factor is layout. Layout is part of decoration. That is important that you improve the goole rating. Your essential material like keywords in addition to description must be at prime and in left place too.

3. How concept and description must be designed?

You'd be thinking why i will be making it an exceptional paragraph. Yes it has its important devote Search engine marketing.
Title on the blog is it is important, Some WEB OPTIMIZATION expert said which you give me a fantastic title of he blog, i, ll teach you your blog to begin with page of Google. Its biggest thing throughout SEO.
The other important factor is title on the post. Decorate it based on your search phrase. And its really should not be long since it may build problem throughout appearing from search results also it may harm someone to improve the google rating.
The the next thing is the description of this blog in addition to article. Provide the important keywords inside the top description on the blog in addition to article too.
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You can easily choose the keyword in Google Adword, that will show you, how persons use to look the topic of your document.

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Your domain must be unique and may have any keyword encompassing your topic on the blog.

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8. Create Guest Posts.

If you could have time and you'll write in other blogs too. Then produce guest posts on dofollow high page ranking blogs, trying for guest posts. try for your best in order to decorate which, your article must be attractive in addition to descriptive in addition to useful in addition to showing the skills too. It can provide you any dofollow high quality backlink in addition to Traffic in your blog at no cost. This will really increase the pagerank plus your will enhance your google ranking too.
2013, By: Seo Master
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