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salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

Szczególnie popularną wśród polskich webmasterów metodą optymalizacji stron pod kątem wyszukiwarek jest wymiana lub zakup linków o wysokim PageRank. W przeszłości niewątpliwie była to jedna z możliwości, która faktycznie przynosiła efekty. Niestety przy wyborze linków użytkownicy i ich zainteresowania nie zawsze są uwzględniane. Prowadzi to do linkowania serwisów i stron internetowych niezwiązanych ze sobą tematycznie. Tego typu linki nie stanowią żadnej wartości informacyjnej dla osób odwiedzających i są postrzegane jako nieetyczna metoda SEO, podobnie jak ukryty tekst. Wytyczne Google dla webmasterów jednoznacznie odnoszą się do takich praktyk.

Dbając o polskich użytkowników, Google niedawno ulepszył algorytmy i metody weryfikacji istotnych linków. Celem tych starań jest udostępnienie jak najlepszych wyników SERP (strony z wynikami wyszukiwania).

Jak więc należy poprawnie linkować strony internetowe, aby nie wykraczać poza wytyczne Google?
Starając się podwyższyć PageRank i dzięki temu osiągnąć lepsze notowanie strony w SERP, należy kierować się potrzebami potencjalnych użytkowników odwiedzających dany serwis, zarówno przy wyborze treści, jak i linków. Linkowanie do i linki z tematycznie związanych stron są doceniane przez Google i bez wątpienia będą pozytywnie wpływać na pozycje w indeksie. Równocześnie Google
dąży do zlikwidowania wpływu masowej wymiany linków tematycznie rozbieżnych oraz linków zakupionych. Odnosi się to również do zautomatyzowanych systemów wymiany linków.

Jak więc postarać się o wartościowe linki?
Najlepszą metodą uzyskania dobrych linków
jest niepowtarzalna, interesująca treść, która w naturalny sposób zdobędzie popularność w społeczności internetowej, a szczególnie wśród grona osób zainteresowanych danym tematem, na przykład u autorów blogów. Naturalnie uzyskane linki istnieją dłużej niż kupione, ponieważ nadane bezinteresownie rzadziej są usuwane. Niezależnie od rodzaju strony internetowej, czy tematu, należy kierować się wyłącznie potrzebami potencjalnych użytkowników. Każda decyzja odnosząca się do linkowania powinna być poprzedzona pytaniem: Czy będzie to użyteczne dla odwiedzających moją stronę?


One popular way to optimize webpages for search engines, especially among Polish Web masters, is with link exchanges or buying high PageRank links. Unfortunately, in the choice of link partners, some webmasters' priority has not always been on what is best for the user. This causes some people to link to totally unrelated pages or engage in link exchanges with spammy sites. This kind of linking does not provide additional value to the page’s visitors and is a SEO method that, like hiding text, can be considered spammy. Google’s webmaster guidelines refer clearly to methods of this type under "quality guidelines".

Caring about our Polish users, Google recently improved algorithms and methods of link validation for our Polish search results. We do this because we want to provide our users with the best SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) possible.

How to link in order not to violate Google’s webmaster guidelines?
If you want to increase your PageRank and to improve your position in the SERPs, you should always be thinking about your visitors’ needs. This refers to content as much as to linking.

Linking to and from related sites is still very much appreciated by Google and it will have a positive impact on the position in the index. Simultaneously, Google will work to stop the impact of excessive off-topic link exchanging or bought links, including automated link exchange programs.

How to create relevant links?
The best way to gain relevant links is to create unique, relevant content that can quickly gain popularity in the Internet community, especially among those who are interested in the topic, such as blog publishers. Also, look for editorially given links based on merit, since naturally grown links tend to exist longer; and such links will pass the test of time. Therefore, the best way to go is to focus on your visitors’ needs, no matter how this is related to content or linking. Before making any single decision, you should ask yourself the question: Is this going to be beneficial for my page’s visitors?

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
Seo Master present to you:

While using a mobile while driving is illegal unless it's on hands free (and there is a school of thought says that it's unsafe to talk on a mobile while driving at all), modern smartphones can be very useful to drivers. Everybody knows about maps, so let's take a look at some other interesting apps to help motorists.

I=iPhone, A=Android, W=Windows Phone, B=Blackberry

AA Parking (I,A)

This is essentially a searchable database of parking places. You can look for car parks near where you are or get organized and enter a destination to find parking places where you're going. The app shows prices (where applicable) and whether or not the spaces are covered and/or attended.

Trapster (I, A, W, B)

This is an outstanding example of using technology to make it more convenient for people to help each other like they always have. In the old days, if a driver saw a road hazard up ahead, they'd flash their lights to alert the people behind, now they just upload it to Trapster (along with various sorts of law-enforcement cameras).

DailyRoads Voyager (A)

Essentially a black box for cars to provide evidence in the event that the smartphone's owner has an accident. Basically it sits on your dashboard and films through your windscreen on a loop. While it's filming, it's also monitoring and recording your speed and location (via GPS). You choose what to keep by tapping on the screen.

As a piece of completely unrelated trivia, the black boxes in planes are actually orange. They're formally known as flight data recorders or accident data recorders and nobody actually knows for sure how they came to be known as black boxes. Contrary to urban myth it had nothing to do with being invented by a person with the surname Black.

Trip Advisor (I,A,W)

Not technically a car-related app, but it certainly can be useful for people on the road, particularly those with children. While travellers with families will probably try to book ahead for accommodation, Trip Advisor may be handy as plan B for emergencies. It's also a great way to find places to eat and has plenty of other handy information, such as details of local attractions.

IonRoad (I,A)

May be a terrible pun, but it's a relatively new app with a lot of potential. Going by the user reviews, there are still some teething problems with the free version, although overall the reviews seem to be more positive than negative. The very affordable paid-for version gets a higher rating. Both versions essentially do the same job, which is to warn drivers when they're in danger of hitting another vehicle. As well as being useful for learner drivers who are still learning to judge distances, it's vastly more accurate than the human eye in low-visibility conditions. Although it's intended to prevent collisions between cars, the technology will also work for other similar hazards, which could be very useful for those who have to drive on country roads and have to negotiate occasional fallen trees and stray sheep.

Find My Car (I,A) and Sally Park (I)

These two apps essentially do the same job. They help you find where you left your car. The main difference is that Find My Car is free, whereas Sally Park charges a small fee for a neater interface. Basically you train yourself to fire up either of these apps whenever you leave your car and, assuming it's still in the same place when you want to find it again, either of these apps will reunite you with your wheels. They may not be lifesavers, but they can certain save massive amounts of time and many arguments.

Top Gear (I,A)

Some say that it's an icon of British culture and that it's refreshingly frank and uniquely quirky, all we know is if you don't have a clue what the opening to this paragraph was all about you at least need to watch one episode. Rather like the programme, this app serves basically no practical purpose whatsoever and divides opinions over whether it's entertaining or just annoying. While free to download and use, it's probably best kept for places where you can get wifi.

Author Bio:
After almost 15 years working for various financial service companies, Kit MacLean escaped to work as a freelance writer and translator. She has a keen interest in cars and motoring and likes to keep her own set of wheels in tip top condition. Although she's not a big fan of cleaning, so typically uses a local car valeter to do that bit for her! Well, why get your hands dirty when you can put your feet up and let someone else do it for you?
2013, By: Seo Master
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Most people know that Googlebot downloads pages from web servers to crawl the web. Not as many people know that if Googlebot accesses a page and gets a 304 (Not-Modified) response to a If-Modified-Since qualified request, Googlebot doesn't download the contents of that page. This reduces the bandwidth consumed on your web server.

When you look at Google's cache of a page (for instance, by using the cache: operator or clicking the Cached link under a URL in the search results), you can see the date that Googlebot retrieved that page. Previously, the date we listed for the page's cache was the date that we last successfully fetched the content of the page. This meant that even if we visited a page very recently, the cache date might be quite a bit older if the page hadn't changed since the previous visit. This made it difficult for webmasters to use the cache date we display to determine Googlebot's most recent visit. Consider the following example:
  1. Googlebot crawls a page on April 12, 2006.
  2. Our cached version of that page notes that "This is G o o g l e's cache of http://www.example.com/ as retrieved on April 12, 2006 20:02:06 GMT."
  3. Periodically, Googlebot checks to see if that page has changed, and each time, receives a Not-Modified response. For instance, on August 27, 2006, Googlebot checks the page, receives a Not-Modified response, and therefore, doesn't download the contents of the page.
  4. On August 28, 2006, our cached version of the page still shows the April 12, 2006 date -- the date we last downloaded the page's contents, even though Googlebot last visited the day before.
We've recently changed the date we show for the cached page to reflect when Googlebot last accessed it (whether the page had changed or not). This should make it easier for you to determine the most recent date Googlebot visited the page. For instance, in the above example, the cached version of the page would now say "This is G o o g l e's cache of http://www.example.com/ as retrieved on August 27, 2006 13:13:37 GMT."

Note that this change will be reflected for individual pages as we update those pages in our index.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
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