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salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
Duplicate content has been a hot topic among webmasters and our blog for over three years. One of our first posts on the subject came out in December of '06, and our most recent post was last week. Over the past three years, we've been providing tools and tips to help webmasters control which URLs we crawl and index, including a) use of 301 redirects, b) www vs. non-www preferred domain setting, c) change of address option, and d) rel="canonical".

We're happy to announce another feature to assist with managing duplicate content: parameter handling. Parameter handling allows you to view which parameters Google believes should be ignored or not ignored at crawl time, and to overwrite our suggestions if necessary.

Let's take our old example of a site selling Swedish fish. Imagine that your preferred version of the URL and its content looks like this:

However, you may also serve the same content on different URLs depending on how the user navigates around your site, or your content management system may embed parameters such as sessionid:

With the "Parameter Handling" setting, you can now provide suggestions to our crawler to ignore the parameters category, trackingid, and sessionid. If we take your suggestion into account, the net result will be a more efficient crawl of your site, and fewer duplicate URLs.

Since we launched the feature, here are some popular questions that have come up:

Are the suggestions provided a hint or a directive?
Your suggestions are considered hints. We'll do our best to take them into account; however, there may be cases when the provided suggestions may do more harm than good for a site.

When do I use parameter handling vs rel="canonical"?
rel="canonical" is a great tool to manage duplicate content issues, and has had huge adoption. The differences between the two options are:
  • rel="canonical" has to be put on each page, whereas parameter handling is set at the host level
  • rel="canonical" is respected by many search engines, whereas parameter handling suggestions are only provided to Google
Use which option works best for you; it's fine to use both if you want to be very thorough.

As always, your feedback on our new feature is appreciated.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
Seo Master present to you:
Another interesting Hack for Blogger is How To Add Divider Between The Blogger Posts?Adding Divider between the posts is nothing else it will just add an image which will clarify the posts i.e One can easily navigate any post.Actually by default Blogger template has a Line which divides the post but isn't that Looking Bore? Of Course its Boring then don't waste your time,this is the time to make your Blog Creative and Attractive.

First Of all you have to find a Picture which you want to use as a divider e.g in Our Case we have the below image which we will use to add divider b/w the Posts.
You can host your Divider image in any hosting such as tinpic or Photo Bucket etc.

How To Add Divider(line) Between Posts in Blogger

  • Go To Blogger Dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML
  • Search for this Code
.post { margin:.5em 0 1.5em; border-bottom:1px dotted $bordercolor; padding-bottom:1.5em; }

  • Now Replace the Above Code with The Below Script and if you are interested in Changing the divider image just change the URL and Do This Step

.post {
background: url(http://i36.tinypic.com/xqid55.jpg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: bottom center;
margin:.5em 0 1.5em;
border-bottom:0px dotted $bordercolor;

  •  Replace the Red URL mentioned with your Own Divider image url
  • If you want to Change "Padding-Bottom" increase or decrease the value in Black Bold Script

2nd Method For Adding Divider Between Posts in Blogger

If The Above Method is not working in your Template,then you have to use this method which is very easy !
  • Go To Blogger Dashboard
  • Click on Template
  • Edit HTML
  • Now Search for the below Script
<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>

  • Now Copy the below Script and Add it below the above Script
<center><img height='30' src='divider image url'/></center> 
Tip:- If you want to increase the Divider height Change 30 to the Desired value,and Add Divider image url in the script and that's it!

So What's Up:- This was an awesome trick,it is ideal for bloggers to add this divider image between the posts.It will help their visitors to easily navigate the blogging contents.Share your ideas with us , stay Blessed Happy Blogging!
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
PageRank is one of the factors webmasters considers in measuring their progress. Newbies are so obsessed with this PageRank thing that they Check PageRank almost weekly although they are familiar with the fact that its not gonna change until the next PageRank update. 
Google Page Rank update 2013

Google has updated PageRank quarterly in the year 2012: 

▌ 7 February 2012 

▌ 2 May 2012 

▌ 2 August 2012 

▌ 7 November 2012 

The only update in this year has been on 

▌ 4 February 2012. 

Going by the trend, the next update would have been in the 1st week of May. However, there is no still sign of it.

Google has updated it at a consistent base in the last year. There are predictions all over the internet with PageRank update rolling in the last week of June, still no one is sure of it. 

Now what if Google do not updates PageRank this quarter? 
This may provide a relief to blogs that have used black hat SEO and link building strategies like buying backlinks. However, for a small publisher like me and thousands other who are practicing healthy link building strategies,  its a sad news. An increase of 0 to 1 in PageRank is really a motivation to small bloggers. The delay or cancellation of Update this quarter will only make us wait for another 3 months to measure the progress. 

Hoping for the next update to roll out soon. Fingers crossed. !! 

2013, By: Seo Master
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