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Seo Master present to you:
Increase SEO Tips on Google images Here I will not discuss Anti-war Penguin Penguin or the way, as I'm not an expert though it was:) on learn!.. This time I will discuss a simple way to display the image Posting in Google search results.
How to Display a Picture Posting at Search Engines for better SEO Gooogle
It's been quite a lot written on websites or blogs, but there are several ways that can't/error. This is the result of the edit itself meskpin cuman little "could be important". Why should display the picture Posting in SE?
  • In the eyes of Google image search friendly +.
  • Of course the answer is Interesting
  • Interesting in see
  • Are Neatly
  • Interesting in a click
The Visitor Can Go Up Slowly. Why?This way also the SEO techniques that are clearly very highly recommended by Google, and obviously also to generate visitor thousands say we are currently based in the SE google. If Google says "A" clear system of eating Algorithms Robotnya is written "A". and anyone who says "A" on her blog it will be quickly identify by the Robot. and will be in a better position to lift over ...:) OK here's how to display images in Google search engine Postings specifically using Blogspot.The First StepInsert the following CSS code above the code] =] = > </b: skin > This CSS code its:
.hrecipe{font:10px oswald;} #hrecipe-1{float:letf; width:100px; padding-height:5px} #hrecipe-2{float:right; width: auto;}
The Second Step

Code <body> and paste the following code just below the code <body>
<div itemscope="itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Recipe"></div>  

The third step
Locate the following code < h3 class = ' post-title entry-title ' > If there isn't, perhaps the template code agan-agan utilize ("class" or h1 < < h2 class ").
If it is found, then replace it with the following code: 

<span itemprop='itemreviewed'><span itemprop='description'><h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'>  

Don't forget to close the HTML code above to avoid error with this cover </span> </span>

For more details about the code will look like this: 

<span itemprop='itemreviewed'><span itemprop='description'>
<h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'>
<b:if cond='data:post.link'><a expr:href='data:post.link'><data:post.title/></a>
<b:if cond='data:post.url'><a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a>

Now find the code < data: post. body/>, for this code sometimes totaling 2-3 even 4 code-code-
If you've been to try agan-agan select code sequence is at no. 2, then put the following code underneath the code < data: post. body/>

The code follows: 

<div class='hrecipe'>
<div id='hrecipe-1'>
<img class='photo' expr:alt='data:post.title' expr:src='data:post.thumbnailUrl'/></div>
<div id='hrecipe-2'>
<span class='item'>
<span class='fn'>dns.kardian
By <span class='author'><b><data:blog.title/></b></span><br/>
Published: <span class='published'><data:post.timestampISO8601/></span><br/>
<span class='summary'><data:post.title/></span><br/>
<span class='review hreview-aggregate'>
<span class='rating'>
<span class='average'>4.5</span>
<span class='count'>11</span>
If all is applied, check the result in the best hxxp://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets

2013, By: Seo Master
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: When Googlebot crawls the web, it often finds what we call an "infinite space". These are very large numbers of links that usually provide little or no new content for Googlebot to index. If this happens on your site, crawling those URLs may use unnecessary bandwidth, and could result in Googlebot failing to completely index the real content on your site.

Recently, we started notifying site owners when we discover this problem on their web sites. Like most messages we send, you'll find them in Webmaster Tools in the Message Center. You'll probably want to know right away if Googlebot has this problem - or other problems - crawling your sites. So verify your site with Webmaster Tools, and check the Message Center every now and then.

Examples of an infinite space

The classic example of an "infinite space" is a calendar with a "Next Month" link. It may be possible to keep following those "Next Month" links forever! Of course, that's not what you want Googlebot to do. Googlebot is smart enough to figure out some of those on its own, but there are a lot of ways to create an infinite space and we may not detect all of them.

Another common scenario is websites which provide for filtering a set of search results in many ways. A shopping site might allow for finding clothing items by filtering on category, price, color, brand, style, etc. The number of possible combinations of filters can grow exponentially. This can produce thousands of URLs, all finding some subset of the items sold. This may be convenient for your users, but is not so helpful for the Googlebot, which just wants to find everything - once!

Correcting infinite space issues

Our Webmaster Tools Help article describes more ways infinite spaces can arise, and provides recommendations on how to avoid the problem. One fix is to eliminate whole categories of dynamically generated links using your robots.txt file. The Help Center has lots of information on how to use robots.txt. If you do that, don't forget to verify that Googlebot can find all your content some other way. Another option is to block those problematic links with a "nofollow" link attribute. If you'd like more information on "nofollow" links, check out the Webmaster Help Center.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
Seo Master present to you:
11 Tips to boost up the most complete SERP and Page Rank Website- Here are ways to raise PageRank and SERP's website:
11 Tips to boost up the most complete SERP and Page Rank Website
1. Choose a Domain in accordance with the Target Keyword.

This is actually a simple way in which we select the domains that have a direct relationship with keyword hounded. Example: If I want to create a blog with categories of self development for better (to be better self) the optimization of the seonya would be easier if my blog domain also contains the elements of the word ' self ' be better as bebetterself.com or betterself.com the following extensions such as .info, bebetterself bebetterself.org, bebetterself.net, and so on.

2. Choose the appropriate CMS website.

For those of you who currently intend to build a web site, would be faced with a software question what should we choose as a CMS for a website to be built. To choose the product or the right CMS and software to suit your needs is not easy. We need to identify what exactly is needed so that the selected CMS products not less or exceeds the required standard. So far there are three popular CMS and friendly to search engines i.e. blogspot, wordpress, and joomla. For me personally the best wordpress fixed because it provides thousands of themes and hundreds of thousands of plugins that accommodate all of our needs.

3. Choose a Template Blog SEO Friendly.

Let's just say we've made a blog, the next step is to choose a template blog seo friendly. Blog Template is said to be seo friendly if it has a high rate of speed in loading the blog. It would be better if the postings are on the left, because the loading process on his blog starting from the section headers, post, sidebar, and footer section. Make sure tags H1, H2, H3, and H4 neatly arranged in the template and do not have the HTML code that is broken. If we use a free template by others, do not remove the credit links in the footer usually are. In addition to not appreciate the work of making the blog template, the template is probably not functioning optimally. We can also mengcompress template code like CSS in order to more quickly in the process of loading. Blog loading speed is one of Google's PageRank gives assessment of our blog. My own sebelumnta use templates from elegant themes the tidalforce have seo without the need for external plugins. But now I try to design its own theme and seo friendly.

4. Add the META tags of the Blog.

Very important to always install the META tags on your blog template. META tags is important to inform search engines about the data of our blog. A Meta Tag is a tag which serves to give a description or explanation about our blogs to the search engines. Each search engine has a spider bot, e.g. Google bot, yahoo bot, MSN Bot, etc. Spider bot is tasked to locate a variety of information on various sites, be it to clarify or seek new information and give it to the search engines. Search engines use this data to display the snippet search when search engines display the page of our blog.

5. Create a SiteMap Blog.

Make a blog sitemap to the search engines especially Google can index the latest posts of each blog simply by visiting the sitemap. This process will be faster and more efficient than when Google robots have to check each blog page. We can make use of Googlewebmastertools, Bing and Yahoo Webmastertools for installation of sitemap. If you have difficulty in making a sitemap, try searching for the information on the site that provides tutorials sitemap blog installation, or it could be using a website sitemap generator tools automatically of course in a way that is easier and faster. I myself use Wordpress SEO from YOAST and Sitemap Generator for. Other than for the purposes of Sitemap index search engine also can we use to list the contents of the website.

6. Write a basic Article.

Before writing the main article, write a basic article on our blog first. This basic article is often also called the data a website/blog. An example of this article, such as about the blog or about Us, privacy policy, terms of use, disclaimer, welcome to this blog, keyword to this site, and other descriptions about our blog.

7. Use Internal links and make the sitelink blog.

Optimization for internal links is quite easy. Try to inbound links (links to our blogs) is greater than the outbound links (links from our blog to another url), as well as use the internal link ratios 3: 1. Where each article contains 3 1 link with Anchor Text keywords to the homepage. After that immediately put the sitelink blog at googlewebmastertools. Submit all articles on the basis of sitelink. Sitelink functionality is to enable visitors to find important pages/main or most frequently visited by visitor blog.

8. start writing articles and pay attention to SEO.

Write articles regularly and always diligent in updating. Try to choose 1 topic with as much detail as possible. Example Your sports blog, because there are various types of sports the focus on more specific content, such as soccer, table tennis, swimming, boxing, etc. While continuing to write main article, immerse yourself in the science of seo. To protect the article from a copy-paste action, we can put the script function mendisable function right click of the mouse. But I am personally less comfortable in this way because it makes it difficult for the reader to quote our writing.

9. Increase the number of Visitor.

It was not easy to increase visitor traffc, everything it takes perseverance and patience. Many ways or tips that can be done, including by registering blog to search engines google, yahoo, bing, etc. also submit Web site to the open directory such as digg, delicious, technorati, demoz, and others. also take advantage of social networking such as facebook, twitter, linkedin, pinterest, and youtube.

10. install the Widget Important Blog.

Do not forget to install the widget is important to blogs such as PageRank and Alexa Rank badges. info. If our blog site is still new, it is likely the code to display the badge of PageRank is not yet available because the blog is still in the status NA (Not available), please wait about 3-7 days. And when you put a widget Alexa Rank, do not be surprised and embarrassed when it turns out your blog still ranks a dozen million, because it was reasonable for the new blog ' born '.

11. Locate as many Backlink and submit pings.

One of the factors that influence the PageRank of the blog is the number of backlinks, the more the backlinks that point to our blog, Google will ' leering ' your blog as one of the site's importance and quality. Try to get a backlink from blogs that domain berpagerank is higher than your blog, because it can raise the PR your blog quickly. Backlinks can be obtained from the link exchange/blogroll and commented on other blogs are often also referred to as BW (Blog Walking). Things are no less important in seo optimization is utilizing services such as ping Services website googleping.com, pingler, pingoat, totalping, fastping, bulkping and others.


12. Snstall the social sharing on our blog so that visitors can share our links to social media. Another important thing is to use the plugin or method that does not burden the loading time of your website because most media plugin sosia using javascript and css additions usually weigh our website loading time. On my own blog I provide social share to facebook, twitter, google, linkedin, digg, stumbleupon, and viadeo.

While this is enough so that I can describe about how to raise the index SERP and page rank website.
2013, By: Seo Master
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