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Seo Master present to you: The Developer Sandbox was a new addition to this year's Google I/O. The Sandbox featured a diverse range of developers and apps, all with one thing in common -- they've all built applications based on technologies and products featured at I/O. The Sandbox was very popular with attendees and saw a lot of foot traffic throughout both days of the event. Sandbox developers welcomed the opportunity to interact with fellow developers, discuss their products and answer questions.

We interviewed these developers about their apps, the challenges they faced and the problems they solved, and finally their learnings & hopes for web technologies going forward. We also asked these developers to create screencast demos of their apps, much like the demos they gave to people visiting their station during I/O.

These video interviews and demos are now available in the Developer Sandbox section of the I/O website. Each developer has their own page with a brief description of their company, their app, and their interview video (if one was filmed) and screencast demo video (if available). For instance, here's a video interview with Gustav Soderstrom of Spotify, who walks us through a demo of their Android app and then talks about the platform and why Spotify chose to develop their app on Android.

Are you building an app on one of Google's platforms or using Google APIs? Please send us a video about your company and your app and you could be featured on Google Code Videos. Click here for the submission form and guidelines.

Each Sandbox developer page also features a Friend Connect gadget that allows anyone visiting the page to sign in with their Friend Connect id and leave comments & feedback. It's a great way to continue the conversation or to ask questions if you did not get a chance to meet them at I/O.

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Increase SEO Tips on Google images Here I will not discuss Anti-war Penguin Penguin or the way, as I'm not an expert though it was:) on learn!.. This time I will discuss a simple way to display the image Posting in Google search results.
How to Display a Picture Posting at Search Engines for better SEO Gooogle
It's been quite a lot written on websites or blogs, but there are several ways that can't/error. This is the result of the edit itself meskpin cuman little "could be important". Why should display the picture Posting in SE?
  • In the eyes of Google image search friendly +.
  • Of course the answer is Interesting
  • Interesting in see
  • Are Neatly
  • Interesting in a click
The Visitor Can Go Up Slowly. Why?This way also the SEO techniques that are clearly very highly recommended by Google, and obviously also to generate visitor thousands say we are currently based in the SE google. If Google says "A" clear system of eating Algorithms Robotnya is written "A". and anyone who says "A" on her blog it will be quickly identify by the Robot. and will be in a better position to lift over ...:) OK here's how to display images in Google search engine Postings specifically using Blogspot.The First StepInsert the following CSS code above the code] =] = > </b: skin > This CSS code its:
.hrecipe{font:10px oswald;} #hrecipe-1{float:letf; width:100px; padding-height:5px} #hrecipe-2{float:right; width: auto;}
The Second Step

Code <body> and paste the following code just below the code <body>
<div itemscope="itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Recipe"></div>  

The third step
Locate the following code < h3 class = ' post-title entry-title ' > If there isn't, perhaps the template code agan-agan utilize ("class" or h1 < < h2 class ").
If it is found, then replace it with the following code: 

<span itemprop='itemreviewed'><span itemprop='description'><h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'>  

Don't forget to close the HTML code above to avoid error with this cover </span> </span>

For more details about the code will look like this: 

<span itemprop='itemreviewed'><span itemprop='description'>
<h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'>
<b:if cond='data:post.link'><a expr:href='data:post.link'><data:post.title/></a>
<b:if cond='data:post.url'><a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a>

Now find the code < data: post. body/>, for this code sometimes totaling 2-3 even 4 code-code-
If you've been to try agan-agan select code sequence is at no. 2, then put the following code underneath the code < data: post. body/>

The code follows: 

<div class='hrecipe'>
<div id='hrecipe-1'>
<img class='photo' expr:alt='data:post.title' expr:src='data:post.thumbnailUrl'/></div>
<div id='hrecipe-2'>
<span class='item'>
<span class='fn'>dns.kardian
By <span class='author'><b><data:blog.title/></b></span><br/>
Published: <span class='published'><data:post.timestampISO8601/></span><br/>
<span class='summary'><data:post.title/></span><br/>
<span class='review hreview-aggregate'>
<span class='rating'>
<span class='average'>4.5</span>
<span class='count'>11</span>
If all is applied, check the result in the best hxxp://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets

2013, By: Seo Master
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: When Googlebot crawls the web, it often finds what we call an "infinite space". These are very large numbers of links that usually provide little or no new content for Googlebot to index. If this happens on your site, crawling those URLs may use unnecessary bandwidth, and could result in Googlebot failing to completely index the real content on your site.

Recently, we started notifying site owners when we discover this problem on their web sites. Like most messages we send, you'll find them in Webmaster Tools in the Message Center. You'll probably want to know right away if Googlebot has this problem - or other problems - crawling your sites. So verify your site with Webmaster Tools, and check the Message Center every now and then.

Examples of an infinite space

The classic example of an "infinite space" is a calendar with a "Next Month" link. It may be possible to keep following those "Next Month" links forever! Of course, that's not what you want Googlebot to do. Googlebot is smart enough to figure out some of those on its own, but there are a lot of ways to create an infinite space and we may not detect all of them.

Another common scenario is websites which provide for filtering a set of search results in many ways. A shopping site might allow for finding clothing items by filtering on category, price, color, brand, style, etc. The number of possible combinations of filters can grow exponentially. This can produce thousands of URLs, all finding some subset of the items sold. This may be convenient for your users, but is not so helpful for the Googlebot, which just wants to find everything - once!

Correcting infinite space issues

Our Webmaster Tools Help article describes more ways infinite spaces can arise, and provides recommendations on how to avoid the problem. One fix is to eliminate whole categories of dynamically generated links using your robots.txt file. The Help Center has lots of information on how to use robots.txt. If you do that, don't forget to verify that Googlebot can find all your content some other way. Another option is to block those problematic links with a "nofollow" link attribute. If you'd like more information on "nofollow" links, check out the Webmaster Help Center.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
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