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Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Scott Knaster, Google Developers Blog Editor

340 trillion trillion trillion is our new favorite number. This past Tuesday was World IPv6 Launch, a huge step forward in making sure the Internet doesn’t run out of IP addresses in the near future. Until now, the universe has been using 32-bit addresses for devices on the Internet. The new version, IPv6, uses 128 bits, which increases the number of available addresses from a mere 4.3 billion to more than 340 undecillion, or more precisely, 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456. So, that’s a lot.

From astronomical numbers to a rare astronomical event: the transit of Venus across the sun. This event was a big deal for NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), a spacecraft that studies the sun. The SDO and its humans produced this breathtaking video made up of images from the transit. This is way better than what you saw with your welder’s goggles.

Finally, with all this advanced technology, it’s nice to go retro now and then. You can do that by enjoying these animated GIFs of video games, for when you just can’t find your 8-bit game system. (Hat tip: Boing Boing).

Each week we publish Fridaygram, featuring stuff from Google and beyond that you might have missed during the week. Fridaygram items aren't necessarily related to developer topics; they’re just interesting to us nerds. This week we say goodbye to Ray Bradbury as he departs Earth.
2013, By: Seo Master
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
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Over the last few weeks, Google Friend Connect has added several new ways for you to strengthen the community that visits your site. These gadgets help to make your site more engaging and gives your visitors a new way to interact with your content and other visitors.

Here is a quick overview of these new gadgets:

Event gadget - Have an upcoming event you want to promote to your community? Embed this gadget on your site to let members get details about the event, see a map, indicate if they're coming, and see who else is attending. They can even add the event to their personal Google Calendars with just a click.

Polls gadget - Polls are a fun and easy way for your visitors to express themselves and a great tool for you to see what your users like. This gadget makes it easy to publish opinion polls and adds a social element by displaying the faces of the community members and friends who voted on each answer.

Get Answers gadget - Add the Get Answers gadget to your site to encourage visitors to ask questions of the community and answer questions posed by other community members. This gadget lets visitors browse questions, submit answers, and vote on answers they think are the best.

Comments gadget - Bring your site to life by adding the comments gadget to your pages. This gadget enables visitors to post comments and links to videos on your site. Visitors can even use the new translation feature to read comments in their preferred language.

Check out the Friend Connect gallery to see these gadgets along with all the other features Friend Connect has to offer. And keep an eye on the Social Web Blog for additional gadgets we'll soon be launching.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
Seo Master present to you: The Google Enterprise team was really energized to see the strong turnout for the 8 enterprise-track sessions at Google I/O last week. It was a treat to meet developers face to face and share stories about how things like Google App Engine, gadgets, GWT, Enterprise Search, and HTML 5 are impacting the industry's move to cloud computing. We were also pleased to announce Google Apps Script, a new feature that allows customization and automation in Google Apps, starting with spreadsheets, and to see the positive press coverage it has received.

The reality is that despite a formal "enterprise" track, the majority of the sessions were interesting and relevant to commercial developers, particularly Google Apps developers, who are rapidly uncovering a diverse set of commercial opportunities using these developer tools. This is something we want to continue to spread the word about!

The Google I/O team is busy uploading content from the event to the Google I/O site, and today we're happy to share a few highlights from last week:

Practical Standards-based Security and Identity in the Enterprise: Eric Sachs gave an overview of how Google is incorporating today's open identity and authorization standards into both consumer applications as well as enterprise software. Eric demonstrated inter-service communication using OAuth: from extranet to intranet, from platform to platform, and even from Google App Engine to Google App Engine.

Growing a SaaS-based services business around Google Apps: Jeff Ragusa of Google and Daniel Jefferies of Newmind Group gave a talk on how system integrators and developers can partner with Google to build a strong business reselling Google Apps and complementary services. Jeff highlighted the the myriad opportunities that emerge when the money spent on licenses, maintenance and upgrades can instead be spent on solving specific business problems and building custom apps an gadgets. Daniel, a Google Apps Authorized Reseller, talked about his experience bringing cloud computing to his customers.

Building Scalable, Complex Apps on App Engine: Brett Slatkin gave an informative presentation on the advanced techniques and data structures developers can leverage to build complex apps with App Engine. Areas of discussion included list properties and merge-joins, and how developers can use these tools to maximize performance of their apps.

Salesforce, Appirio and ThoughtWorks on App Engine for Java: Ron Hess of Salesforce and Iein Valdez of Appirio presented Connecting The Clouds: Integrating Google App Engine for Java with Force.com, and announced a new open source SOAP library for App Engine that helps connect App Engine apps to Force.com apps. Martin Fowler and Rebecca Parsons presented a session titled ThoughtWorks on App Engine for Java: An Enterprise Cumulonimbus?, which provided an overview of App Engine and the move to cloud computing from the perspective of larger enterprises.

Using the Google Secure Data Connector to Access Behind-the-Firewall Data from Google's Cloud: In this session, Jun Yang of Google showed how enterprises can bring a behind-the-firewall relational database into Google Apps using the Google Secure Data Connector and Google Feed Server. Jun demonstrated how developers can do this without the need for special code to access the SQL data or complex firewall configuration.

We hosted a mixer for enterprise developers and IT decision makers on the first day of I/O, and were thrilled at the turnout. The event was our first face to face outreach to commercial developers, covering all Enterprise product lines and touching on several recent developer announcements like Google Apps Script and the Google Apps Reseller program.

No, this is not people queuing up for free Android phones, just the line for the Enterprise Mixer.

All told, a great two days thanks to all of you. Since we're just getting started with tools and topics of interest to enterprise developers, please stay in touch. We have more tools and APIs on the way. The easiest way to do that is to subscribe to our Solution Provider announcements, and if you're tweeting, follow us on Twitter at GoogleAtWork.

2013, By: Seo Master
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