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2013, By: Seo Master
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

Two years ago, we launched Google Trends, a tool that lets anyone see what the world is searching for, and compare the world's interest in your favorite topics. Last year, we added Hot Trends, which shows what people are searching for right now - the fastest rising search queries on Google, updated every hour. And just last week, we introduced normalized search volume numbers available for export in Google Trends.

Today, we add a new layer to Trends with Google Trends for Websites, a fun tool that gives you a view of how popular your favorite websites are, including your own! It also compares and ranks site visitation across geographies, and related websites and searches.

Let's take a look at one example, the release of Radiohead's In Rainbows album. As part of our annual Zeitgeist, we post the fastest rising search terms, and this past year, radiohead took the crown as the fastest rising search term in the last quarter of 2007.

Using Google Trends, we can see the search volume for radiohead compared to in rainbows over the last 12 months.

radiohead vs. in rainbows

With Hot Trends, we can see that on October 10th (the release date of In Rainbows), people were most interested in downloading In Rainbows and reviews of the new release.

Now, using Trends for Websites, this story can be viewed from another perspective: we can see how the number of unique visitors that visit radiohead.com and inrainbows.com has changed over the last 12 months, the countries where the sites are most popular, the top related sites and search terms.

radiohead.com vs. inrainbows.com

We can see that in October 2007, radiohead.com (the blue line) saw a huge surge in popularity. The release of In Rainbows clearly drove many people to visit the band's website. The album's website, inrainbows.com (the red line), saw an even more dramatic jump; probably because that is where you could actually download the new album. And, it looks like site traffic to radiohead.com has increased overall, even as inrainbows.com traffic declined.

Keep in mind that Trends for Websites is a Google Labs product and that we are experimenting with ways to improve the quality of the data. Because data is estimated and aggregated over a variety of sources, it may not match the other data sources you rely on for web traffic information. For more information, be sure to check out our Website Owners FAQs.

To start using Trends for Websites, head over to Google Trends.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

You know how some myths just won't die?  Well, do we have some great news for you!  A not-so-scary bunch of Gooooooooooooglers will be on hand to drive a stake through the most ghoulish webmastering myths and misconceptions in our live online "Tricks and Treats" chat this coming Wednesday.

That's right!  You'll be treated to some brief presentations and then have the chance to ask lots of questions to Googlers ranging from Matt Cutts in Mountain View to John Mueller in Zurich to Kaspar Szymanski in Dublin (and many more folks as well).

Here's what you'll need
  • About an hour of free time
  • A computer with audio capabilities that is connected to the Internet and has these additional specifications
    (We'll be broadcasting via the Internet tubes this time rather than over the phone lines)
  • A URL for the chat, which you can only get when you register for the event (don't worry -- it's fast and painless!)
  • Costumes: optional

What will our Tricks and Treats chat include?
  • INTRO:  A quick hello from some of your favorite Help Group Guides
  • PRESO:  A 15 minute presentation on "Frightening Myths and Misconceptions" by John Mueller
  • FAQs:  A return of our popular "Three for Three," in which we'll have three different Googlers tackling three different issues we've seen come up in the Group recently... in under three minutes each!
  • And lots of Q&A!  You'll have a chance to type questions during the entire session (actually, starting an hour prior!) using our hunky-dory new Google Moderator tool.  Ask, then vote!  With this tool and your insights, we expect the most interesting questions to quickly float to the top.

When and how can you join in?
  1. Mark the date on your calendar now:  Wednesday, October 22, at 9am PDT, noon EDT, and 5pm GMT
  2. Register right now for this event.  Please note that you'll need to click on the "register" link on the bottom lefthand side.
  3. Optionally post questions via Google Moderator one hour prior to the start of the event.  The link will be mailed to all registrants.
  4. Log in 5-10 minutes prior to the start of the chat, using the link e-mailed to you by WebEx (the service hosting the event).
  5. Interact!  During the event, you'll be able to chat (by typing) with your fellow attendees, and also post questions and vote on your favorite questions via Google Moderator.

We look forward to seeing you online!  In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to post a note in this thread of our friendly Webmaster Help Group.

Edited on October 21st at 12:15pm and 12:29pm PDT to add:
We've decided to open up the Google Moderator page early.  Everyone who registered for this event previously and everyone registering from this moment on will receive the link in e-mail.  Also, the event is scheduled for *5pm* GMT (correctly listed on the registration page and in the followup e-mails).

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
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