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salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
Webmaster Level: Beginner

Cross-posted on the Google Grants Blog

A New Year’s resolution
In the spirit of the holidays, here at Google we wanted to take the time to help out those who spend their days making our world a better place: non-profit organizations. A few weeks back, we asked webmasters of non-profits to submit their organization’s site to our Search Quality team for analysis. After some number crunching and trend analysis, we’re back to report on general areas for improvement and to guide you towards some useful resources!

Making our list, checking it twice
First, we’d like thank all of the amazing organizations who participated by submitting their sites. We got some great results, and are excited about all the diverse non-profit causes out there.

Our analysis will take place in the following two posts. The first post will focus on cleaning up HTML tags in your source code, while the second will examine improving user experience via better content accessibility.

Visions of... URLs... dancing in our heads
The great news is, every single site submitted had at least one or two areas to tweak to make it even better! So this information should be helpful to everyone out there, big or small. Just to whet your appetites, here’s a quick list of items that will not be addressed in our following posts, but that had some room for improvement in a large percentage of submitted sites:
  • Keep an eye on proper canonicalization: 56% of analyzed non-profit sites could improve their canonicalization practices. You can read more about canonicalization in this blog post from a previous site clinic.
  • Make sure your volunteer/support sections are visible: 29% of our submissions could improve their sites by making their support, volunteer, or donation sections easier to find. A great way to accomplish this is to add a donations tab to your navigation bar so it’s just one click away at all times.
  • Protect your confidential information: Lots of non-profits, especially those in the medical industry, deal with some very important and confidential information. Read up on how to control your crawled and indexed content, and remember to protect confidential content through proper authentication measures.
  • Make your Flash sites search engine friendly: We saw some beautiful sites running on Flash. Search engines have a hard time understanding Flash files, and we’re working to improve Flash comprehension on our end, but here are some discussion points on how you can help us understand your Flash content.
Contributors: Aditya Goradia, Brandon Falls, Charlene Perez, Diara Dankert, Michael Wyszomierski, and Nelson Bradley
this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Good news for webmasters of English-language news sites: If your site is currently included in Google News, you can now create News Sitemaps that tell us exactly which articles to crawl for inclusion in Google News. In addition, you can access crawl errors, which tell you if there were any problems crawling the articles in your News Sitemaps, or, for that matter, any articles on your site that Google News reaches through its normal crawl.

Freshness is important for news, so we recrawl all News Sitemaps frequently. The News Sitemaps XML definition lets you specify a publication date and time for each article to help us process fresh articles in timely fashion. You can also specify keywords for each article to inform the placement of the articles into sections on Google News.

If your English-language news site is currently included in Google News, the news features are automatically enabled in webmaster tools; just add the site to your account. Here's how the new summary page will look:

The presence of the News crawl link on the left indicates that the news features are enabled. A few things to note:
  • You will only have the news features enabled if your site is currently included in Google News. If it's not, you can request inclusion.

  • In most cases, you should add the site for the hostname under which you publish your articles. For example, if you publish your articles at URLs such as http://www.example.com/business/article123.html, you should add the site http://www.example.com/. Exception: If your site is within a hosting site, you should add the site for your homepage, e.g., http://members.tripod.com/mynewssite/. If you publish articles under multiple hostnames, you should add a site for each of them.

  • You must verify your site to enable the news features.

We'll be working to make the news features available to publishers in more languages as soon as possible.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
Seo Master present to you: Teknik kompresi pada CSS paling tidak mampu meningkatkan performa loading page blog anda. Disini bukan dalam artian super cepat ya, tapi cenderung ke arah optimalisasi CSS. Jika kita bicara masalah kecepatan loading page, CSS Compress ini cuma salah satu bumbu penyedap saja, tidak ada cara sebagus apapun selain optimalisasi pada size image (jangan dibandingkan dengan kecepatan koneksi internet dulu ya...kita anggap saja koneksi yang kita gunakan sama).

http://www.cssdrive.com/index.php/main/csscompressor/ merupakan salah satu layanan gratis yang biasa SEO gunakan untuk keperluan ini. Yang menarik, tools ini menyediakan 3 level mode kompresi berbeda yaitu Light, nomal dan Compact. Cara kerja metode ini berusaha memperkecil ukuran dengan menghilangkan spasi dan komentar yang tidak diperlukan. saya sarankan untuk yang baru utak atik CSS jangan langung mencoba mode Super Compact dan Strip All Comments..sebaiknya gunakan mode Light dan don't strip any comments terlebih dahulu. Untuk yang sudah mengerti bisa mencoba level kompresi selanjutnya pada pilihan http://www.cssdrive.com/index.php/main/csscompressoradvanced/

Selain fungsi Compress tentu kita juga mengenal mode Uncompress. Biasanya uncompress digunakan sebagai kebalikannya. Sayang CSS Drive tidak memiliki fungsi ini, jadi SEO sarankan kita bisa mencoba pada layanan ini http://mabblog.com/cssoptimizer/uncompress.html

Cara Kompresi CSS pada Blogger:

(sebelumnya jangan lupa backup semua kode pada halaman Edit HTML)

Pada halaman Edit HTML, Code CSS biasanya terletak diatara kode <b:skin><![CDATA[ dan ]]></b:skin> silahkan copy-paste semua kodenya kemudian lakukan kompress pada tools diatas, jika sudah..copy-paste lagi kode yang sudah di compress ke halaman Edit Html pada posisi semula. Selamat mencoba.2013, By: Seo Master
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