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salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
Webmaster level: All

We know many of you check Webmaster Tools daily (thank you!), but not everybody has the time to monitor the health of their site 24/7. It can be time consuming to analyze all the data and identify the most important issues. To make it a little bit easier we’ve been incorporating alerts into Webmaster Tools. We process the data for your site and try to detect the events that could be most interesting for you. Recently we rolled out alerts for Crawl Errors and today we’re introducing  alerts for Search Queries data.

The Search Queries feature in Webmaster Tools shows, among other things, impressions and clicks for your top pages over time. For most sites, these numbers follow regular patterns, so when sudden spikes or drops occur, it can make sense to look into what caused them. Some changes are due to differing demand for your content, other times they may be due to technical issues that need to be resolved, such as broken redirects. For example, a steady stream of clicks which suddenly drops to zero is probably worth investigating.

The alerts look like this:

We’re still working on the sensitivity threshold of the messages and welcome your feedback in our help forums. We hope the new alerts will be useful. Don’t forget to sign up for email forwarding to receive them in your inbox.

Posted by , Tech Lead, Webmaster Tools
this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
Seo Master present to you: Post Rating Widget adalah widget yang tampil pada setiap posting kita pada akhir post, yang dapat di vote langsung oleh pengunjung untuk menilai posting kita. Widgetnya dapat dilihat seperti gambar di bawah ini

post rating widget

Bagaimana cara menggunakannya pada blogger blogspot ?

Relatif mudah, begini caranya :

1. Login ke account blogger

2. Klik pada layout

3. Kemudian klik pada Edit HTML dan centang box "expand widget template"

4. Cari kode di bawah ini
5. Kemudian letakkan kode dibawah ini persis dibawah kode di atas
<script language='JavaScript'>
var OutbrainPermaLink='<data:post.url/>';
var OB_demoMode = false;
var OB_Script = true;
<script src='http://widgets.outbrain.com/OutbrainRater.js' type='text/javascript'/>
6. save dan selesai.

Silahkan diutak-atik, kodenya dapat diletakkan dimana saja selama masih didalam include=’post’.
2013, By: Seo Master
salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Posted by Ríona MacNamara, Webmaster Tools Team

In den letzten Tagen gab es nochmals Versuche, deutsche Webmaster durch falsche E-Mails von Google zu verunsichern. Diese E-Mails stammen nicht von Google. Seit einigen Wochen hat Google die Benachrichtigung von Webmastern durch E-Mails eingestellt. Google arbeitet derzeit an einem zuverlässigeren Webmaster-Kommunikationsprozess.

We've noticed that someone is again trying to spoof the emails that Google sends to webmasters to alert them with issues about their site. These emails are not coming from Google, and in fact several weeks ago we temporarily discontinued sending these emails to webmasters while we explore different, secure ways of communicating with webmasters. Watch this space for more news - but in the meantime, you can safely assume that any email message you receive is not, in fact, from us.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
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