Les nouveautés et Tutoriels de Votre Codeur | SEO | Création de site web | Création de logiciel

Seo Master present to you: Instagram now lets you record and share short videos using a few taps of a finger on a mobile device. On Thursday, Instagram photo-sharing app added video feature, much like its competitor Vine.

Download the latest version on your iPhone or Android device. Open it and tap the camera icon on the bottom of the screen. This will take you to a new screen with a video camera icon. Another tap and you're ready to go.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Earth without "Art" is just "Eh",Art is the thing which makes a dirty face beautiful and impressive.The Art Blogger Template is a new Cool Design Blogger template,ideal for music and personal blogs.It has an awesome background which makes it a stunning template.It has 2 Columns Layout along with one dashing side-bar.Drop Down menu with beautiful header is also present at the top section.You Can get it free from Our Blog.It works perfectly with all type of browsers.
The Art Blogger Template

Features Of The Art Blogger Template

  1. Music
  2. 2 Columns
  3. Right Sidebar
  4. Stylish background
  5. Drop Down
  6. Beautiful Header
  7. Top navigation menu
  8. Download free
  9. Works Perfect with all Browsers
  10. Black

Installation and License Of The Art Blogger Template

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Beberapa rekan mungkin sudah ada yang pernah memasang Widget Recent Post + Thumbnails + Comment Count ini ya, bagi yang belum pernah tidak ada salahnya mencoba memasang widget cantik ini yang saya ketahui pembuatnya bernama Kranti, yaitu owner dari http://bloggertriks.com/. Kalo tidak salah dulu saya pernah juga menulis tentang Recent Posts menggunakan Javascript dan menggunakan Feed, tapi yang terbaru ini rada beda, dimana widget ini tidak hanya menampilkan recent post doank, tetapi juga dilengkapi dengan penambahan fasilitas gambar dan juga jumlah komentar. Silahkan lihat samplenya di zoomtemplate.com

Ok tanpa banyak omonk langsung ke tutorial saja yoooo.

Untuk memasangnya caranya sangat mudah, kita tinggal copy-paste aja semua kode dibawah ini, kemudian langsung paste aja dalam gadget HTML/javascript (Tuju tab Layout - Page Elements - Add a Gadget - pilih HTML/javascript)

<script language="JavaScript">
imgr = new Array();
imgr[0] = "http://i43.tinypic.com/orpg0m.jpg";
imgr[1] = "http://i43.tinypic.com/orpg0m.jpg";
imgr[2] = "http://i43.tinypic.com/orpg0m.jpg";
imgr[3] = "http://i43.tinypic.com/orpg0m.jpg";
imgr[4] = "http://i43.tinypic.com/orpg0m.jpg";

showRandomImg = true;
boxwidth = 298;
cellspacing = 8;
borderColor = "#ffffff";
bgTD = "#000000";
thumbwidth = 40;
thumbheight = 40;
fntsize = 12;
acolor = "#666";
aBold = true;
icon = " ";
text = "comments";
showPostDate = false;
summaryPost = 40;
summaryFontsize = 10;
summaryColor = "#666";
icon2 = " ";
numposts = 5;
home_page = "http://nama.blogspot.com/";
<script src="http://myblogtalk.com/bloggertemplates/js/recentposts_thumbnail.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Apa saja yang perlu diedit?

boxwidth - Ukuran Lebar Widget
cellspacing - Spasi diantara cells
borderColor - Warna Border
thumbwidth & thumbheight - Ukuran lebar dan tinggi gambar Thumbnails
fntsize - Ukuran Font pada title
acolor - Warna title
aBold - Tebal huruf pada title? (true or false)
numposts - Jumlah recent post yang ditampilkan?
home_page : http://NAMABLOGKAMU.com/ (Ubah sesuai URL blog masing2)2013, By: Seo Master
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