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salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster Level: All

You may have seen our recent announcement of changes to the verification system in Webmaster Tools. One side effect of this change is that blogs hosted on Blogger (that haven't yet been verified) will have to use the meta tag verification method rather than the "one-click" integration from the Blogger dashboard. The "Webmaster Tools" auto-verification link from the Blogger dashboard is no longer working and will soon be removed. We're working to reinstate an automated verification approach for Blogger hosted blogs in the future, but for the time being we wanted you to be aware of the steps required to verify your Blogger blog in Webmaster Tools.

Step-By-Step Instructions:

In Webmaster Tools
1. Click the "Add a site" button on the Webmaster Tools Home page
2. Enter your blog's URL (for example, www..matrixar.com) and click the "Continue" button to go to the Manage verification page
3. Select the "Meta tag" verification method and copy the meta tag provided

In Blogger
4. Go to your blog and sign in
5. From the Blogger dashboard click the "Layout" link for the blog you're verifying
6. Click the "Edit HTML" link under the "Layout" tab which will allow you to edit the HTML for your blog's template
7. Paste the meta tag (copied in step 3) immediately after the <head> element within the template HTML and click the "SAVE TEMPLATE" button

In Webmaster Tools
8. On the Manage Verification page, confirm that "Meta tag" is selected as the verification method and click the "Verify" button

Your blog should now be verified. You're ready to start using Webmaster Tools!

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com
Seo Master present to you:

We have published the fourth episode of the Google Developer Podcast, which features an interview on Google SketchUp and how developers can interact with that world.

Interview with Mark Limber on Google SketchUp

What will you learn from this interview?
  • Who SketchUp is aimed at, and what it contains
  • Creative out-of-the-box uses of SketchUp by fellow developers
  • How to do a Hello World model (your house) and put it on Google Earth
  • How to find and share your models in the 3D Warehouse
  • Various ways in which you can use SketchUp if you are a games developer
  • The various SketchUp APIs and how you can extend SketchUp with Ruby, including fun examples out there (dropping trees, manipulating cameras, animation, and much more)
  • How to attach and manipulate metadata to the artifacts in SketchUp
  • How you can use a web dialog within SketchUp
  • Working with materials and textures within your models
  • How to use the C++ SDK to use SketchUp from within your own application.
To learn more about SketchUp, visit the forum, and request an SDK.


In our news segment we covered:

The Google Gears community response has been great to see. This article discusses several applications and libraries that already work with Gears.

Google Mashup Editor: How to use multiple pages in your mashup

Blogger in Draft has been released for early adopters. This allows you to play with the upcoming Blogger features before they are announced in full. The first feature is video upload, and more are coming.

Tying into the SketchUp interview we discussed the new ability to use animated models in Google Earth.

You can download the episode directly, or subscribe to the show (click here for iTunes one-click subscribe).2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy Scott Knaster, Google Developers Blog Editor

If you're really serious about organizing the world’s information and making it universally accessible and useful, that means you have to be interested in finding knowledge in all human languages. We’ve blogged here about Google Translate and its support for 64 languages. There are more than 3000 languages on the verge of disappearing, and this week we took a step to help preserve those by introducing the Endangered Languages Project.

The Endangered Languages Project provides a place online for research, documents, and even recordings of people speaking endangered languages. You can read more here about this incredibly cool and human use of the web.

While we're working on preserving languages, it's also important to create bridges between languages, as Google Translate does. A group of students at the University of Houston recently worked on a device that aims to translate between sign language and spoken English. The team created a prototype that reads sign language and outputs audible words, then reverses the process by listening for spoken words and showing sign language on a display.

Finally, in the underexplored field of interspecies communication, consider Shinook, a dog that understands commands given in sign language. Good dog!

Each week we publish Fridaygram, featuring cool things from Google and elsewhere that you might have missed during the week. Fridaygram items aren't necessarily related to developer topics; they're just interesting to us nerds. Speaking of languages, do you think COBOL should be preserved?
2013, By: Seo Master
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